Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / ❗-general-news
post links to news and events here. please tag it with #county #subject where needed. these will be shared on the website
Between 01-May-21 12:00 AM and 01-Jun-21 12:00 AM
mejon07 01-May-21 02:41 AM
People who hold parties that lead to COVID-19 deaths could face manslaughter charges: experts
yuri_bezmenov 3
risitas 2
mejon07 01-May-21 11:32 PM
Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont signed legislation on Wednesday to eliminate the religious exemption for student vaccines, although opponents of the measure are already gearing up for legal action.
NWOpepe 1
CurbShifter 02-May-21 03:24 PM
Was covid just a test🧐🙏👇👇👇
black_jack 02-May-21 11:07 PM
i think the next crisis will be death by vax they will say are the variants killing peole
the sheep will domand vax ore force vax because then everyone will have a dead person in the house and it will be real deaths not fake like are now
Proioxis 03-May-21 01:18 AM
Onysfx 03-May-21 01:25 AM
"See? You conspiracy theorists said nobody is dying, now because of you more people are dying everywhere!"
Proioxis 03-May-21 01:29 AM
Exactly 😔 it's gonna suckk
CurbShifter 03-May-21 03:31 AM
just have to hope it will be not as bad
🤞 2
PhantomXJ5 03-May-21 03:36 AM
Spanish flu 2.0 incoming....
energyxplode 03-May-21 10:13 AM
We never said that, on the contrary, we always said a lot of people are dying, but not necessary of covid.
How many people are there in the world? World population has reached 7.7 billion. World population live counter with data sheets, graphs, maps, and census data regarding the current, historical, and future world population figures, estimates, growth rates, densities and demographics
gulag 2
mejon07 03-May-21 05:14 PM
The Biden administration is considering using outside firms to track extremist chatter by Americans online, an effort that would expand the government's ability to gather intelligence but could draw criticism over surveillance of US citizens.
NWOpepe 1
deMonter 03-May-21 11:52 PM
CurbShifter 04-May-21 12:42 AM
Bill and Melinda Gates got married in 1994 and are involved with one of the world's top nonprofits, with over $51 billion in assets.
hmmm 1
Hago 04-May-21 02:19 PM
On Saturday, May 1, a covid restriction-critical demonstration was held in the central parts of Stockholm, Sweden. Journalist Jesper Johansson documented the event on behalf of the newspaper Nya Tider, but was wrestled down by the police. He ended up being wrestled down by four policemen and handcuffed. Jesper Johansson suffered minor injuries...
mejon07 05-May-21 01:21 AM even msm realizes it doesn't make sense to target teens
Biden wants 70 percent of American adults to have at least one shot of a Covid vaccine by July 4, and has prioritized vaccinating adolescents. But targeting US teens is a controversial move as the pandemic surges in countries like India and Brazil
grabbler 1
alt-theories 05-May-21 07:38 PM
For the past year, Dr. Joseph Mercola has been teaching his followers how to naturally support their immune systems with vitamin D, zinc and other natural remedies that have been medically proven [...]
mejon07 05-May-21 08:41 PM
Israel fired missiles toward northwest Syria early Wednesday, killing one person and wounding six, Syrian state media reported. It was the first Israeli attack on Syria since a missile fired by Damascus struck deep inside Israel two weeks ago. Syrian air defense units responded to the missile attacks, the report said, without giving further de...
mejon07 06-May-21 03:36 AM
New York's Major League Baseball teams, the Yankees and the Mets, will give free tickets to fans who get vaccinated against the coronavirus at their ballparks before the games, Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday.
yuri_bezmenov 2
grabbler 2
mejon07 06-May-21 03:15 PM
To continue protecting the health and safety of our community, the University will require UD students returning this fall to be fully immunized with the COVID-19 vaccine no later than August 15, 2021. More information:
grabbler 3
CurbShifter 06-May-21 03:20 PM
Going as planned..
