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broad topic channel. psychology, philosophy, conspiracy (theories), censoring, automated workers and general dystopia...
Between 01-Oct-20 12:00 AM and 01-Nov-20 12:00 AM
mejon07 01-Oct-20 02:53 AM
Quebec Premier François Legault says police in the province's red zones — regions where COVID-19 cases are surging — will be issuing $1,000 fines to those who violate newly strengthened public health rules.
mejon07 01-Oct-20 03:05 AM
Critics say law aimed at silencing demonstrations over Netanyahu’s alleged corruption and his handling of the pandemic.
NWPepe 1
mejon07 01-Oct-20 05:09 AM
The PM will call on world leaders to set aside differences as he sets out plans to prevent future pandemics.
mejon07 01-Oct-20 05:18 AM
We're learning how much the province is paying Ontario pharmacies to conduct COVID-19 tests. Plus, Wayne Gretzky's Toronto restaurant is getting set for last call. Richard Southern has the day's top business stories.
grabler 2
NWPepe 2
💸 2
mejon07 01-Oct-20 06:14 AM
The human tendency to believe change is temporary and that the future will again resemble the past is called "normalcy bias." Eventually, however, people need to adapt to change, psychologists say.
If we will find wearing a mask on the metro to be just part of life. If shaking hands and embracing will become less common. If most of your daily interactions will occur via video conference (rather than in person).
NWPepe 1
mejon07 01-Oct-20 06:35 AM
September early morning an asteroid was reported by over 200 people as it lit up the skies over Pittsburg. As well some very interesting information surfaced over a Patent placed by the Rothch-ld family for a strange sickness that would sweep the world later. https://pittsburg...
Curb 01-Oct-20 01:46 PM
Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media.
"Signed by 624 medical doctors
Signed by 1726 medically trained health professionals Signed by 12348 citizens"
'A cure must not be worse than the problem.' 'There is nothing different from what we normally see.' 'The use of the non-specific PCR test, which produces many false positives.' 'Lockdown has not led to a lower mortality rate.' 'So even in this high-risk group, the majority are resistant to the virus.' 'Contamination is therefore not possible in the open air. ' 'healthy people (or positively tested asymptomatic carriers) are virtually unable to transmit the virus.' 'Wearing a mask is not without side effects.' 'On a global scale, 700000 cases of damage or death are expected as a result of the vaccine.' 'We were also surprised by the many videos and articles by many scientific experts and authorities, which were and are still being removed from social media. ' 'There is no state of emergency.'
Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media. September 5th 2020 We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surroundin...
Signatories Signed by  medical doctorsSigned by medically trained health professionalsSigned by citizens Below you find the list of signatories in alphabetical order Medical Doctors Health professionals Citizens Medical Doctors Dr. Valérie Barbier, 4020, PsychiatreDr. Sophie B...
🙌 1
mejon07 01-Oct-20 03:17 PM
A study of 85,000 people with COVID-19 in two southern Indian states and 575,000 people they came in contact with found that children 17 and under contract and transmit the new coronavirus at rates similar to the rest of the population. Children age 5 to 17 passed the virus on...
School kids don’t appear to transmit the new coronavirus to peers or teachers, a French study found, weighing in on the crucial topic of children’s role in propagating Covid-19.
mejon07 01-Oct-20 03:51 PM
THE SUPPRESSED HISTORY OF THE HORRIBLE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINATION. (many people asked me to make a printable version of the quotes from Medical professionals I read off in my show the other day about the dangers of Vaccination. Here it is:
mejon07 01-Oct-20 06:02 PM
The hope that wastewater monitoring can supplement Covid-19 testing has stretched the supply chain for autosamplers thin.
mejon07 01-Oct-20 10:43 PM
Wearing a mask in public is not optional. It’s the law.
mejon07 02-Oct-20 12:05 AM
With half the US population reportedly unwilling to submit to an experimental Covid-19 shot, a new scientific paper has shed light on how state health authorities might enforce compliance with vaccine mandates.
NWPepe 1
reee 1
mejon07 02-Oct-20 03:03 AM
DONATE ➜ SUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ Subway sandwiches have been exposed again, not for using yoga mat chemicals or for employing a pedophile as their spokesperson, but this time it’s for the high sugar content i...
mejon07 02-Oct-20 03:36 AM
Our research detected an uptick in recent months in the share of Americans willing to condone political unrest.
mejon07 02-Oct-20 06:08 AM
Jorge Capelán No curfews, no lockdowns, no “stay at home”, no psychosis, no covid-calamities. There has been much talk about the Swedish corona strategy but the strategy of Nicaragua has been by fa…
feelsgood 1
Lal 02-Oct-20 03:06 PM
Above - The Line in the Sand. On now
mejon07 03-Oct-20 06:52 AM
Streets Beach will now cater to 500 swimmers, but changerooms will remain closed at South Bank Parklands and social distancing will remain.
Raxus 03-Oct-20 10:12 AM
Think I heard of some dude creating dolls for children that showed bikini when it got wet
cringe 2
Curb 03-Oct-20 02:05 PM
grabler 2
Curb 03-Oct-20 02:16 PM
A bill going up before the House of Representatives “would require the President to consult with the Israeli government" before any arms sales are made to middle east countries. Basically, "Keep talking about Trumps fake illness so Israel and AIPAC can make shady dealings behind your back while you're distracted, Goyim."
Curb 03-Oct-20 02:32 PM
Well it took 8 months but he is finally starting to crawl back. He did so much fear mongering. (edited)
I was very worried about Covid-19 six months ago. Afraid even. Today? Barely worried at all. This video will take you through the science behind that shift in viewpoint. Very strong data from Ivermectin and hydroxycholorquine, combined with the powerful protective effect ...
Curb 03-Oct-20 04:18 PM
its hard for a scientist to swallow the red pill: 'science/data' can be manipulated. but is treated as religion. trust the science
Curb 03-Oct-20 04:28 PM
Curb 03-Oct-20 04:53 PM
and still advocating for masks at the end. tardapu
grabler 1
tardapu 2
mejon07 03-Oct-20 05:49 PM
Masks will be mandatory in all public indoor spaces across Ontario as of 12:01 a.m. Saturday, according to Doug Ford. The premier say the province is also putting in further restrictions in COVID-19 hotspots to contain the spread of the virus.
Dr. Eileen de Villa gave an update on COVID-19 infections in the city of Toronto and is calling on the province to suspend indoor dining. Subscribe to CTV News to watch more videos: Connect with CTV News: For the latest news visit: http:/...
mejon07 03-Oct-20 06:20 PM
The Great Reset book is full with predictions of things that will or may happen, and threats, like the world will never be the same again, and we are just at the beginning of the Reset, worse is to come – or the Great Transformation, as the IMF calls what is coming.
