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research sharing / 💸-economy
economy, cashless-society, markets
Between 01-Oct-20 12:00 AM and 01-Nov-20 12:00 AM
mejon07 01-Oct-20 03:05 AM
UBS ranked Toronto as No. 3 in its annual bubble index, following Munich and Frankfurt
💸 1
mejon07 01-Oct-20 04:53 AM
Chris Weston, head of research at Pepperstone Group, discusses what he’s watching in markets and his outlook for the U.S. dollar and yen. He speaks on “Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia.” (Source: Bloomberg)
The draft version of legislation introduced by Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro on Tuesday opens the door for bigger private investment in the nation’s economy, potentially undoing decades of state intervention.
CNBC correspondent Jane Wells joins 'The News with Shepard Smith' to discuss the impact of Covid-19 on the city's tourism business—it's down more than 60 percent this year. Vegas officials say the economy has already lost $8.5 billion dollars.
mejon07 01-Oct-20 05:20 AM
Josh Brown, Ritholtz Wealth Management CEO, joins 'Closing Bell' to talk about how a potential second stimulus bill would help unemployment rates and markets.
Stephen Roach's latest commentary stresses that people should “expect the dollar to plunge by as much as 35 percent next year.”
mejon07 01-Oct-20 06:32 AM
Even without data from the month of September, the Treasury Department reports total federal spending exceeded $6 trillion for the first time.
🚁 1
💸 1
Marathon Petroleum Corp. undefined said late Wednesday it will lay off more than 2,000 employees as it looks to cut costs amid less demand for gasoline and...
V shaped recovery, they said
grabler 1
mejon07 01-Oct-20 03:46 PM
the savings rate tumbling from 17.7% to 14.1% (the lowest since March and down 60% from the highs)..
Curb 01-Oct-20 05:44 PM
If China releases its digital currency, it could prompt a strategic shift in both capital flows and local usage of non-sovereign cryptocurrencies
Curb 01-Oct-20 08:59 PM
The International Monetary Fund of Thursday urged countries to take action to avoid a global debt crisis that outside experts think is inevitable.
Curb 01-Oct-20 09:33 PM
The combined wealth of all U.S. billionaires increased by $821 billion or 28% between since the pandemic started to $3.768 trillion. That means they own the equivalent of nearly 20% of annual U.S. gross domestic product.
hmmm_think 1
mejon07 02-Oct-20 02:45 AM
A state-sanctioned DeFi project is trying to use tokenized traditional assets on Ethereum to decentralize the Venezuelan stock market.
peep00 1
mejon07 02-Oct-20 06:07 AM
Curb 02-Oct-20 04:57 PM
The European Central Bank should prepare to issue a digital euro to complement banknotes "if and when" it becomes necessary, ECB board member Fabio Panetta said on Friday. Major central banks around the world are studying digital versions of their currencies to address demand...
In a study published on Friday, the ECB said a digital euro could help where citizens have abandoned cash, foreign forms of electronic money have taken over, or other means of payments have become unavailable.
"We should be ready to issue a digital euro if and when developments around us make it necessary," Panetta said in a blog post accompanying the study. "This means that we already need to be preparing for it."
The ECB gave itself until the middle of next year to decide whether to go forward with the project, which is now open for public consultation.
Curb 02-Oct-20 05:22 PM
The EU's central bank laid a claim to the phrase "digital euro" before deciding whether to actually issue one.
NWPepe 1
Curb 03-Oct-20 01:44 PM
feelsbad 1
Curb 03-Oct-20 03:41 PM
#US business closures
mejon07 03-Oct-20 10:23 PM
A growing number of Egyptians are reportedly turning to bitcoin amid rising unemployment and the economic crisis. An Egyptian bitcoin community is seeing a huge spike in the number of members interested in bitcoin mining and trading.
cool 1
Curb 04-Oct-20 12:29 AM
Written and narrated by Thomas H. Greco, Jr. click to see the full image There once was a river that flowed through an arid land, and though rainfall was scant and infrequent, the river provided an…
mejon07 04-Oct-20 01:13 AM
US just hit $27T in debt:
Curb 04-Oct-20 04:51 AM
oh wow sudden jump PinkWojak 💸
💸 1
mejon07 04-Oct-20 06:02 AM
State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli released the audit on Thursday. It predicts that between a third and half will shutter in the next six months which will cost 150,000 people their jobs.