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 07-May-21 07:36 PM
As demand for COVID-19 vaccines begins to fade, Target is now offering shoppers a $5 coupon if they get the vaccine at a CVS pharmacy in their stores.
npc 3
🆗 1
deMonter 08-May-21 06:32 PM
This is a breaking news story. Please check back for updates as more information becomes available. On Friday night, the largest U.S. gas pipeline announced it had halted its operations after it discovered it was targeted in a cyber attack. The pipeline provides about 45 percent of the fuel supply along the east coast and southern United States....
NWOpepe 1
CurbShifter 09-May-21 04:27 AM
A toddler and her mother were just shot in Times Square in broad daylight Get out of cities
Fpepe 2
deMonter 09-May-21 09:34 AM
The government must stop persecuting Pastor Artur Pawlowski.
gulag 4
CurbShifter 09-May-21 11:27 PM
guess he got too much play kicking out the nazis from his church
grabbler 1
Didi 10-May-21 11:55 AM
mejon07 10-May-21 02:32 PM
yeah i'd totally get the jab so i can get a $6 discount on a beer npc
The grocery purveyor is offering Latin American candy to people who post a vaccine selfie or help relatives or neighbours book appointments, but stresses that vaccination is a “personal decision” and the promotion is not meant to pressure people.
Meanwhile, Polarity Brewing in Whitehorse will give vaccinated customers a $6 discount on a beer or food purchase.
In Kitchener, Ont., TheMuseum will offer free admission to the vaccinated through a campaign called Jabbed Like Jagger — a reference to Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger, who has encouraged vaccination and will feature heavily in an upcoming exhibit on his band.
Manulife Financial Inc. will give some of its vaccinated customers enrolled in its Vitality program rewards points that can be used towards gift cards or gadgets and Toronto-based financial app Drop is offering $50 in cash rewards to users who post a vaccine selfie on social media and tag the brand.
Insurers, food businesses and even tech companies are unveiling promotions aimed at convincing people to get the jab in exchange for savings and giveaways.
sNi 10-May-21 02:46 PM
makes you wonder why they are so invested in this thing.. who owns all these companies.. what's in it for them...
CurbShifter 10-May-21 04:49 PM
With all this preamble once again coming out in the press, we can't help but wonder: is a Bill Gates accuser about to step forward?
mejon07 11-May-21 03:39 AM
NEW YORK — Free seven-day unlimited MetroCards, or tickets to professional soccer or baseball games, or to the region’s largest aquarium, or to the botanical gardens: all of those free …
mejon07 11-May-21 03:46 AM
More than 500 people are currently in intensive care in Tunisia, a level previously unseen in the North African country.
NWOpepe 1
mejon07 11-May-21 04:54 AM
The University of Oregon will require students, faculty and staff to be vaccinated prior to the start of the fall 2021 academic term, the UO announced Monday.
NWOpepe 2
Sheikh Tide 11-May-21 06:18 AM
JUST IN - Fire on the Temple Mount in #Jerusalem
New York post literally reverse carded the 9 dead children in Palestine. Western media at its finest. @nypost y’all are the devil
grabbler 3
Fpepe 2
Sheikh Tide 11-May-21 06:41 PM
Hamas had issued ultimatum, demanding Israel remove its forces from al-Aqsa Mosque #AlAqsaUnderAttack #FreePalestine
ooh 3
Sheikh Tide 11-May-21 11:28 PM
Video shows how an Israeli police vehicle crashes while escaping angry Palestinian protesters. #Palestine #Israel
mejon07 11-May-21 11:49 PM
University of Lethbridge announced Monday that students who receive a COVID-19 vaccination before Sept. 9 are eligible to win one of nine grand prizes of full tuition for this fall, which are worth about $3,600 each.
no_u 1
mejon07 12-May-21 02:03 AM
JUST IN - Gov. DeSantis declares a state of emergency in the State of Florida over gas shortage due to Colonial Pipeline cyberattack.