Saun Virroco 03-Oct-20 09:19 PM
We may be living inside a giant lie where every major event is rigged. Some of you may be new to gematria - this is a way to assign a number to each letter in the alphabet so that every word, phrase or sentence can be calculated to a certain number. This is an ancient technique utilized even in original Torah texts (~1500BC). Since this is a rabbit hole we should dig a bit deeper to have a greater insight of what is going on behind the curtain. There are too many ties between the plandemic, celebrity deaths, eclipse dates, number 666 and so on. A lot of occult things are involved and this just can't be a series of random coincidences.
hmmm_think 1
Curb 03-Oct-20 10:05 PM
i've have seen numerous examples proofing gematria post fact. but never a useful prediction
Saun Virroco 03-Oct-20 10:44 PM
To me it feels they prepare everything in advance, so the lie is too big and even they start to believe in it and this makes it more convincing. According to the author of the video I posted above Trump should have been JFK'd on June 20 as a part of the eclipse ritual, but obviously nothing happened. Too many numbers aligned on that date, so he made this prediction (which he never did before, only postfactum analysis prior to that) The J people love gematria, it is in their religion and now in false flag events which is very suspicious given the amount of predictive programming (like Kobe Bryant death in a helicopter crash). The more things you are aware of the easier it is to connect the dots, but obviously you can't tell the future since you are not in direct control of it. Think of it as a series of different outcomes with different probabilities. Nowadays people should be skeptical of everything - there is full scale information warfare and anything can be a psyop movement. Flat earthers vs globe guys, the question should have been settled once and for all with compelling and easily verifiable evidence, but no they create confusion from both sides on purpose. This is not about science, but about faith. Jesus can coexist with UFOs (which are most likely ETs) officially confirmed by the Pentagon 🤯 You cannot be aware of Deep State and simultaneously think that government is in control and your vote matters. I mean there is one truth out there and two mutually exclusive and contradictory theories cannot be both correct at the same time.
Curb 03-Oct-20 10:59 PM
i agree, fact and fiction are lost in a digital virtual world. if one doesn't know what is real, everything is possible. People look for a feeling of some deep knowledge or control. there are people that feed off that as well. like horoscopes and gematria is one of those.
Raxus 03-Oct-20 11:00 PM
i've have seen numerous examples proofing gematria post fact. but never a useful prediction
@Curb A guy by the instagram username of @ahchshearyashub predicted RGB's death, the cardi b incident and another incident i forgot (edited)
Curb 03-Oct-20 11:00 PM
whats the next prediction?
Raxus 03-Oct-20 11:00 PM
Golden Gate bridge related that's the main one
It's like someone else is creating the codes and making things happen in a pattern according to them and you just understand them, it's hard to predict everything but once it happens it's a lot easier to connect everything
I still don't understand it fully but when you see so many numbers connecting you can't say it's some coincidence with a fluke, especially with so many numbers leading to 911, not every, but a lot
Curb 03-Oct-20 11:02 PM
drop a link on the golden gate bridge. nothing will happen
Raxus 03-Oct-20 11:05 PM
That dude is very sceptical of people going to his account so he's blocked me but when I used to see it, that's what he was on. Also you have to consider the links to freemasonry that so many people that we see or rather celebrities have that it's mad (edited)
Saun Virroco 03-Oct-20 11:15 PM
There was John Lewis death prediction, 5 days before it actually happened. I'm not aware of any other predictions that actually happened.
A lot of people found it strange, here is one of the theories from the guy who does decodes: "There was a Tweet that reported Lewis's death in error a week ago, which must have prompted him to look into it"
Raxus 03-Oct-20 11:18 PM
747 likes 😂 on point af
Saun Virroco 03-Oct-20 11:19 PM
yeah, once you get obsessed with it, patterns emerge everywhere 😎
Curb 04-Oct-20 12:32 AM
if there are coming predictions to follow make sure to drop them
👆 1
mejon07 04-Oct-20 01:28 AM
Packed footy crowds and dining could be transformed over the next decade as Melbourne adapts to our ‘new normal’. @BernardSalt reveals the restrictions we could live with for the next decade and how to get our city back on track >
feelsbad 1
restrictions we could live with for the next decade
mejon07 04-Oct-20 06:03 AM
A new study shows that coronavirus restrictions and lockdowns are leading to the deaths 10,000 children per month and stunting the growth of millions more.
feelsbad 1
Curb 04-Oct-20 03:34 PM
Holy shit you guys, I'm sorry it has taken so long but I came across info I needed to verify, and I think I can now. I don't have anything written out, but I have all the info collected. But I need to tell y'all right now, because this is huge.
hmmm_think 1
Curb 04-Oct-20 03:51 PM
On March 17, 2020 The Gateway Pundit first reported on the controversial Ethiopian politician and Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and his irresponsible and completely inaccurate fear mongering. Tedros claimed in a press conf...
Australian farmer not allowed to feed animals in Australia due to COVID-19.
It’s a bizarre transformation that is going on. The state of Victoria is really going rogue with these totalitarian measures
Curb 04-Oct-20 04:02 PM
South Dakota,Pennsalvania, Florida now Tennessee …how many others? States of the USA rejecting covid abnormal! No limits': Tennessee governor lifts all coronavirus restrictions on businesses
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee announced that while his state will extend its emergency declaration, all statewide coronavirus restrictions on businesses will be repealed.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee announced that while his state will extend its emergency declaration, all statewide coronavirus restrictions on businesses will be repealed.
State Rep Candidate - Matt Trowbridge (D) of Massachusetts, gets caught trying to meet a minor
grabler 1
🤢 1
Another pregnant woman ARRESTED in front of her children in Melbourne for allegedly breaching Covid-19 rules. History will remember how some used the pandemic as an excuse. Shameful.
pepe_novote 1
feelsbad 1
mejon07 04-Oct-20 04:28 PM
💯 1
Curb 04-Oct-20 05:03 PM
covid infos lots of links /ht to @Didi
Curb 04-Oct-20 05:19 PM
at 2 minutes in, Kary Mullis talks (inventor of PCR test) and explains how the results are being "interpreted"
As we approach the one year anniversary of the novel coronavirus outbreak, we find ourselves facing many unanswered questions. We find ourselves worse off in many ways, in comparison to when the outbreak just began, as we receive signals from public health officials and the m...
Curb 04-Oct-20 09:24 PM
bunch of the covid fear hype videos at the start from china can be found here. including his mea culpa as last video
On this channel you will find dozens of hours of compilations of known AND unknown phenomena. These videos aim to open your eyes on the drastic multiplicatio...
like this one. what happened to all these people / dissidents ?