Curb 04-Oct-20 03:25 PM
President Donald Trump pressured Congress to pass a coronavirus stimulus plan Saturday as his administration and congressional Democrats struggle to forge a relief deal. In a tweet sent as the president receives treatment for Covid-19 at Walter Reed Medical Center, the preside...
The European Central Bank (ECB) is set to start experimenting with a digital version of the euro as early as October 12, while at the same time holding public consultations on whether a CBDC should be a part of the future for the European Union’s payment infrastructure, a new report from the central bank reveals.
While China has already confirmed that its digital yuan aims to break “dollar dominance,” the Eurozone to start experimenting with a central bank digital currency (CBDC) this month in order to protect the Eurozone from other public or private digital currencies.
NWPepe 1
Curb 04-Oct-20 04:07 PM
Trump declares rare earth emergency, Australia gets ready to supply
"Mr Trump’s order states that the country’s “undue reliance on critical minerals, in processed or unprocessed form, constitutes and unusual and extraordinary threat which has its source in substantial part outside the United States, to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States”."
Securing rare earth supply is now near the top of the defence agenda in Washington with US President Donald Trump signing an executive order declaring a national emergency and calling for a boost in domestic production.
Curb 04-Oct-20 06:16 PM
Curb 04-Oct-20 07:40 PM
"The ECB could support the Eurosystems objectives by providing citizens with a safe form of money in the fast-changing digital world"
NWPepe 1
Curb 04-Oct-20 07:48 PM
Eventually, the ECB will decide whether it should proceed with creating the digital euro by mid-2021.
mejon07 04-Oct-20 07:49 PM
Destroying whatever is left in NYC
feelsbad 1
mejon07 05-Oct-20 06:55 AM
See this article from a decade ago, still as relevant today with our central bank printing hundreds of billions of dollars since March and considering a higher inflation target: Maxime Bernier: How the central bank eats your money @patriotincanada ht...
💯 1
Curb 05-Oct-20 05:26 PM
more fiscal spending / making debt / brrr to come in the EU
The ECB is likely to revise downward both its inflation and growth estimates in December. Then, the ECB could review its inflation target or increase the size of its asset purchases program.
💸 1
Curb 05-Oct-20 06:30 PM
polls mean nothing but they will move markets
The latest state-by-state polling data and interactive electoral college calculator
mejon07 06-Oct-20 05:01 AM
U.S. commercial bankruptcy filings are up 33% so far this year with new cases in September surging by 78% from a year earlier as the recession triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic hits small businesses, data released on Monday showed.
💸 1
Curb 06-Oct-20 02:18 PM
After this shipment it is unclear if Venezuela can even afford to buy new currency as it slowly transitions barter. Many won't notice: in 2020 the country's economy will be in its seventh straight year of recession, forecast to shrink another 20% due to the coronavirus lockdown and the collapse of oil revenue. Previous attempts to bring stability to the currency by cutting off zeros and printing new
💸 1
mejon07 06-Oct-20 04:29 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. trade deficit rose in August to the highest level in 14 years. The Commerce Department reported Tuesday that the gap between the goods and services the United...
Statscan says the trade gap fell to $2.45-billion from a revised $2.53-billion in July; analysts polled by Reuters had predicted August’s deficit would be $2-billion
Curb 06-Oct-20 09:30 PM
"I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business."
