Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 🧬-covid19
Between 01-Nov-21 12:00 AM and 01-Dec-21 12:00 AM
mejon07 01-Nov-21 08:38 AM
BIGFOOT 01-Nov-21 11:34 AM
Need this a little higher res if possible
alt-theories 01-Nov-21 11:39 AM
I agree
CurbShifter 01-Nov-21 12:24 PM
think the sources are still available. no critisim to ppl here, but wish it didnt become common to post images of info without links. (edited)
The latest Tweets on eekymom vaccine. Read what people are saying and join the conversation.
Instead of #coronapassen and #verplichtevaccinaties El Salvador residents will all receive a free COVID health package in the mail: Painkillers, Zinc, Vitamin D and yes #Ivermectine !!!
BIGFOOT 01-Nov-21 12:50 PM
So sad, poor kids… thanks i can read the bits I couldn’t. This is a very strange time
mejon07 01-Nov-21 05:03 PM
Health Canada: FDA:
Junkyard 01-Nov-21 06:56 PM
haram 02-Nov-21 02:05 PM
#BREAKING Pfizer lifts 2021 forecasts, sees $36 bn in Covid-19 vaccine sales
grabbler 2
CurbShifter 02-Nov-21 02:14 PM
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the laboratory that produced the first atomic bombs used during World War II and the home of the primary nuclear weapons research facility in the United States, is about to lose dozens of its top nuclear …
Spontaneous Abortions and Policies on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Use During Pregnancy
Our re-analysis indicates a cumulative incidence of spontaneous abortion 7 to 8 times higher than the original authors ... We conclude that the claims made using these data on the safety of exposure of women in early pregnancy to mRNA-based vaccines to prevent COVID-19 are unwarranted and recommend that those policy decisions be revisited.
CurbShifter 02-Nov-21 02:54 PM
ctrl +f : Tromethamine
They use Tromethamine (Tris) buffer instead of the phosphatebuffered saline!
> bruh why does that matter we know that this shit is in the vaccine.
Yeah but the REASON is important:
ITS AGAINST HEART INFLAMATION!!! They switch side effects for damage control. But wait it gets better:
Side effects time
> >
Adverse effects may include respiratory depression, local irritation, tissue inflammation, injection site infection, febrile response, chemical phlebitis, venospasm, hypervolemia, IV thrombosis, extravasation (with possible necrosis and sloughing of tissues), transient decreases in blood glucose concentrations, hypoglycemia, and hepatocellular necrosis with infusion via low-lying umbilical venous catheters. (See Warnings under Cautions.)
HAPPENING: Pfizer change the vaccine formular for 5-11 year old !!! - "/pol/ - Politically Incorrect" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating politics and current events.
Rapid resolution of symptomatic acute pericarditis with ketorolac tromethamine: a parenteral nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agent
Learn about the potential side effects of tromethamine. Includes common and rare side effects information for consumers and healthcare professionals.
Committee Meeting October 26, 2021
EUA amendment request for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for use in children 5 through 11 years of age
Lal 02-Nov-21 03:48 PM
Good luck to Anna and her colleagues, this is good stuff.
Yesterday, at the freedom march in London, Anna De Buisseret spoke in detail at Parliament Square about the sheer magnitude of crimes against humanity that has been committed and being investigated by teams of lawyers from around the world with many trials starting to take place. Anna has worked tirelessly the last few months and the informatio...
haram 02-Nov-21 05:36 PM
You should sit down before reading this (I don’t want you to faint from the shocking news I’ve discovered). Newsweek has committed an act of journalism by publishing an op-ed by two distinguished medical scientists that kick Fauci’s in the metaphorical part of his anatomy that he sits on. Dr. Martin Kulldorff (Harvard) and Dr.…
haram 02-Nov-21 06:20 PM
WION Gravitas, a popular prime-time show in India that brings viewers news and discussions on concurrent issues and across the globe, exposed in a recent episode how Pfizer bullies and blackmails countries for shots and took a hard line in the push for profit. A non-profit organization called Public Citizen obtained a confidential unredacted Pfi...
A fully vaccinated plane passenger, 51, was infected with coronavirus and found dead in his seat on Pegasus Airlines Flight 1043 from Istanbul, Turkey, to Hamburg, Germany.
dumpsterfire 2
alt-theories 02-Nov-21 06:34 PM
“NOW - U.S. Army Brigade Surgeon says "in one morning I had to ground 3 out of 3 pilots due to vaccine injuries" at a panel discussion hosted by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson.”
Junkyard 02-Nov-21 06:40 PM
peep00 1
haram 02-Nov-21 09:12 PM BristolBlues50 🇬🇧🇬🇧 Facebook is in BIG TROUBLE. It has just been discovered that the Facebook Covid vaccine Fat-Checkers are funded by vaccine companies
surprised_pikachu 2
MrGold 03-Nov-21 01:34 AM
Lorenzo, S. (30 SapTimber, 2021). Washington State Concentration Camps Will Be Open for Business Soon. COVID CALL TO HUMANITY.
In a September 20, 2021 article published in Natural News, Ethan Huff reports that a Covid-19 “isolation and quarantine” facility has
grabbler 2
PhantomXJ5 03-Nov-21 01:55 AM
CurbShifter 03-Nov-21 02:47 AM
The number of cases of cardiac arrest and sudden deaths among footballers in the last four months has risen over 6000%?
dumpsterfire 2
rare 2
List of headlines from the main media for quick research: 1) Cancellation of the match due to a heart attack by the referee at the match Lauber SV (district Donauw örth) - 2) 17-year-old JSG footballer Hoher Hagen must be revived in Hannoverch Münden during the match - 3) The ASV Baden player who crashed on the field must be revived - 4) 31-year-old amateur league footballer Marvin Schumann must be revived after a heart attack - -leben 5) The assistant referee of the Augsburg district league match in Emersacker collapsed due to heart problems - 6) SPVgg Aelde A player is revived by his opponent - 7) During the match between the other team of FC Nordkirchen and the club Birati, the player from Münster collapsed due to a heart attack - 8) 17-year-old footballer Dylan Rich has suffered a heart attack in England during a match
Der Schiedsrichter bricht beim Spiel zwischen Laub und Buchdorf/Daiting zusammen. Die Ersthelfer erkennen den Ernst der Lage schnell und retten ihm das Leben.
Nach dem Drama um einen 17-jährigen Fußballer, der in Hann. Münden auf dem Platz kollabiert war und reanimiert werden musste, gibt es vorsichtige Entwarnung. Dem Spieler soll es den Umständen entsprechend gut gehen. Seine erste Frage überraschte aber nicht nur den Trainer. ist eine Internetplattform über den Amateurfußball in Österreich. Von Spielberichten, lesenswerten Interviews, den besten Video-Highlights, aktuellen Statistiken und Fotogalerien - bietet alles, was das Fußballerherz begehrt.
Die Partie zwischen Emersacker und Pfersee wird nach dem Zusammenbruch der Schiedsrichter-Assistentin abgebrochen. TSV Dinkelscherben übernimmt die Tabellenspitze
rare 2
9) The coach of the goalkeeper of SV Niederpéring suffered a heart attack after training - 10) Lucas Surek (24) from BFC Chemie Leipzig suffers from myocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart) - 11) Kingsley Coman (25) from FC Bayern, Munich, suddenly ended up having heart surgery after a heart rhythm disorder - 12) A player (19) of the reserve team of FC Nantes collapsed on Thursday in training in La Jonelière, suffered a heart attack after which he was transferred to the University Hospital in Nantes, and placed in an artificial coma - -nantes / actualite / fc-nantes-drame-a-la-joneliere-un-jeune-du-club-dans-le-coma-679937 13) Tragedy on the field, coach Dirk Splitsteser SG, Traktor Divitz (50) suffered a heart attack during the match, and not even an hour of resuscitation could save him from death - 14) Young football player Rune Coghe (18) from Eendracht Hoglede (Belgium) suffered a heart attack during the match - 15) Qualifications for the Women's Football World Cup between Germany and Serbia suspended because the line judge was taken to hospital due to heart problems -
Der 4. Spieltag der A-Klasse Plattling wurde überstrahlt von einer schönen Geste der Vereine SV Niederpöring/Tabertshausen und SV Otzing: Vor dem direkten...
Das wäre ganz bitter für die BSG Chemie! Außenbahn-Flitzer Lucas Surek (24) droht Monate auszufallen – Verdacht auf Herzmuskelentzün...
Bayern München muss vorerst auf den französischen Nationalspieler Kingsley Coman verzichten.
16) 16-year-old unnamed footballer suffers cardiac arrest in Bergamo (September 6, 2021) 17) Team leader Dietmar Gladow from Thalheim (Gorkogfeld) suffered a fatal heart attack before the match - 18) 53-year-old football coach Antonello Campus collapsed and fell dead in Sicily during training with his youth - 19) Anil Usta from VfB Schwelm (Ennepetal) collapsed on the field due to heart problems - 20) Dimitri Lee énard FC Strasbourg collapsed in the first league match due to heart problems -–li%C3%A9nard-quickly-%22recovered-his-senses%22.r1D2f082GY.html 21) Diego Ferchaud (16) from ASPTT Caen suffered a heart attack in the lower part of the league in Saint-Lô -
Thalheim/Barleben - Die SG Rot-Weiß Thalheim trauert um Dietmar Gladow.
Tragedia in campo, l’allenatore si accascia e muore davanti ai suoi ragazzi: tutto in... Si è spento su quel campo da calcio che tanto amava Antonello Campus. Si è spento sotto gli occhi dei suoi ragazzi sul campo dell’Usinese, squadra del piccolo paese di Usini nella provincia di Sassari. Erano da poco passate le 20 quando Campus, tecnico dell...
Darum erinnert der Zusammenbruch von Anil Usta so fatal an den Schock der Fußball-EM mit dem Dänen Christian Eriksen.
Diego, jeune joueur de l'ASPTT Caen, a subi un malaise cardiaque pendant le match qui opposait son équipe à Saint-Lô, samedi 4 septembre 2021. Il est hospitalisé au CHU.
Three months after the Danish Christian Eriksen at the Euro, the discomfort suffered by the emblematic left-hander of Racing raised fears of the worst, Sunday at the Parc OL
22) Ain / France: Frédéric Lartillot (49) suffered a heart attack after a friendly match of veterans in the locker room - 23) Belgian footballer Jente Van Genechten (25) experienced cardiac arrest in the early stages of the cup match - 24) Belgian hobby footballer Jens De Smet (27) from Maldegem suffered a heart attack during the game and died in hospital - /
Un habitant de Béard Géovreissiat est décédé d’un arrêt cardiaque vendredi soir dans les vestiaires du stade du village.
Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 7:32 p.m. By Sudinfo This moment shocked the football world. At the start of the Euro, Christian Eriksen suddenly collapsed to the ground in Denmark’s first game against Finland. Jente Van Genechten, 25, went through the same thing in a cup match. “Suddenly the lights went out for… Continue reading “The li...
rare 3
wheel_barrow 03-Nov-21 05:59 AM The Grammy-winning singer shared she is “heartbroken” over the news as doctors try to find the reason behind the body tremors that have altered her heath. The original opening date of her new show is indefinitely postponed. Oct 20th.
Celine Dion's medical crisis caused the singer to write of her "heartbreak" over the cancellation of her Vegas residency on Instagram.
rare 3
dumpsterfire 1
mejon07 03-Nov-21 07:26 AM
mejon07 03-Nov-21 07:41 AM
A HEADTEACHER has penned a heartfelt tribute letter to a “hard-working, respectful” Lanarkshire pupil who died suddenly last week. Gemma Caffrey, 12, tragically passed away last Monday from a brain…
article didn't mention whether or not she took the vax... but when have 12 year olds just start casually dying from a brain haemorrhage?
rare 2
Meredith Royster
Out of the more than 420 million doses administered, there have been 219 reports to the CDC of unverified cases of COVID vaccines and myelitis, which, in some extreme cases, can cause paralysis.
rare 2
"I'm not a doctor, but that's my theory," said Hamlin, who also recently sought treatment for a Xanax dependency.
Despite the establishment media's attempts to push COVID-19 vaccines, there are legitimate risks of side effects that need to be reported.
surprised_pikachu 1
Iceland has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. Experts were saying at 80% vaccinated SARS-COV-2 could not spread. October 20th Iceland put further restrictions in place. November 1st they record there highest case numbers ever.
surprised_pikachu 2
haram 03-Nov-21 12:58 PM
Jam 03-Nov-21 02:27 PM
Use code REALSCIENCE14 for up to 14 FREE MEALS across your first 5 HelloFresh boxes plus free shipping at! Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: Credits: Narrator/Writer: Stephanie Sammann Editor: Dylan Hennessy (http...
CurbShifter 03-Nov-21 02:36 PM
paywalled dutch article. headline says enough
rare 3
haram 03-Nov-21 03:18 PM
Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. Paul D Thacker reports In autumn 2020 Pfizer’s chairman and chief executive, Albert Bourla, released an open letter to the billions of people around the world wh...
grabbler 2
mejon07 03-Nov-21 08:42 PM
After pushing back its deadline multiple times on its vaccine mandate, Health Minister Christian Dubé said the province will abandon the measure altogether.
MrGold 03-Nov-21 09:45 PM
Root, W. (31 OctOgre, 2021). What I Just Told New York Times About the Complete Failure & Disaster of the Covid Vaccine. Root For America. ``The amount of deaths and significant injuries reported at VAERS is now dramatically higher than all vaccines in the past 30+ years combined. This has happened in only ten months.''
Earlier this week, I received this email from the New York Times:
mejon07 04-Nov-21 07:17 AM
Secondo il nuovo rapporto (che non veniva aggiornato da luglio) dell'Istituto superiore di Sanità sulla mortalità per Covid, il viru...
honkler 2
CurbShifter 04-Nov-21 12:46 PM
Did you know that a Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion, two Olympic gold medalists, an NBA point guard, and the world's top static breath-hold freediver have all suffered Covid-19 vaccine injuries?
alt-theories 04-Nov-21 01:41 PM
“A previously healthy woman in her 60s developed social isolation and behavioural abnormality in the form of moving around un-purposefully, irrelevant verbal responses and refusal to take food, one day after receiving the second dose of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination (COVISHIELD). Her first dose (dose interval 84 days) was followed by an uneventful course and one day of mild fever. Her current condition progressed rapidly with onset of confusion, forgetfulness, and hallucinations within the next 5 days. Over the next two days, the patient developed difficulty in walking and echolalia. She was prescribed amantadine, trihexyphenidyl and clonazepam by a local practitioner but she showed further deterioration in the form of irritability, incoherent speech, aggravated forgetfulness, auditory and visual hallucinations, abnormal movements of limbs, and jaw and neck dystonia.”
feelsbadman 2
Health workers in Australia lay down their work uniforms in front of parliament. From they can no longer work due to mandatory vaxx rules.
CurbShifter 04-Nov-21 03:31 PM
ERs are swamped... but not with COVID cases...the main things that are being treated include “blood clots” and “heart conditions”…
dumpsterfire 1
haram 04-Nov-21 04:15 PM
Dinglebob 04-Nov-21 04:17 PM
Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. Paul D Thacker reports In autumn 2020 Pfizer’s chairman and chief executive, Albert Bourla, released an open letter to the billions of people around the world wh...
tagiadin_tasos 04-Nov-21 05:41 PM
San Francisco has been furiously condemned over its plan to mandate COVID vaccines for children aged five to 11 - even though no one under the age of 20 has been killed by the virus in the city.
pewpew 2
JonSnow 04-Nov-21 10:41 PM
OMG this nurse in South Australia is dropping truth bombs on MSM. Hospitals full of waxinated patients and young people with serious side effects from the 💉. She expects close to 2500 nurses to walk out!!
CurbShifter 05-Nov-21 01:17 AM
German Member of the European Parliament leaks uncensored Pfizer contracts - "/pol/ - Politically Incorrect" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating politics and current events.
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 05-Nov-21 01:47 AM
mejon07 05-Nov-21 06:48 AM
haram 05-Nov-21 08:08 AM 41-year-old former Florida congressional candidate tells anti-vaxxers “I don’t give a sh*t what happens to you,” dead seven weeks after second Pfizer injection
Richard Rowe spent the final weeks of his life belittling and wishing death on all non-vaxxed people. Then he literally dropped dead.
honkler 3
mejon07 05-Nov-21 03:26 PM
In California, some of the state's largest school districts say they have an obligation to protect students by increasing vaccination rates this winter.
NWOpepe 1
CurbShifter 05-Nov-21 03:27 PM
Pfizer board member declares covid pandemic over "as we know it" on day Pfizer reveals magic anti-covid pill Sorry Moderna, no more yachts for you
haram 05-Nov-21 06:30 PM "Florian Dagoury: World Record Holder In Static Breath-Hold Freediving Diagnosed With Myopericarditis After Pfizer Vaccine, Possible End Of Career"
Florian Dagoury has been diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis 40 days after his second dose with the Pfizer vaccine.
rare 4
Fpepe 4
CurbShifter 05-Nov-21 08:52 PM
Dr Peter Doshi, associate editor of the British Medical Journal(BMJ), discusses the total lack of scientific process behind the development and roll out Covid vaccines in a meeting called by Senator Ron Johnson on the topic of vaccine mandates. Peter Doshi is an associate professor of pharmaceutical health services research in the School of P...
CurbShifter 05-Nov-21 09:00 PM
Editor of BMJ Medical Journal, Pfizer Vaccine Won't Prevent Deaths, Data Is Fraudulent
CurbShifter 06-Nov-21 12:03 AM
Will you be vaccinating your 5-11 children:
based 2
hhriieth 06-Nov-21 06:10 AM
Dr. Raymond Obomsawin shares an excellent summary on why viruses do not exist! “Natural immunity is the only true immunity. Everything else is an artificial attempt to cheat nature – and nature is never cheated. … If we think we can fool Mother Nature, we are only fooling ourselves.” - Dr Raymond Obomsawin, PhD[1] Why I Am Sharing This Scientifi...
hmmm 1
mejon07 06-Nov-21 07:27 AM
New numbers from #VAERS for the week through 10.29.21. We are now at over 18K reported deaths to #VAERS post-V. 136 of those are in the 12-24 range.
alt-theories 06-Nov-21 12:28 PM
FDA open public hearing session - Brian Dressen, PhD 🔗 Wittgenstein (@Kukicat7) 📲 @twittervid_bot
CurbShifter 06-Nov-21 02:22 PM
Brazil has paused the use of AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine on pregnant women following guidance from its federal health regulator. The "immediate suspension" o
CurbShifter 06-Nov-21 04:39 PM
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV–2) has led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, severely affecting public health and the global economy. Adaptive immunity plays a crucial role in fighting against SARS–CoV–2 infection and directly influences the clinical outcomes of patients. Clinical studies have indicat...
Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair (In-Vitro Study) In this concerning in-vitro study the researchers show how SARS-COV-2 Spike protein and other proteins go to a cell's nucleus and impair DNA repair and cell's immune responses. Let's review the study. Buy me a coffee :-) Become my pa...
ooh 2
hmmm 2
haram 06-Nov-21 07:08 PM
27 states have filed lawsuits against Biden's COVID vaccine mandate: Alaska Alabama Arizona Arkansas Florida Georgia Idaho Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska NH North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma SC South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah WV Wyoming
ooh 2
haram 06-Nov-21 07:17 PM German news agency compiles a list of 75 European athletes who have died "suddenly" in the past 5 months since being fully vaccinated.
In den meisten Fällen wurde ein möglicher Zusammenhang mit einer Impfung gar nicht erst diskutiert.
Fpepe 3
CurbShifter 06-Nov-21 08:09 PM
JUST IN - Professional bodybuilder and former Mr. Olympia champion, Shawn Rhoden, has died of an apparent heart attack. He was 46.
rare 3
feelsbadman 1
Fpepe 1
CurbShifter 06-Nov-21 11:27 PM
dumpsterfire 2
mejon07 07-Nov-21 05:42 PM
Austria said on Friday it is barring those not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 from cafes, restaurants and hairdressers as infections approach the record set a year ago and the government struggles to convince holdouts to get the shot.
klaus 2
A study of 780,000 veterans shows a dramatic decline in effectiveness for all three COVID-19 vaccines in use in the U.S.
grabbler 2
tagiadin_tasos 07-Nov-21 08:11 PM
Stefan Oelrich(Bayer) :” The mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and GENE THERAPY …”
At this year’s World Health Summit Stefan Oelrich, President of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, gave a truly eye-opening speech revealing how the so-calle
peep00 4
alt-theories 07-Nov-21 08:16 PM
“23-year-old New Zealand 🇳🇿 Jab 💉 i Trusted The Government, i Was Forced To Take it 💉or i Would Lose My Job. I Can't Walk Anymore, i Need A Wheelchair.“
🤬 4
feelsbadman 2
haram 07-Nov-21 11:55 PM The tragedy has hit women’s football very hard in Italy. Vittoria Campo, a player of only 23 years old, has died in the last hours due to cardiac arrest, something that is becoming more and more frequent in recent years in the world of football.