Curb 05-Oct-20 12:04 AM
ruled by tech being normalized NWPepe
My local shops in Thailand. In 2 seconds scans my temperature and to see if wearing mask. Doors don’t open if not. 3 cases in 100+ days here. Removes awkward mask arguments for staff as well.
pepe_novote 1
NWPepe 1
mejon07 05-Oct-20 07:27 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Guard has designated military police units in two states to serve as rapid reaction forces so they can respond quickly to any potential civil unrest around the...
mejon07 05-Oct-20 03:24 PM
Lord Bethell said the Government was exploring technology which will allow people to conduct a test every day. This will mean they can safely stop social distancing without fear of putting others at risk.
mejon07 05-Oct-20 04:59 PM
Every adult in the country could be vaccinated against Covid-19 as soon as Easter as plans are put in place to train an army of careworkers to administer the jab.
reee 3
grabler 1
Proioxis 05-Oct-20 07:27 PM
hmmm_think 1
Raxus 05-Oct-20 07:42 PM
Reuters Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. The CIA is on the verge of signing a cloud computing contract with Amazon, worth up to $600 million over 10 years, reports Frank
AP Photo/Susan WalshAmazon CEO Jeff BezosAmazon CEO Jeff Bezos is the latest member to join the Defense Innovation Advisory Board, a Pentagon initiative led
Apparently Alexa "goes to sleep" when you ask it if she is connected to the CIA, or if Amazon is connected to the CIA. Not sure if this is true always, but have certainly seen a lot of videos where this has happened (edited)
Curb 05-Oct-20 08:10 PM
good call on the articles. latter obviously fake.
mejon07 05-Oct-20 08:13 PM
New York’s Covid-19 battle appears to be far from over, as several “hot zones” in the city will be shut down, and Governor Andrew Cuomo announced state-run “aggressive enforcement” starting this week.
Raxus 05-Oct-20 10:55 PM
Doctor talks about the fake diagnoses of Covid, RT-PCR tests, Antibodies and all... Good counter for someone claiming these tests and stuff work. Over an hour long though, might need to crop out relevant parts 😂😂 #covid #diagnosis (edited)
Video version of Podcast #705. thedoctorwithin Dr Tim O'Shea Where's the science? Where's the epidemic? Where are the patients? A close look at the real science - the Tests, the statistics, the cover-up, the winners. If you can't answer these questio...
By the grace of god it's still up on YouTube lmao
mejon07 06-Oct-20 12:05 AM
In this video, Doug Casey explains why capital controls are coming to the united states. He explains why countries use them, his personal experience, and what individuals might do to prepare.
NWPepe 1
Raxus 06-Oct-20 12:11 AM
mejon07 06-Oct-20 12:46 AM
DONATE ➜ SUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ Donald Trump appears to be doing well following his Covid-19(84) positive test and he recently tweeted “don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life”. Indeed ther...
In addition, state mandates should not be structured as compulsory vaccination (absolute requirements); instead, noncompliance should incur a penalty. Nevertheless, because of the infectiousness and dangerousness of the virus, relatively substantive penalties could be justified, including employment suspension or stay-at-home orders for persons in designated high-priority groups who refuse vaccination. Neither fines nor criminal penalties should be used, however; fines disadvantage the poor, and criminal penalties invite legal challenges on procedural due-process grounds.
mejon07 06-Oct-20 05:07 AM
After saying it had no plan to launch a native digital currency, the central bank of Estonia is now researching its suitability.
NWPepe 2
Curb 06-Oct-20 02:05 PM
Cary Mullis, Inventor of the PCR Test used to determine Covid Positive Cases, says “you can find Anything in Anybody” if you amplify it enough. “Doesn’t mean you’re sick”
Uitvinder van PCR is Kary Mullis heeft ook veel onderzoek gedaan aan HIV. In deze youtube geeft hij dat 'aanwezigheid van een brokje RNA' niet betekent 'ziek of besmettelijk'. RNA brokjes kunnen tot weken aanwezig zijn in ons lichaam. Ook zegt hij dat PCR zo krachtig is dat en...
hmmm_think 1
Curb 06-Oct-20 04:01 PM
The 'Sunspot Number Predicted' around 2024 and 2026. is about 20x higher than now
wtf_omg 1
mejon07 06-Oct-20 05:11 PM
A parody based on our last video... Please help support us on Patreon, read our goals here: Truthstream Can Be Found Here: Website: FB: Twitt...
pepe_novote 1
Curb 06-Oct-20 05:35 PM
the new normal is being created at meetings like these
NABE is the premier professional association for business economists and others who use economics in the workplace. Organized around the theme of "Global Reset? Economics, Business, and Policy in the Pandemic," the 62nd NABE Annual Meeting will focus on evaluating how COVID-19 is changing how and where humans live, work, and play, as well as the long-run implications of these shifts on global finance and trade, income equality and mobility, healthcare and education, A.I. and the future of work, fiscal and monetary policy, and other key topics.
NABE is the premier professional association for business economists and others who use economics in the workplace. Organized around the theme of "Global Reset? Economics, Business, and Policy in the Pandemic," the 62nd NABE Annual Meeting will focus on evaluating how COVID-19...
Saun Virroco 06-Oct-20 08:38 PM
Believe it or not, I have just finished watching this video on bitchute and immediately this screen has appeared.
So this is what the channel is about... They don't want anybody to know. I wonder how it happened the exact moment I have finished watching one of the videos.
Curb 06-Oct-20 09:34 PM
ouch a vpn might solve it i guess
Saun Virroco 06-Oct-20 09:35 PM
that is the exact solution I used and I have never encountered any censorship on bitchute before
hmmm_think 1
mejon07 07-Oct-20 12:06 AM
Contact tracing apps built with joint Apple and Google software are now used in 12 U.S. states and territories, as public health agencies devise ways to use technology to facilitate tracking and notifying residents of exposure to the novel coronavirus. Google and Apple built t...
mejon07 07-Oct-20 04:09 AM
Want to know more about Mask Exemptions? ► Tamara Ugolini speaks with protesters and residents about a mask burning demonstration in Cobourg, Ontario. FULL REPORT from Tamara: Rebel News: Telling the other side of the sto...
🔥 1
💪 1
mejon07 07-Oct-20 05:45 AM
Legal experts and civil rights groups had raised alarms over the bill, warning the proposed powers would be 'unprecedented, excessive and open to abuse'.
mejon07 07-Oct-20 06:50 AM
Curb 07-Oct-20 11:31 AM
Yet Another UK COVID Vaccine Volunteer Suffers Brain Damage | Principia Scientific Intl.