To be clear: Colonial Pipeline is fully functional. The hack just may have affected Colonial’s ability to invoice customers. So until they can get paid, they're going to hold the east coast ransom.
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 12-May-21 02:06 AM
anything to keep oil propped up. if that starts to fall the house of cards will also
CurbShifter 12-May-21 12:55 PM
mejon07 13-May-21 03:12 PM
The fast food chain is partnering with the White House and encouraging its customers to get vaccinated.
honkler 1
CurbShifter 13-May-21 04:34 PM
lol bitcoin. if they were real hackers they wouldve asked for monero or other privacy coins
JUST IN - Colonial Pipeline paid hackers nearly $5 million in #Bitcoin, contradicting reports earlier this week that the company had no intention of paying an extortion fee (Bloomberg)
grabbler 2
👆 1
PhantomXJ5 14-May-21 03:37 AM
Liquidation of stock options! Both are rich, on paper. What do I mean? Their wealth is tied directly into their companies stock prices. If the stock crashes, so does their wealth. So how do you cas…
grabbler 2
mejon07 14-May-21 03:51 AM
The vaccine-related incentives are also aimed at attracting workers flush with relief checks and wary of the pandemic as well as the lack of childcare facilities back to work.
grabbler 2
Ontario Premier Doug Ford has announced that the provincewide stay-at-home-order will be extended for an additional two weeks, saying the move will help deliver the "most normal July and August possible."
NWOpepe 1
honkler 1
no_u 1
pinkwojak 1
Proioxis 14-May-21 03:47 PM police violence this year during anti covid measure protests
in NL
mejon07 14-May-21 09:54 PM
Government authorities in Argentina are requiring cryptocurrency exchanges in the country to provide monthly data on users and transactions.
NWOpepe 2
at least this is good marketing for privacy coins.
🏴‍☠️ 1
alt-theories 14-May-21 10:05 PM
“Several associations and private individuals are making serious allegations against the Corona Task Force boss Martin Ackermann and other people. You have filed a criminal complaint.” "The plaintiffs accuse Martin Ackermann of the following crimes, among others: Repeated publication of implausible horror prognoses regarding the occupancy of the intensive care beds, with the aim of terrifying the public and implementing more stringent measures."
Mehrere Verbände und Privatpersonen erheben schwere Vorwürfe gegen den Corona-Task-Force-Chef Martin Ackermann und weitere Personen. Sie haben eine Strafanzeige eingereicht.
Didi 15-May-21 01:21 AM
Warning that the US is in “deep peril” from a “full-blown assault on our constitutional rights,” over 120 former top military brass have signed a letter outlining threats to its “survival,” including Biden administration policies.
peep00 1
💯 4
grabbler 1
feelsbadman 1
Proioxis 15-May-21 01:48 AM
idk if this is real but it seems the BBC says a nato ship shot a surface to air missile at a russia nsurveillance plane today
1 or more ships were sunk and new ships are being send in
Proioxis 15-May-21 02:15 AM
ok clearly just a simulation lol
mejon07 15-May-21 03:32 AM
The Department of Homeland Security issued a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin Friday warning that the United States is 'facing threats...posed by domestic terrorists' and that 'violent extremists' may attempt to 'exploit easing COVID-19-related restrictions.' 'The Homeland is facing threats that have evolved significantly and become i...
grabbler 2
mejon07 15-May-21 03:55 AM
Delta Air Lines (DAL.N) will require all new hires in the United States to be vaccinated against COVID-19, one of the first major companies to issue such a mandate.
grabbler 1
NWOpepe 1
yuri_bezmenov 1
CurbShifter 15-May-21 07:29 PM
PhantomXJ5 16-May-21 03:15 AM
At this time, local health departments are still recommending people wear masks, but they say they will ultimately follow the state’s direction.
