Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 🔃-the-great-reset
Between 01-Nov-21 12:00 AM and 01-Dec-21 12:00 AM
Junkyard 01-Nov-21 05:17 AM
Harari says global cooperation is needed to prevent human data from getting into the hands of a powerful few. 60 Minutes reports, Sunday.
grabbler 2
CurbShifter 01-Nov-21 08:42 AM
It's official! Camps are back in Germany. This one is in Schleswig Holstein. For those who don't adhere to quarantine. Old times revive. Germans are secretly a nostalgic people after all.
concentratiekamp Duitsland een feit. Afgelopen jaar werd ik uitgelachen toen ik het had over 'mensen die mij straks zonder pardon op de trein naar een 'quarantaine' kamp zouden zetten als dat gevraagd werd.' En kijk eens waar we nu zijn? We zijn …
doom 4
BIGFOOT 01-Nov-21 01:44 PM
Sent to german friend for confirmation as i dont [want to] believe it. He is an apparent anarcho communist socialist type that got the jab to protect his mother and for work
CurbShifter 01-Nov-21 01:45 PM
i'd be happy to have it debunked. but we know these camps are all over the west now..
BIGFOOT 01-Nov-21 01:46 PM
Serious wtfery
alt-theories 01-Nov-21 01:54 PM
To bad the video has no English underlying textfeelsbadman
CurbShifter 01-Nov-21 02:20 PM
okay it was from jan this year. for people that did not stay locked at home and keep to quarantine
Der Norden macht ernst: Wer sich in Schleswig-Holstein künftig trotz mehrfacher Ermahnung nicht an die behördlich angeordnete häusliche Corona-Quarantäne hält, landet hinter Gittern! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔴  Abonniert jetzt unseren Kanal und aktiviert die Glock...
no idea what the rules are there atm. but that camp needs a ferris wheel
BIGFOOT 01-Nov-21 02:22 PM
Foot through the door technique would lead me to believe this is just the conditioning stage and there are much bigger plans ahead for locking us pure bloods up
CurbShifter 01-Nov-21 02:43 PM
in the end its about the digital ID and link everything into a unified system that can be data mined
💯 1
mejon07 01-Nov-21 05:15 PM
Actually CBDCs are a for central banks to keep tabs on every single transaction and to vaporize your "money" with the flip of a switch if they so desire
CBDC will be a secure means of payment for individuals and businesses, facilitate lower transactions costs relative to other means of payments...
NWOpepe 2
CurbShifter 01-Nov-21 07:57 PM
an excerpt from Stakeholder Capitalism (page 16) it sums up their thought process for their goal to centralize and control economic growth (and thereby humans). because a free market is not balanced to their views of fairness.
obv the unbalance comes from the debt system without any backing of real value other than the fact people need to fight over the debt paper to pay taxes
marx 4
BIGFOOT 02-Nov-21 09:18 AM
Indeed and i guess the camps are for the pure bloods and contagious science deniers
CurbShifter 02-Nov-21 12:51 PM
camps are used to concentrate dissidents. doesn't have to be a labor camp, but it certainly is no freedom camp.
CurbShifter 02-Nov-21 06:43 PM
the globohomo communist manifesto
mejon07 03-Nov-21 08:05 AM
Premier meets Microsoft co-founder at COP26 environmental summit; Gates says Israel known for innovation but 'not so much in the climate space'
grabbler 2
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 03-Nov-21 05:18 PM
Matthew Ehret A vast sweeping change towards a “green economy” is now being pushed by forces that may make an educated citizen rather uncomfortable. Of course, news reports flash daily showcasing t…
mejon07 04-Nov-21 07:20 AM
Pallet aisle for ppl w/o QR codes in a shopping center in Kurgan, Russia
В ТЦ сделали загон для людей без QR-кодов. Непривитым жителями Кургана разрешается ходить только в зоне, которая огорожена деревянными поддонами. Красной дорожки только не хватает
NWOpepe 2
CurbShifter 04-Nov-21 11:59 AM
the great appartheid... feelsbadman
feelsbadman 1
CurbShifter 05-Nov-21 09:33 AM
because capitalism with Chinese characteristics, or corporate-socialist statism, lacks free markets and depends on the absence of free will and individual liberty, it is, ironically, “unsustainable,” and doomed to fail. The question is just how much suffering and distortion will be endured until it does.