Two people have fallen ill during the trials of AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine in the UK, the company’s internal papers revealed, and a source said they had both suffered from the same serious n…
tardapu 1
mejon07 07-Oct-20 02:24 PM
Billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates has urged the US to prepare for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout by deputizing trusted community leaders to “reduce vaccine hesitancy,” bemoaning the rapid spread of “conspiracy theories” online.
take ur vax cause bill gates told u to
peep00 1
Curb 07-Oct-20 02:48 PM
Chinese virologist Yan Limeng's mother arrested China arrests the mother of a dissident virologist. She fled China to accuse Beijing of covering up the pandemic, and manipulating the virus.
it could just be another distraction / part of the ploy. #covid
Officials just lost hope for what could have been a big boost to China’s economy. This, as Hong Kong’s economy is reeling from a historic drop in the number of mainland visitors. An alliance of four countries in the Indo-Pacific area annoys the Chinese Communist Party. It’s ...
mejon07 07-Oct-20 03:29 PM
the first few min names all the shady CIA connected people that are working on the vaccine and future medical changes.
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. ***Due To YouTube Censorship, All Video Source Links Can Be Found At The Last American Vagabond Here: https://www.thelastamericanv...
peep00 1
Curb 07-Oct-20 04:33 PM
LOOK: Plexiglass dividers are installed ahead of tonight's vice presidential debate after VP Pence's team agreed to the added safety measure
mejon07 07-Oct-20 05:16 PM
they should also wear masks and face shields too, cause you know "for safety" honkhonk_clown
grabler 1
mejon07 08-Oct-20 12:03 AM
Patrick Bet-David sits down with G. Edward Griffin to discuss the origins of the Federal Reserve, the plot behind its inception, and the negative consequences it has had and continues to have on the American economy. Order his book here: Order The cre...
mejon07 08-Oct-20 01:09 AM
29th July 2018 By: Jay Greenberg Researchers have found that senior citizens are being killed by flu vaccines in record numbers, and the death rate is rising at an alarming rate. A study conducted …
mejon07 08-Oct-20 01:42 AM
“A group is suing Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum and Tulsa Health Department Executive Director Bruce Dart, saying the city’s mask mandate is harmful to healthy people,” reports Activist Post. The group includes business owners and two doctors who “are asking the city to immediately r...
feelsbad 1
mejon07 08-Oct-20 02:55 AM
The Victorian government will this week roll out a surveillance testing program in high risk industries to prevent further rapid spread of the virus. The program will target fish, poultry, abattoir and warehousing workers. “Testing is our most important tool in beating thi...
hhhhh 1
mejon07 08-Oct-20 06:34 AM
"We’ll never stop looking into and learning about what the next best technology is and how we can use it to better serve our customers now and into the future"
mejon07 08-Oct-20 03:19 PM
Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend? Don't forget to keep your mask on in between bites. Do your part to keep those around you healthy. #SlowtheSpread
Curb 08-Oct-20 03:50 PM
tardapu Don't forget to keep your mask on in between bites. WTAF
grabler 1
risitas 1
Lal 08-Oct-20 03:52 PM
CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS REVEALS SPACE SURVEILLANCE ! In this explosive Part 2 of a 3 part interview series, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Secretary of HUD Catherine Austin Fitts. Catherine has spent two decades tracking Missing Trillions from Gove...
mejon07 08-Oct-20 05:12 PM
The end is coming for plastic grocery bags, straws and cutlery as the federal government announced today what single-use plastics will be covered by a national ban coming into effect next year.”🤡 The Liberal government are complete idiots!
honkhonk_clown 1
Curb 08-Oct-20 07:49 PM
Unrestricted bioweapon? Yan notes that while it's not easy for the public to accept that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon due to its relatively low lethality, it indeed meets the criteria of a bioweapon.
"The fact that data fabrications were used to cover up the true origin of SARS-CoV-2 further implicates that the laboratory modification here is beyond simple gain-of-function research."
mejon07 08-Oct-20 10:48 PM
Leaked provisional documents have revealed the plan for hundreds of NHS staff to be deployed in five mass vaccination sites across the country - injecting tens of thousands of the public each day.
pepe_novote 1
mejon07 08-Oct-20 11:37 PM
Apple wants the iPhone to replace drivers' licenses and any other form of ID, so it is working on technology to keep details secure when authenticating the holder's identity wirelessly.
NWPepe 1
Curb 09-Oct-20 01:00 AM
NWPepe at 0:36 the truth always wants to come out New World Order
Im not happy with your compliance, your home is dangerous, it’s all for the new world order! Wow
@CllrBSilvester What is really going on? "Build Back Better" seems to be the slogan for the New World Order otherwise known as "The Great Reset". Can we trust @BorisJohnson and the @Conservatives? I have my doubts. #NewWorldOrder #TheGreatReset
mejon07 09-Oct-20 01:06 AM
even 2020/666 = 3.0330 (rounded)
NWPepe at 0:36 the truth always wants to come out New World Order
@Curb oopsie 🤭
Im not happy with your compliance, your home is dangerous, it’s all for the new world order! Wow
enuff 1
risitas 1
Curb 09-Oct-20 02:52 AM
slowly normalizing the army on the streets
Coming to a theatre near you 😳
feelsbad 1
mejon07 09-Oct-20 03:21 AM
👆 1
mejon07 09-Oct-20 05:00 AM
karen jobs coming up
mejon07 09-Oct-20 07:08 AM
As much as the WHO were attempting to spin this as a bad thing – Dr Ryan even said it means “the vast majority of the world remains at risk.” – it’s actually good news. And confirms, once more, tha…
peep00 1
mejon07 09-Oct-20 07:36 AM
Must see interview with Ontario MPP Randy Hillier. Government refuses to respond to his questions about the building of internment camps and who will be housed in them. Strong Cities Link: Fear is the Virus t-shir...
mejon07 09-Oct-20 06:41 PM
mejon07 09-Oct-20 07:46 PM
Artificial Intelligence cameras are being used in London and other cities in the UK to monitor social distancing.  The sensors were initially developed by Vivacity to track the flow of traffic, cyclists and pedestrians and monitor how roads are being used.
