Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 💿-tech-and-science
Between 01-Feb-21 12:00 AM and 01-Mar-21 12:00 AM
CurbShifter 02-Feb-21 09:09 PM
a guide to question everything…
Deleted User 03-Feb-21 12:04 AM
Bottom Line: Enrichment of the lungs with oral commensal microbes was associated with advanced stage disease, worse prognosis, and tumor progression in patients with lung cancer.
peep00 2
Deleted User 03-Feb-21 12:18 AM
CurbShifter 03-Feb-21 12:19 AM
Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review
.... The primary reason for mandating the wearing of face masks is to protect dental personnel from airborne pathogens. This review has established that face masks are incapable of providing such a level of protection. Unless the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, national and provincial dental associations and regulatory agencies publically admit this fact, they will be guilty of perpetuating a myth which will be a disservice to the dental profession and its patients.
CurbShifter 03-Feb-21 02:04 AM
Indian Skynet being build
The future of total police surveillance just got a whole lot bleaker, thanks to researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). IISc researchers have figured out a way to turn a vast network of CCTV cameras into one massive surveillance network, which can target a specific vehicle or person. As VentureBeat reported, police can use Anvesha...
CurbShifter 03-Feb-21 02:35 AM
It's been known for a while that the NSA will intercept and bug equipment to spy on its soon-to-be owners, but the intellgency agency's techniques are apparently more clever than first thought. Security researchers at Kaspersky Lab have discovered apparently state-created spyware buried in the firmware of hard drives from big names like Seagate, Toshiba and Western Digital. When present, the code lets snoops collect data and map networks that would otherwise be inaccessible -- all they need to retrieve info is for an unwitting user to insert infected storage (such as a CD or USB drive) into an internet-connected PC. The malware also isn't sitting in regular storage, so you can't easily get rid of it or even detect it.
It's been known for a while that the NSA will intercept and bug equipment to spy on its soon-to-be owners, but the intellgency agency's techniques are apparently more clever than first thought. Security researchers at Kaspersky Lab have discovered apparently state-created spyware buried in the firmware of hard drives from big names like Seagate,...
Onysfx 03-Feb-21 06:24 AM
@CurbShifter You gotta be fking kidding me... 😦
feelsbadman 1
NWOpepe 1
CurbShifter 03-Feb-21 11:17 AM
"It will unite the Russian military-defense complex's latest achievements, new protection, and life-support systems, robotized equipment..."
grabbler 3
wutdafug 2
Didi 03-Feb-21 05:26 PM
to come back to the hardrive spying, whats up with SSD?
CurbShifter 03-Feb-21 06:05 PM
Same shit. Just assume they can get into anything. Drive encryption can still help if needed
Onysfx 03-Feb-21 09:34 PM
Do they have to manually access your computer or can it be done remotely so long as you are connected to ethernet?
CurbShifter 03-Feb-21 09:37 PM
if targeted anything is possible. any current motherboard has an extra microcontroller that can look into anything.
Toki 04-Feb-21 11:32 AM
sadly, these are the facts, your only choice is to buy hardware, made before intel and co. built malware in. Free Education here: (edited)
There are good Thinkpad Laptops to buy out there, which are free of such stuff, and still usable today, except for hardware intesive stuff like games.
The UEFI firmware that boots up your PC is a closed, proprietary blob of code—and you can't change it out even if you wanted to. Here's why.
Toki 04-Feb-21 11:44 AM
Someplace to purchase laptops free of that malware are:
feelsgoodman 1
and for people who like to build something on their own, here are some examples:
ooh 1
ShadowSpectre 04-Feb-21 10:39 PM
In light of all this, it begs the question of when these backdoors were being put into the hardware en mass? (edited)
CurbShifter 04-Feb-21 11:11 PM
think around the 2000's
Onysfx 05-Feb-21 12:18 AM
I know intel me got put in in the core 2 duo cpus in 2008
In 2012-2013 amd got it's own version of it
👍 2
CurbShifter 05-Feb-21 12:52 AM
also note adobe flash has always been spyware. not to mention mcafee "anti" virus
💯 1
black_jack 05-Feb-21 10:36 PM
for my understanding mccaffe antivirus is a spyware ore antispyware,,? (edited)
CurbShifter 06-Feb-21 01:43 AM
its both. it just gets rid of the competition 😉
👍 2
CurbShifter 08-Feb-21 08:35 PM
wutdafug 1
Deleted User 09-Feb-21 09:26 PM
Masks are supposed to help save us from the Chinese virus. They will do nothing of the sort. This is a quick visual demonstration of why that you can share over a cup of coffee. https://wwwnc....
ooh 1
grabbler 1
mejon07 09-Feb-21 10:07 PM
surprised youtube didn't delete it
gulag 3
yuri_bezmenov 2
CurbShifter 12-Feb-21 02:12 AM
Starlink's website emphasizes that preorders are "fully refundable," but notes in fine print that "placing a deposit does not guarantee service."
Dinglebob 12-Feb-21 07:24 AM
Dinglebob 12-Feb-21 10:02 AM
CurbShifter 12-Feb-21 10:38 AM
...if authorities want to dig deeper, your phone and your computer are constantly producing a treasure trove of surveillance data.  Nothing that you do on either one of them is ever private...