...unless it is taken out of the hands of the corporate-socialist technocrats, it will constitute a virtual prison...
klaus 1
mejon07 06-Nov-21 06:39 PM
CurbShifter 06-Nov-21 11:51 PM
Covid might have nudged people’s preferences toward a mind-set that was the norm for many centuries: prioritizing leisure over income at the margin.
alt-theories 08-Nov-21 11:26 PM
"Operation Dark Winter" was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted throughout June 22–23, 2001. It was designed to carry out & wargame a covert and widespread weaponized smallpox attack on the United States of America. -Johns Hopkins Biodefense” part 1 @everyone
CurbShifter 09-Nov-21 12:27 AM
high production quality of the video. glower spreading a disease (smallpox) to force the upcoming CBDC. doesnt seem far fetched at some point. whats the source?
"We get data consistently from 300 existing satellites...and next year we’ll have the identities of the people who are responsible for each of those greenhouse gas emission streams..."
PhantomXJ5 09-Nov-21 06:58 AM
if you mean the video above what you posted its the Tom clancy's the division 2 opening
👍 1
alt-theories 09-Nov-21 09:13 AM
Been asking for the source on twitter but no replay so far
CurbShifter 10-Nov-21 09:01 PM
France is revealing the plan now. The Vax Pass will auto-expire 6 months and 5 weeks after the second jab (starting with >65s). They are expecting citizens to take a vaccine of the government’s choosing twice a year to be allowed to participate in society
pewpew 2
alt-theories 12-Nov-21 06:00 PM
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: This week on the New World Next Week: The banksters lay the groundwork for their 130 trillion dollar climate swindle; the oligarchs psyop the public into desiring the great food transf…
Der Schläferhund 13-Nov-21 05:57 PM
this will be the actual true and great reset. (edited)
CurbShifter 15-Nov-21 01:50 AM
The Great Narrative: A call to action has a video with more push of the same technocratic bs
The World Economic Forum and the Government of the United Arab Emirates will host the Great Narrative meeting in Dubai on 11-12 November 2021.The Great Narrative meeting is a linchpin of the Great Narrative initiative, a collaborative effort of the world’s leading thinkers to fashion longer-term perspectives and co-create a narrative that can he...
klaus 1
you vill comply to ze narrative
Lal 15-Nov-21 07:23 PM
Psycho Kill's latest drivel. (sorry if already posted) (edited)
Policy Exchange recently hosted Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and founder of Microsoft. Gates was exclusively interviewed in Policy Exchange's London office by Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, Chair of the Health Select Committee.  In a wide ranging discussion Gates warns that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees celcius ...
CurbShifter 16-Nov-21 02:54 PM
January 27, this year, of the European Court of Human Rights, sponsored by the Council of Europe which in its resolution 2361/2021, among other things, held that no one can be vaccinated against their will, under pressure.
The 47 Member States (all European states except Belarus, Kosovo and the Vatican) were invited to report before vaccination that vaccination is not compulsory and that unvaccinated person should not be discriminated against.
Discrimination is also expressly prohibited where there are existing health risks or if a person does not wish to be vaccinated.
As complexities mount over how to manage the global COVID-19 pandemic, the stage seems set for a collision between the measures
Whatever gain the resolution might have achieved for opponents of compulsory vaccination however appears to have been wiped clean by the more recent ruling of the court in Strasbourg that compulsory vaccinations would not contravene human rights law — and may be necessary for democratic societies.
ooh 2
CurbShifter 17-Nov-21 02:13 PM
Uh-oh.. GloboHomo Corp. isn't coordinating its narrative with any great diligence.
pewpew 2
mejon07 18-Nov-21 07:09 AM
Do you fully understand what the "4th Industrial Revolution" is all about? If not, you should take the time to. Just listen to Klaus Schwab talk about how it will change your body & your identity, among other things:
klaus 1
As the annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland draws near, the WEF is launching the next phase of The Great Reset agenda - The Great Narrative.
klaus 2
CurbShifter 18-Nov-21 09:18 PM
Bet that the numbers in Sweden will explode in the coming weeks? A wef-pull doll has recently been at the helm.
