Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 🕳-memory-hole
Between 01-Oct-21 12:00 AM and 01-Nov-21 12:00 AM
CurbShifter 02-Oct-21 11:58 AM
honkler 2
CurbShifter 04-Oct-21 09:17 AM
Although mass vaccination programs have resulted in the eradication of a number of human infectious diseases, vaccine contamination has been a persistent concern. In particular, it is now known that the early polio vaccines were contaminated with at least one monkey virus, SV40. The transfer of monk …
CurbShifter 06-Oct-21 07:29 PM
OY VEY THE NUREMBERG TRIAL DOCUMENTS - "/pol/ - Politically Incorrect" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating politics and current events.
CurbShifter 08-Oct-21 11:03 AM
I cannot attest to the authenticity. but good to define the dividing lines between each type of socialism (edited)
untermenschen 09-Oct-21 02:03 AM
There are far more palatable sources for political acumen that this one. Quite distasteful.
CurbShifter 09-Oct-21 10:24 AM
Feel free to post and lol (edited)
CurbShifter 09-Oct-21 12:35 PM
the Netherlands is a haven for human/child trafficking (2012 Demmink is still free among the elite) his name is trending atm on twitter (edited)
WASHINGTON--The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission) announced the following briefing: Listening to Victims of Child Sex Trafficking Thursday, October 4, 2012 2:00 pm Room 2255 Rayburn House Office Building The sex trafficking and abuse of children is a crime that destroys the lives of the victims as ...
Dinglebob 11-Oct-21 01:56 AM
yuri_bezmenov 2
hhhhh 1
CurbShifter 12-Oct-21 07:33 PM
quite interesting docu about how liberalism is destroying America. h/t my dad RIP found in a decade old email interesting timestamp (edited)
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 "Baby it's Cold Outside" Part one. The Power of Nightmares, subtitled The Rise of the Politics of Fear, written and produced by Adam Curtis. Details the rise of the American NEOCONS (Neo-Conservative/Israeli movement and Radical Islam, with comparisons on their origins and strong similarities. Cu...
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 "Baby it's Cold Outside" Part one. The Power of Nightmares, subtitled The Rise of the Politics of Fear, written and produced by Adam Curtis. Details the rise of the American NEOCONS (Neo-Conservative/Israeli movement and Radical Islam, with comparisons on their origins and strong similarities. Cu...
hmmm 1
alt-theories 12-Oct-21 08:24 PM
Once your down, you won’t go up again. That’s the whole point of this propagandist article title. They want you to stay in the matrix
CurbShifter 12-Oct-21 10:36 PM
This is what's currently happening now with society. The collapse of society is upon us
dumpsterfire 1
black_jack 14-Oct-21 01:48 PM
This is not my video; but when I saw it yesterday, I knew that I had to share it with as many people as possible. You can see the original upload here:…
black_jack 18-Oct-21 09:19 AM
CurbShifter 18-Oct-21 02:31 PM
The Big Lie LIE AFTER LIE This is evidence, not conjecture. This is true. This is all well-documented. Colin Powell Speech to the UN - 5 Feb 2003
CurbShifter 30-Oct-21 09:38 PM
That's how it looked like just after the German surrender! Fascinating moving pictures in color show the situation of the city in summer 1945 and daily life in the ruins. ----- Watch here the preview of the brandnew documentary "Spirit of liberation", restored original color and High Definition: Suscribe at: https://goo.g...
CurbShifter 31-Oct-21 08:02 PM
grabbler 1
Exported 19 message(s)