Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / šŸ§¬-covid19
Between 01-May-21 12:00 AM and 01-Jun-21 12:00 AM
CurbShifter 01-May-21 01:22 AM
In the end, the anti-fertility vaccine was not produced before Project Coast was officially closed down in 1995, 12 years after it was initiated. An early version was tested in baboons, but never in humans. South Africa isnā€™t the only country to try and forcibly sterilize parts of its population. European countries, including Sweden and Switzerland, sterilized members of the Roma minority in the early half of the 20th century and some, like Slovakia, continued even beyond that. More recently, analysts have alleged that the Chinese government is sterilizing women in Xinjiang, a province with a large population of Uighur Muslims.
Self-spreading vaccines that use viruses to confer immunity instead of disease among wild animals could help stop animal diseases from jumping to humans, quashing the next pandemic before it starts. But the new technology is not without risks.
Menstrual cycles, bleeding, blood clots, & miscarriages.
CurbShifter 01-May-21 02:26 AM
Prevention is better than cure, so we should start using genetic techniques to stop dangerous animal diseases jumping to humans, say Scott Nuismer and James Bull
pewpew 3
mejon07 01-May-21 04:06 AM
Enough analysis of these human petri dishes. Everyone who wants a vaccine will soon have one, and proof should be required to work, play and travel.
grabbler 1
stoned 1
Wow. WOW. @cdcgov only wants to examine post-vaccine infections with a PCR threshold of 28 or under. That standard ignores 90+% of #Covid infections. The entire epidemic would have looked very different if it had been used. "An RT-PCR Ct value ā‰¤28"
Unbelievable. All year, CDC has played dumb about the standard 37 to 40 cycle thresholds used for COVID PCR testing yielding 85-90% false positives. Lowering the threshold to 28 for post-vaccine testing is proof, if more was needed, they knew exactly what they were doing.
honkler 1
feelsbadman 1
CurbShifter 01-May-21 10:10 AM
School will no longer employ any teacher who has taken the vaccine!
hmmm 2
haram 01-May-21 11:11 AM
haram 01-May-21 04:38 PM
"Vaccine on it's own will not end this Pandemic, Surveillance will need to continue, people will still need to be tested and isolated." ā€” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director general.
CurbShifter 01-May-21 05:21 PM
some data on 'shedding' these articles are focused on covid19. however this is pretty much what people are injected with. looking for more info, so far seems its about 2 to 2,5 months
Length of viral RNA shedding ranged from 6 to 47 days.
COVID-19 RNA hung around for about 17 days in general. Shedding of RNA could go on for 83 days in the upper respiratory tracts (nose and throat) and 60 days in the lower respiratory tract (associated with sputum). It could be found for up to 60 days in the blood and 4 months in the stool. Shedding duration increased with age but not gender in respiratory samples. Shedding, in general, was longer in those severely affected, but not always.
Patients with COVID-19 outside of Wuhan, China, shed virus RNA for a median of 17 days.
Nearly a year into the pandemic, can we begin to make some definitive statements about the transmission of COVID-19 between individuals, based on a patientā€™s symptoms or testing? A meta-analysis provides some answers. (Or at least it gets us into the ballpark.)
wutdafug 2
CurbShifter 01-May-21 05:50 PM
Shedding can continue for several weeks after a personā€™s symptoms have resolved ā€” thereā€™s no standard time frame.
Research has identified shedding of infectious SARS-CoV-2 virus particles from up to eight days after symptom onset in hospitalised patients, to up to 70 days after diagnosis in an immunocompromised person.
It's not only shedding and reinfection which are different ā€” there are actually two types of viral shedding.
