Guess what, they learn the lessons and FEMA is involved as well

Read the whole document!
In addition to current situational awareness, there is much to learn from past experiences. Jurisdictions may find
it helpful to review their 2009 H1N1 pandemic vaccination response plans and lessons learned. After-action
reports and improvement plans from that time provide an opportunity for jurisdictions to build on prior
strengths and determine any gaps that may need to be addressed.
After plans have been drafted, it is important to identify any weaknesses by conducting exercises, including
workshops or tabletop, functional, or full-scale exercises. This may be particularly valuable for any activities
planned with external partners. For example, vaccination clinics in temporary or off-site settings, such as those
planned for essential workers, are an excellent opportunity for exercises. Specific procedures to assess could
include cold chain management, vaccine administration and documentation, traffic flow, or social distancing and
sanitation measures. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has posted information on its Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation program that jurisdictions may find useful as they plan their own
FEMA Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation program -