Wedden dat de komende weken de cijfers in Zweden gaan exploderen? Er zit namelijk een wef-trekpop aan het roer sinds kort.
dumpsterfire 2
CurbShifter 18-Nov-21 10:11 PM
CurbShifter 19-Nov-21 05:52 PM
Children are dying from air pollution. Here's how we can protect them. @unicef @harvardmed #WorldChildrensDay
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/18/21).
klaus 2
PhantomXJ5 21-Nov-21 04:20 AM
They’ve boosted productivity by over 25%. Learn more about helpful robots:
President Joe Biden plans to skip January’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, a gathering of global political and economic elites that many of his predecessors also chose not to attend.
hmmm 2
JonSnow 22-Nov-21 05:51 AM
Whitney Webb on TLAV discussing the plan to end anonymity online through the threat of cybercrime.  Full interview available here:  Full…
CurbShifter 23-Nov-21 06:06 PM
In its latest predictive propaganda, the World Economic Forum asks, "What if extreme weather FROZE your bank account?" It is clear that deliberate interruptions to critical infrastructure are coming,...
grabbler 2
CurbShifter 24-Nov-21 12:18 PM
"Net Zero" and "Climate Justice" = "Stakeholder Capitalism" aka: Corporate Technocratic Fascism
What to think of a global "Climate Justice" movement led by the world's top central bankers and Fortune 500 CEOS, led by such heroic environmental champions as Mark Carney and Klaus Schwab, aided by Climate Justice crisis actors like Greta Thunberg and Al Gore? Credibility factors still don't look so good, esp. considering that CO2 cannot trap heat and all planets in our solar system are undergoing similar "climate change" due to increasing photonic energies in our galactic neighborhood. As usual, the real "Net Zero" "Climate Change" objectives involve... entrapment. Like, 5G wireless Smart Grid "carbon footprint" "social credit score" control grids wherein the global peasantry will accept being tracked like rats and micro-taxed to death "to save the planet." A Whitney Webb update on the latest "Climate Justice" COP26 chess moves - excerpt - GFANZ alliance members seek to use the Multilateral Development Banks to globally impose massive and extensive "deregulation" on developing countries by using the de-carbonization as justification. No longer will they need to entrap developing nations in debt to force policies that benefit foreign and multinational corporations, as climate change justifications will now be used for the same ends.
The most powerful private financial interests in the world, under the cover of COP26, have developed a plan to transform the global financial system by fusing with institutions like the World Bank and using them to further erode national sovereignty in the developing world.
klaus 3
NWOpepe 2
CurbShifter 25-Nov-21 02:22 PM
they are starting to push it more now, get a load of this;
wtf 2
It reframes the sheltering in place many of us are doing as a form of protest, of resistance to shortsighted environmental planning while we, as a planetary community, gain resistance to this new coronavirus.Transform pandemic anxiety into an engine for change!
alt-theories 25-Nov-21 09:56 PM
Pushing this crap all over the place. Sponsored tweet…
mejon07 26-Nov-21 05:28 PM
WestJet and TELUS have teamed up for a first-of-its-kind trial in Canada that will see facial recognition used prior to boarding for some flights at Calgary international Airport.
'One ID' facial recognition system expected to reduce passenger wait times | 2021-11-24 12:46:00
NWOpepe 2
alt-theories 26-Nov-21 06:35 PM this video will make your stomach turn around 1984 1984 1984
The coming slave society portrayed as a good thing using a woman to sell the long term plan as they know if they get the women they have the kids. Use the women to control the men and have this new utopia controlled by a few to benefit the few at the expense of the rest. This is all part of the globalists plan using environmentalists who are usi...
cringe 2
klaus 3
CurbShifter 27-Nov-21 04:08 PM
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: Whitney Webb returns to the program to discuss her recent work on the "green" transformation of the global financial system. From NACs to GF...
CurbShifter 27-Nov-21 06:37 PM
This is an abstract of the Q&A part of the 3rd Press Conference held by a group of concerned European parliamentarians on the topic of the introduction of the Green Pass and Vaccine Mandates across th...
mejon07 28-Nov-21 06:18 AM
The Tanzanian government is now looking to develop its own cryptocurrency to follow the path of other African countries, according to Bloomberg.
Didi 28-Nov-21 10:30 PM
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 30-Nov-21 02:55 AM
As our food supply is systematically dismantled, the EU is funding a project to create "Urban Food Systems" and a blockchain-based "digital twin" platform to track indoor farming and synthetic meat from laboratory to plate to sewers. Is this an organic response to a crisis, or a nefarious plan, generations in the making, being realized before o...
deMonter 30-Nov-21 03:18 PM
Leaked German Vax Law: Jab or Life in prison (edited)
pewpew 4
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