CurbShifter 01-May-21 06:11 PM
The duration of viral shedding varies significantly and may depend on severity. Among 137 survivors of COVID-19, viral shedding based on testing of oropharyngeal samples ranged from 8-37 days, with a median of 20 days. ... In an evaluation of patients recovering from severe COVID-19, Zhou and colleagues found a median shedding duration of 31 days (range, 18-48 days)
The duration of viral shedding varies significantly and may depend on severity. Among 137 survivors of COVID-19, viral shedding based on testing of oropharyngeal samples ranged from 8-37 days, with a ... more
CurbShifter 01-May-21 06:33 PM
ā€œA lot of people want to call it shedding, but when people think of shedding, they are thinking ā€¦ of the weakened viral [vaxxes] but thatā€™s not what this is. This is gene therapy that is causing your body to make these spike proteins, this is mRNA gene therapy, this is ā€¦ human experimentation ... Thereā€™s no way of knowing if the human body will ever shut off this mechanism of producing the spike proteins, so the people that get the [vax] may produce them forever ā€¦ā€
All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the ā€œTranslate Websiteā€ drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** In a bizarre turn of events, the COVID vaxxed are apparently causing ill effects to the unvaccinated around them, as countless reports and anecdotes affirm. The more time goes ā€¦
wutdafug 2
CurbShifter 01-May-21 06:47 PM
Christiane Northrup is a board-certified obstetrics and gynaecology physician and author who has embraced alternative medicine. She is opposing vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic WARNINGS; VAX & VAXXED UNSAFE; SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS; REPRODUCTIā€¦
CurbShifter 01-May-21 07:28 PM
page 4: A non-neutralizing antibody is one that can bind to the virus, but for some reason, the antibody fails to neutralize the infectivity of the virus. In some viruses, if a person harbors a non-neutralizing antibody to the virus, a subsequent infection by the virus can cause that person to elicit a more severe reaction to the virus due to the presence of the non-neutralizing antibody. This is not true for all viruses, only particular ones. This is called Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), and is a common problem with Dengue Virus, Ebola Virus, HIV, RSV, and the family of coronaviruses. In fact, this problem of ADE is a major reason why many previous vaccine trials for other coronaviruses failed. Major safety concerns were observed in animal models. If ADE occurs in an individual, their response to the virus can be worse than their response if they had never developed an antibody in the first place. This can cause a hyperinflammatory response, a cytokine storm, and a generally dysregulation of the immune system that allows the virus to cause more damage to our lungs and other organs of our body.
Onysfx 01-May-21 08:06 PM
With the message "Get vaccinated. Wear a mask. Save Lives,ā€ the tech giant is celebrating people getting vaccinated, while encouraging others to get a jab.
cringe 2
haram 01-May-21 09:15 PM
The 1st 2 weeks of school testing did find MORE FALSE POSITIVES than TRUE POSITIVES - data are finally public. Proportion false were 62% and 55% in these 2 weeks. Of 2304 positive tests, 1353 were likely false, with 1 positive per 6900 tests done.
grabbler 1
deMonter 01-May-21 09:37 PM
VAERS data released today showed 118,902 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 3,544 deaths and 12,619 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 23, 2021.
Fpepe 1
haram 01-May-21 11:19 PM
hyperz 1
CurbShifter 02-May-21 12:17 AM
example of documented shedding
The U.S. Department of Defense vaccinates personnel deployed to high-risk areas with the vaccinia virus (VACV)-based smallpox vaccine. Autoinoculations and secondary and tertiary transmissions due to VACV shedding from the vaccination site continue to occur despite education of vaccinees on the risk ā€¦
STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED, IT IS OFFICIAL, FROM PFIZERā€™S OWN DOCUMENTS Tap News / Weaver I am so scared by this my brain is jamming and I am not coding right. I am fixing the coding errors now. Dowā€¦
CurbShifter 02-May-21 12:50 AM
Description of the potential causes & some of the effects of contagious vaccinosis in humans.
Sheikh Tide 02-May-21 02:21 AM
Pfizerā€™s own clinical protocols reveal that the spike protein can be shed from an mRNA ā€˜vaccinatedā€™ person to a non-vaccinated person by skin contact or even if they breathe on you. If you donā€™t want the mRNA in your system you have to stay away from all vaccinated people.
