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research sharing / 🔁-great-reset
4th industrial revolution. Digital Currency and ID. Pretty much anything that comes out of World Economic Forum.
Between 01-Oct-20 12:00 AM and 01-Nov-20 12:00 AM
Curb 19-Oct-20 05:01 PM
new channel. for earlier research on this topic check out #🧠-society-of-the-spectacle
👍 2
Curb 19-Oct-20 05:15 PM
A New Bretton Woods Moment
IMF Annual Meetings Plenary Speech by Kristalina Georgieva. She calls for action to ensure a durable recovery and resilient future as countries adapt to structural transformations brought on by climate change and the new digital and knowledge economy
Curb 19-Oct-20 06:35 PM
The ID2020 Alliance is a global partnership maximizing the potential of digital ID to improve lives.
Lal 19-Oct-20 08:06 PM
The Great Reset is in our crosshairs and one man is standing in the way, President Donald J. Trump. The "China-Virus" is the perfect cover for the lockdown, surveillance, and control over every man woman, and child... WORLDWIDE. America is the last true hope to stop The Grea...
Curb 19-Oct-20 09:41 PM
Thread by @RaoulGMI: Important Thread: If you don't think Central Bank Digital Currencies are coming, you are missing the big and important picture. This is going to be the biggest overhaul of the global financial ...…
NWPepe 1
... it absolves any spending responsibility in a crisis from governments and after 2008 and 2020, they are desperate for it..
mejon07 20-Oct-20 12:42 AM
Through its investment firm SGInnovate, the Singaporean administration has teamed up with local startup Accredify to establish a blockchain-powered digital health passport to boost medical records management. This development will enable healthcare data to be kept in a digital...
mejon07 20-Oct-20 04:07 AM
The government of Ontario unveiled its plans to digitize driver’s licenses and more, part of a broader digital strategy.
NWPepe 1
mejon07 20-Oct-20 02:00 PM
COVID-19 is transforming the way Canadians use their identity documents and how they prioritize accessing services digitally. According to a new survey from Interac Corp., three in four Canadians. . .
Interac survey shows Canadians agree the pandemic has emphasized the need for *digital IDs
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honkhonk_clown 2
mejon07 20-Oct-20 08:58 PM
If you take the first Operation Warp Speed vaccine  you will get an unexpected surprise: micromanaged tracking by Big Tech for up to two years, who will know more about you than you know about yourself. There is no guarantee that tracking will stop after two years.
mejon07 21-Oct-20 02:10 AM
Urban Infrastructure Minister Alan Tudge has revealed Australia's incoming passenger card system will be digitised to assist with contact tracing for future international arrivals. "This is a significant development... we will be putting this tender out next week and our ambi...
mejon07 21-Oct-20 02:25 AM
...strengthening control of the payments and make it simpler to trace the use of a particular means of payment...
NWPepe 1
mejon07 21-Oct-20 04:31 AM
The Future of Jobs report maps the jobs and skills of the future, tracking the pace of change. It aims to shed light on the pandemic-related disruptions in 2020, contextualized within a longer history of economic cycles and the expected outlook for technology adoption, jobs an...
mejon07 21-Oct-20 06:05 PM
Global travel has ground to a near halt due to the coronavirus pandemic but now CommonPass, a new digital health passport, hopes to reverse the course. CNN's Anna Stewart reports.
mejon07 22-Oct-20 04:29 AM
Bank tellers are out and robotics engineers are in, according to a new report that says the coronavirus recession is accelerating technological changes that could displace 85 million jobs within the next five years. “Automation, in tandem with the Covid-19 recession, is creati...
mejon07 22-Oct-20 08:30 PM
Governor Benjamin Diokno said in a press briefing Thursday that there were no immediate plans to issue state-backed digital money.
mejon07 23-Oct-20 03:17 AM
mejon07 24-Oct-20 07:16 AM
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. ***Due To YouTube Censorship, All Video Source Links Can Be Found At The Last American Vagabond Here: https://www.thelastamericanv...
Curb 24-Oct-20 08:41 PM
People living in the western world are in the greatest fight for the future of pluralist and republican forms of governance since the rise and fall of fascism 75 years ago...
Curb 25-Oct-20 02:02 AM
TIME and the World Economic Forum asked leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work
The World Economic Forum was founded by economist and engineer Klaus Schwab back in 1971, to bring together the world's best and brightest 'influencers' to guide us to a better path. In 2007, 'pandemic' was part of the WEF's global risk assessment. By 2020, it had been pushed...
Sky News host Rowan Dean says the next World Economic Forum in Davos has morphed from a “jet-setter climate gabfest” into a sinister “anti-democratic enterprise designed to destroy your job, steal your prosperity and rob your kids of a future”. “It's a hardcore leftist eco-ho...
NWPepe 1
Curb 26-Oct-20 01:16 AM
from 2016
You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy.
You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy. This is how our world could change by 2030. Read more:
grabler 3
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mejon07 26-Oct-20 03:50 PM
TIME's new international cover: The great reset
NWPepe 1
The Swiss National Bank (SNB) and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) plan to test a central bank digital currency (CBDC) by the end of this year.
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Curb 27-Oct-20 02:02 AM
For more Campaign video, visit: Subscribe to YouTube: Follow Campaign on Facebook: Follow Campaign on Twitter: @Campaignmag Follow Campaign on Instagram: @campaignmagazine
NWPepe 1
mejon07 27-Oct-20 04:45 AM
Head of the central bank’s digital currency research institute acknowledges potential problems with digital yuan, but says these reinforce the need for central bank oversight.
mejon07 27-Oct-20 12:53 PM
Many central banks, especially China, are working to issue their own digital currency. However, it seems that China, which took this step
mejon07 28-Oct-20 01:41 PM
COMMENT: Robots will have to learn from scratch, like babies, if they are to have a sense of self and proper social interactions.
peep00 1
mejon07 29-Oct-20 05:31 AM
The Bahamas is an archipelago consisting of 700 islands scattered across a vast expanse of ocean; more than 470k square kilometers. It is the ideal setting for the release of the first ever nationwide digital currency. Features and prospects, with a brief look at the technology.
Curb 30-Oct-20 03:11 PM
Beijing has made it clear that goals of its Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) system include replacing cash...
NWPepe 1
Curb 31-Oct-20 01:15 PM
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the US, Arch Bishop Vigano’s open letter to President Trump warns of a ‘Great Reset’ plot to destroy humanity. “It is not surprising that the enemy is angered at being discovered... undisturbed.” Read his letter here:
peep00 1
Curb 31-Oct-20 03:28 PM
The Technocracy is Rising, Stand and Fight! Derrick breaks down an important update about the push for a cashless society and offers some words of inspiration! From TCR Live #114: #ExposeWarpSpeed,...
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