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historic events that are pushed into the memory hole.
Between 01-Sep-20 12:00 AM and 01-Oct-20 12:00 AM
Curb 19-Sep-20 01:08 PM
A #CCP soldier laughing triumphantly after #TiananmenSquareMassacre. #天安門大屠殺 後,他在笑。(聽說當時士兵都給洗腦外加吃興奮劑的)。這筆帳一定要算的!
Curb 19-Sep-20 01:28 PM
Curb 19-Sep-20 02:04 PM
Glenn Greenwald recently said "Trump should use his pardon power to end the abusive prosecution of Julian Assange" and the world agrees. The unjust fake trail of Julian Assange is an embarrassment to everyone involved - and it makes The West, no different than how people are t...
mejon07 20-Sep-20 06:44 AM
Watch the full video here: Register for the TDV Summit here: Sign up to free email list at: Subscribe to the The Dollar Vigilante newsletter: Our Bitchute ...
Curb 20-Sep-20 11:39 AM
Posted By: Lauren Richardson It’s important to understand the legal definition of “age of consent,” and how it pertains to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg’s views on pedophilia: Age of consent …
😲 1
Curb 20-Sep-20 01:53 PM
How do predators reach the upper echelons of Religious family Based organizations? this episode was especially shocking because of the high status position of David Kaye, and the fact that it lead to the discovery of a small ring of individuals assosiated with Kaye. Bishops of...
How do predators reach the upper echelons of Religious family Based organizations? this episode was especially shocking because of the high status position of David Kaye, and the fact that it lead to the discovery of a small ring of individuals assosiated with Kaye. Bishops of the catholic church have been implicated in similar incidences, it leaves many Americans concerned.
Erik Nixon 20-Sep-20 03:53 PM
A thesis by a Rotterdam PHD student. Light cover you for the next couple months
Curb 21-Sep-20 09:08 AM
Old footage of Hilary Clinton indirectly endorsing a One World Govt
Curb 21-Sep-20 09:40 AM
Bill Gates saying to Trump not to investigate vaccine safety in April.
Meet Don Harris, Kamala Harris’ Communist Father RAIR . Original article is from 1975 called "Marxist offered economic post" stanforddaily
😲 1
Curb 23-Sep-20 01:01 AM
💯 1
👍 1
Curb 23-Sep-20 11:29 AM
Curb 23-Sep-20 06:30 PM
In this vintage video, G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, takes a hard look at the Federal Reserve System, explaining what it does, how it works, and why it’s important for citizens of all countries to understand it. In short, it’s because the Fed (and the central-banking system it represents) is the greatest mechanism of legalized plunder the world has ever seen.
4.9 (89) In this vintage video, G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, takes a hard look at the Federal Reserve System, explaining what it does, how it works, and why it’s [...]
mejon07 23-Sep-20 11:50 PM
Channel 4's John Snow reports on the Council of Europe's investigation into the manufactured swine flu hoax. The former Chair of the Sub-committee on Health of the Parliamentary Assembly Dr Wolfgang Wodarg had accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of lowering the definit...
peep00 1
👍 1
Curb 24-Sep-20 07:52 PM
Curb 25-Sep-20 12:10 AM
That time Malcolm X met Fidel Castro in Harlem 60 years ago on this day. (A thread)
Curb 25-Sep-20 12:49 AM
1946 King David Hotel Bombing - Zionist 'Israel' the Founding Fathers of Modern Terrorism King David Hotel Bombing The King David Hotel bombing was an attack carried out by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organisation, the Irgun, on the King David Hotel in Jerusa...
Curb 25-Sep-20 01:26 AM
George Soros is on record as a Nazi collaborator... George Soros is on record funding colour revolutions... To destabilize & overthrow governments... George Soros is on record funding Black Lives Matter... Does anyone see a correlation? Why is George Soros not in jail? ...
Curb 25-Sep-20 01:35 AM
Curb 25-Sep-20 07:20 PM
reee 1
Curb 26-Sep-20 01:59 PM
...above all, it would be a mistake to think it cannot happen, nor that it will be a long process giving us all plenty of time to plan. The final flight out of paper marks took approximately six months. Law’s scheme took slightly longer to destroy his livre...
mejon07 26-Sep-20 07:09 PM
Former Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard details his time among the financial elite and attending satanic ceremonies and eventually being asked to participate in a child sacrifice. This is just a clip cut out of a 3 part interview. I would recommend watching the full interviews.
wtf_omg 1
Curb 26-Sep-20 07:19 PM
NL gesproken-Dutch spoken A videoproduction from DVM-tv (WWW.DVM-TV.COM)
NL gesproken-Dutch spoken A videoproduction from DVM-tv (WWW.DVM-TV.COM)
Ronald Bernard NL gesproken-Dutch spoken A videoproduction from DVM-tv (WWW.DVM-TV.COM)
NL gesproken-Dutch spoken A videoproduction from DVM-tv (WWW.DVM-TV.COM)
Ronald Bernard NL gesproken-Dutch spoken A videoproduction from DVM-tv (WWW.DVM-TV.COM)
👍 1
Curb 26-Sep-20 09:34 PM
mejon07 26-Sep-20 10:03 PM
Collection of reports from Fox News in the wake on 9/11. Original video had to be edited, otherwise the upload simply never completes. It gets to 3 seconds to go... & then stalls there. Art students were also installed in the WTC in the run-up to the apparently Islamic terror ...
NWPepe 1
mejon07 27-Sep-20 09:33 PM
Over 30 years ago Yuri Bezmenov (Tomas Schuman) gave warning to America of how we were being subverted by patient Russian tactics. This is just a clip, I recommend watching the full length lectures. Given the state of politics against our current president, Donald Trump, and t...
mejon07 28-Sep-20 07:33 AM
Public Domain video of the Kay Griggs Interview (1998) by Rick Strawcutter. This is the first of two interviews and testimonies of Kay Griggs. Kay Griggs was a military wife who learned way too much about her husband's job. Her husband would drink too much and he started talk...
Curb 28-Sep-20 02:58 PM
8/9/20 1 5 Limit CIA Role To Intelligence by Harry S Truman
I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations. Some of the complications and embarrassment I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact that this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue— and a subject for cold war enemy propaganda.
mejon07 28-Sep-20 03:16 PM
re-uploaded from an Uploaded on Sep 11, 2011 Originally published in March 2007 General Wesley Clark: Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I...
Curb 29-Sep-20 03:29 AM
The Alta Vendita were a lodge of the Carbonari,[3] who used the book to announce their objective to spend decades overthrowing the Papacy.[4] Many participants in the instruction posed as various Catholic figures to make their way into the church.[4] The book was issued to every Carbonari lodge under the signature of "Nubius", thought to be the pseudonym of the supreme leader.[4]
The document details an alleged Masonic plan to infiltrate the Catholic Church and spread liberal ideas within it.[5] The Carbonari had strong similarities to Freemasonry and so the document is seen by some as a Masonic document. The Carbonari had ties to the Freemasons, who are known for their Anti-clericalism. The author, who wrote under the pseudonym "Piccolo Tigre" has been found to be the author of other Masonic documents in the 19th century.[6]
The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita (commonly called the Alta Vendita, meaning "high marketplace") is a document, originally published in Italian in 1859, produced by the highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari and written by "Piccolo Tigre" ("Little Tiger"), which, a...
Curb 29-Sep-20 08:50 PM
MIRROR from channel Niklas Nydahl Watch the full documentary here: "They talked of what they called multiracialism. Which was simply a universal mix up. Take humanity, put it in a bag, shake ...
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