Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 💿-tech-and-science
Between 01-May-21 12:00 AM and 01-Jun-21 12:00 AM
CurbShifter 01-May-21 10:32 AM
He did not rule out the possibility of Digidog returning to the police force at some future date. "But for now, this is a casualty of politics, bad information and cheap sound bytes," he said. "We should have named it 'Lassie.'"
"We should have named it 'Lassie.'"
CurbShifter 12-May-21 12:41 PM
Biden's dystopian hellhole is rapidly moving in the direction of establishing a “Cyber Stasi” for suppressing all digital dissent against the Democrats...
CurbShifter 13-May-21 03:17 AM
Proioxis 13-May-21 10:42 PM
mejon07 14-May-21 12:04 AM
The FingerprintJS team has uncovered a scheme flooding vulnerability. We explain how the exploit works across four major desktop browsers and show why it's a threat to anonymous browsing.
Junkyard 22-May-21 03:39 AM
Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.) are Military installations that are set ether inside of a mountain or deep underground. Base 211 is the name used to refer to an alleged German Base built in Antarctica. Antarctica and the Odin Departure Invading Antarctica: Secret South Pole Colony https://...
CurbShifter 24-May-21 05:25 PM
"Between looming Covid passports and vaccine phone surveillance, this Government is turning Britain into a Big Brother state under the cover of COVID..."
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 25-May-21 07:42 PM
AI research is really amazing. its good to have a understanding of how our future overlords think and learn honkler
❤️ Check out Lambda here and sign up for their GPU Cloud: 📝 The paper "DeepMimic: Example-Guided Deep Reinforcement Learning of Physics-Based Character Skills" is available here: ❤️ Watch these videos in early access on our Patreon page or join us here on YouT...
honkler 2
CurbShifter 26-May-21 03:23 PM
Nasal cure for Covid? A Finnish company gets US patent for a Covid drug containing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine "According to the company, the nasal spray acts on cell function in nasal mucous in three ways, impairing the ability of the virus to penetrate the body and multiply, thus reducing the risk of serious illness."
The Turku company says its nasal spray delivers low, safe doses of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and aprotinin.
peep00 1
CurbShifter 30-May-21 03:42 AM
Everyone will say this craft breaks the laws of physics. This video is sponsored by Kiwico, For 50% off your first month of any subscription crate from KiwiCo (available in 40 countries!) head to http...
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