📉 1
PinkWojak 1
mejon07 06-Oct-20 10:14 PM
E.B. Tucker, author of "Why Gold, Why Now," is calling for a $2,500 an ounce gold price as early as December, after having called a $1,900 gold price by year-end back in March 2020. In August, the yellow metal broke through and made record highs of over $2,000 an ounce; it's ...
Curb 07-Oct-20 12:48 AM
"Why would you concede to this and lose?" one Wall Street banker asked. "It's not like Donald Trump gives a s--- about the deficit."
PinkWojak 2
💸 2
Curb 07-Oct-20 01:21 AM
the no stimulus rage online is pretty big
honkhonk_clown 1
tardapu 1
mejon07 07-Oct-20 01:26 AM
i just checked reddit and i thought it was bad over there, but they're mostly anti trump anyway
Curb 07-Oct-20 02:39 AM
Curb 07-Oct-20 02:04 PM
“Although markets responded positively to his comments, the chance of any actual fiscal stimulus appears to be nil at this point as both time and political will are absent.,” said Boris Schlossberg, managing director at BK Asset Management, in a note.
Stock-index futures rise Wednesday, pointing to a rebound for equities after President Donald Trump, in an evening tweetstorm, signaled he was open to a...
Curb 07-Oct-20 03:06 PM
more calls for "green" fiscal spending (national debt brrrr) and a digital euro/economy high on the agenda (payment initiative)
The European Payments Initiative (EPI), previously known as the Pan-European Payments System Initiative (PEPSI), is a European Central Bank-backed payment-integration initiative aiming to create a pan-European payment system and interbank network to rival Mastercard and Visa, ...
Curb 07-Oct-20 06:22 PM
What is The Great Reset? I and others have been spotting promotional billboards around the UK. Here I am in Barry in the Vale of Glamorgan.
grabler 1
NWPepe 1
Curb 07-Oct-20 06:33 PM
Following China's lead, the Bank of Korea is to run circulation trials of a central bank digital currency through the next year.
#cashless #cbdc
Curb 07-Oct-20 11:59 PM
A recovery that has lived by stimulus could die by stimulus, or the lack thereof, as the impasse among Washington leaders hits a new phase.
mejon07 08-Oct-20 12:06 AM
Leaving the economy starved of stimulus is like "letting the forest fire burn," Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari said.
Turkey's lira touched a record low against the dollar on Wednesday, hit by investor unease over possible U.S. sanctions, fraught ties with the European Union and the ongoing Caucasus conflict.
Veteran finance analyst Martin North has modelled how Australian house prices could fall by 80 per cent in the event an uncontrolled coronavirus pandemic caused unemployment to double.
💸 1
mejon07 08-Oct-20 12:51 AM
A lack of immigrants, post-secondary students and office workers, who normally rent downtown, have pushed down rents in Toronto’s core during COVID-19.
the lockdowns
grabler 1
mejon07 08-Oct-20 03:32 AM
Many investors have been turning to what they see as the security of gold this year, amid huge uncertainties in the world economy caused by Covid-19.
peep00 1
mejon07 08-Oct-20 06:36 AM
Which, of course, is hardly news now that the Fed due to helicopter money is stuck monetizing debt in perpetuity.
PinkWojak 1
Meanwhile in Canada.....   The BoC is taking monetary stimulus to a whole new level recently.
wtf_omg 1
Curb 08-Oct-20 05:01 PM
...cryptocurrency is “an instrument of economic empowerment and provides a way for the world to participate in a global monetary system.”
hmmm_think 1
mejon07 08-Oct-20 07:12 PM
This week we learned that there won't be any more stimulus checks for the American people before the election, and that prompted tremendous eruptions of anger all over social media.  At first I didn't understand
Curb 08-Oct-20 07:45 PM
The head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, and the Northeast Ohio native who heads the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, both want to see the White House and Congress work out a deal to help maintain a recovery that is showing signs of slowing. Plus, Sandusky provid...
grabler 1
Curb 08-Oct-20 09:16 PM
“This is the ‘whips and chains’ that can be imposed if we go to a purely government-backed digital currency”. Join Mike Maloney as he connects the dots on some alarming evidence, showing that a digital dollar is not only coming - it is coming much sooner than you think. Thank ...