NWPepe 2
Curb 10-Oct-20 02:20 AM
the piece at the end about dogs at the airport 'detecting something' to diagnose covid. it is said to be more precise than the overspun PCR tests. honkhonk_clown
A committee consisting of global central banks is looking at possible guidelines for enforcing cryptocurrency laws, but one major economy is not part of those talks. Meanwhile, global markets are up on hopes that the US will pass a coronavirus relief bill while investors are k...
risitas 1
enuff 1
mejon07 10-Oct-20 06:10 AM
According to the HRReporter, Canada’s largest airline is all set to test out a new contact tracing technology for its employees that uses wearable devices and a Bluetooth-enabled app. TraceSc…
Curb 10-Oct-20 03:05 PM
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: Pete Quinones of Freeman Beyond the Wall talks to James Corbett about the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the coming biosecurity state.
mejon07 10-Oct-20 03:31 PM
Curb 10-Oct-20 04:13 PM
Saun VirrocoToday at 2:33 PM "Corona has slightly eclipsed the importance of this conversation" ... "Corona is a distraction, more than a distraction - it is a tragedy" risitas
Sep.18 -- Lord (Jacob) Rothschild OM GBE CVO, Investor and Philanthropist speaks with his daughter, Hannah Rothschild CBE, Writer, Filmmaker and Philanthropist, about the history of Waddesdon Manor and its evolution into a modern hub for technologically advanced climate change...
mejon07 10-Oct-20 05:02 PM
The Rockefeller Foundation and the Clinton Foundation have developed a series of COVID apps which will tightly control your post-covid life.
NWPepe 1
👍 1
mejon07 11-Oct-20 05:09 AM
Blanket social distancing measures and school closures during the coronavirus pandemic may have increased the overall death rate from the disease, researchers have said. A new analysis revisited the piece of work by Professor Neil Ferguson and colleagues from Imperial College ...
honkhonk_clown 2
feelsbad 2
mejon07 11-Oct-20 07:00 AM
New Brunswick public health is reporting 20 new cases of COVID-19 for a total of 57 active cases in the provin...
All New Brunswickers must wear a masks when indoors in public spaces and residents in zone 1 and 5 must wear masks both indoors and outdoors,
Unreal tardapu
feelsbad 1
Saun Virroco 11-Oct-20 10:53 AM
Many conservative Christians feel that Trump is the holiest choice for the White House. Throwback to Jordan Klepper trying to find out why. #DailyShow #JordanKlepper #Trump Subscribe to The Daily Show:
Curb 11-Oct-20 01:25 PM
The UK Prime Minister’s remote speech to his party conference saw him dismiss the idea of returning to normality. Is he using Covid-19 to follow the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ agenda, as many have warned?
Is it a ‘conspiracy theory’ to say that Covid-19 is being used as a convenient opportunity to introduce long-planned changes to the economy and society, when those pushing for such changes like Schwab openly talk of there being a “rare but narrow window” for a major ‘reset’?
grabler 2
boog 2
👍 1
Lal 11-Oct-20 02:46 PM
Newton Peter Clarke 💎 #KBF 🇬🇧 (@NewtonClarkeUK) Tweeted: Absolutely extraordinary. I’m speechless. #NoJabNoPay
“@talkRADIO I imagine some fcukery such as this will go down”
Absolutely extraordinary. I’m speechless. #NoJabNoPay
reee 2
mejon07 11-Oct-20 06:30 PM
Several pharmaceutical companies have published their vaccine trial protocols. This unusually transparent action during a major drug trial deserves praise, close inspection of the protocols raises surprising concerns.
Curb 11-Oct-20 10:26 PM
Prom night looks fun in the #COVID__19 era. The rush to social dystopia is quite breathtaking
risitas 1
feelsbad 1
mejon07 12-Oct-20 05:39 PM
From the CDC: Those who get sick with COVID-19 ALWAYS wear a mask - 70.6% NEVER wear a mask - 3.9%
mejon07 12-Oct-20 06:26 PM
exceptionally low levels of influenza activity continued to be reported across Canada
tardapu 1
No influenza this year, wonder why honkhonk_clown
mejon07 13-Oct-20 01:26 AM
According to that standard, Americans might need to live for years, or for life, under social-distancing guidelines and other Covid-19 restrictions.
The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) called the herd immunity approach that some officials are taking for the COVID-19 pandemic “simply unethical” on Monday.
but mandatory vaccines, lockdowns & masks are all ethical tho
mejon07 13-Oct-20 02:14 AM
honkhonk_clown grabler
reee 1
mejon07 13-Oct-20 06:11 AM
mejon07 13-Oct-20 06:49 AM
Lal 13-Oct-20 01:46 PM
Curb 13-Oct-20 08:50 PM
List if new lockdown measures in the Netherlands
List of measures (effective from Wednesday 14th of October, 22:00) Group size - No more than 3 guests per household, per day. - A maximum of 30 people per building, excluding churches, the House, the Senate, etc. - No group (excluding families) can be bigger than four people, either inside or outside. - A household does not have a maximum amount of people. Daily life - Work from home, unless there is no other way. - People older than 13 years of age will have to wear a face mask in public buildings and public transport (when emergency legislation is passed, for now this is still only an advice). - Schoolgoing children older than 13 are also required to wear face masks in school, -between classes only-. - All bars and restaurants and coffeeshops will be closed. Take-away is allowed. Hotels can serve guests, funeral homes can serve "guests" as well. - Multipurpose buildings must close their restaurant/bar section. - Non-foodstuff stores will close at 20:00. No more late shopping. Supermarkets can close later than 20:00. - No alcohol or softdrugs sales between 20:00 and 07:00. - No alcohol or softdrug carrying -or- consumption outside between 20:00 and 07:00. - Events are banned except: public outdoor markets (foodstuffs only), trade fairs, cinemas and theaters, democratic protests.
- Stores that do not adhere to social distancing and closure time rules will be closed. Inspection will be scaled up.
- Monuments, zoos, museums and libraries will stay open, but on timeslot reservation basis.
Sports - Everyone over 18 can only play sports while adhering to the 1,5M distance rule, and only individual sports or sports with a maximum of four people involved. No competiton games at all. - Children up to 18 can freely play sports, even team sports, but there will be no competitions in this segment either. - Sporting cantinas will be closed, as will showers and dressing rooms.
reee 2
boog 1
🤯 1
😑 1
mejon07 13-Oct-20 10:02 PM
These restrictions affect the whole country or just the cities?
mejon07 13-Oct-20 10:30 PM
According to a Monday update, the US FDA gave Pfizer permission to enroll children as young as 12 to its coronavirus vaccine trials after the company expanded the tests for more racial inclusivity.
Curb 13-Oct-20 11:31 PM
@mejon07 The whole country. and once the emergency law is pushed through we will be walking with masks...
it would complete the ritual of losing our complete sovereignty
feelsbad 1
Curb 14-Oct-20 01:00 PM
Positive association between COVID-19 deaths and influenza vaccination rates in elderly people worldwide
“Previous reports indicate that influenza vaccination appears to be negatively correlated with COVID-19-associated mortality, perhaps as a result of heterologous immunity or changes in innate immunity.”