Related news The tragedy has hit women’s football very hard in Italy. Vittoria Campo, a player of only 23 years old, has died in the last hours due to cardiac arrest, something that is becoming more and more frequent in recent years in the world of football. This time it has happened in Italian football… Continue reading Vittoria Campo, 23-year-...
mejon07 08-Nov-21 06:42 AM
To all the “I’m fully vaccinated” compliant folks out there — no, you’re not. Welcome to the Fauci/Pfizer ‘Shot of the Month’ Club!…
JUST IN - U.S. researchers investigating heart-related risks linked to the #COVID19 shots. They are exploring several "emerging theories," including one centered on the "spike protein made in response to vaccination."
rare 1
hhriieth 08-Nov-21 08:15 AM
Some stuff about the scamdemic, subliminal, hypnotic mind-"control", how the zucky-cuck's so-called "meta-verse" is an attempt to hijack people's attention and lives. and also stuff on how to suss it and overcome both this stuff, and evil in general, through always persisting, rebelling and defiance, creativity, spirituality and so on and so forth, among other things... of course, always question everythign, etcetera, etcetera, among other things... @everyone
Our Video Sponsor - No Hype Invest - Site Of Interest – RewardCoin – Perceptions Of A Renegade Mind By David Icke - Available Now - https://sho...
alt-theories 08-Nov-21 10:03 AM
“Safe and effective” #VaccinesWork #VaccinesWork #VaccineMandate 🔗 Gomen (@TheThinkingBull) 📲 @twittervid_bot
feelsbadman 2
alt-theories 08-Nov-21 01:01 PM
84 year old vomited out blood clots a week and half after the second jab. Warning ⚠️ graphic pic
stoned 3
pepehands 1
LizzakcZ 08-Nov-21 02:06 PM
Things getting wild
BIGFOOT 08-Nov-21 03:52 PM
Would you not just ya know, lose your job?
LizzakcZ 08-Nov-21 05:04 PM
Everything will be digitalised, need vaxxx to access that. Better lose job, run from society
👍🏿 1
CurbShifter 08-Nov-21 09:13 PM
AngryNPC it would have been worse if he wasnt vaccinated
angry_soyboy 3
mejon07 08-Nov-21 09:58 PM
Did somebody say booster shots?
The NBA told its players, coaches and referees Sunday that they should receive booster shots against the coronavirus, with particular urgency for those who received the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
grabbler 1
MrGold 09-Nov-21 04:27 AM
EMC2. (05 NoRemember, 2021). Vaxx Facts. The Bible of Information. Substack.
MrGold 09-Nov-21 04:46 AM
Zaslawsky, C. (08 NoRemember, 2021). The Unmasking of Dr. Mengele S. Fauci. News With Views. ``Tragically, we now have vaccinated children, especially boys, with myocarditis—inflammation of the heart. Dr. Roger Hodkinson, pathologist, had this to say: “Myocarditis is never mild, particularly in young healthy males. It’s an inflammation of the heart muscle, the pump of the body. …The big thing about heart muscle, heart muscle fibers, is that they do not regenerate. ... Speaking of the suffering inflicted by Fauci and his demonic globalist masters: Have you seen videos of erstwhile healthy young women with suddenly shaking limbs or whole-body incessant seizures as a result of being vaxxed? How do we know those videos are authentic? Simple: The fact-checkers have come out in droves to explain them away by claiming these women are suffering from a psychosomatic illness brought on by stress. Nice try, guys. ... from December 2020 to October 29, 2021: 856,917 Adverse Events; Deaths: 18,409. These numbers are shocking. They are higher than the adverse events and deaths from all other vaccines in America from 1990 to the present.”
Goober 09-Nov-21 05:23 AM
Waterford, in south-eastern Ireland, epitomises the country's coronavirus conundrum. Why is there a surge in COVID-19 in a nation where around 92% of adults are fully vaccinated? A huge 99.5% of over-18s in Co Waterford are double-jabbed, but the easing of restrictions and increased travel are thought to be contributing to high infection rates....
surprised_pikachu 2
haram 09-Nov-21 05:34 AM
Venezuela has begun vaccinating children aged 2 to 11 against COVID-19 with the Cuban Soberana 2 vaccine, Vice President Delcy Rodriguez said on Monday.
pewpew 2
mejon07 09-Nov-21 07:33 AM
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours. All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last ...
Fpepe 1
CurbShifter 09-Nov-21 11:27 AM
The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.
peep00 2
haram 09-Nov-21 12:21 PM
Sen. Ron Johnson held a panel discussion on November 2, 2021 with doctors and medical researchers who have treated COVID-19 vaccine injuries and are researching the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, patients who have experienced adverse events due to the COVID-19 vaccine, and vaccine mandates. Find the entire roundtable video here: http...
cool 1
CurbShifter 09-Nov-21 01:28 PM
A method is provided for acquiring and transmitting biometric data (e.g., vital signs) of a user, where the data is analyzed to determine whether the user is suffering from a viral infection, such as COVID-19. The method includes using a pulse oximeter to acquire at least pulse and blood oxygen saturation percentage, which is transmitted w...
grabbler 1
mejon07 09-Nov-21 06:17 PM
France's public health authority has recommended people under 30 be given Pfizer's Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine when available instead of Moderna Inc's Spikevax jab, which carried comparatively higher risks of heart-related problems.
surprised_pikachu 2
haram 09-Nov-21 07:25 PM COVID-19: Vienna brothel offers customers 30 minutes with 'lady of their choice' in exchange for coronavirus jab
Vaccination uptake levels in Austria are among the worst in western Europe. Roughly 64% of Austria's population is fully vaccinated and those who are unjabbed are now banned from visiting cafes, restaurants and hairdressers.
honkler 4
wheel_barrow 09-Nov-21 09:18 PM Young footballer dies in Laboulaye REGIONAL 10/28/2021 FOR THE SOUTH TRIBUNE Ronald Biglione was 32 years old, the LaBoulayense League suspended the date of the weekend. The Laboulaye Regional Football League reported that due to the death of the player Ronald Biglione (32), the date of next weekend was suspended. The young footballer domiciled in Laboulaye, played lately in Deportivo Club Independencia de General Levalle. The president of the Regional League, Sandro Aguilera, affirmed that "with such terrible news, our football took a back seat." Ronald Biglione (photo Nexos del Sur) had been transferred a few days ago to the Italian Hospital in the city of Córdoba, where he was diagnosed with a disease called "purpura" (affects blood platelets), a pathology that ultimately caused his death. Google translate
Ronald Biglione tenía 32 años, la Liga laboulayense suspendió la fecha del fin de semana.
haram 09-Nov-21 09:50 PM Covid-19: in France, the Moderna vaccine not recommended for the less ... The French High Authority for Health advises against the Moderna vaccine for those under 30 years old. It is based on a study according to which it slightly increases the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis ...
La Haute autorité de santé française déconseille le vaccin Moderna pour les moins de 30 ans. Elle se base sur une étude selon laquelle il augmenterait légèrement le risque de myocardite et péricardit…
PhantomXJ5 09-Nov-21 10:45 PM
Active until 2036-10-13? Seems about right that they would keep it going for agenda 2030 (edited)
CurbShifter 10-Nov-21 01:30 AM
Dr. John Campbell Presents a Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Pfizer’s New Antiviral Drug and Ivermectin
💊🧬@COVID19Up: In this new 22 minute video (, Dr. John Campbell explains how Pfizer’s new antiviral, PF-07321332, and Ivermectin both block the activity of the SARS-CoV-2-3CL protease, thus stopping it from creating more SARS-CoV-2.
In addition to this function that prohibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2, Dr. Campbell describes additional ways in which Ivermectin inhibits key proteins of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis, functions that PF-07321332 does not have.
Dr. Campbell posits that because PF-07321332 only works against one biochemical modality of viral replication, its use could cause the virus to evolve to be resistant to it. Conversely, Ivermectin works against multiple biochemical modalities of replication.
New Pfizer antiviral and ivermectin, a pharmacodynamic analysis New Pfizer antiviral, PF-07321332, C₂₃H₃₂F₃N₅O₄ PF-07321332 is designed to block the activity of the SARS-CoV-2-3CL protease, So, what is a protease? So what...
mejon07 10-Nov-21 07:07 AM
Canada's federal health regulator has officially approved third doses of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for adults 18 and older.
grabbler 1
mejon07 10-Nov-21 07:38 AM
CDC Quietly Confirms mRNA Vaccines Do Cause Heart Inflammation From the 10/21 ACIP meeting: “Evidence from multiple safety monitoring systems in multiple countries supports the finding of an increased risk of myocarditis and myopericarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination”
surprised_pikachu 2
NEW - Puzzling heart disease in soccer: "An unusually large number of professional and amateur soccer players have collapsed recently" (Berliner Zeitung)
Ungewöhnlich viele Fußballspieler aus dem Profi- und dem Amateurbereich sind in der jüngsten Zeit kollabiert.
mejon07 10-Nov-21 09:06 AM
Health Canada adds autoimmune disorder warning to AstraZeneca, J&J COVID-19 vaccines
CurbShifter 10-Nov-21 11:04 AM
The district of Cuxhaven, Germany confirmed on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, that a 12-year-old child died two days after taking the Pfizer vaccine. Police are investigating and an autopsy was ordered due to the short interval between vaccination and death. The result of the autopsy is still pending and is expected to be released this…
feelsbadman 2
CurbShifter 10-Nov-21 11:30 AM
those criminals stealing profits ! grabbler
CNBC's Meg Tirrell joins 'Closing Bell' to report on what Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said at The New York Times DealBook conference. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO: Bourla’s comments come as millions of eligible adults in the U.S. have yet to get vaccinated even though the shots have...
grabbler 2
grabbler 2
tagiadin_tasos 10-Nov-21 03:17 PM
During a round of interviews this morning, NHS England boss Amanda Pritchard said that there were '14 times' more coronavirus patients in hospital now compared to 'this time last year'.
surprised_pikachu 3
Dinglebob 10-Nov-21 07:34 PM
The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.We hope this project will encourage more and more people to tell their story.