NWPepe 1
grabler 1
Curb 08-Oct-20 10:13 PM
"Cryptocurrency is a technology that could fundamentally transform how human beings interact, and how we organize society," Barr said in the statement.
Regulation and guidance continue to come in hot from the land of the free...
Curb 08-Oct-20 10:37 PM
The US Mint Is Hiking Silver Prices, Will Charge $67 For Each 1-Ounce Uncirculated American Silver Eagle Coin In Just Five Days!
October 13, 2020…re-setting silver prices is necessary
the price for 'uncirculated' is $54 atm. so about 24% increase (edited)
mejon07 08-Oct-20 10:55 PM
wonder if other mints will do the same
hmmm_think 1
mejon07 09-Oct-20 02:36 AM
Same-store sales hit double digits last month, and 4.6% in 3Q, thanks to the Travis Scott meal and Spicy Chicken McNuggets...
while small restaurant business owners go under
NWPepe 2
mejon07 09-Oct-20 06:14 AM
Central banks have hollowed-out the world economy and destroyed the pricing mechanism in the capital markets. An epic collapse awaits.
Curb 09-Oct-20 04:00 PM
As Peter Schiff recently noted, "The problem is once you accept the false premise that government stimulus actually helps the economy – that it really is a stimulus – then you’ve kind of lost the argument. Because if borrowing and printing $1.6 trillion, if that’s a good thing, why isn’t borrowing and printing $2.4 trillion a better thing? Because you put the Republicans in the position of arguing that 2.4 trillion is too much of a good thing — that somehow, if we just create 1.6 trillion out of thin air and spend it, that’s really going to help. But if we push it to 2.4, it’s actually going to hurt. Why? I mean, when does something good suddenly become something bad? "
After spiking on Tuesday after Trump's "no deal" tweet, the USDollar has been in free-fall, tumbling to three-week lows this morning...
Curb 09-Oct-20 04:25 PM
A group of central banks recommended that digital currencies compliment — but not replace — cash and other forms of legal tender.
NWPepe 1
mejon07 09-Oct-20 06:40 PM
I’ve been saying this for years. Manipulation of interest rates and money printing by central banks are the main cause of the current economic crisis. Are some Fed apparatchiks finally seeing the light? Did you see this, @bankofcanada?
Curb 09-Oct-20 07:41 PM
Reminder: None of the people negotiating to add ever more trillions to the national debt will be around for the consequences.
Curb 09-Oct-20 08:04 PM
Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president and self-described 'king of debt,' offered a glimpse into his deal-making playbook Wednesday morning.
2016 article. and keeping the promise
risitas 1
dont think the FED will agree;
if things don’t work out I renegotiate the debt. I mean, that’s a smart thing, not a stupid thing.”
“How do you renegotiate the debt?” O’Donnell followed up.
“You go back and you say, hey guess what, the economy crashed,” Trump replied. “I’m going to give you back half.”
mejon07 09-Oct-20 08:09 PM
However...the U.S. will HOLD THE LINE as the global banking system depends on A risk free asset price against which to price risk. If under future leadership (CORRECT: NOT HAPPENING UNDER POWELL) NIRP implemented in U.S., buckle up buttercup. There goes the GLOBAL banking sys...
- Canada is talking about cutting rates below ZERO - The ECB is talking about cutting rates below ZERO - The UK is talking about cutting rates below ZERO The U.S will be the last to the dance. Negative interest is a direct signal the fiat monetary system is failing...
mejon07 09-Oct-20 08:26 PM
Around the world economies are suffering from the effects of the pandemic and central banks have lowered interest rates as one measure to mitigate the effects. Here in Canada, several reports have indicated that an economic recovery which seemed to be underway in mid summer, ...