Background The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is an ongoing global health crisis, directly and indirectly impacting all spheres of human life. Some pharmacological measures have been propose...
Curb 14-Oct-20 01:09 PM
Collection of mask studies
curated by Marilyn M. Singleton, M.D., J.D. – Updated September 26, 2020 Introduction COVID-19 is as politically-charged as it is infectious. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO, the CDC and NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci discouraged wearing masks...
hmmm_think 1
Curb 14-Oct-20 01:24 PM
One of the hallmarks of totalitarianism is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative... A totally delusional official narrative that has little or no connection to reality and that is contradicted by a preponderance of facts...
Politician refused to wear a mask in the Italian senate.
pepe_novote 1
Saun Virroco 14-Oct-20 03:54 PM
Mark Zuckerberg previously said Facebook shouldn’t take Holocaust denial down “because I think there are things that different people get wrong.”
grabler 1
Curb 14-Oct-20 04:57 PM
😱 Get The Same VPN I Use Every Day To Browse Anonymously: 🛡️ ➡️⬅️ Get 50% OFF for LIFE clicking the link above^^^ So many electric changes are now manifesting visibly in Earth's skies that from this point forward human and animal life w...
mejon07 14-Oct-20 10:44 PM
YouTube will ban content containing misinformation about coronavirus vaccines, expanding its policy surrounding misinformation about the virus, the company said Wednesday.
grabler 2
"Misinformation" (edited)
NWPepe 1
mejon07 14-Oct-20 11:28 PM
The COVID crisis has afforded governments the opportunity to implement population control measures like the Philippines' new national ID.
wtf_omg 1
Because less than half of the American population is planning to get vaccinated for the COVID-19, even with a $100 cash incentive, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is desperately calling on [...]
NWPepe 1
mejon07 15-Oct-20 01:13 AM
The World Bank on Tuesday announced that it would provide $12 billion for efforts to deliver a distributable COVID-19 vaccine to developing countries, a move the organization said was aimed at vaccinating 1 billion people against the vir
Curb 15-Oct-20 01:17 AM
The politicians, bankers and billionaires of the World Economic Forum have spotted an opportunity in the post-Covid world. They’ve got big plans for the planet, and they’re calling it The Great Reset.
reee 2
grabler 1
Lal 15-Oct-20 01:58 AM
Winter Oak Born in Ravensburg in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a child of Adolf Hitler’s Germany, a police-state regime built on fear and violence, on brainwashing and control, on propaganda and lies, on i…
🤯 1
Klaus Schwab "We are at the threshold of a radical systemic change that requires human beings to adapt continuously. As a result, we may witness an increasing degree of polarization in the world, marked by those who embrace change versus those who resist it. This gives rise to an inequality that goes beyond the societal one described earlier. This ontological inequality will separate those who adapt from those who resist—the material winners and losers in all senses of the words.  The winners may even benefit from some form of radical human improvement generated by certain segments of the fourth industrial revolution (such as genetic engineering) from which the losers will be deprived. This risks creating class conflicts and other clashes unlike anything we have seen before."
mejon07 15-Oct-20 02:45 AM
According to a CNET report, officers have asked the tech giant to hand over the IP addresses of everyone who had looked up words relevant to their particular investigations.
NWPepe 1
mejon07 15-Oct-20 03:38 AM
Japanese tech firms step in to help prevent coronavirus infections
pepe_novote 2
mejon07 15-Oct-20 02:28 PM
Cristiano Ronaldo’s sister, Katia Aveiro, is known for being protective of the Juventus star but she took it to a whole new level on Wednesday when she reacted to the footballer’s positive Covid-19 test.
peep00 1
Curb 15-Oct-20 02:45 PM
Funny how most of the article just goes after discrediting her
pepehands 1
Curb 15-Oct-20 02:56 PM
Although the Dutch partial lockdown includes measures such as wearing face masks in public and self-isolation in the case of illness or travel, the use of masks and quarantine in the Netherlands cannot currently be made compulsory. During a press conference on Tuesday evening,...
mejon07 15-Oct-20 03:35 PM
Nokia has created an automated system that uses a thermal camera and real-time video analytics to determine if a person has COVID-19 symptoms and is wearing a mask, part of efforts to protect employees as they return to work.
NWPepe 1
mejon07 15-Oct-20 05:07 PM
American pharmaceutical giant Gilead has paid at least $178 million to doctors and $81 million to hospitals in the US to promote and prescribe the company’s drugs despite cases of deaths and severe
Curb 15-Oct-20 05:13 PM
The task we face is to preserve the accomplishments of the past 75 years in a more sustainable form, writes Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum.
Curb 15-Oct-20 05:23 PM
Professor Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, discusses his new book "Covid-19: The Great Reset."
NWPepe 1
mejon07 15-Oct-20 06:37 PM
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday singled out the "religious practices" of Orthodox Jews as the cause of renewed spread of the coronavirus in New York City."We're now having issues in the Orthodox Jewish community in New York, where because of their religious practic...
mejon07 15-Oct-20 10:52 PM
Today, we are taking another step in our efforts to curb hate and harassment by removing more conspiracy theory content used to justify real-world violence.
no_u_cat 1
Saun Virroco 16-Oct-20 02:50 AM
Bill Gates joined CNBC's Becky Quick to discuss when he thinks a coronavirus vaccine will become widely available and what it will take for society to return to normal following the pandemic.
grabler 1
Curb 16-Oct-20 03:41 AM
MD from the Netherlands quits job due to political and medical corruption
not sure how credible the MD is 🤷‍♂️
mejon07 16-Oct-20 04:15 AM
The Ontario government is working with the private sector to encourage more people to download the made-in-Ontario COVID Alert app and help protect people across the country from the pandemic. "One of the best and simplest ways to protect you, your family and people around yo...
“One of the best and simplest ways to protect you, your family and people around you from covid is to download the Ontario covid alert app” honkhonk_clown
npc 1
📱 1
Curb 16-Oct-20 04:24 AM
Twenty minutes after a "homeless Jesus" sculpture was installed on the grounds of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Bay Village, someone called the cops.  Created...
npc 1
mejon07 16-Oct-20 07:40 AM
Moncef Slaoui, the official head of Operation Warp Speed, told the Wall Street Journal last week that all Warp Speed vaccine recipients in the US will be monitored by “incredibly precise . . . tracking systems” for up to two years and that tech giants Google and Oracle would b...
