Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 🚪-gateways
post links to channels and websites that contain relevant 'truth' sources. (post the main pages, not specific videos or articles of those sources). - any language, but please tag it. - posting invite links to other servers is allowed - we are building a list, so keep it short
Between 01-May-21 12:00 AM and 01-Jun-21 12:00 AM
CurbShifter 01-May-21 01:23 AM
Library Genesis is a scientific community targeting collection of books on natural science disciplines and engineering.
mejon07 06-May-21 03:02 PM
Here are all the reasons to say NO to the mRNA jab.
CurbShifter 08-May-21 01:07 AM
volcano and quake tracker ring of fire looks busy
PhantomXJ5 24-May-21 05:45 AM
Vaccine Exemption Card for Order. The cards contain national and international laws of informed consent so that you can legally deny vaccines.
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