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research sharing / 🔁-great-reset
4th industrial revolution. Digital Currency and ID. Pretty much anything that comes out of World Economic Forum.
Between 01-Nov-20 12:00 AM and 01-Dec-20 12:00 AM
Curb 01-Nov-20 03:56 PM
We’ve started exploring the possibility of launching a digital euro. As Europeans are increasingly turning to digital in the ways they spend, save and invest, we should be prepared to issue a digital euro, if needed. I’m also keen to hear your views on it
NWPepe 1
Curb 01-Nov-20 04:03 PM
big doc lots of info on ECB CBDC (from October 2020)
Curb 01-Nov-20 04:22 PM
towards mid-2021 the Eurosystem will decide whether to launch a digital euro project, which would start with an investigation phase.
wtf_omg 2
black_jack 01-Nov-20 07:33 PM
notsure 1
mejon07 02-Nov-20 06:22 AM
The Reserve Bank of Australia said Monday it is partnering with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (OTC: CMWAY), National Australia Bank Limited (OTC: NABZY), and financial...
mejon07 02-Nov-20 01:51 PM
TIME and the World Economic Forum asked leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work
Curb 02-Nov-20 08:20 PM
UBI, Nesara, Gesara, and Global Digital Currency to be released after Davos Great Reset Meeting !! In our near future: Universal Basic Income, nesara and gesara , Zero Taxation, Digital currency, digital wallet, a vaccine passport, and a social credit system. Sounds like a r...
Curb 03-Nov-20 03:15 PM
The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. We believe that progress happens by bringing tog...
NWPepe 1
Curb 03-Nov-20 05:57 PM
Join us online for the IMF's 8th Statistical Forum, November 17-19, 2020. Three days of lively discussions and debates with leading experts on "Measuring the Economics of a Pandemic". #StatsForum
nomanescio 03-Nov-20 10:45 PM
What I am wondering about, is this also going to be for the billionaires? I don't think so... If they had wanted to share they would have done it a long time ago... For me that would be a reason to go BANZAI... (edited)
zomg 1
Up the garden path we will go
Curb 03-Nov-20 10:48 PM
a new system to support the poor i'd guess. since there are no jobs
nomanescio 03-Nov-20 10:49 PM
Well, they say we wont own anything, but will they own anything?
if they do and we're not allowed, that would be a reason to go crazy
Curb 03-Nov-20 10:49 PM
soviet era but different time period
nomanescio 03-Nov-20 10:49 PM
thats exactly the "hunger games" scenario
👍 1
except they will be outside the city and we inside
👍 2
mejon07 04-Nov-20 07:42 AM
(1/3) Government of Canada announced today that as of Nov. 21, new mandatory requirements will be put in place for travellers entering Canada to submit COVID-related information digitally. #ArriveCAN #COVID19 Learn more:
reee 3
NWPepe 2
Curb 04-Nov-20 06:30 PM
"All around the world, every country is funding a public education system teaching courses that were designed last century. Those courses didn't imagine the future we're about to enter." Tech expert Hadi Partovi discusses schooling systems and how we might be teaching the futu...
Curb 05-Nov-20 02:35 PM
Part of the spiel
Biden has launched a transition website:
The transition team has been working for months to ensure a Biden-Harris administration can hit the ground running on Day One. As votes are being counted, we will continue to lay a strong foundation for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to build a potential administration.
wtf_omg 1
mejon07 06-Nov-20 12:13 AM
Health officials and drugmakers plan to roll out extra tools to detect whether coronavirus vaccines cause any serious side effects once the shots are cleared for widespread use, aiming to fill gaps in existing safeguards given the expected speed and scope of the rollout.
Curb 08-Nov-20 04:11 PM
As the Jobs Reset Summit 2020 comes to a close, what is the call to action for individuals, organizations and governments to accelerate progress on growth, jobs, skills and equity and reset the social contract? Speakers: Panagiotis Madamopoulos-Moraris, Parvathi Santhosh-Kuma...