PinkWojak 1
mejon07 10-Oct-20 01:46 AM
The Bank of Japan said it aims to start early phase experiments next year on issuing a digital currency in order to be ready should demand for one rise quickly.
Curb 10-Oct-20 03:47 AM
Bond giant DoubleLine has called digital currencies a "Pandora's Box" that will ignite an "inflationary conflagration" and it now appears that the entire world will be part of this effort.
NWPepe 2
mejon07 10-Oct-20 06:10 AM
Curb 10-Oct-20 08:55 PM
"From start to finish, the Trump Administration refuses to honor our heroes and respect the safety our workforce. The funding for state and local remains sadly inadequate..."
Curb 10-Oct-20 09:05 PM
if that stimulus hits its gonna a be a big one. until there is uncertainty about the next, next stimulus package
mejon07 11-Oct-20 12:18 AM
To stimulate its pandemic-hit economy, a province in South Korea has been experimenting with universal basic income programs by regularly giving out cash, no questions asked. Now, some politicians want to go national with the concept. Illustration: Crystal Tai/WSJ
💸 1
mejon07 11-Oct-20 05:57 AM
The biggest mistake the US made was when Nixon removed the dollar from the gold standard. The dollar then became a fiat currency, like all the others, and the government could print as many dollars as it wanted when it wanted.
NWPepe 1
Curb 12-Oct-20 03:38 PM
Goldman Sachs has recommended short-positions against the U.S. dollar, arguing that the risks arising from vaccine trials and the U.S. election are skewed to the downside for the greenback.
Curb 12-Oct-20 07:08 PM
no_u_cat 1
tardapu 1
Remember, Stock Market at an All Time High, and going up. 401k’s at RECORD. With Sleepy Joe comes Tax Increases, jobs losses and DEPRESSION like never seen before!!! VOTE!!!
Curb 12-Oct-20 07:36 PM
real chart crazy market atm. October will end red or at least after the (s)election
💸 1
mejon07 13-Oct-20 06:06 AM
The International Monetary Fund, World Bank and G20 countries published a report Tuesday detailing plans for central bank digital currencies.
grabler 1
mejon07 13-Oct-20 06:44 AM
Starting on October 9, around 50,000 Chinese citizens will be able to go shopping with digital yuan.
peep00 1
mejon07 13-Oct-20 03:14 PM
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental organization that promotes better economic policies, is planning to issue a tax reporting framework for cryptocurrency assets by 2021.
Spain’s government is working on a bill that would require the country’s crypto investors to disclose their holdings and profits if passed.
reee 1
Curb 13-Oct-20 03:50 PM
The Bank of England has asked commercial banks whether they are ready for negative interest rates, signaling that the central bank is moving closer to cutting its key interest rate below zero.
wtf_omg 1
IMF conducts press briefings on world economic outlook . Subscribe to Yahoo Finance: About Yahoo Finance: At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and...
Curb 13-Oct-20 05:10 PM
STIMULUS! Go big or go home!!!
PinkWojak 2
mejon07 13-Oct-20 08:33 PM
German prosecutors said on Tuesday they were dropping a money-laundering investigation against managers at Deutsche Bank , over its relations with Danske Bank's Estonian subsidiary, citing a lack of evidence.
Shenzhen gave 50,000 lottery winners $30 each to spend within a week. The digital currency is issued and controlled by China's central bank.
mejon07 14-Oct-20 06:47 AM
New research suggests that the coronavirus can live on cash for an extended period, which may further increase digital payments adoption.
Curb 14-Oct-20 02:52 PM
The inevitable creation and distribution of central bank digital currencies is a key reason for why cryptocurrencies exist — not only as a financial hedge, but a technical one as well.
Curb 14-Oct-20 03:28 PM!/feds-daly-reaffirms-very-loose-fomc-monetary-policy-20201014
President of the San Francisco Federal Reserve branch Mary Daly spoke earlier, from the Q&A now. Says will not trade millions of jobs just to avoid lifting stocks. "Full employment, the idea that everyone who wants a job can get a job, is the foundation for ensuring more equitable outcomes."
