Unnamed US Officials have stated, to the Associated Press, that they believe Iran was behind an attack last week against an American base in Syria. After the attack occurred, CENTCOM vowed that a US response would come, so is the Biden administration willing to risk war with Iran?
The announcement came after the Tigray rebels claimed to have captured several towns in recent days and said they were considering marching on capital Addis Ababa.
NEW - Communist Party of China has adopted a landmark resolution establishing Xi Jinping as an equal to party founder Mao Zedong and his successor Deng Xiaoping.
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The Biden administration is considering sending military advisers and new weapons to Ukraine in the face of a Russian military buildup near the border between the two countries,
Rahim Taghizadegan is an economist, author, and president of the Free Private Cities project.
why city states are better than nation states
CurbShifter26-Nov-21 07:23 PM
the EU turning into china step by step. the wording is very obscure but transparent at the same time. the meat is in the 2nd half
TLDW. we must reinterpret the laws of EU countries. and having multiple people at the head of the EU is not productive.
pretty much a warning of what is to come
New German government will push for a constitutional convention to advance Europe to a federal state
Germany will become a driver of European integration again.
Ukraine joined the European Union in imposing sanctions on Belarusian officials.[6] In response to Ukraine, Belarus imposed new trade barriers on a variety of Ukrainian goods entering Belarus
Belarus was rocked by months of massive protests following the August 2020 election that gave authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko a sixth term in office. The opposition and the West rejected the result as a sham.
Belarusian authorities responded to the demonstrations with a fierce crackdown that saw more than 35,000 people arrested and thousands beaten by police.
The European Union and the U.S. reacted by imposing sanctions on Lukashenko’s government.
Thousands of migrants and refugees have flocked to Belarus' border with Poland, hoping to get to Western Europe, Many of them are now stranded at the frontier , setting up makeshift camps as Polish security forces watch them from behind a razor-wire fence and try to prevent them from entering the country.