Curb 08-Nov-20 04:22 PM
TLDW: as we change the world with covid ect. we need to put ppl to work in this "transition". green, equity, inclusion, justice. in other words, prep for global Marxism
grabler 2
"build a society of sharing and caring"
mejon07 10-Nov-20 06:23 AM
The UK’s Treasury is preparing to submit regulatory proposals that would treat stablecoin issuers the same as payment providers.
peep00 1
mejon07 10-Nov-20 05:41 PM
Taking a break from fighting the coronavirus crisis, the world's top central bankers will attempt to resolve the existential questions of their profession this week as they tune into the European Central Bank's annual policy symposium. Having struggled to lift anaemic inflati...
they don’t even hide it with the titles anymore
wtf_omg 1
Curb 11-Nov-20 01:30 AM
BREAKING - Britain’s heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles urges a "worldwide shift" (i.e. global reset) is required as we are "literally at the last hour" before the climate apocalypse hits humanity.
wtf_omg 1
mejon07 11-Nov-20 02:13 PM
Due to mandatory social restrictions, single people are finding it more difficult than ever to meet each other. As the global population is currently not #sustainable and birth rates need to fall, this can be viewed as a very positive outcome of the #Covid_19 pandemic 🌐
pewpew 2
mejon07 11-Nov-20 03:28 PM
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson says the World Economic Forum’s plan for a “Great Reset” is all about globalisation, losing our democracy and “pushing us towards the socialist-left Marxist view of the world”. Ms Hanson put forward a motion to the senate on Wednesday calling...
Curb 11-Nov-20 05:53 PM
In his book Covid-19: The Great Reset, World Economic Forum globalist Klaus Schwab asserts that the world will “never” return to normal, despite him admitting that coronavirus “doesn’t pose a new existential threat.”
boog 1
😣 1
Curb 12-Nov-20 07:35 PM
We're in the end game of a dollar-based system, and a new monetary system will emerge with gold as the anchor, said Willem Middelkoop, founder of the the Commodity Discovery Fund. "We're in a rough period. It doesn't matter which president will be next, he can only avoid a de...
Curb 13-Nov-20 04:14 PM
Curb 14-Nov-20 03:06 AM
“This so-called reset is absolute rubbish and we should make a stand to play no part in it, to protect Australians and our way of life...”
A motion by One Nation leader Pauline Hanson calling on the Australian government to boycott the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset agenda was blocked in the Senate on Nov. 11.
Curb 14-Nov-20 11:13 PM
Join a high-level media briefing on the future of jobs in light of the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and accelerated digital transformation.
Speakers: Saadia Zahidi, Yann Zopf, Hamoon Ekhtiari, Karin Kimbrough, Emily Glassberg Sands
Join a high-level media briefing on the future of jobs in light of the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and accelerated digital transformation. Speakers: Saadia Zahidi, Yann Zopf, Hamoon Ekhtiari, Karin Kimbrough, Emily Glassberg Sands The World Economic Forum is the Internati...
mejon07 15-Nov-20 02:51 AM
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said his computers picked up massive fraud coming in the 2020 Election years ago. Armstrong explains, “The computer doesn’t ask my opinion, or anybody else’s, it just goes on the numbers from the economic dat...
mejon07 15-Nov-20 05:30 AM
The akoin cryptocurrency, created by famous singer and philanthropist Akon, has started trading on a global crypto exchange. It is also being launched as a means of payment in a tech city in Kenya as a pilot for Akon City, the $6 billion futuristic city that is being built in ...
Curb 15-Nov-20 02:37 PM
These economies are teaching children best for the future of work #Education #JobsReset
mejon07 15-Nov-20 04:16 PM
The Task Force was established by the Secretary General to catalyse and recommend ways to harness digital financing to accelerate the financing of the Sustainable Development Goals.
NWPepe 1
mejon07 16-Nov-20 05:20 AM
‘Papers, please!’ Photo: TCP TRAVEL TRACKING IS HERE It has been over six months since Australia instituted a historic travel ban that prevents most people from leaving the country. For…
Curb 16-Nov-20 10:39 PM
"...this is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to re-imagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change..."