CurbShifter 10-Nov-21 07:35 PM
mejon07 10-Nov-21 07:56 PM
NEW - Germany's Vaccination Commission (STIKO) now advises against Moderna for people under 30 years of age.
CurbShifter 10-Nov-21 10:24 PM
mejon07 11-Nov-21 06:56 AM
What's Going On? 👀 An audio-visual exploration of the sudden rise in professional athletes experiencing strange health issues. 👇
dumpsterfire 1
Scientists have warned that pets could act as a ‘reservoir’ for the virus and reintroduce it to humans.
grabbler 2
SAGINAW TWP, Mich - The Saginaw Township Schools announced on its website school will be closed on Monday due to a staffing shortage. Child care and after-school programs are also canceled. The Board of Education meeting will still take place Monday evening. Monday the school district released the following statement regarding the staffing shor...
mejon07 11-Nov-21 07:11 AM
As of November 15, those who hold a vaccination or recovery certificate will be able to return to life in the “green mode”, while persons without a Covid-19 certificate will only have access to basic...
alt-theories 11-Nov-21 07:21 AM
Worked for Johnson & Johnson vaccine company, and died with Johnson and Johnson vaccine 🤡☠️ 17 years old
Fpepe 2
MrGold 11-Nov-21 08:12 AM
Young, R. O. (23 SapTimber, 2021). How To Detox From the Vaccine and the Lies of COVID. Dr. Robert O. Young. ``70% - 80% of vaccine particles go to reproductive organs''
September 23rd, 2021 - Dr. Robert O. Young Rumble — Dr. Robert O. Young, CPT, MSc., D.Sc., Ph.D., Naturopathic Practitioner shares real evidence of what is in the vaccines. He also shows what happens on a cellular level within the human body when it has been compromised by taking the shots. To see the visual evidence of ingredients that is in th...
mejon07 11-Nov-21 12:58 PM
CECC says approval of COVID vaccines for children under 12 will not be considered until 2nd dose issue settled | 2021-11-10 15:42:00
mejon07 11-Nov-21 04:45 PM
More concerns over COVID-19 have struck the Minnesota Vikings this week, including a vaccinated player who was admitted to an emergency room Tuesday night.
Onysfx 11-Nov-21 05:54 PM "Top up their immunity" lol (edited)
The United States faces renewed urgency to get more Americans vaccinated against COVID-19, as cases spike again in many states. On average, the daily case rates are almost four times higher than in Canada. And every single day, the U.S. still records an average of 1,200 COVID-related deaths, which are on track to exceed one million deaths by M...
Fraudbear 11-Nov-21 06:11 PM
"4 times higher than canada" yeah because the US population is 8 times bigger lol
mejon07 11-Nov-21 07:48 PM
Health Secretary says Government is not looking at the idea ‘yet’ but declines to rule out that it could ever be adopted
NWOpepe 1
mejon07 12-Nov-21 07:42 AM
Simona Halep is vaccinated and has since then joint problems, like many other vaccinated professional athletes! #tennis #athletes #truth #vaccinated
surprised_pikachu 2
black_jack 12-Nov-21 11:34 AM
Very strange indeed 🤡
haram 12-Nov-21 07:42 PM
JUST IN - Latvia bans lawmakers who refuse the #COVID19 vaccine from voting on legislature and participating in parliamentary discussions (AP)
🚨 | BREAKING: Austria has announced a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people
JUST IN - Netherlands to impose new lockdown and restrictions affecting all people - vaccinated or not - effective from tomorrow night.
NWOpepe 1
I thought cop26 was about climate change, not global lockdowns. (edited)
haram 12-Nov-21 08:37 PM
Millions of people who have refused to get an experimental mRNA vaccine may soon be forced to consume the gene therapy in their food. Researchers at the University of California were awarded a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation developing technology that infuses experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccines into spinach, lettuce and other...
grabbler 2
wheel_barrow 13-Nov-21 04:35 AM
Michael Mike Anthony Granata February 21, 1965 November 1, 2021 Michael, a longtime resident of Gilroy, passed away on November 1, 2021. Never a kinder more gentle man did I know than my husband, Michael. For those who knew Mike, you know that he was a good and honest man.
haram 13-Nov-21 05:18 AM
A 52-year-old prominent New Brunswick cardiologist suddenly died in his sleep just two weeks after getting his 3rd Covid jab. Over the summer Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial attacked “selfish” people who choose not to take the Covid jab. “For those that won’t get the shot for selfish reasons – whatever – I won’t cry at their…
haram 13-Nov-21 05:51 AM
Among those without deficiency who are hospitalized, only 3% die; patients with insufficient D are also 14 times likelier to end up in severe or critical condition, research shows
surprised_pikachu 2
mejon07 13-Nov-21 06:30 AM
A taskforce set up to stop the spread of coronavirus in the Sverdlovsk region in Russia is considering banning the sale of alcohol to people who don't have a QR code showing they've been vaccinated.
mejon07 13-Nov-21 07:42 AM
New #VAERS data for the week now available on #OpenVAERS through Nov. 5, 2021. @stkirsch identifies the URF (underreporting factor) as 41.
nomanescio 13-Nov-21 08:32 AM
Which will most certainly make them outlive the vaccinated 😂
Outside of the fact it will create a booming black market for alcohol
grabbler 2
haram 13-Nov-21 09:27 AM
Brazil's Supreme Court on Friday suspended a government order that prevented companies from requiring employees to provide proof that they have been vaccinate against COVID-19 and stopped dismissals of those not immunized.
grabbler 2
nomanescio 13-Nov-21 09:33 AM
When they make life meaningless, people start doing meaningless acts...
If they do not allow you to make a living, they do not allow you to live... Which sounds a lot like a declaration of war to me
Lal 13-Nov-21 03:10 PM
The president of Brazil just questioned and confronted the director-general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom!
ooh 2
tagiadin_tasos 13-Nov-21 11:35 PM
The planet is preparing to make the second Christmas under the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic, with a basic wish and this year to be the final liberation from the virus and a more optimistic future. But that, according to experts, does not seem to be possible in the next five years. Tim Spector, a… Continue reading “Forget Christmas for...
honkler 1
CurbShifter 14-Nov-21 12:15 AM
Pinned a message.
tagiadin_tasos 14-Nov-21 01:20 AM
Clownworld 101: "We have two epidemics, the one of the unvaccinated and the onr of the ex-vaccinated"
«Ανοιχτό το ενδεχόμενο νέου lockdown» - Θα πρέπει να περιμένουμε τουλάχιστον 20 μέρες, για να φανεί η αποτελεσματικότητα των νέων μέτρων - Δείτε βίντεο
tagiadin_tasos 14-Nov-21 03:12 AM
This video discusses new surprise discovery (yet to be confirmed by other scientists) that SARS-CoV-2 full length spike protein can enter human cell nuclei and interfere with fixing of broken DNA damage. Authors of the study propose this might have been evolved in order to prevent genetic recombination required to produce antibody variety to suc...
tagiadin_tasos 14-Nov-21 03:32 AM
Discussed are two latest studies from the UK and the US comparing impacts of Delta variant on infection in vaccinated versus unvaccinated. The UK study looked at spread of infection among families whereas the US study from CDC compared post-infection natural immunity of unvaccinated against uninfected vaccinated community, including the likelih...
tagiadin_tasos 14-Nov-21 05:42 PM
surprised_pikachu 3
grabbler 1
Deleted User 15-Nov-21 03:43 AM
Yeah.. but his solution is to get the booster(s) which is something he pretends not to have known about in the beginning. This is a form of aids folks, he was behind that too, the jab for that made people auto immune difficient (syndrome) and these current jabs are doing the exact same thing, jabs for life
CurbShifter 15-Nov-21 11:27 AM
The recent decision to approve vaccines in the 5 - 11 year old groups has caused concern among some parents. Others have welcomed the news and look at this as another step in the process to stop the COVID-19 pandemic. Usually childhood vaccines take many years to be approved. What are the perspectives of a vaccine developer who has worked in th...
haram 15-Nov-21 01:21 PM
55 teenagers in Victoria alone suffering heart problems after being injected with an experimental genetic agents hardly fits the definition of ‘’RARE’’ or ‘’SAFE’’.
Thread by @TJ0057: 55 teenagers in Victoria alone suffering heart problems after being injected with an experimental genetic agents hardly fits the definition of ‘’RARE’’ or ‘’SAFE’’. Australian health professionals...…
Fpepe 2
CurbShifter 15-Nov-21 01:41 PM
Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair (In-Vitro Study) In this concerning in-vitro study the researchers show how SARS-COV-2 Spike protein and other proteins go to a cell's nucleus and impair DNA repair and cell's immune responses. Let's review the study. Buy me a coffee :-) Become my pa...
haram 15-Nov-21 06:45 PM Mike was adamant that people know what happened to him that caused his early and unexpected death. Message from Mike: “Many nurses and non-nursing staff begged me and my wife to get the truth out to the public about the Covid-19 vaccines because the truth of deaths from the vaccine was being hidden within the medical profession. I promised I would get the message out. So, here is my message: I was afraid of getting the vaccine for fear that I might die. At the insistence of my doctor, I gave in to pressure to get vaccinated. On August 17th I received the Moderna vaccine and starting feeling ill three days later. I never recovered but continued to get worse. I developed multisystem inflammation and multisystem failure that medical professionals could not stop. My muscles disappeared as if to disintegrate. I was in ICU for several weeks and stabbed with needles up to 24 times a day for those several weeks, while also receiving 6 or 7 IVs at the same time (continuously). It was constant torture that I cannot describe. I was no longer treated as a human with feelings and a life. I was nothing more than a covid vaccine human guinea pig and the doctors excited to participate in my fascinating progression unto death. If you want to know more, please ask my wife. I wished I would have never gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”
Michael Mike Anthony Granata February 21, 1965 November 1, 2021 Michael, a longtime resident of Gilroy, passed away on November 1, 2021. Never a kinder more gentle man did I know than my husband, Michael. For those who knew Mike, you know that he was a good and honest man.
Fpepe 1
mejon07 15-Nov-21 07:29 PM
Health Canada has approved a booster of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine for people over the age of 18, though third doses have already been given to high-risk people across the country. The booster is designed to help people with their first two COVID-19 vaccine doses maintain their protection against the virus over time.