--- Translation: That is, a green light for stocks (and risk-related assets too) to gain. Fed will be keeping loose policy for some time to come. The Fed is not even thinking about thinking about raising rates they say.
President of the San Francisco Federal Reserve branch Mary Daly spoke earlier, from the Q&A now.  Says will not trade millions of jobs just to avoid lifting stocks.
💸 1
Curb 14-Oct-20 04:44 PM
TLDW we need tighter controls and rules under the guise of the green agenda and create more debt on all the tax payers via fiscal spending
In her remarks at the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative Global Roundtable the President of the European Central Bank talked about the need for more green investments. Europe was already playing a key role in this area, especially in light of the Next Gene...
grabler 2
mejon07 14-Oct-20 08:43 PM
The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating the public's use of online services and that means the Bank of Canada must move more quickly to research how a central bank digital product would work, a top official said on Wednesday.
NWPepe 1
mejon07 14-Oct-20 09:50 PM
Curb 15-Oct-20 07:23 PM
Join us on October 15 at 12:00 PM EDT for what promises to be a thought-provoking debate with Kristalina Georgieva, Christine Lagarde, Sri Mulyani Indrawati and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on the outlook for the global economy, moderated by CNBC's Geoff Cutmore.
in short, green fiscal spending, more debt, vaccines globalism ect ect
grabler 1
Curb 15-Oct-20 08:05 PM
Billionaire wealth has hit a record of 10.2 trillion dollars during 2020. This video is about the greatest transfer of wealth in history, how the rich got richer while the poor got poorer as the demolition of small business took place. Please consider supporting my channel on...
mejon07 15-Oct-20 09:54 PM
For more content that'll help you build wealth and thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments check out Rebel Capitalist Pro! 🔴 Subscribe for more free YouTube tips: Banking For...
PinkWojak 1
Jacob Rothschild 16-Oct-20 12:33 AM
BREAKING: U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell will speak Oct. 19 at the International Monetary Fund’s annual meeting. He will speak on the subject of cross-border payments and digital currencies as part of a livestream panel at 8 a.m. ET.
wtf_omg 3
mejon07 16-Oct-20 07:40 AM
President Trump said Thursday that he is willing to go higher than his current $1.8 trillion offer for the next coronavirus stimulus package as the White House continues negotiations with Democrats.
PinkWojak 1
💸 1
Curb 16-Oct-20 05:32 PM
For more content that'll help you build wealth and thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments check out Rebel Capitalist Pro! 🔴 Subscribe for more free YouTube tips:
mejon07 16-Oct-20 10:12 PM
The federal deficit surged to a record $3.1 trillion in fiscal 2020, according to Treasury Department figures released Friday.
Curb 17-Oct-20 01:11 AM
Oh no Lana Rhoades what is you doin??? 😩
mejon07 17-Oct-20 09:08 PM
Circles is a universal basic income app based on the Ethereum blockchain. It gives all of its users free crypto each week.
Curb 18-Oct-20 02:09 AM
The central bank said its targeted launch date for FedNow Service remains “2023 or 2024,” with a more specific time frame to come. The Fed will take a “phased approach” to rolling out the platform; an initial launch will offer “baseline functionality” with the goal of “help[ing] banks manage the transition to a 24x7x365 service,” and that will be followed by additional features and enhancements to be “introduced over time.”
The platform would allow financial institutions in the U.S. to clear and settle transactions in virtually instantaneous fashion.
NWPepe 1
mejon07 18-Oct-20 02:43 AM
mejon07 18-Oct-20 07:54 AM
Questions on Protecting Wealth with Gold & Silver? Call 877-410-1414 or Schedule a Call for Later Here: ↓ Lynette has been warning you about the $200 Trillion Dollar Reset of Major Bank Contracts within the next year. And it's now...
mejon07 18-Oct-20 06:28 PM
Mayor Aja Brown says the pilot program, which is to begin later this year, will be the biggest of its kind in the nation.