Trudeau is saying that the purpose of Coronavirus is for ‘The Great Reset’. The Cabal are coming out of hiding now 👀
pewpew 2
Lal 17-Nov-20 01:00 PM
💯 2
black_jack 17-Nov-20 01:09 PM
zomg 2
Curb 17-Nov-20 09:00 PM
UN Announces Biometric Digital ID Wallet
Recently the United Nations had some big announcements that went largely unnoticed, including the rollout of a biometric digital wallet and an announcement that one of its specialized agencies The International Civil Aviation Organization is one step closer to a internationall...
NWPepe 1
reee 1
mejon07 18-Nov-20 01:59 PM
'Driving will become a privilege for the wealthy': Warning PM's decision to ban petrol and diesel cars by 2030 as part of green push will punish motorists who can't afford electric cars via @MailOnline
Curb 18-Nov-20 05:23 PM
The profound shock of the COVID-19 crisis has challenged public confidence in the ability of leaders and institutions to prepare for unexpected risks. What new forms of cooperation, bold ideas and reforms are needed for business, policy-makers and civil society to build a more...
Curb 18-Nov-20 06:02 PM
some notes; - covid. more debt. billions to vaccines. - climate change/goal/crisis. renewables. green. digital. - our globalist organizations must shape our world with a rule based system. (carbon credits ect). - must make sure people take the vaccines. (link it to opportunity (job ect)) - use the fight against climate change to create more jobs ("opportunity") - bunch of gaslighting on people not wearing masks and not following the advices from the overlords - targeting the private sector to push the agenda instead of through governments also in the background an interesting book...
NWPepe 1
pewpew 2
Curb 18-Nov-20 09:03 PM
Curb 19-Nov-20 01:30 PM
The timeline for ISO 20022 New global payment systems
Central banks know it's all about to collapse, which is why ISO 20022 (i.e., the great reset) begins in 2022
grabler 1
mejon07 20-Nov-20 02:50 AM
What is the ‘Great Reset’ currently being touted by technocrats across the globe? Is this something new, or have the plans been in place for a long time? What does it all mean? “You’re going to play this game whether you want to or not…you are either going to be a victim or a beneficiary. There are only two sides to this, it’s a binary outcome.”...
Curb 20-Nov-20 04:57 PM
As the inaugural Pioneers of Change Summit comes to a close, experts from the Forum’s Top-10 Emerging Technologies Report reflect on their highlights from the summit and the role that innovators have to play in fostering systemic change and building a foundation for a better future.
In a world of increasingly virtual communication, the voice remains humans' most fundamental communication tool. Voice artist and beatboxer Harry Yeff – aka Reeps 100 – explains how he used AI to create a simulation of his own voice, and what this project suggests about the future of human-machine interaction. With thanks to Second Self, presented by Nokia Bell Labs.
As the inaugural Pioneers of Change Summit comes to a close, experts from the Forum’s Top-10 Emerging Technologies Report reflect on their highlights from the summit and the role that innovators have to play in fostering systemic change and building a foundation for a better future. In a world of increasingly virtual communication, the voice re...
Curb 20-Nov-20 05:06 PM
key timestamp the boss himself;
As the inaugural Pioneers of Change Summit comes to a close, experts from the Forum’s Top-10 Emerging Technologies Report reflect on their highlights from the summit and the role that innovators have to play in fostering systemic change and building a foundation for a better future. In a world of increasingly virtual communication, the voice re...
Curb 20-Nov-20 05:14 PM
i mean he even mentions the "conspiracy" sites scrutinizing his quote;
the 4th industrial revolution will bring about a fusion of our physical digital and biological identity.
where; "it is used as a means to master the world". Then note that he does not disavow it. He just drifts off to; "i think the technologies you presented are a reflection of this notion of the fusion of our physical digital and biological identity."