This is a chart of pericarditis cases at 40 hospitals in US, prior to 2021 - the average monthly rate was 49.1 that has increased by 60% to 78.8 cases per month for Feb-May 2021. Any questions? #COVID19
mejon07 15-Nov-21 07:46 PM
NIŠ – Minister of Health Zlatibor Lončar stated today in Niš that, as things stand now, the new normality and reality will be such that citizens will have to be vaccinated every five or six months, depending on the type of vaccine. “That is one of the conditions. if we want to keep the situation… Continue reading Vaccination for five...
grabbler 2
yeks 15-Nov-21 08:40 PM
haram 15-Nov-21 10:36 PM All Saginaw Township Schools will be closed today, Monday, November 8th, due to a staffing shortage. Staff members will not report. Child care and after-school programs (including swim school) are cancelled. The Board of Education meeting will still take place. A large number of our staff had a negative reaction to the COVID booster shot given at a voluntary clinic over the weekend, resulting in absences today. There is a substitute teacher/staff shortage throughout the state, further complicating the availability to cover those absences.”
How did so many have such a severe reaction that made them miss school?
surprised_pikachu 3
dumpsterfire 3
mejon07 16-Nov-21 07:01 AM
West Flanders is setting records, both for the highest vaccination rate in the country, and the highest number of Covid-19 cases in spite of this.
dumpsterfire 2
mejon07 16-Nov-21 07:26 AM
According to media reports, a UK-based firm will soon begin clinical trials of an easy-to-apply skin patch against Covid-19.
grabbler 2
Gibraltar, the "most vaccinated place in the world" with a vaccination rate of almost 100%, is canceling all the festivities planned for the end of the year due to the increase in COVID cases.
🇬🇮Gibraltar, déclaré récemment "pays le plus vacciné du monde" avec un taux de vaccination de près de 100%, annule toutes les festivités prévues pour la fin de l'année en raison de l'augmentation des cas COVID.
dumpsterfire 2
CurbShifter 16-Nov-21 12:08 PM
archived 16 Nov 2021 05:12:23 UTC
peep00 1
CurbShifter 16-Nov-21 02:35 PM
The federal government is facing a hefty bill for rare but significant coronavirus vaccine injuries, with at least 10,000 people planning to claim.
stoned 2
tagiadin_tasos 16-Nov-21 05:46 PM
This book is intended as an introductory text for use in immunology courses for medical students, advanced undergraduate biology students, graduate students, and scientists in other fields who want to know more about the immune system. It attempts to present the field of immunology from a consistent viewpoint, that of the host’s interaction with...
mejon07 16-Nov-21 06:03 PM
Austria, Germany, Singapore, and other nations have enacted increasingly strict Covid-19 rules, just as the U.S. welcomes back vaccinated Europeans.
Lockdowns and No Medical Coverage: Countries’ Restrictions for the Unvaccinated Are Growing More Draconian
Governments around the world are finding themselves with a tough choice. What should they do about people who are unvaccinated by choice?
Here are some of the countries where life’s starting to look different for the haves and have-nots when it comes to COVID-19 vaccination.
Austria Under Austria’s new rule, unvaccinated people can only leave their homes for a limited number of reasons—mostly to work or shop for food. In theory, police will be carrying out spot checks to ensure people wandering around in public are complying.
Germany In October, the German government ended quarantine pay for the intentionally unvaccinated. Last week, it announced that adults who refuse to get vaccinated would be excluded from receiving free SARS-CoV-2 tests.
Italy Last month, Italy began requiring citizens to carry a government-issued “green pass." Now, it is mandatory for those wishing to work or wanting to enter restaurants, bars, movie theaters, museums, or gyms. Soon it will be mandatory for travel.
Greece Earlier this month, Greece announced new restrictions that limit access to cafes and restaurants, state services and banks to those who are either vaccinated or have a negative test. All unvaccinated workers are now required to test negative for SARS-CoV-2 twice a week.
Singapore Last week, Singapore announced that beginning on December 8, people who are “unvaccinated by choice” will have to start paying for their own COVID-19 treatment. Up until now, the government has covered all medical costs for Singaporeans.
Australia Individual states in Australia are also unveiling restrictions for unvaccinated people. Queensland will ban them from restaurants, bars, and sporting events starting December 17.
China Since the summer, governments in at least eight Chinese provinces have enacted rules restricting unvaccinated residents’ ability to access various public amenities and services—everything from public transit and schools to hospitals.
Clearly, swapping carrots (such as cash rewards for getting a COVID-19 vaccine) for more draconian sticks is becoming more common around the world.
gulag 2
nomanescio 16-Nov-21 06:07 PM
"Respect our existence or expect our resistance..."
nomanescio 16-Nov-21 06:09 PM
I bet they are aiming to kill all of us by jab #33
mejon07 16-Nov-21 06:09 PM
nomanescio 16-Nov-21 06:10 PM
Fraudbear 16-Nov-21 06:13 PM
Wtf i love the government now
mejon07 16-Nov-21 06:15 PM
Officials have until Thursday to comply with the ruling, which requires that some 10 million minors receive the Pfizer vaccine.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., November 15, 2021--Health Canada Authorizes Booster Dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine in Individuals 18 Years of Age and Older
An unnamed 17-year-old had fully recovered from a COVID-19 infection in August but died of cardiac arrest after receiving her second dose of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine.
Fpepe 1
Normal Sudden Death Pandemic. This is "normal" Death and sudden ailments in healthy athletes is the new pandemic:33 year old pro dancer Santo
It may turn out that the term "booster" is a bit of a misnomer, and that the correct number of shots for maximum efficacy isn’t yet known
mejon07 17-Nov-21 06:55 AM
Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna are making combined profits of $65,000 every minute from their highly successful COVID-19 vaccines while the world's poorest countries remain largely unvaccinated, according to a new analysis.
soysoysoy the vaccine is freeeee
grabbler 2
Caymanian teenager Jacqueline Aubert is on the mend after being diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a rare condition which doctors said was triggered following her second COVID-19 vaccine dose last month.
Italian soccer player Vittoria Campo passed away in Palermo yesterday, two months after her brother Alessandro. The 23-year-old sportswoman, well-known in the Sicilian city, died of a cardiac arrest on November 1st after being rushed to hospital emergency. Her 25-year-old brother had been found dead on September 1st after he had gone to take a [...
Fpepe 1
(Promoted by Colorado Pols) If you were heading out Friday afternoon and listening to KNUS, you might have heard a caller tell right-wing radio host Steffan Tubbs that the COVID vaccine has killed "hundreds, maybe thousands" of people, and officials refuse to talk about it. "If they have 20 people…
mejon07 17-Nov-21 07:09 AM
Pfizer told the world 15 people who received the vaccine in its trial had died as of mid-March. Turns out the real number then was 21, compared to only 17 deaths in people who hadn't been vaccinated.
mejon07 17-Nov-21 07:22 AM
There was a hidden gem in a blog post by Aaron Siri that nobody picked up. It was evidence that vaccinated people are 9X more likely to be admitted to the hospital than unvaccinated.
surprised_pikachu 2
Dinglebob 17-Nov-21 09:40 AM
CurbShifter 17-Nov-21 04:08 PM
👍 1
Dinglebob 17-Nov-21 08:16 PM
Data: Spontaneous adverse reaction reports on Country: United Kingdom Dates: From 4/1/2021 to 3/11/2021   Vaccine: COVID-19 Oxford University / AstraZeneca Archive: Data: Spontaneous adverse reaction reports on (SELECTION) Country: United Kingdom Dates: From 4/1/2021 to 3/11/2021   Vaccine: COVID-19 Oxford University / AstraZeneca Archive: (edited)
Yellow Card Scheme - Website for reporting adverse drug reactions, medical device adverse incidents, defective medicines, and counterfeit or fake medicines within the UK.
Lal 17-Nov-21 09:26 PM
Exclusive content: Order your t-shirt: Paypal tip: Don’t forget to subscribe. Hit the bell to stay updated on the latest videos and live sessions. Twitter: Telegram: Websit...
NWOpepe 2
🥳 1
tagiadin_tasos 18-Nov-21 12:05 AM
I found something interesting but I am not sure if it is legit, if anyone wants to dig this up a bit here are some links and the story: the file that the story is based on: after a duckduckgo search only two websites comes up with files of this case 001 - Complaint: 002 - Second Joint Status Report: I found the case in JUSTIA but only filing 1(complaint) has been submitted there. (Not as a pdf but it is referenced) So the only source for this file is the same guy that made the initial post on his website.
The fed gov’t shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its safety/efficacy. Who does the gov't work for?
grabbler 2
wheel_barrow 18-Nov-21 05:41 AM “After I reported to my command my concerns that in one morning I had to ground three out of three pilots due to vaccine injuries, the next day my patients were canceled, my charts were pulled for review, and I was told I would not be seeing acute patients anymore, just healthy pilots there for their flight physical,” she said. A senior U.S. Army flight surgeon who warned that pilots could die in mid-air from COVID-19 vaccine side effects testified Tuesday at a roundtable hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson on Capitol Hill. Testifying under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act, Lt. Col. Theresa Long told the Wisconsin Republican at the event that she had grounded vaccinated pilots to monitor symptoms of myocarditis — including chronic fatigue — that could cause them to die of heart failure in mid-air.
An Alabama-based Army surgeon testified this week the military ignored her warnings about the COVID vaccine.
A senior U.S. Army flight surgeon who warned that pilots could die in mid-air from COVID-19 vaccine side effects testified Tuesday at a roundtable hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson on Capitol Hill.
mejon07 18-Nov-21 07:08 AM
From my home state of Minnesota, Suzanna Newell joined me on Feedback to describe the injuries she sustained a...
White House planning to increase vaccine production to 1 billion doses a year: reports
Cases in Austria are up 3,685% since vaccine passports started even with 80% of adults at least partially vaccinated and higher quality masks required, but the good news is that the lesson they’ve learned from this is to do more vaccine passports and masks
haram 18-Nov-21 10:22 AM The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked a federal judge on Nov. 15 to give it until the year 2076 to fully release the documents in its possession tied to the approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked a federal judge on Nov. 15 to give it until the ...
mejon07 18-Nov-21 05:18 PM
haram 18-Nov-21 06:40 PM
OSHA suspended implementation of its order requiring Covid-19 vaccines for private companies after a federal court blocked the measure.