CurbShifter 02-May-21 02:27 AM
COVID 'Vaccine Shedding', Evidence SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Can 'Alter Human Genes' & VAERS Truth
deMonter 02-May-21 03:05 PM
Within six days of receiving a second injection of Pfizerā€™s experimental Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine, a two-year-old baby enrolled in the companyā€™s clinical trials for children passed away, new reports indicate. The ongoing trials include more than 10,000 children aging in range from five to 11 in one of the groups, and another 10,000 c...
reee 2
Fpepe 2
mejon07 02-May-21 04:13 PM
More than 500 people who received their coronavirus jabs have been admitted to hospital with Covid-19, a UK study has found.
surprised_pikachu 2
honkler 1
mejon07 02-May-21 04:44 PM
ascendedalien 03-May-21 12:11 AM
Onysfx 03-May-21 04:08 AM
As Ontario continues to report record-high COVID-19 hospitalizations, more young people are needing critical care than ever before. As Mike Le Couteur reports, as young patients plead for people to take the virus seriously, some Canadians are protesting restrictions. On Saturday, as of 3 p.m. ET, Canada has a reported total of 1,227,041 COVI...
ShadowSpectre 03-May-21 04:48 AM
World renowned Gynecologist and Obstetrician Dr Christiane Northrup MD, best selling author on womenā€™s health, repeated appearances on the Oprah Winfrey show, 10 TV shows. Voted one of the 1000 most trusted Americans, explains why women who have takā€¦
PhantomXJ5 03-May-21 07:52 AM
deMonter 03-May-21 11:53 AM
Daily numbers - "cases" vs tests in Poland (edited)
dumpsterfire 2
CurbShifter 03-May-21 04:37 PM
They may have just sterilized the šŸŒŽ! Page number 45 from the following PDF produced by Johns Hopkins University. The same one which has been heavily involved with #BillGates in #event201 where they planned to take over the television, the internet, the world. Follow @silverreport stop taking the #vaxx this is serious these people are insane and ...
CurbShifter 03-May-21 04:45 PM
gulag 3
Goober 03-May-21 10:05 PM
This is an old segment from CBS '60 Minutes' on the swine flu (also known as H1N1) & the vaccine that was developed to stop the pandemic.
At 10:26 they tried to use Elton john as an important person who got vaccinated (unconfirmed) And now they are really using him for covid advertisement
Sir Elton John and Sir Michael Caine, who are both in their 70s and 80s have been vaccinated by the NHS, recorded a comic 90 second clip to show others that getting the life-saving jab is easy and safe. The film to promote the jab was organised by Lord Ara Darzi who leads Imperial REACT COVID Surveillance Study Group, a friend to the two stars, ...
mejon07 03-May-21 10:25 PM
NEW: Weā€™re launching our ā€œShot and a Beerā€ program to encourage eligible New Jerseyans ages 21+ to get vaccinated. Any New Jerseyan who gets their first vaccine dose in the month of May and takes their vaccination card to a participating brewery will receive a free beer. šŸ»
honkler 1
ascendedalien 04-May-21 02:30 AM
The 1000x magnification in this video reveals that unlike regular cotton swabs, Covid Tests leave behind a very high number of microparticles. This observable fact runs counter to the stated claim that the tests are meant to harvest test samples. There is a thin membrane located within the nasal cavity called the Blood/Brain Barrier, so if the i...
deMonter 04-May-21 10:35 AM
The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, has published its April report into the Pfizer vaccineā€™s side effects. If the findings by IPC are genuine, then Pfizer vaccine is linked to more deaths in Israel than AstraZenecaā€™s in the whole of Europe. The findings are catastrophic on every possible le...
surprised_pikachu 4
mejon07 04-May-21 08:36 PM
Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine earned the company $3.5 billion in the first three months of this year, representing nearly a quarter of its total revenue, the company announced ahead of its earnings call Tuesday.
grabbler 5
Onysfx 04-May-21 10:06 PM Disgusting propaganda. Mark Hamill shill. (edited)
"Will You Wear A Mask? I Ask," a rhyming read-aloud picture book for everyone. Performed by Mark Hamill. All proceeds go to World Central Kitchen: Written and Illustrated by Tom Ruegger Voice Directed by Kelly Ward Film & Sound Edited by Luke Ruegger Recording Engineering by Mark Kondracki Music by Parker MacDonell and Rick Waters Produ...
