Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 💿-tech-and-science
Between 01-Oct-21 12:00 AM and 01-Nov-21 12:00 AM
CurbShifter 01-Oct-21 05:27 PM
Toyota is building an entire city to tailor-made for self-driving cars. The new ‘Woven City’ near Japan’s Mount Fuji envisions a fully autonomous future. In late February, Toyota Motor Corp. President Akio Toyoda gathered with a handful of Shinto priests in a white tent at the foot of Mount Fuji. The group prayed — as is customary when embarki...
mejon07 03-Oct-21 07:59 AM
Hello and Welcome to the World of Paleoanthropology! Today we have a wonderful, and very exciting guest ( I mean don't we always?) with an amazing new book out! "The World Before Us". ( Working at Oxfor...
CurbShifter 07-Oct-21 10:39 AM
The Mycelium Mesh Project is testing DIY networks that can be quickly deployed on trees or lamp posts during a political uprising.
alt-theories 10-Oct-21 10:13 PM
Latest from the WEF scums On #WorldMentalHealthDay, this new innovation gives hope to people with treatment-resistant depression: World Economic Forum
Traditional treatments for depression don’t work for everyone - now a scientific breakthrough could change how we tackle this mental illness.
CurbShifter 14-Oct-21 07:53 PM
This is not quirky & humorous. That's the objective, to normalize this. This is an alarming glimpse into a future where these technocratic tools are utilized by the same powers unjustly controlling (and destroying) your life today. It's happening whether you "vote" on it or not.
NWOpepe 2
CurbShifter 17-Oct-21 07:30 PM
Chinese security researchers took home $1.88 million after hacking some of the world's most popular software at the Tianfu Cup, the country's largest and most prestigious hacking competition.
klaus 2
CurbShifter 17-Oct-21 08:44 PM
"Astounding Progress" - China Tested Hypersonic Weapon That Flew Around The World
mejon07 19-Oct-21 08:38 AM
Kape Technologies, a former malware distributor that operates in Israel, has now acquired four different VPN services and a collection of VPN “review” websites that rank Kape’s VPN holdings at the top of their recommendations. This report examines the controversial history of Kape Technologies and its rapid expansion into the VPN industry. As is...
peep00 2
😐 1
alt-theories 23-Oct-21 07:05 AM
Conservatives are more satisfied with the products and services they consume than liberals.
CurbShifter 24-Oct-21 01:05 PM
pretty cool but there is a reason there is no original audio 👉 😣 👈
Meet the Jetson ONE. Jetson ONE is an ultralight and extremely fun to fly recreational all-electric personal vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft. Our mission is to make the skies available for everyone with our safe personal electric aerial vehicle. Are you ready to experience a completely new and exciting way of travel? Please shar...
hmmm 1
tagiadin_tasos 24-Oct-21 08:47 PM
Avi Loeb, former chair of Harvard’s astronomy department, theorizes that the universe could have been formed in a lab by other lifeforms.
The idea of 'absolute time' is an illusion. Physics and subjective experience reveal why.
Scientists find routes using arches of chaos that can lead to much faster space travel.
"Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive," White Coat Waste said.
Scientists found new evidence this year that muons may behave in a way that defies existing physics. Their magnetism may be caused by a new, fifth force.
Fraudbear 24-Oct-21 10:01 PM
fucking lmao of course doctor kikestein tells you life is a simulation
👍 1
nomanescio 24-Oct-21 10:04 PM
Harvard... The place where many slave theories are formulated.
👍 1
Here, Itzakh Bentov explains the universe, from 1978 😄 Interesting and I can even agree on the first few steps, but then it turns out that the Puniverse(tm) is Jewish... 😂
Itzhak Bentov was a scientist, inventor,and an early pioneer in the research of consciousness. By blending analytical knowledge and intuitive insight, Bentov was the first to develop what is now widely accepted today as a holographic model of reality. This rare recording of Bentov's last television appearance (1978) and his inspirational explora...
CurbShifter 28-Oct-21 12:20 PM
Apple is planning to use a new technology (called CSS or Client-side scanning) which would enable it to detect the presence of any given document on any private Smartphone, regardless of whether that document has been shared or not. Apple doesn’t need to scan through all the data; it simply identifies the signature of the documents it is lookin...
Gmail knows what you say in the emails you draft but do not send. In other words they know what you thought but decided not to say. – Dr. Vernon Coleman
surprised_pikachu 2
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