NWOpepe 1
Onysfx 17-May-21 11:21 PM
Calgary police say they have arrested mayoral candidate Kevin J. Johnston for violating a Court of Queen’s Bench order keeping people from attending illegal large gatherings.
mejon07 18-May-21 02:21 AM
In a new, leaked video, what appears to be a UFO flies around a Navy ship off the coast of San Diego before suddenly disappearing after flying into the water. The Pentagon is set to begin the most expansive look yet at the military’s response to “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” in an inspector general investigation announced […]
gulag 1
"Covid fear-mongering isnt working anymore... send the UFOS."
Onysfx 18-May-21 02:24 AM
"UFO spotted spreading covid"
honkler 4
CurbShifter 18-May-21 03:05 AM
ugh will have to point the bot to an alt feed
JUST IN - Twitter suspended the account of @zerohedge (again)
dumpsterfire 1
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 18-May-21 03:45 AM
aaand its back
hyperz 1
🏆 1
Timothy Hunter 18-May-21 07:16 AM
@mejon07 Not worth report ufos because that's all they will tell you about they will never get to the real stuff. (edited)
CurbShifter 18-May-21 12:36 PM
If info is not worth it then don't click it. No need for you to editorialize contributors.
Timothy Hunter 18-May-21 03:07 PM
I didn't say it was useless it is just ufos information has been repetitive, I wouldn't have said anything if they reported something new. I have research ufo for many years that's why I'm saying that no offence.
mejon07 18-May-21 03:35 PM
Now, a special committee established by Tanzania's new president, Samia Suluhu Hassan, has issued a range of recommendations to tackle the Covid-19 situation in the country.
One of those recommendations is to impose restrictions to curb a looming third wave in the country, the committed said in a statement published Monday.
The committee also recommended that Tanzania begin procuring Covid-19 vaccines and join the worldwide vaccine-sharing initiative COVAX, backed by the World Health Organization.
The statement offered up a potential vaccine rollout plan, once the country obtains shots, that would prioritize frontline workers, adults over 50, and those who are immunocompromised.
Under its late leader John Magufuli, who downplayed the pandemic and shunned masks for the healing power of prayer, Tanzania stopped releasing COVID-19 data in April 2020 when it last showed 509 infections and 16 fatalities.
Tanzania's coronavirus response is getting serious, two months after the death of the country's Covid-denying president.
grabbler 2
CurbShifter 18-May-21 07:19 PM
Surprisingly few people know about the rock star’s long history of egregious awfulness
honkler 2
dumpsterfire 2
May 12, 2021. Mordechai Sones America's Frontline Doctors. Eric Clapton after COVID vaccination: 'I should never have gone near the needle'
tagiadin_tasos 18-May-21 09:19 PM
According to Norwegian newspaper DNMagasinet , Epstein and Gates arrived together at the meeting in March 2013. It took place in Strasborug, at the home of Thorbjørn Jagland and Gates asked for it.
PhantomXJ5 19-May-21 02:47 AM
By Sarah Maslin Nir
Face coverings have been a political flash point for more than a year. But now, the backlash is directed at people who don’t plan to take them off.
yuri_bezmenov 4
npc yuri_bezmenov
CurbShifter 19-May-21 03:30 PM
Any local government or official attempting to enforce mask wearing in Texas will face fine of $1000
grabbler 1
tagiadin_tasos 19-May-21 04:59 PM
'UFOs' author joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss why US may have 'covered up' UFO information. #FoxNews #Tucker Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News Video: Watch Fox News Channel Live: FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delive...
Proioxis 21-May-21 12:49 AM
this sounds exciting
ooh 2
gulag 1
pewpew 1
peep00 2
ShadowSpectre 21-May-21 02:14 AM
There was this German doctor calling for people to join him earlier before it's too late kind of idea. Something interesting going on in that area of the world for sure. Meanwhile here today they arrested the highly outspoken Chris Sky for supposed threats against politicians but the real story coming out is that Carbone of fake Republican Party of Canada turned on him for money. Things getting stranger by the day.
feelsbadman 1
PhantomXJ5 21-May-21 03:38 AM
Far-left Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot will only grant one-on-one interviews to "Black or Brown journalists", her spokesperson announced on Tuesday.
honkler 1
alt-theories 21-May-21 07:09 AM Cyber security pandemic exercise polygon has been preparing for this now for 2 years. Just like event 201. Hosted by world economic forum ofcourse. Their gonna have another exercise for “cyber-attacks” this summer called polygon 2021. I guess they are in a hurry to usher in the Great Reset. It’s the same old Problem - Reaction - Solution
The Air Force should use industry systems for cybersecurity because the infrastructure necessary isn’t within its expertise, said USAF's chief scientist.