haram 04-May-21 10:26 PM
Moms are watching our children struggle with masks everyday. We are being told masking is required, necessary and not hurting our kids. Parents, we are being lied to. How do we know? Evidence.šŸ‘‡ @unmaskourkids #parentalrights @SenMikeLee @RepJasonSmith
Fpepe 1
dumpsterfire 1
Breaking news millions of the fake vaccines have been found in a factory in the Surat in Gujarat
haram 04-May-21 10:49 PM
mejon07 05-May-21 01:23 AM
The next generation of COVID vaccines may come in different forms and might even help prevent future pandemics.
pewpew 2
vote_no 1
mejon07 05-May-21 03:41 AM
sNi 05-May-21 04:22 AM
When they first talked about the jab they mentioned it would only give you benefit for maybe 3-6 months remember.. I don't think it even does that either. (edited)
CurbShifter 05-May-21 12:27 PM
Officials at the press conference gave little detail on what could be behind the infection surge other than to say people were taking fewer precautions against the virus than before and the surge may be due to celebrations after Easter.
I wonder why.... How curious.
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 05-May-21 02:08 PM
Jack Last 27 Years old, from the UK May he Rest In Peace ā¤ļø Healthy 27 year old Jack took the AstraZeneca gene therapy injection and just three weeks later on April 20, 2021 went to the hospital emergency department on April 9th complaining of headaches. On April 20th Jack passed away suddenly. He leaves behind his grieving family who are w...
Fpepe 1
Unvaccinated women are reporting experiencing cycle changes, massive clotting, fertility issues, miscarriages, nose bleeds, bruising and more after being around people injected with the experimental gene therapy. We do not yet know if men and children are being affected as well as they donā€™t periods, but I canā€™t imagine this would only affect wo...
wutdafug 2
enuff 1
CurbShifter 05-May-21 02:27 PM
That is extremely unlikely," says Prof. Dr. Dr. Luka Cicin-Sain from the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research. "That would mean that every woman who has survived a corona infection will be sterile afterwards.
Yeah okay im sure the vax is as 'pure' as a corona infection
Die Behauptung, dass die Impfung gegen Covid-19 die Fruchbarkeit beeintrƤchtigen kƶnnte, hƶrt und liest man derzeit hƤufig. Doch was ist dran? Wir haben nachgefragt
Die Behauptung, dass die Impfung gegen Covid-19 die Fruchbarkeit beeintrƤchtigen kƶnnte, hƶrt und liest man derzeit hƤufig. Doch was ist dran? Wir haben nachgefragt
grabbler 2
mejon07 05-May-21 02:31 PM
NEW: Pfizer to seek emergency use authorization for its COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 2-11 - CNN
pewpew 1
honkler 1
CurbShifter 05-May-21 02:48 PM
Within six days of receiving a second injection of Pfizer's experimental Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine, a two-year-old baby enrolled in the company's clinical trials for children [...]
feelsbadman 1
Fpepe 2
mejon07 05-May-21 03:21 PM
We haven't checked in on @moderna_tx execs in a while to see how much they've milked from the American people. Investments from the US govt is over $6B and the execs have cashed out over $2 BILLION. See how it works? CEO $180m CMO $106m CFO (former) $71m President $73m šŸ’‰šŸ’°šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’‰šŸ‘‡
grabbler 2
CurbShifter 05-May-21 03:33 PM
CurbShifter 05-May-21 03:55 PM
yuri_bezmenov 2
honkler 1
mejon07 05-May-21 05:58 PM
Health Canada offered parents anxious about their unvaccinated children some hope today by clearing the Pfizer product for use in people as young as 12.
pinkwojak 1
haram 05-May-21 06:51 PM
Does it come in different skin tones?
no_u 1
stoned 2
PhantomXJ5 05-May-21 11:52 PM guess which side will still be masking up though honkler (edited)
Unvaccinated people are to be segregated from those who have received the COVID-19 jab at New York Yankees & Mets games, it has been revealed.
dumpsterfire 1
mejon07 06-May-21 03:38 AM
Did you know almost 4,000 children have been vaccinated for COVID-19 in the States? And that: 9 died within 28 days (0.2%)? 7 almost died? 3 were permanently disabled? 71 had to see a doctor or were admitted to hospital or had their stay prolonged? Why isn't this headline news?