AngryNPC 2
Fraudbear 18-Nov-21 07:01 PM
alt-theories 18-Nov-21 07:59 PM
Lal 18-Nov-21 08:58 PM
I hear alarm bells, not Christmas bells
NWOpepe 2
1984 2
Fraudbear 18-Nov-21 09:36 PM
haram 18-Nov-21 11:17 PM
.@sainsburys implementing covid jab pass QR code technology. 👇🏼 No pass no food? You disgusting filth @sainsburys
Goober 19-Nov-21 01:15 AM
PhantomXJ5 19-Nov-21 03:58 AM
By Christopher F. Schuetze
The state, along with neighboring Upper Austria, will apply the restrictions to everyone regardless of inoculation status. The moves come in the wake of national rules affecting unvaccinated people.
Lal 19-Nov-21 11:30 AM
Legal requirement to get injected in Austria from Feb 1st apparently...things are going to happen fast now...
Days after it imposed a lockdown on the unvaccinated, it announces a full lockdown from Monday.
stoned 4
tagiadin_tasos 19-Nov-21 05:16 PM
Our time is now
mejon07 19-Nov-21 05:17 PM
The approval comes about two months late — after scientists advising the FDA rejected the administration's original plans to distribute boosters to all adults.
haram 19-Nov-21 06:31 PM
Aldi workers @AldiUK given till March next year to get jabbed and comply or lose their jobs.
Lal 19-Nov-21 07:58 PM
. . . y e s . . .
👍 1
Lal 19-Nov-21 10:07 PM
Dr Martin provides a useful hitlist around 30 mins in ... (edited)
Dr. David Martin is a professional physician, developer of advanced computer systems, advisor to industry & governments. Other than that, he also has engaged as an author, professor, public speaker, b
alt-theories 19-Nov-21 10:29 PM
Dr. Boaz Lev, Head of Israel Management Team of Epidemics (MTE) - unaware of the Vaers deaths reports? Mind the body language when confronted with truthful facts. This is a snippet from the discussion held this week at the Knesset (Parliament) about vaxxing kids (5-11 yo). 🔗 Efrat Fenigson (@efenigson) 📲 @twittervid_bot
alt-theories 19-Nov-21 11:19 PM
alt-theories 19-Nov-21 11:27 PM
‘Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated. For months, the WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” in its weekly pandemic reports.’
Fraudbear 19-Nov-21 11:46 PM
holy shit theyre shutting each other down
PhantomXJ5 20-Nov-21 05:08 AM
NBC’s Claudio Lavanga joins 'The Exchange' from Italy with news about Austria's full Covid lockdown. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO: Austria will enter a fourth national lockdown on Monday as Covid-19 cases continue to surge, becoming the first country in Western Europe to impose s...
Goober 20-Nov-21 11:16 AM
mejon07 20-Nov-21 04:02 PM
Hong Kong Approves Sinovac Vaccine For Children Aged 3-17 Hong Kong has approved lowering the age limit for the Covid-19 vaccine from China's Sinovac Biotech to three years old as it pursues a campaign to incentivise its 7.5 million residents to get jabbed.
CurbShifter 20-Nov-21 04:07 PM
CurbShifter 20-Nov-21 05:30 PM
In an historic interview for The HighWire, host Del Bigtree sits down with Vaccinologist, Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D., D.V.M., to hear Geert’s dire warning about mass Covid vaccination of children, and the catastrophe which may follow.
tagiadin_tasos 20-Nov-21 06:15 PM
Freedom of Information Act requests are rarely speedy, but when a group of scientists asked the federal government to share the data it relied upon in licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, the response went beyond typical bureaucratic foot-dragging.
CurbShifter 20-Nov-21 07:29 PM
Geert explains the difference between innate and acquired immunity and how the vax fucks your immunity up. Full interview worth a watch.
hmmm 1
ooh 1
haram 21-Nov-21 11:16 AM Has third Covid jab farce landed hundreds of vulnerable Britons in intensive care? Unusually high admissions of patients with weakened immune systems is blamed on botched booster rollout Weekly ICU admissions of most vulnerable patients have risen by 50% recently One in 28 patients in intensive care have conditions affecting immune system Rise blamed by campaigners on the botched rollout of a third vaccine dose Fears some at-risk patients may have lost their lives to Covid because they did not get the vital third jab in time
Admissions to intensive care units of some of the most vulnerable patients have risen by 50% in the past two months across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
dumpsterfire 2
mejon07 21-Nov-21 04:07 PM
Update. Deaths WITH #Covid19 age 0-19 yrs as of Nov 12 2021: 17 Reported #vaccine adverse events age 12-17 yrs as of Nov 12 2021: 711 "Canada prepares for the largest childhood #vaccination campaign since polio" under "Emergency Use Authorization". There is no emergency.
surprised_pikachu 2
mejon07 21-Nov-21 04:28 PM
An autopsy is being performed on a 12-year-old child who died two days after taking his second dose the Pfizer vaccine. The child was reported to have had serious previous illnesses, including a cardiovascular problem, before taking the vaccine.
Fpepe 3
soy covid vaccines are safe and effective
US COVID-19 deaths in 2021 outpace last year's toll
dumpsterfire 2
Pfizer had a recorded stroke in a 7 year old girl in data that ended 2/28/21. The total trial # vaccinated was 1,517. Would mean a 1 in 1,517 chance of a child having a stroke. The risk of C19 hospitalization for this age group is 1 in 2,873 (w/o debating the "with" vs. "for")
haram 21-Nov-21 08:19 PM
The world has gone mad.  We knew when ‘experts’ decided to vaccinate children that there would be more deaths from the vaccination than from COVID.  Now we have support for this based on CDC and Big Pharma data. We’ve known since the first data was released, that healthy children were virtually unaffected from COVID-19.  The…
haram 21-Nov-21 09:21 PM
And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it's correct, based on weekly data from the British government.
surprised_pikachu 2
haram 21-Nov-21 09:59 PM
Thread by @chrischirp: Some personal thoughts: Husband and I have just recovered (mostly) from Covid... no idea how we got it since we've been super careful and not done much. Shopping or swimming we think. I am...…
soy 1
npc 2
honkler 2
yuri_bezmenov 2
hhriieth 22-Nov-21 01:58 PM
hhriieth 22-Nov-21 03:46 PM
The scamdemic is one of the biggest frauds in recent history: “Viruses” have never been demonstrated to cause disease, but are actually helpful to the body:…
mejon07 22-Nov-21 05:07 PM
Norway 🇳🇴 is now not offering vaccination to children aged 12-15 who have already had Covid: "Since recovery also provides protection against new infection, vaccines are not currently offered to 12-15-year-olds who have had COVID-19."
Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning
The singer, 59, shared a video from her hospital bed on Sunday, in which she disclosed that despite her first rapid antigen test coming back negative, she subsequently tested positive for Covid
alt-theories 22-Nov-21 05:57 PM
CurbShifter 22-Nov-21 06:42 PM
COVID-19 vaccines protect against COVID-19. Get safety info and more.
rare 4
CurbShifter 22-Nov-21 11:26 PM
'29,934 Deaths 2,804,900 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Corporate Journalists Have Pericarditis After Pfizer Shots' #covid19nl #coronamaatregelen #volksgezondheid #EU
wheel_barrow 22-Nov-21 11:27 PM
Paula Collins, 37, from Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, had been battling Covid-19 in Prince Charles Hospital, when she was put in an induced coma for 11 days - despite already having both jabs.
dumpsterfire 1
Fpepe 1
mejon07 22-Nov-21 11:47 PM
"it would have been worse if she wasn't vaccinated"
ooh 2
mejon07 22-Nov-21 11:59 PM
JUST IN - France Prime Minister Jean Castex, who received two doses of the vaccine, has tested positive for #COVID19 (Le Monde)
honkler 1
CurbShifter 23-Nov-21 04:07 PM
cant find the source link
finwo 23-Nov-21 04:46 PM
Not the source, but probably the reference used:
Information on what the porcine zona pellucida (PZP) is, and how the PZP contraceptive vaccine works.
Wikipedia description matches that one as well, so I'd say a 90% chance of being accurate regarding PZP, not whether or not it's being used: (edited)
Porcine zona pellucida (PZP) is the zona pellucida extracted from the ovaries of pigs which is used as a source of antigens for immunocontraception.The zona pellucida is a thick membrane that surrounds the unfertilised eggs of mammals. In order for an egg to be fertilised, sperm must first bind to, and then penetrate the zona pellucida. When por...
CurbShifter 23-Nov-21 05:43 PM
thanks, also gene therapy is always multiple doses. so still could be anything
mejon07 23-Nov-21 10:35 PM
While sparsely-populated Greenland has throughout the pandemic continuously introduced local restrictions in a bid to curb the spread of COVID-19, this autumn, the world's largest island has experienced several outbreaks amid a rising...
NWOpepe 1
There are differing views on whether mandatory testing and vaccinations will improve COVID-19 vaccine uptake.
NWOpepe 1
More than 26,000 were temporarily suspended from work in Uzbekistan since they were not vaccinated against coronavirus infection, local media reported
Businesses are legally required to electronically check the validity of COVID Safe Pass documents held by their customers using the newly introduced CovScan application. Door greeters at business establishments, where more than ten individuals can gather, must scan a unique QR barcode presented by customers before they are allowed to enter. The ...