NWOpepe 3
CurbShifter 21-May-21 01:02 PM
Twitter is down throttling this post in the extreme, so please RT and pass it on! CDC top official Anne Schuchat resigns after controversial tenure
CurbShifter 22-May-21 01:59 AM
JUST IN - The two prison guards looking after Jeffrey Epstein have admitted they "falsified records" the night he died in a New York jail.
surprised_pikachu 2
mejon07 22-May-21 05:28 AM
BUENOS AIRES: Argentina will tighten pandemic lockdown measures to combat a severe second COVID-19 wave, President Alberto Fernandez said on ...
NWOpepe 2
max9 22-May-21 03:22 PM
mejon07 22-May-21 03:57 PM
The state will randomly select one $1 million prize winner, plus 36 $10,000 winners. Five children ages 12 to 17 also will win $100,000 scholarships to college.
honkler 2
mejon07 23-May-21 01:34 AM
CERTAIN offenders could get their sentences cut in half if they agree to get the Covid vaccine in a shocking new policy. Georgia’s Hall and Dawson counties are offering this incentive in an e…
honkler 3
this is getting out of hand
CurbShifter 23-May-21 01:48 AM
honkler nothing to see here
🙈 2
mejon07 23-May-21 02:08 AM
Chicago restaurant owners hoping to ease concerns for those who may be apprehensive about dining out have a solution: a vaccinated only section.
honkler 2
PhantomXJ5 23-May-21 04:02 AM
why not just say "if you dont get the shot you will be jailed/sent to the camps" at that point
sNi 23-May-21 04:52 AM
I guess if you have a 6 year sentence and it gets cut into 3... if you make it to 3..
alt-theories 23-May-21 12:23 PM
Some predictive programming to go with your totalitarian tiptoe? The depopulation agenda is no myth. There are official projections of population of lower than present figures, Australia 15.million, for example. The timing of this as the jabs roll out and death reports are rising in number, not to mention the effects they are having on menstrual.cycles
By Damien Cave, Emma Bubola and Choe Sang-Hun
Fewer babies’ cries. More abandoned homes. Toward the middle of this century, as deaths start to exceed births, changes will come that are hard to fathom.
CurbShifter 23-May-21 01:36 PM
Don't worry though its a good thing
Demographers warn against seeing population decline as simply a cause for alarm. Many women are having fewer children because that’s what they want. Smaller populations could lead to higher wages, more equal societies, lower carbon emissions and a higher quality of life for the smaller numbers of children who are born.
gulag 2
mejon07 24-May-21 02:03 AM what do you guys think the agenda is here?
🚨🇮🇱 | BREAKING: Israel's health minister says all coronavirus restrictions will be lifted on June 1, including scrapping vaccine passports
peep00 3
PhantomXJ5 24-May-21 03:19 AM
they are waiting for the "third/fourth wave" possibly considering their vax % (edited)
notsure 1
ShadowSpectre 24-May-21 05:23 AM
It's never really been about the "vaccine" passport IMO, but more about giving everyone a digital ID to move along with the social credit system, etc. It has more to do with our suspected economic/monetary reset and covid was just an excuse. Not that they won't bring this back up come fall during regular cold/flu season and more have had their second shot around the globe, but we've seen the moves toward green agenda narrative and also angling Bill Gates and now Fauci for being fall guys if needed.
hmmm 2
mejon07 25-May-21 03:29 PM "embraces democracy" lol... they're gonna use this opportunity to attempt coup d'etat again in Belarus.