🚁 1
💸 1
Curb 18-Oct-20 06:39 PM
mejon07 19-Oct-20 06:09 AM
Global economic growth has underwhelmed versus expectations generally since 2011. Lower than expected growth versus expectations has caused investors to chase growth at almost any price, and duration in their bond investments almost at any price.
We've seen this show before. In 2000, unrealistic expectations eventually burst, sending the Nasdaq down almost 80%.
The fate of the stimulus package is caught in a three-way tug-of-war that could reach a head Tuesday, with just two weeks to go before the election.
Curb 19-Oct-20 02:53 PM
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell speaks Monday morning to the International Monetary Foundation. Powell's remarks are part of a session on "Cross-Border Payments and Digital Currencies." He is part of a panel discussion during which he will participate in a question-and-...
hmmm_think 1
👆 1
Curb 19-Oct-20 03:18 PM
talks about digital currency and ID...
boog 1
Curb 19-Oct-20 03:51 PM
On Sept. 1, U.S. health officials announced they would suspend evictions across the United States to help stem further spread of the novel coronavirus.
feelsbad 2
Curb 19-Oct-20 06:45 PM TLDW: we need to make sure we can print enough so climate change is an issue we will solve as central bank...
Opening remarks by Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank
honkhonk_clown 1
Curb 19-Oct-20 09:34 PM
"there are a number of ways CBDC might improve the payments system and include faster and cheaper transactions, addressing a decline in the use of physical currency, and reaching consumers who have been traditionally underserved by financial institutions."
mejon07 20-Oct-20 01:42 AM
Canadians are worried about taxpayers’ huge bill for the pandemic response ― but don’t think now is the time to pull back.
Curb 20-Oct-20 05:07 PM
More than 6 million households did not make their rent or mortgage payments in September, according to a report from the Mortgage Bankers Association’s (MBA) Research Institute for Housing America (RIHA). In addition, 26 million individuals missed their student loan payment. I...
Curb 20-Oct-20 05:16 PM
Keynote speech: Climate change and monetary policy
because those are connected ofc.. honkhonk_clown
Keynote speech: Climate change and monetary policy William Nordhaus, Yale University
tardapu 1
🤡 1
Saun Virroco 20-Oct-20 05:35 PM
... but we can save trees by stopping the issue of paper currency risitas
Curb 20-Oct-20 05:55 PM
we need to create more debt for the problems we create grabler
mejon07 21-Oct-20 05:04 AM
PinkWojak 1
Curb 21-Oct-20 06:01 PM
quick before the nominal value goes below the near worthless metal PinkWojak
Make a difference—turn in your coin! Millions of Americans use cash as their only form of payment; coins are needed to make change. Help #GetCoinMoving by spending/depositing or exchanging coins for currency, or taking them to a coin redemption kiosk.
honkhonk_clown 1
PinkWojak 1
Curb 22-Oct-20 03:22 AM
For more content that'll help you build wealth and thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments check out Rebel Capitalist Pro! 🔴 Subscribe for more free YouTube tips: Do you wann...
For more content that'll help you build wealth and thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments check out Rebel Capitalist Pro! 🔴 Subscribe for more free YouTube tips: Do you wann...
hmmm_think 1
mejon07 22-Oct-20 02:30 PM
mejon07 22-Oct-20 09:53 PM
grabler 1
Curb 23-Oct-20 10:05 PM seems like about half of the commercial flights lost in march are back
The world’s most popular flight tracker. Track planes in real-time on our flight tracker map and get up-to-date flight status & airport information.
hmmm_think 1
Curb 24-Oct-20 02:00 AM
Here Keynes, in agreement with Lenin, explains what’s going on:
“There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”
As goes the money, so goes society.  When money’s corrupted, society soon follows.  No doubt, with each passing day, this natural axiom is being clarified with exacting rigor...