mejon07 20-Nov-20 08:25 PM
wonder why they unlisted the video
Curb 20-Nov-20 08:43 PM
thinking they target their own selective audiences i guess via their own websites. and are so poor they need to ride on the free youtube service lol. (guess it also has good tracking)
honkhonk_clown 1
Curb 21-Nov-20 11:35 AM
As leader of the Davos forum, Schwab probably sees himself as the coordinator of world government. If so, at 82 years old he is probably getting impatient about the progress towards his personal vision of ultimate power. The covid chaos and the success of his climate change agenda must be encouraging him to think he is very close to a breakthrough. Alternatively, we might consider Schwab as a latter-day Charles Fourier (1772—1837), the utopian socialist
...nothing can now stop the collapse of fiat currencies, and with it schemes to control humanity for the convenience and ambitions of government planners. There can only be one statist solution and that is to mobilise gold reserves to back and save their currencies...
NWPepe 1
Curb 23-Nov-20 02:39 AM
A taste of the future. 📕 Read more: #BoldActions4Food
mejon07 23-Nov-20 03:03 AM
you will eat your lab grown meat and you will be happy
enuff 1
Curb 23-Nov-20 01:11 PM
QR codes - bar codes that can be read by mobile phones - have been used in China during the pandemic.
NWPepe 1
Curb 23-Nov-20 01:30 PM
mejon07 23-Nov-20 03:54 PM
Take a look at Schwab's "Forum of Young Leaders" (more like forum of total scumbags)
mejon07 24-Nov-20 06:48 AM
A deal has been struck for Idemia to assist the north African nation of Libya in putting in place a biometric digital identity system which will, among other things, enable the conflict-ridden coun…
NWPepe 1
mejon07 24-Nov-20 04:06 PM
This session will highlight key messages emerging from the discussions during the Bold Actions for Food as a Force for Good meeting, bring to light ambitious and inspiring solutions as well as tangible opportunities for positive change, and galvanize urgent global action for food systems transformation. High-level leaders from public- and priv...
black_jack 24-Nov-20 04:32 PM
the dislikes are more than likes
feelsgood 3
mejon07 25-Nov-20 05:41 AM
The Rebel Capitalist show helps YOU learn more about Macro, Investing, Entrepreneurship AND Personal Freedom. ✅ Want to take your investing to the next level? Check out my new online investing forum!! I've partnered with Lyn Alden and Chris MacIntosh to bring you the best investment tool on the internet...Rebel Capitalist Pro. Check out o...
Visit GoldSilver through George's affiliate link: Is this the Endgame? Join Mike Maloney in Part 2 of his conversation with George Gammon, host of the Rebel Capitalist Show, to hear what they think comes next - and what the average person can do do shield themselves from the financial insanity that prevails. Link...
mejon07 25-Nov-20 01:46 PM
#BREAKING: 9News has learned new plans for international travellers - the Morrison Government will require anyone flying in from overseas to have proof of having the Coronavirus vaccine in their passport. #9News
reee 1
mejon07 25-Nov-20 06:23 PM
United, Lufthansa and Virgin among providers to introduce wef-backed commonpass (which is backed by the World Economic Forum of The Great Reset)
reee 2
United Airlines, Lufthansa, Virgin Atlantic, Swiss International Air Lines, and JetBlue will be accepting a digital health pass as proof of negative COVID-19 status from December.
The CommonPass shows the results of passengers' COVID-19 tests, as is designed as an international standard. In the future, it could also be used to record vaccination results.
dystopian nightmare reee
enuff 1
Curb 25-Nov-20 06:46 PM
i guess the post 911 airport naked body scans were not enough...
grabler 1
feelsbad 2
Der Schläferhund 25-Nov-20 07:49 PM
far from it^
Curb 26-Nov-20 03:54 AM
🔥 For more content that'll help you build wealth and thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments check out Rebel Capitalist Pro! $1 TRIAL OFFER Free 30 min. George Gammon and Lyn Alden 2020 Election deep dive! 🔴 Subscribe for more free YouTube tips: https...
Curb 26-Nov-20 06:05 PM
Curb 27-Nov-20 03:00 PM
An Internet freedom group says Moscow is preparing to implement a “social credit” system similar to the one used in China.