CurbShifter 12-Feb-21 11:27 AM
“...basic border searches of electronic devices do not involve an intrusive search of a person,” the judge wrote.
hmmm 1
CurbShifter 13-Feb-21 09:49 AM
Court Docs Show FBI Can Intercept Encrypted Messages From ‘Signal’ App
CurbShifter 13-Feb-21 10:13 AM
Deploy Spot for autonomous inspection and data collection on hazardous and remote sites. Learn more by watching our launch event or visiting our website at
🤖 2
MrGold 17-Feb-21 10:33 PM
DUST. (17 OctOgre, 2019). Sci-Fi Short Film ``Slaughterbots'' | DUST. Youtube.
In a dystopian world a new form of A.I. weaponry has been created. All these drone bots need is a profile: age, sex, fitness, uniform, and ethnicity. Nuclear is obsolete. Take out your entire enemy virtually risk free. Just characterize him, release the swarm, and rest easy. "Slaughterbots" directed by Stewart Sugg Subscribe to the DUST Newsle...
mejon07 21-Feb-21 04:45 PM
Warning (Added 2015) Some of the documents that we previously received through FOIA suggested that all major manufacturers of color laser printers entered a secret agreement with governments to ensure that the output of those printers is forensically traceable. Although we still don't know if this...
CurbShifter 22-Feb-21 11:45 AM
Electricity can be transmitted through the air
A New Zealand firm is trying to make an old idea work commercially Science & technology Feb 20th 2021
BEHIND NIKOLA TESLA’S former laboratory at Wardenclyffe on Long Island, New York, are some old foundations. They are all that remains of a 57-metre tower which Tesla began building in 1901 as part of an experiment to transmit information and electricity wirelessly over long distances. It half worked.
Stolen tech to be released
CurbShifter 23-Feb-21 07:15 PM Pls sign if ur in yhe EU or share it pls
For everyone that is worried about the data being collected:
This is not your regular online-petition. This is an European Citizens' Initiative. It is an official procedure and the only mechanism the European Union gives their citizens to directly put topics on the Commission's table without being mediated by their politicians.
Sign the petition for a new law now! The future must be ours to shape. Our lives must be ours to decide.
👍 1
The EU makes it extremely difficult to succeed even getting them to discuss something. Most ECIs attempts are striked off before they are even allowed to collect signatures. The fact that this initiative has been allowed to start collecting signatures is already a great success and means it may get somewhere.
CurbShifter 24-Feb-21 06:47 PM
We talked with Boston Dynamics and they HATED this idea. They said they would give us another TWO Spots for FREE if we took the gun off.
shareholders don't want to make people too wise to their plans grabbler
"See Spot KILL!! Spot is an empathy building tool, because: Cute and approachable! "
CurbShifter 25-Feb-21 09:21 AM
finwo 25-Feb-21 11:53 AM
That's only with cheap shit chargers which aren't properly isolated. If you buy proper chargers, they are isolated and this is not an issue. Assuming the CE (assuming europe) on the product means "Conformité Européenne" and not "China Export" (yes, that shit still goes to market), you can usually identify properly isolated chargers by the isolation symbol (See class II: (edited)
CurbShifter 25-Feb-21 11:55 AM
Thanks for the context. Good reason to stay away from cheap Chinese shit poohpe
finwo 25-Feb-21 12:06 PM
More context: If you're able to open the charger up, usually there's a transformer inside (the newer small ones as well), so basically a bunch of copper windings around an iron ring or block (may be laminated). If you can not find a transformer on the board wit at least 4 wires sticking out (to the board), it's certainly not isolated. Having one with at least 4 wires coming out is no certainty, but chargers not having one should be in the trash. A simpler, less destructive (for isolated chargers), test is to plug it in and touch a grounded metal object (like a tap, faucet, microwave case, etc) with the metal ending of the usb plug. If it's a bad charger, either of 3 things should happen: the ground breaker of your house trips, the charger goes up in smoke, or the charger simply gets warm. (edited)
👍 2
alt-theories 25-Feb-21 08:41 PM
Everyone must read This and share it forward. It’s vital information. @everyone Pic in the link above ☝️ “This infographic illustrates the HIV replication cycle, which begins when HIV fuses with the surface of the host cell. A capsid containing the virus’s genome and proteins then enters the cell. The shell of the capsid disintegrates and the HIV protein called reverse transcriptase transcribes the viral RNA into DNA. The viral DNA is transported across the nucleus, where the HIV protein integrase integrates the HIV DNA into the host’s DNA. The host’s normal transcription machinery transcribes HIV DNA into multiple copies of new HIV RNA. Some of this RNA becomes the genome of a new virus, while the cell uses other copies of the RNA to make new HIV proteins. The new viral RNA and HIV proteins move to the surface of the cell, where a new, immature HIV forms. Finally, the virus is released from the cell, and the HIV protein called protease cleaves newly synthesized polyproteins to create a mature infectious virus.” In other words, HIV can easily be activated by being vaccinated by the new COVID-19 vaccine.
ooh 2
CurbShifter 25-Feb-21 09:54 PM
PSA: if you or someone nearby are being brutalized by a police Spot robot and can get a hand or something underneath, grab this handle and yank it forward. This releases the battery, instantly disabling the robot. Keep your hands away from joints, Spot WILL crush your fingers.
hmmm 2
CurbShifter 26-Feb-21 10:04 AM
See this video of Tom Cruise? Well, it’s not Tom Cruise. It’s AI generated synthetic media that portrays Tom Cruise onto a TikTok user using Deepfakes. Seeing is no longer believing.
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 27-Feb-21 05:32 PM
Scientists in the US and Italy claim to have created the world’s first temporary 'smart' tattoo using organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), which could revolutionize multiple fields, including sports science and food technology.
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