1984 2
mejon07 23-Nov-21 10:44 PM
First it was lockdowns, then masks, then a series of failed shots and boosters, with a side dish of remdesivir killing people in hospitals while blocking lifesaving treatments. Now, the same forces within Big Pharma are about to unleash their first outpatient drug on us. Are we really to believe t...
grabbler 2
tagiadin_tasos 23-Nov-21 11:06 PM
Modelling self spreading vaccines in a reasonable worst case influenza pandemic in the UK
alt-theories 23-Nov-21 11:32 PM
EternalDoom 23-Nov-21 11:53 PM
Can the COVID vaccines alter genes? The Pfizer CEO seemed to indicate they could in a recent interview after multiple arguments that the vaccines do not.
dumpsterfire 2
Lal 23-Nov-21 11:56 PM
MIRROR SOURCE: Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Ca…
ooh 1
haram 24-Nov-21 12:24 AM
A Swedish study involving four million people raises several red flags concerning covid vaccines and death rates. The preprint paper took a closer look at real world vaccine effectiveness. The study revealed three main issues. The paper found that the vaccine doesn’t offer protection at all. Its so-called protection plunged significantly after s...
surprised_pikachu 3
dumpsterfire 3
wheel_barrow 24-Nov-21 03:30 AM
PZP is used to sterilise wild horses in America. The first 2 doses must be taken within 2 to 6 weeks apart with a 8 month to yearly booster follow up. This reduces pregnancy rate 80%-90%. Something about the schedule sounds familiar. Pfizer CEO is also a veterinarian... how convenient This is a potential nail in the coffin for Pfizer - SpayVac's...
peep00 2
wheel_barrow 24-Nov-21 03:39 AM
Matthew Dibble, 40, suffered a 'catastrophic' episode just two days after he self-presented at St Thomas' Hospital in central London complaining of a headache on May 8.
dumpsterfire 1
Fpepe 2
mejon07 24-Nov-21 06:16 AM
Top U.S. infectious disease official Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Tuesday the vast majority of Americans who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 should receive a booster shot, and that an additional dose could eventually become the country's standard for determining who is fully vaccinated. Fauci and other disease experts have said they expect t...
grabbler 2
CurbShifter 24-Nov-21 03:37 PM
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israel on Tuesday began administering the coronavirus vaccine to children age 5 to 11. The country recently emerged from a fourth COVID wave and daily infections have been relatively low for the last few weeks.
feelsbadman 4
mejon07 24-Nov-21 05:15 PM
If you weren't already convinced, you double your risk of cardiac incidents and the rate of stillborn babies is up by 29 times (but only if you are vaccinated). Does anyone in authority care?
Here's a peep at the massive Howard Springs quarantine camp that the Australian army is now transporting people with + Covid cases to.
haram 24-Nov-21 11:52 PM
The former Brazil youth international's cause of death has not been revealed, pending an autopsy.
Fpepe 1
mejon07 24-Nov-21 11:56 PM
South Korea 80% fully vaccinated. Surging cases and deaths.
mejon07 25-Nov-21 12:04 AM
haram 25-Nov-21 12:30 AM
36 NAMES OF HUMANITYS KILLERS EXPOSED BY DR DAVID MARTIN ,, THE VIDEO EXPOSES, THE CLOT SHOT, AND THE WORST EVIL ON EARTH BEHIND IT….. ⁣Pray for Gods protection for this man. CREDITS ,, ROME, Nov 24 (Reuters) - Italy on Wednesday tightened the screws on people unwilling to take an anti-COVID vaccine, sharply restricting access to an array of services and making vaccines mandatory for a wider group of public sector workers. Italy acted as much of Europe is increasing restrictions to try to grapple with a new wave of the pandemic. read more Under the Italian measures, which will come into force from Dec. 6, unvaccinated people will not be able to enter venues such as cinemas, restaurants and sports events,
Italy on Wednesday tightened the screws on people unwilling to take an anti-COVID vaccine, sharply restricting access to an array of services and making vaccines mandatory for a wider group of public sector workers.
CurbShifter 25-Nov-21 01:58 AM
maui nurse
MrGold 25-Nov-21 05:22 AM
@CurbShifter In my own small circle, I have one friend dead couple days post-jab, one friend with weird tinglies in her legs after jab, and a friend who's 30yo healthy athletic daughter got jabbed then couple days later her resting heart rate shot up to 130bpm with very low bp and now she's on heart meds.
haram 25-Nov-21 10:05 AM
FC Sheriff Tiraspol star Adama Traore had to receive medical treatment during his side's Champions League encounter against Real Madrid having gone to ground clutching his chest
rare 1
haram 25-Nov-21 10:14 AM
1/ Breaking news: 500% increase in deaths - SCD/SUD of FIFA players in 2021 Not 24 athletes, not 30, nor 75 - Since December, 183 professional athletes and coaches have suddenly collapsed! 108 of them died! The Israeli "Real-Time News" reports.
alt-theories 25-Nov-21 11:29 AM
gulag (edited)
CurbShifter 25-Nov-21 11:42 AM
Thanks for sharing feelsbadman Really sorry to hear that (edited)
CurbShifter 25-Nov-21 01:35 PM
Deaths from the coronavirus in Africa are 3% of the entire world. In Europe, deaths from corona are 27% of the entire world. Africa has three times the population of the EU.
In Africa, 4% is fully vaccinated, in the EU an average of 70% is fully vaccinated.
"Because third world countries are already having such a hard time, corona has decided to only cause damage in the rich West and Asia." - Andreas Bakir
CurbShifter 25-Nov-21 01:49 PM
mejon07 25-Nov-21 05:27 PM
The new variant, called B.1.1529, carries an unusually large number of mutations, François Balloux, director of the UCL Genetics Institute, said in a ...
​​Three infections have been detected in Botswana to date and six in South Africa -- where variant surveillance is more robust.
ugh 3
🥴 1
honkler 1
Serious questions have been raised as to why medicine regulators have not pulled the Covid-19 vaccines from distribution to the general public after data on the
FDA report shows Pfizer's clinical trials found 24% higher all-cause mortality rate among the vaccinated compared to placebo group. Report emphasizes that "None of the deaths were considered related to vaccination."
surprised_pikachu 2
dumpsterfire 2
tagiadin_tasos 25-Nov-21 05:55 PM
Grab your Red/Blue Light Teeth Whitening Kit at Check Out My Merch Here - Take a stand against censorship. Join my Awakened Warriors Email List - What the FDA is like in their rigorous approval process… Listen and Subscribe to my Podcast here: http...
alt-theories 25-Nov-21 06:24 PM
Must love this censorship from when John Fleck collapsed ... Someone dares to ask the question and then .. 🔗 xyrrowl (@xnywe) 📲 @twittervid_bot
1984 3
haram 25-Nov-21 07:05 PM
For the first time, the European Medicines Agency has cleared a COVID-19 vaccine for use in young children.
vote_no 3
pewpew 1
JonSnow 25-Nov-21 09:22 PM
Slovenian head nurse resigns and speaks out about COVID19 shots. Claims high profile VIPs received placebos, some people received the real deal and others, well...
'Since July there has been 10k increase in excess non-covid deaths, most of these are heart attacks and strokes. 30% increase in deaths at home.' Dr Aseem Malhotra This needs investigating, good scientists need to speak out, vaccine mandates must stop!
mejon07 25-Nov-21 10:49 PM
The WHO's chief said the majority of reported Covid cases worldwide are in Europe, but added that "no country or region is out of the woods" just yet.
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 25-Nov-21 11:11 PM
WIGAN striker Charlie Wyke has been rushed to hospital after collapsing in training, the club has confirmed. The 28-year-old collapsed and was attended to by Wigan’s medical staff before bein…
considering these are the ones they cant hide in statistics... the excess death numbers are getting alarming (as expected feelsbadman )
feelsbadman 3
JonSnow 25-Nov-21 11:39 PM
they will likely try to claim it is 'another novel covid varient'...
mejon07 25-Nov-21 11:56 PM
they already got the "botswana" variant in the works
mejon07 26-Nov-21 12:13 AM
JUST IN - Fully vaccinated Canadian rocker Bryan Adams tests positive for #COVID19 for the second time in a month.
honkler 1
🇩🇪 Munich - the city with the most restrictions throughout Europe (following tHe SCIeNcE) vs. 🇸🇪 Stockholm - the city with the fewest Covid restrictions throughout Europe Both population density & vaccination rate are similar!
CurbShifter 26-Nov-21 03:07 AM
This is what I said last week… & this week the head nurse at the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, resigned & explained in front of the cameras what is in the vaccines to confirms it. Three different formulas labelled 1 - saline, 2- RNA, & 3- a carcinogenic.
dumpsterfire 2
CurbShifter 26-Nov-21 11:24 AM
Graeme doesn’t know that these variants are nothing more than data outputs from computer modeling software.
Graeme doesn’t know that these variants are not real; they’re imaginary. Which is why no lab tests for them. A Jerm Warfare trooper prank-called three of South Africa’s top labs, to confirm that no tests are done for them:
A Jerm Warfare trooper called three South African laboratories (Lancet, AmPath, PathCare), asking whether or not they test for the Delta "variant". Not one of them does.
grabbler 1
alt-theories 26-Nov-21 03:29 PM
5-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021 183 professional athletes and coaches have suddenly collapsed! 108 of them died! According to the literature, the phenomenon of collapsing athlete breakdown for reasons unrelated to injury is rare. So what is causing this sudden epidemic? Source:
dumpsterfire 1
mejon07 26-Nov-21 05:27 PM
France: Starting January 15, the booster jab will become a requirement to have a valid vaccine passport.
The third dose will be included as a requirement to keep a valid vaccine passport.
NWOpepe 1
How it started. 2 days later.
surprised_pikachu 2
grabbler 3
The drugmaker released interim data in October showing a roughly 50% reduction in hospitalizations and deaths in 775 patients.
NEW - Merck's experimental #COVID19 pill reduces death and hospitalization risk by 30%, not 50%, updated study finds.
UK Health Secretary has issued an alert about the new 'worst-ever' Covid variant, which will render vaccines at least 40% less effective
As Austria is plunged into yet another full lockdown, this is their politicians
1984 2
alt-theories 26-Nov-21 08:26 PM
World Champion Motocross Racer Collapses During Press Conference.‌‌
mejon07 26-Nov-21 09:35 PM
50% Off Black Friday Sale, use code nuremberg2 when you sign up (offer expires 11/29/2021) Join the leading researchers on to find the best videos from acro...
Fpepe 1
dumpsterfire 1
MrGold 26-Nov-21 10:11 PM
Edwards, M. (16 Marsh, 2021). Expert Virologist Warns: Coof Vaccine is Creating a Global Catastrophe. UncoveredC. ``in the vast majority of healthy individuals, the original COVID-19 strain was causing mild or no symptoms. It stands to reason that before recommending any of the COVID-19 vaccines to the entire population, it should be clear that the vaccine will lower the rate of morbidity and mortality below what one could plausibly expect when letting the pandemic run its natural course.''
Vaccine expert Geert Vanden Bossche warns that mass COVID-19 vaccines during a pandemic will have disastrous consequences for global health.
haram 27-Nov-21 01:48 AM
My firm was sent the below image. After formal request, the hospital confirmed that “All [suspected] and COVID positive patients must wear an isolation drape for all transports outside of their room” and a “surgical mask.” COVID-19 + plastic bag over head + mask = safe?
The bag above appears to say “Equipment Cover” with a suffocation warning. And here is the hospital's formal response my firm obtained on behalf of @icandecide which instructs staff to tell patients “that we require that you wear a transportation drape"
CurbShifter 27-Nov-21 03:28 PM
NATURAL IMMUNITY A huge thank you to Dr. Paul Elias Alexander and his team for compiling this list of 106 studies proving beyond a reasonable doubt that natural immunity to COVID-19 not only exists, but is better than the injections.