Fpepe 2
PhantomXJ5 06-May-21 05:23 AM
ā€œI want to reassure Tasmanians that vaccination remains the best way to protect against severe illness and death from COVID-19 and is a core element of the pandemic response.ā€ Still pushing that same shtick "i know i/they got an illness and/or died from this but take it anyway"
ShadowSpectre 06-May-21 05:55 AM
Canadian version of VAERS is just about useless, see letter below as reported vaccine adverse event was rejected:
Unlike the transparent US VAERS system, PH depts in Canada are routinely rejecting reports of adverse events after vaccines, including serious ones that require hospitalization They only accept reports that meet strict arbitrary criteria This is a major risk to public safety
mejon07 06-May-21 06:04 AM
every. single. time
grabbler 2
sNi 06-May-21 11:28 AM
Five more cases of blood clotting linked to the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine are identified in Australia, taking the country's total to 11.
Fpepe 2
sNi 06-May-21 01:21 PM
I guess over 50's are expendable then. elsewhere it's banned, dumped to third world countries or at best 60-65+
Goober 06-May-21 01:23 PM
CurbShifter 06-May-21 02:32 PM
Looks like Joel Smalley's research was TOO MUCH for twitter ... see the screen shot above ... his account appears to be down NOW ... go figure !!! His research reveals: 1 out of every 444 vaccinated kids will die from the vaccine. Thatā€™s very high.
As a reference Tylenol has a death rate of 1 out of every 1,350,000 kids. Downā€™s syndrome has a incidence rate of 1 out of 8000.
So if the vaccines kill 1 out of 444 kids then whatā€™s the rate of non-fatal serious injury? It must be even crazier.
Looking at the tweet above the account is not down as stated
CurbShifter 06-May-21 02:59 PM
These documents were sent to me for sharing to all groups. Please share: LETTER TEMPLATES TO CHALLENGE MASKS, & DECLINE TESTING & VACCINES This is from Miri Anne Finch, Lawyer. UKMFA: Letā€™s empower ourselves with legal ways of refusing such tyranny! LETTER TEMPLATES: A USER'S GUIDE LETTERS CHALLENGING MASK MANDATES:
VACCINE DOES NOT WORK VACCINE FAILS "Seychelles, which has fully vaccinated more of its population against Covid-19 than any other country, has closed schools and canceled sporting activities for two weeks as infections surge."
dumpsterfire 3
mejon07 06-May-21 03:14 PM
The CDC just quietly changed its stats of ā€œfatalities from covid onlyā€ to 5% of total deaths. And increased average amount of comorbidities from 3 to 4. This means 95% of deaths were from comorbidities not covid.
In truth, 100% of deaths were not from covid as the alleged virus has never been shown to exist or to cause disease.
grabbler 1
yuri_bezmenov 1
mejon07 06-May-21 03:23 PM
City officials hope the Protect Chicago Music Series will encourage vaccinations.
honkler 1
CurbShifter 06-May-21 03:42 PM
haram 06-May-21 07:23 PM Anthony Hopkins fake vaccination. Watch her squirr it out of the window
honkler 1
haram 06-May-21 09:57 PM
NEW: Chinese government calls for a halt to COVID-19 vaccine mandates by local Chinese authorities, says people should only be vaccinated voluntarily
ooh 4
peep00 1
ShadowSpectre 07-May-21 02:07 AM
Can we all say, propaganda? No wonder why your symbol of reference is a snake and sorcery: (edited)
CPSO Statement on Public Health Misinformation: Please continue to check our regularly updated COVID-19 resource pages and FAQs for members of the public and physicians:
grabbler 1
NWOpepe 3
risitas 1
haram 07-May-21 09:18 AM
dumpsterfire 3
haram 07-May-21 01:37 PM
Helena Galvin from Ireland taken away by HSE officials to be assesed for mental health issues....because of Facebook posts
peep00 2
mejon07 07-May-21 03:18 PM
ā€œWe may have to be inoculating essentially the entire population of the world every 6 to 12 months indefinitelyā€ I thought Iā€™d heard it all
surprised_pikachu 2
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 07-May-21 03:52 PM
"Tucker Carlson Tonight" explores the potential side effects of taking the COVID-19 vaccine, and asks why no one seems to care
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 07-May-21 04:18 PM
The CDC has just released the newest total of deaths reported following the experimental COVID shots since they were granted emergency use authorization (EUA) in early December through May 3, 2021, and that total now stands at 4,178 deaths reported to VAERS. The number of deaths recorded following the experimental COVID injections now equals the...