Curb 16-Oct-20 02:41 PM
OMG this will be worldwide news
hypers 1
mejon07 16-Oct-20 08:56 PM
Pfizer is developing a COVID-19 vaccine with German partner BioNTech.We will continue monitoring and reporting safety data for all trial participants for two years, said CEO Albert Bourla
such manipulation grabler
npc 1
no_u_cat 1
🤮 2
mejon07 16-Oct-20 09:53 PM walking through Prague cz
If you want to support us, you can do so on Patreon: We appreciate your help in keeping us independent creators. Thank you! This is Prague now. Let us show you the city. WE MADE A BOOK! About our love for the city of Prague, th...
hmmm_think 1
mejon07 17-Oct-20 12:53 AM
Curb 17-Oct-20 12:45 PM
Guys. I fuckin literally solved the MH17 case.
watch this video:
I've looked at crash site photo's and video's. It's the same footage but uncensored. Meaning this woman is literally on the plane investigation team.
But here comes the thing. The MH17 crash site isn't MH17, it's MH370.
The lady says. Mostly asian bodies, winter clothing. Said it also smells like chemicals and no blood(preservation of the bodies of MH370 which disappeared 2 months prior). MH370 went to Beijing, which is average 12 degrees celcius in march(when the plane was supposed to go there). That explains the winter clothing. It also explains why there weren't many Dutch(white) bodies. She also said about half the bodies should be kids but they weren't only 6-7. Also explains why it isn't MH17. Also a Dutch guy made a picture of the plane before it left. They said the plane didn't match the crashed plane's registration number(conspiracy people). Planes were also almost the same. Passports totally intact(same with 9/11)
SOLVED THE MH17 CASE - "/pol/ - Politically Incorrect" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating politics and current events.
wtf_omg 1
Video is extremely graphic ⚠
mejon07 17-Oct-20 04:38 PM
The head of Brazil's most populous state has promised that the vaccination for Covid-19 will be compulsory for its residents. The statement quickly led to a clash with the country's president.
mejon07 17-Oct-20 04:54 PM
"This device can be used to get us back to some form of normality."
mejon07 17-Oct-20 05:38 PM
The Rothschild Investment Corporation has bought 27 bitcoins in a stock form through Grayscale's GBTC. They are reported as holding $1.4 billion in assets with…
wtf_omg 1
mejon07 17-Oct-20 06:16 PM
"You’re not going to have a profound degree of herd immunity for a considerable period of time, maybe toward the end of 2021, into 2022,” Dr. Fauci said.
reee 1
mejon07 18-Oct-20 12:17 AM
With the coronavirus widely circulating in the U.S., experts warn the country could be in for a "substantial third wave."
wtf_omg 1
FedNow™️ incoming. Get ready for instant FedCoin™️ payments to your FedWallet™️ soon.
wtf_omg 3
Curb 18-Oct-20 12:34 AM
The Federal Reserve announced the FedNow Pilot Program to support the Service’s development, testing and adoption.
Curb 18-Oct-20 01:54 PM
👆 2
💯 1
With a second wave of coronavirus hitting many countries and new lockdowns achieving little, might we finally see ministers and health officials being held accountable for their dreadful decisions?
mejon07 18-Oct-20 10:21 PM
According to WHO Influenza Laboratory Surveillance Information, it appears that there has been virtually no Flu anywhere in the world since April. The levels from week 16 to date are tiny compared to similar periods over the previous 10 years. Source:
mejon07 18-Oct-20 11:03 PM
New York is planning to set up “mass vaccination sites’’ once COVID-19 vaccines become available through the federal government and vetted by an independent state panel, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sund…
reee 2
😣 1
mejon07 19-Oct-20 04:34 AM
Those bothersome paper arrivals cards will finally be replaced by a smartphone app.
reee 2
NWPepe 2
Curb 19-Oct-20 01:42 PM
Summary of clown world
They do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. INTRO MUSIC: Sagittarius V - Lucidator: DONATE: CASH APP:£pjw123 SUMMIT NEWS:
honkhonk_clown 2
feelsbad 1
Saun Virroco 19-Oct-20 02:06 PM
U.K Prime Minister Boris Johnson talks about nanobots, microchips in medicibes, authoritarian smart cities, mind control and mind reading
boog 2
mejon07 19-Oct-20 02:53 PM
Police could be granted access to details gathered by COVID-19 contact tracers in call centres. The force will not have access to data gathered via the coronavirus app, and the Department of Health and Social Care has said information will only be shared "with appropriate saf...
NWPepe 1
Access 45+ membership videos (more added each month) ► Join via Paypal or Credit Card === Get the transcript (and a gallery of the art work) ► === Stay in touch and u...
💯 1
mejon07 19-Oct-20 06:10 PM
😂 1
Curb 20-Oct-20 12:02 AM
Chinese invaders are selling Uyghur children to each other and negotiating with the price
Someone asked me to translate this video. So here you do, English titles added. 有人要求我翻譯這個視頻。我給加了英文字幕,不確定是在什麼時間地點,聽上去是兩個人在爲這個維族小女孩討價還價。賣主要17萬8,買主只肯出20.
boog 1
mejon07 20-Oct-20 12:37 AM
site that outlines examples of marxist indoctrination in US schools
A parent-powered, K-12 transparency community. It's your right to see what your kids are being taught in schools.
The Andrews government is examining scaling back the botched hotel quarantine program and using monitoring devices for some returned travellers when Victoria opens up to international flights.
mejon07 20-Oct-20 04:09 AM
The continual political battle between Left & Right, Liberal & Conservative, Democrat & Republican is manufactured. The powers that be use propaganda to fuel hatred and it's only purpose is to divide us and keep our focus on each other, instead of the things that truly matter....
Curb 20-Oct-20 08:08 PM is somehow preventing the physical lending of the books. due to copyright issues. cant be a digital and physical copy used at the same time. (edited)
Please help support us on Patreon, read our goals here: Truthstream Can Be Found Here: Our Film: Site: Twitter: @TruthstreamNews Backup Vimeo: DONATE: http...
HathiTrust Digital Library is a large-scale collaborative repository of digital content from research libraries including content digitized via Google Books and the Internet Archive digitization initiatives, as well as content digitized locally by libraries.
mejon07 21-Oct-20 03:37 AM
"This is a global crisis: a global crisis of hate, a global crisis of misinformation, and a global health crisis," Harry said.