NWPepe 1
Curb 27-Nov-20 04:20 PM
BREAKING - European Central Banker Panetta announces preparations for the introduction of a Digital Euro and upcoming regulation of Big Tech cryptocurrencies.
The global tech giants – the so-called big techs – are aiming for a revolution in the payments landscape, and represent a threat to traditional intermediation, Panetta added.
Curb 27-Nov-20 08:35 PM "the future we want" (edited)
In the first half I prove that "Build Back Better" & The Great Reset is one fascist plan for total control of the world. I show you exactly where it comes from. Next, I get into why people who know about it are fighting against it. Finally I end wit…
Curb 27-Nov-20 09:04 PM
computer voice but doable
Get the Fourth Industrial Revolution Audiobook for Free on Amazon Get the Fourth Industrial Revolution Physical book Envy Books is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates.
mejon07 27-Nov-20 09:58 PM
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that no institution or individual alone can address the economic, environmental, social and technological challenges of our complex, interdependent world. The pandemic itself will not transform the world, but it has accelerated systemic changes that were apparent before its inception. The fault lines that e...
Curb 27-Nov-20 10:40 PM
the launch briefing of the book; COVID-19: The Great Reset
Since it made its entry on to the world stage, COVID-19 has torn up the existing script of how to govern countries, live with others, and take part in the global economy in a dramatic way. Professor Schwab and CEO and Founder of the Monthly Barometer Thierry Malleret explore these disruptions in their new book, COVID-19: The Great Reset. The Wo...
Curb 28-Nov-20 02:48 PM
This 31-page document reads like a blueprint on how to “execute” – because an execution (or implementation) would be – “Covid-19 – The Great Reset” (July 2020), by Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO (since the foundation of the WEF in 1974) and his associate Thierry Malleret.
This 31-page document reads like a blueprint on how to execute "The Great Reset"...
NWPepe 1
pewpew 1
Curb 28-Nov-20 04:18 PM
Time for Romanticism 2.0
Opposition from Romanticism
During the Industrial Revolution, an intellectual and artistic hostility towards the new industrialisation developed, associated with the Romantic movement. Romanticism revered the traditionalism of rural life and recoiled against the upheavals caused by industrialization, urbanization and the wretchedness of the working classes.[240] Its major exponents in English included the artist and poet William Blake and poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley. The movement stressed the importance of "nature" in art and language, in contrast to "monstrous" machines and factories; the "Dark satanic mills" of Blake's poem "And did those feet in ancient time". Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein reflected concerns that scientific progress might be two-edged. French Romanticism likewise was highly critical of industry.[241]
The Industrial Revolution, now also known as the First Industrial Revolution, was the transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States, in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production p...
mejon07 28-Nov-20 05:24 PM
No Vaccination, No Travel -- This is How Digital Vaccine Passport will Change our Life They Are Developing A “Digital Passport” For International Travel That Will Show If You Have Been Vaccinated. International travel will soon look far different than it once did. Now that multiple vaccines for the pandemic have been rushed through the devel...
mejon07 29-Nov-20 03:18 AM
The travel industry is moving ahead with plans to ensure a coronavirus vaccine means tourism and travel, both domestically and internationally, can quickly be revived.
NWPepe 1
mejon07 29-Nov-20 04:17 PM
EXCLUSIVE Britons to get 'vaccine stamps' in their passports before overseas travel
pewpew 1
Curb 30-Nov-20 09:55 PM
very dry but its about the cashless and the upcoming fintech systems to replace the traditional banking system.
This session will highlight key messages emerging from the discussions during the Bold Actions for Food as a Force for Good meeting, bring to light ambitious and inspiring solutions as well as tangible opportunities for positive change, and galvanize urgent global action for food systems transformation. High-level leaders from public- and priv...
Curb 30-Nov-20 10:08 PM
she dropped a hard N -> the New World Order at this timestamp
This session will highlight key messages emerging from the discussions during the Bold Actions for Food as a Force for Good meeting, bring to light ambitious and inspiring solutions as well as tangible opportunities for positive change, and galvanize urgent global action for food systems transformation. High-level leaders from public- and priv...
NWPepe 1
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