A huge thank you to Dr. Paul Elias Alexander and his team for compiling this list of 106 studies proving beyond a reasonable doubt that
CurbShifter 27-Nov-21 09:31 PM -The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are hea
Onysfx 27-Nov-21 09:45 PM
npc "If any of that was true, then why haven't I heard about in the media?"
dumpsterfire 4
gulag 1
mejon07 28-Nov-21 06:08 AM
AstraZeneca vaccine in final trial stages of being tweaked to protect against Omicron
grabbler 1
Dear vaccinated. Please read para 2:
grabbler 3
The US pharmaceutical company Moderna said Friday it will develop a booster shot against the new Omicron variant of the coronavirus.
grabbler 2
NOW - Israel is on the verge of a state of emergency just two weeks after its "Omega War Game" virus exercise, says PM Bennett.
grabbler 2
Dr. Bhakdi, MD, releases statement on Covid vaccines "There is no vaccine that you put into your muscle that can ever protect you against an infection of the respiratory tract... anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or he's lying." Full video:
CurbShifter 28-Nov-21 11:47 AM
pewpew 3
CurbShifter 28-Nov-21 12:41 PM
Covid-19 is an artificially created bio-weapon designed to be rolled out in stages against humanity, ending in societal collapse and 90% depopulation. Get FREE shipping and double Patriot Points duri...
CurbShifter 28-Nov-21 02:10 PM
dumpsterfire 2
😦 1
mejon07 28-Nov-21 04:05 PM
“You could say that this is Covid-21 instead of Covid-19: it is three times more infectious than the original virus,”
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 28-Nov-21 06:09 PM
Uff more symbolism fodder.. shit checks out but makes ppl dismiss everything that follows
MrGold 28-Nov-21 07:50 PM
haram 28-Nov-21 08:11 PM Numerous covid stories in the article, but this one is a corker. Portuguese club Belenenses started a league match against Benfica with just nine players after an outbreak of coronavirus in the squad. The game was later called off just after halftime. The referee called the match off just after the start of the second half. Only seven players took the field for Belenenses, which soon lost another player when one dropped to the turf, leaving them with only six. The laws of soccer allow for games to be played as long as each team has seven players, including a goalkeeper.
Covid-19 has infected more than 261M people and killed over 5.2M. Here are the latest developments related to the pandemic for November 28, 2021:
peep00 1
wtf 2
haram 28-Nov-21 09:19 PM
CurbShifter 29-Nov-21 02:49 AM
mejon07 29-Nov-21 06:37 AM
The Pandemic of Coincidences Continues...
South African doctor who discovered Omicron variant says there's nothing to worry about, only has very mild symptoms.
angry_soyboy 2
A new study has found a gradual increase in Covid-19 infection risk after the second vaccine dose, prompting a team of researchers to propose that a third vaccine dose be considered. The BMJ journal published the study, which found a gradual increase in the risk of Covid-19 infection 90 days after receiving a second dose […]
dumpsterfire 2
honkler 2
haram 29-Nov-21 02:08 PM
“A man goes around with a sharpie destroying QR codes 🤣”
ooh 2
🎵 1
risitas 3
mejon07 29-Nov-21 05:12 PM
Ghana will ramp up its COVID-19 inoculation campaign next month and make the vaccine mandatory for targeted groups including all public sector and health workers from Jan. 22, health service director general Patrick Kuma-Aboagye said on Sunday.
A booster dose of Pfizer vaccine to be administered to fully vaccinated individuals to prevent coronavirus outbreak in province
haram 29-Nov-21 06:14 PM
SAMUT PRAKAN: Funerals for three people who died after receiving their second dose of Covid-19 vaccines were held at the same temple -- Wat Nam Daeng in tambon Bang Kaew, Bang Phli district -- in this central province on Saturday.
Fpepe 1
alt-theories 29-Nov-21 08:18 PM
grabbler 1
MrGold 29-Nov-21 08:44 PM
Kirsch, S. (26 NoRemember, 2021). PROOF: COVID vaccines cause prion diseases. Twitter suspended my account (likely forever since there is no appeal) due to one post on prion diseases. Here's the information they wanted to make sure you NEVER find out. Steve Kirsch's newsletter. ``There is no doubt the mRNA vaccines are causing prion diseases. People didn’t have these diseases before the shot and suddenly they develop them after the shot. There is no other explanation for this. None of the “fact checkers” can explain the cause of the excess rates. Prion diseases are incurable and always fatal. You can die as soon as 6 weeks after COVID vaccination (see within 6 weeks and within 6 months examples).''
Twitter suspended my account (likely forever since there is no appeal) due to one post on prion diseases. Here's the information they wanted to make sure you NEVER find out.
black_jack 29-Nov-21 10:42 PM
True the mom of my wife qcts like a zombie doesnt think straight after 3 jab, another women we know same thing
Fraudbear 29-Nov-21 10:49 PM
Fuck my life
CurbShifter 30-Nov-21 12:03 AM
Minimum dose interval for booster jabs to be halved from 6 months to 3 months and all adults to be offered booster Covid vaccine, Health Secretary Sajid Javid confirms
gulag 2
Fraudbear 30-Nov-21 12:19 AM
Guys I'm beginning to think these covid vaccines don't really work
hhhhh 1
CurbShifter 30-Nov-21 01:18 AM
just 2 more weeks (edited)
CurbShifter 30-Nov-21 01:54 AM
They denied it changed your DNA when they released the first vaccine. Now, they've admitted it alters it, but only a little bit, which means it's a lot and it's definitely not good for you. I can't with these people.
@antistateStella they changed the headline
Tergiversator 30-Nov-21 03:46 AM
Did the article change too or only the headline?
This guy doesn't seem to understand what he is trying to explain, but it is an opinion article so I guess that is to be expected.
CurbShifter 30-Nov-21 04:13 AM
not sure tbh just posted it as example. a reminder to archive when you see something noteworthy
CurbShifter 30-Nov-21 01:00 PM
In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Amy Bolin said in order to be approved for a double-lung transplant, her husband had to be fully vaccinated for COVID even though he’d had the virus and recovered. After his second Moderna shot, he developed a pulmonary embolism and heart condition and died before he could get new lungs.
haram 30-Nov-21 01:32 PM If you are over 60 and unvaccinated in Greece, you will have to pay the government €100 per month indefinitely
ATHENS -Greece said on Tuesday it would make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for people aged 60 and over, a drastic step for the country grappling with a new surge in coronavirus cases. Authorities said they would impose a 100 euro ($114) fine on every individual over the age of 60 who was not vaccinated. The measure would apply each month from ...
pewpew 3
CurbShifter 30-Nov-21 02:14 PM
Does the risk of a heart attack increase from 11% up to 25% Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning (8th November) Measurement of multiple protein biomarkers, which gen...
alt-theories 30-Nov-21 03:02 PM
Sweden: Get your vaccine passports in a chip in your hand or elsewhere under the skin. It is increasingly popular to insert an #IoB chip into the body with different types of data and now you can insert your covid certificates in the chip. 🔗 'Sikh For Truth'. (@SikhForTruth) 📲 @twittervid_bot
Få ditt covidbevis i ett chip i handen eller på annat ställe under huden. Det är allt populärare att sätta in chip i kroppen med olika typer av information och nu kan du även lägga in ditt covidbevis i chippet.
stoned 2
Lal 30-Nov-21 04:01 PM
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ⚠️ T4 JP COMMENTING DISABLED / UNABLE TO REPLY ⚠️ ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 𝘛4 🇯🇵 MORE INFO ➪ ➪ / 以下に日本語の情報があります ➪ ➪ ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––…
mejon07 30-Nov-21 04:51 PM
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc's COVID-19 antibody treatment could be less effective against Omicron, the drugmaker said on Tuesday, adding to fears about the efficacy of existing treatments after Moderna's top boss raised similar concerns about the company's vaccine.
mejon07 30-Nov-21 05:01 PM
LUXEMBOURG: All workers must show proof of vaccination, testing or recovery before entering their workplaces from January.
Also, visitors to many recreational activities must be able to prove they have been vaccinated or recovered from the disease.
Proposal for all staff to show CovidCheck to take effect from January, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announces
Argentina's Health Minister Carla Vizzotti has admitted a Health Pass was coming up effective Dec. 1 as new strains of the coronavirus were being detected in other continents. The new pass would be mandatory for higher risk activities, events involving large crowds and indoor gatherings for people aged 13 and over.
The Libyan Prime Minister Abdul-Hamid Dbeibah issued a decision Sunday making vaccination against Coronavirus mandatory for employees of public institutions and private companies as well. The decision orders all Libyans to take the vaccine so that they can use public places, after showing their vaccination cards, urging all sectors and
shits getting really bad everywhere
💯 1
Cyprus on Monday enforced stricter COVID-19 restrictions, as children over six now need to wear a face mask in school and present a Safe Pass for extracurricular activities and venues they visit. Mask-wearing and carrying a Safe Pass to gain entry to shops and entertainment venues is now mandatory for anyone over six. Parents Monday protested ag...
ARMENIA: The Health Minister has told a press conference that beginning from January 1, 2022, people will have to present proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test result in order to access said places.
doom gulag
doom 1
mejon07 30-Nov-21 05:12 PM
When So-Called "Experts" Deny or Ignore The Science of Natural Immunity
"Police won't enforce the mandates!" ... but they won't need to, as groceries and fuel are being withheld from those who fail to get their shots in Aurangabad, India. As Henry Kissinger warned, "Control food, and you control people." Christian breaks down this development and the plan to incrementally restrict access to food and basic services ...
Lal 30-Nov-21 05:21 PM
 On November 18, 2020, well-known German chemist and one of the EU’s top graphene experts, Dr Andreas Noack was arrested by an armed police unit in [...]
mejon07 30-Nov-21 11:44 PM
Hong Kong’s bottom line on vaccination-caused adolescent myocarditis (with Pfizer):
AbstractBackground. Age-specific incidence of acute myocarditis/pericarditis in adolescents following Comirnaty vaccination in Asia is lacking. This study aimed
The FDA's Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee voted 13 to 10 to recommend emergency authorization of molnupiravir, an oral antiviral drug to fight Covid.
grabbler 1
Exported 439 message(s)