Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 🏕-survival
Between 01-Sep-21 12:00 AM and 01-Oct-21 12:00 AM
LizzakcZ 05-Sep-21 05:43 PM
Learn How to Defend Yourself with This All in One Human Weapons Pack .
LizzakcZ 14-Sep-21 04:21 PM
Don't forget to turn on the Closed Captions for the details this is a simple How to DIY zombie skull crushing mace. made from easy to find materials. Put together in under eight minutes with the most basic of hand tools.
LizzakcZ 20-Sep-21 04:11 AM
A different share this time. New analyzed videos are underway, stay tuned. Using environmental-opportunity weapons like a baseball bat. Some elements: » Block - strike » Short-range strikes » Covered retreat » Storm attack » Playing with distance and angles » Hit with intent and power development » Conservation of momentum - important with top-...
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