Curb 24-Oct-20 02:24 PM
grabler 1
Curb 25-Oct-20 01:32 AM
Dramatic scenes from Nigeria. People desperate for food.
wtf_omg 1
mejon07 25-Oct-20 06:17 PM
When silver is more valuable than gold… Silver: “the once and future money”… Silver wins, no matter who wins the election…
zomg 1
📈 1
mejon07 26-Oct-20 12:35 PM
"Society is addicted to debt, and the addiction consumes the addict. The endpoint is a rapid collapse of confidence in U.S. debt and the U.S. dollar..."
💸 1
mejon07 26-Oct-20 03:54 PM
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — The Turkish currency slid further Monday to an all-time low against the U.S. dollar after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan challenged the United States to slap sanctions over...
Curb 26-Oct-20 05:59 PM
In Episode 160 of Hidden Forces, Demetri Kofinas speaks with Tom Burgis, an investigations correspondent at the Financial Times who is also the author of Kletopia, a book that chronicles the world of dirty money, with its complex web of criminals, money launderers, and politic...
Curb 26-Oct-20 06:49 PM
shit is sort of tanking
PinkWojak 1
mejon07 27-Oct-20 12:47 PM
The Fed is trying to salvage the present by pumping trillions of dollars into the U.S. and world financial systems but in the process is putting our economic future at risk...
💸 1
Curb 27-Oct-20 03:26 PM
"In a fiat currency world the limits of central bank balance sheet expansion remain unclear, but, as the world economy recovers from the largest economic shock in generations, those limits will become clear. For the large, DM, central banks, these EM limits will be noted with ...
mejon07 27-Oct-20 04:30 PM
Turkish Lira enters collapsing mode!
Curb 27-Oct-20 04:35 PM
yeah same kind of parabolic peak as in aug 2018
Curb 28-Oct-20 03:00 PM
Ethereum software company ConsenSys will be working on the technology that may power France’s state-issued digital currency.
NWPepe 1
Curb 28-Oct-20 03:32 PM
🔥 For more content that'll help you build wealth and thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments check out Rebel Capitalist Pro! $1 TRIAL OFFER Triffin's Paradox Video: 🔴 Subscribe for more ...
hmmm_think 1
Curb 30-Oct-20 04:40 PM
Bitcoin is breaking out measured against the QQQ (Nasdaq 100 Index, the best 100 US stocks)
hmmm_think 1
Curb 30-Oct-20 08:46 PM
JPM now sees 2nd covid crash and lockdowns as great for stocks because, you know, brrr
mejon07 31-Oct-20 02:12 PM
In the past cycle, central banks have been constantly intervening in the market in order to counter the massive disinflationary pressure.
PinkWojak 1
Economists hoped for a V-shaped recovery — but the recovery seems to be shaped more like a K, dividing businesses and people into those that are sprin...
feelsbad 1
Curb 31-Oct-20 05:19 PM
The selling was driven by gold producing nations Uzbekistan and Turkey, which led to reported gross sales jumping to 78.9 tonnes in the third quarter. It should be noted that Russia’s central bank also reported its first quarterly sale in 13 years. ... “Central banks turning net sellers may impact gold prices in the short term. That, coupled with the uncertainty around the US elections and fund re-balancing which typically happens towards the end of the year ... “That said, we don’t expect all central banks to turn net sellers in gold. Some of them are likely to continue buying gold given the economic uncertainty is still looming large and as they are looking to diversify their reserves away from the dollar which is witnessing significant value erosion,"
Despite the quarterly net sales, six central banks increased their gold reserves in the September quarter by a tonne or more, although total gross purchases were a modest 33 tonne, as per a WGC report
peep00 1
mejon07 31-Oct-20 05:59 PM
central banks trying to cover massive losses in their currencies value.
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