mejon07 07-May-21 04:45 PM
really surprised that opinion made it on msm tbh.. i guess they decided it was fine to air it once a lot of Americans already took the 'vaccine'
CurbShifter 07-May-21 06:54 PM
well what we know it is all planned out. having it come just out of one side of the MSM mouth, is a great way to make it a left right thing instead? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
šŸ’Æ 2
CurbShifter 07-May-21 07:02 PM
unopened box of J&J with supposedly the insert with info totally empty. guess they could still claim its just to protect the vials. but still no extended info on this experimental stuff
Itā€™s intentionally left blank.
CurbShifter 07-May-21 11:12 PM
Emma Burkey 18 Years old, from USA 18 year old Emma took the Johnson and Johnson injection and just a week later began feeling ill followed by seizures, blood clots and 3 brain surgeries to save her life. Wishing Emma all the best in her recovery ā¤ļø Mainstream media claim she is one of 6 women in the US to experience this. We all now know ...
mejon07 08-May-21 02:39 AM
A 30-year-old man passed away on Friday, three days after receiving a shot of the AstraZeneca vaccine against coronavirus (COVID-19).
Fpepe 1
A 35-year-old female medical staff working at a hospital in An Giang Province died on Friday after Covid-19 vaccination.
A 46-year-old man has passed away eight days after receiving his second dose of the BioNTech
Fpepe 1
Onysfx 08-May-21 02:43 AM
Juniper Falvo of Yellowknife was among the first teenagers in Canada to receive a COVID-19 vaccine dose after Health Canada approved the Pfizer-BioNTech shot for those ages 12 to 15.   Ā»Ā»Ā» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: htt...
reee 2
mejon07 08-May-21 02:59 AM
at least ppl on youtube are based
Goober 08-May-21 03:02 AM
give it awhile and the numbers will get doctored
stoned 2
Junkyard 08-May-21 07:14 AM
The prestigious Salk Institute, founded by vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, has authored and published a bombshell scientific article revealing that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what's [...]
Any and all involved are hero's. If you have the chance to help so. Do not hinder them in any way. They said it was he took it. How can you be robbed if it is free? I hope he stays safe. He did this another time here: https://wwā€¦
ascendedalien 08-May-21 08:51 AM
This person is gonna find out the really whatā€™s in the vaccine he got a vaccine sample
ascendedalien 08-May-21 01:03 PM
Lady from 2009 predicts mandatory vaccine, sterilization and death with forced vaccine, pandemic she predicted, and fema camps for those who refuse she predicted it all the worlds a stage people are doomed if they get the shot!
CurbShifter 08-May-21 01:53 PM
Follow up on the guy walking away with the vial
ooh 2
CurbShifter 08-May-21 02:04 PM
1free tesla for 4 months of injecting people. When they get paid per shot this makes profitable business sense. Also check that disappearing needle at 30sec..