EU leaders have closed Belarus to international flights and banned its airlines after the regime there hijacked a passenger plane on Sunday.
A three-billion-euro EU investment package for Belarus will remain on hold and frozen until the country turns democratic, the chief of the European Union's executive said on Monday.
grabbler 1
mejon07 26-May-21 03:04 PM wonder how legitimate this number is
BREAKING: 50% of American adults fully-vaccinated against COVID-19
yuri_bezmenov 2
mejon07 26-May-21 03:25 PM
In Poland you can win electric cars, scooters and even a 1mln PLN (£200k) in the vaccine lottery. Given that 50% of people are being very reluctant to vaccines this is kinda genius. In a very dystopian way.
#SzczepimySię #OstatniaProsta
peep00 2
A district of northern Thailand has launched a raffle campaign for its vaccinated residents to win a live cow per week for the rest of the year, in a bid to boost the local Covid-19 vaccination drive.
honkler 2
🐄 2
mejon07 27-May-21 04:16 AM
Anything from lotteries to free beer giveaways could soon be on the table to encourage hesitant Australians to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
honkler 2
🐍 1
Didi 27-May-21 12:43 PM
Farmers in France and Croatia are standing up to EU policies that are designed to end traditional farming and ranching: Even as a new seed law CRIMINALIZES traditional seed saving, drones and satellites are launched to monitor all fishing in realtime. Croatians are wary of the EU Ag Census which takes total inventory of all food production -- ...
alt-theories 27-May-21 10:13 PM
Israel has dropped it and France plan to drop the vaccine passports by September this year (edited)
Michael Gove, who has been conducting a review into the idea, said there were 'benefits' in a system of proof for negative tests and vaccines that could help reopen parts of society.
🤞 4
grabbler 1
mejon07 28-May-21 05:39 AM
Christina Bravo
Gov. Gavin Newsom introduced incentives to encourage Californians to get their COVID-19 vaccine with a $116.5 million program – the largest vaccine incentive program in the U.S.
honkler 2
alt-theories 28-May-21 08:23 PM
Tech executives warned that democracy has to win the AI arms race, in a new BBC Panorama.
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 29-May-21 02:29 AM
Malaysia will impose a strict nationwide lockdown starting next week after the country saw four straight days of record-high daily #COVID19 infections and ICU patients. #Malaysia
NWOpepe 3
grabbler 1
mejon07 29-May-21 03:44 PM
mejon07 29-May-21 04:10 PM
Students living in residence at University of Western Ontario this fall will be required to have a COVID-19 vaccine, but they won’t be required to attend class
NWOpepe 1
interesting in Canada that no university has mandated the jab to attend classes.. (yet at least) whereas many universities in the US have mandated the jab.
grabbler 1
PhantomXJ5 30-May-21 09:26 AM
max9 30-May-21 03:05 PM
mejon07 31-May-21 01:59 AM
There will be no legal requirement to show Covid jab status at large events, as ministers go cool on proposals
ooh 2
mejon07 31-May-21 02:18 AM
a fishing license as a reward for getting vaccinated...
Getting rewarded for the vaccine - ABC 6 News - KAAL TV
honkler 1
mejon07 31-May-21 03:16 PM
Legislators pass bill to extend cocktails-to-go until 2024 and also allow bars and restaurants to offer a free drink to people who’ve received a COVID-19 vaccination
honkler 1
mejon07 31-May-21 03:49 PM
Based on the law, and Constitution, a court may likely be on the side of the state or private employer that makes vaccination of workers compulsory, once they have acted in a reasonably justifiable manner. That is the conclusion of a regional Queens’s Counsel. “…You look at the Constitution of St Vincent and the Grenadines, […]
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Officials on Monday reveal plans to impose stricter rules, including longer quarantine, on those who have not been inoculated against the coronavirus.
NWOpepe 1
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