Curb 21-Oct-20 01:15 PM
Ghislaine Maxwell loses fight to keep her Jeffrey Epstein testimony sealed
A three-judge appeal panel ruled that the deposition of Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged madam, should be unsealed, upholding a decision by a lower-court judge.
mejon07 22-Oct-20 05:51 AM
Curb 22-Oct-20 05:28 PM
ah the Build back better gonna be hearing that more n more
grabler 1
mejon07 23-Oct-20 01:37 PM
Melburnians have been put on notice as police plan a major crackdown on rule-breakers for Grand Final Day with homes and backyards part of the blitz. Do you agree with the plan?
pepe_novote 1
mejon07 24-Oct-20 07:11 AM
Curb 24-Oct-20 01:49 PM
Weiner didn't go to jail for his hard disk. Hillary still not locked up. Pretty sure Hunter will walk too.
"THE LAPTOP FROM HELL!" Chanel Rion from OAN reports on Hunter Biden abusing 14 year old relative Natalie Biden.
Curb 24-Oct-20 02:36 PM
Why did Biden say we're about to enter a "dark winter"?
grabler 1
mejon07 24-Oct-20 05:49 PM
The US Government has made an ad about QAnon and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. 👉 Become a Patron: 🔹 Tip us on PayPal: 🔹 Tip us in Bitcoin: 👉 CREDITS ...
hhhhh 1
mejon07 25-Oct-20 12:30 AM
China’s GTV loaded video of Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden smoking crack cocaine while engaging in sex with an unknown person. WARNING ON CONTENT!! The first GTV video is titled: Exclusive! Hunter Biden’s Sex Tapes, The CCP’s “BGY” Infiltration in the U.S., Evil Alliance to Domi...
Curb 25-Oct-20 01:26 AM
ah you posted it here. freaky shit 2020 keeps going..
mejon07 25-Oct-20 01:27 AM
yeah disturbing asf
Saun Virroco 25-Oct-20 03:00 AM
I'll just leave this here 🤡 They have dragged us down to their level and nobody seemed to notice.
Curb 25-Oct-20 03:03 AM
if only journalists and reporters would do their work
Saun Virroco 25-Oct-20 03:04 AM
I think at this point it is already too late to fix anything risitas
Fpepe 1
mejon07 25-Oct-20 05:53 AM On the ground in London - not looking good
mejon07 25-Oct-20 08:46 PM
Imagine carrying just about everything you need beneath the surface of your hand - your wallet, keys and ID, all in a microchip. That’s reality in Sweden, as some early-adopters implant the tiny devices beneath their skin.
NWPepe 1
mejon07 25-Oct-20 10:22 PM
It appears that so many people want to cancel their TV licenses in Britain that the BBC cannot cope with the outflow. However, some critics suggest the broadcaster is deliberately hampering the process.
hypers 3
mejon07 26-Oct-20 12:41 PM
It was feared by many to be the perfect winter storm, a nightmare situation that would push our health service over the edge: the 'twin-demic' of flu, which kills about 10,000 Britons every year,...
😂 1
honkhonk_clown 1
mejon07 27-Oct-20 04:43 PM
NZ has set up “quarantine camps” People can be forcibly removed to camps if there is a risk they may infect others in their households. They will be detained without charge, or conviction of any crime, until they agree to a test & it’s negative. What do you think about th...
Fpepe 1
🤬 1
🔫 1
mejon07 28-Oct-20 01:56 PM
One thing Bill Gates is thinking about these days is using the never-ending stimulus negotiations to help vaccinate the poorest countries in the world against COVID-19.
grabler 2
Curb 29-Oct-20 03:15 PM
honkhonk_clown 2
NWPepe 1
Der Schläferhund 29-Oct-20 07:03 PM if you dont trust the plan and wish not to stay on the couch until your house comes down around you, this is for you. this is where resistance begins. all else is in vaine. connect. now matter how no matter where. this works only if we stick together.
zomg 1
mejon07 29-Oct-20 09:53 PM
These are not good people
npc 1
🆗 1
mejon07 30-Oct-20 02:22 AM
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is preparing his state for civil unrest following the general election next Tuesday, Politico reports.
mejon07 30-Oct-20 06:48 AM
or all those who suffered abuse, ridicule and shaming for blowing the whistle on "chemtrails" in years past, or the spraying of sun-reflecting materials into the atmosphere, you are now officially vindicated as the entire program is out in the open for all to see and it is rap...
mejon07 30-Oct-20 02:47 PM
A coffee shop in Ireland is using dummy's in place of customers cringe
npc 3
mejon07 30-Oct-20 04:57 PM
2022: A pandemic ravages the world and its cities. A young man must overcome martial law, disease, quarantine and vigilantes to reunite with his love.
grabler 1
mejon07 30-Oct-20 09:06 PM the library branch manager gets angry that this dude is sitting by himself reading a book without a mask then calls security to harass him into leaving. However in the end they could not force him to leave because he's exempt from wearing a mask under the city bylaw. this is the kind of clown world that we live in honkhonk_clown (edited)
I've been hearing reports from folks at the Callingwood, Lois Hole branch of the Edmonton Public Library that they are not in compliance with Edmonton's Mandatory mask bylaw exemptions.... So I put them to the test.... THEY FAILED. So much for equality and tolerance for tho...
feelsbad 1
👏 1
mejon07 31-Oct-20 03:09 AM
Millions of Australians visiting cafes, restaurants and pubs are unwittingly entering their COVID check-in details into platforms owned by marketing companies. Now privacy and cybersecurity experts are sounding the alarm.
mejon07 31-Oct-20 03:55 AM
Alt-tech is increasingly being blocked from the Google-controlled Android app store.
NWPepe 1
mejon07 31-Oct-20 04:24 AM
"Sustainable Development", also known as Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 is an action plan implemented by the United Nations. Its important to distinguish between climate change and pollution. Yes we do pollute our planet, the oceans, plastics etc.. The United Nations uses the thr...
pepe_novote 1
Curb 31-Oct-20 03:22 PM
As countries are furiously stocking food in anticipation of global food shortages, 'experts' are now calling COVID-19 a Syndemic "COVID-20," requiring a 'social vaccine' comprising Universal Basic Income & nutrition, free education, huge dietary changes. The technocrats will ...
Joining me today is someone you are all very familiar with, and that's in large part due to the unjust suppression and censorship of her work and her efforts to expose the truth, and this speaks to the overwhelming desire for the unvarnished truth t…
The Conscious Resistance Network Presents: The Darkest Winter Are you prepared? Full script and sources: Support our work AND get a free ounce of Kratom to help with fati...
wtf_omg 1
mejon07 31-Oct-20 04:48 PM
so just got screwed over by SJWs. Commies killed the way back machine grabler
NEW: fact-checking & context banners now on some #WaybackMachine pages. Our goal is to preserve the Web as it was published. In addition, fact checks & context about the original web page are important data for our users. Learn more abt our new efforts:
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