šŸ‘ 1
mejon07 08-May-21 06:21 PM
According to official data, around 65% of 1,068 active cases involved residents who were either completely unvaccinated or had received one dose.
ah yes just lower the the number of PCR cycles for the vaccinated then blame the "spike" in cases on the unvaccinated
The Seychelles now stands as the most vaccinated nation on Earth, with more than 60% of its population fully vaccinated. But that success has been undermined this week as the Seychelles has found itself with its largest number of new coronavirus cases per capita, and has been forced to reinstall a number of restrictions.
grabbler 1
mejon07 09-May-21 03:15 AM
CurbShifter 09-May-21 04:08 AM
A New Wave of Vaccines Is Coming, and Theyā€™re Not All Also-Rans
mejon07 09-May-21 04:40 PM
Besides Tawade, 54-year-old sub-inspector Shivaji Nangare, who was a 2006 train blast victim, also succumbed to Covid-19.
honkler 2
Fpepe 2
In a shocking case more than 100 patients have died after taking the first or even the second shot of COVID-19 vaccine in one single hospital in India.
peep00 2
mejon07 09-May-21 05:03 PM
In Chile you need a digital permit to get out during lockdown (limited to 2 per week & only for grocery shopping). A court determined that falsifying such a document doesn't constitute a crime. @_whitneywebb
wizard 2
haram 09-May-21 10:09 PM
The FDA is expected to approve the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 12 to 15 as early as next week.
dumpsterfire 2
black_jack 10-May-21 12:19 AM
A video on how to take your first covid vaccine. although I am sharing this man's video I do not promote any of his beliefs or practices and It Is evident he Is still a worldly "Christian" just take it for what its worth.
CurbShifter 10-May-21 01:30 PM
INDIAšŸ‡®šŸ‡³ May 9 RELEASE: These "variants" have a differentiation of only will bounce off of anyone who has already had the Covid, but that same variant is deadly to the vaxxed because the now compromised immune system is entrained to ignore anything but the original spike protein. India is hit harder because the poor have natural immunity to other endemic pathogens that are particular to their country, i.e, the bacteria in the Ganges where many bathe. But the newly vaxxed no longer have the
Swaminathan, an Indian paediatrician and clinical scientist, said the B.1.617 variant of COVID-19, which was first detected in India last October, was clearly a contributing factor to the catastrophe unfolding in her homeland.
grabbler 2
mejon07 10-May-21 02:25 PM
Vice Chairman of Commission IX of the House emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena confirmed the incident of a man from Jakarta who reportedly died after receiving the Corona AstraZeneca vaccine should be a record.
Fpepe 2
A 35-year-old Vietnamese woman has died from anaphylactic shock after receiving her first AstraZenecaā€™s Covid-19 vaccine shot. The 35-year-old female health worker died in Vietnamā€™s southern province of An Giang on Friday. The woman is the first death of a patient who received AstraZenecaā€™s Covid-19 vaccine shot, Vietnamā€™s health ministry report...
Fpepe 2
ascendedalien 11-May-21 10:22 AM
Urgent Update : More than 1700 health people have DIED within 48 hours of being injected with the LETHAL CORROSIVE TOXIC ingredients of this covid19 drug, since we published this post. As promised,ā€¦
CurbShifter 11-May-21 12:19 PM
Is he NUTS!? Yes heā€™s mentally ill belongs in an insane asylum!!!! Wants to genetically modified infants!!!! Someone better arrest this menace to society! LOCK UP FAUCI!
NWOpepe 2
CurbShifter 11-May-21 12:43 PM
Ivermectin helps?
CurbShifter 11-May-21 01:43 PM
The common anti-parasitic ivermectin is being touted as a miracle cure for Covid-19 by doctors and campaigners the world over.
feelsgoodman 1
Proioxis 11-May-21 03:29 PM
picture dump
hyperz 1
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grabbler 1
honkler 1
Fpepe 1
grabbler 1
wizard 1
wizard 1
honkler 1
tagiadin_tasos 11-May-21 05:21 PM
They think that we're complete morons, They said that a 32 year old man was paralyzed because of being stressed about any possible side effect of the vaccine and not but the vaccine itself. They also said many people that rushed to the hospital after having side effects from the vaccine were also stressed and that's what caused the side effects Translated (edited)
ĪˆĪ½Ī±Ļ‚ 32Ļ‡ĻĪæĪ½ĪæĻ‚ Ī­ĪŗĪ±Ī½Īµ Ļ„Īæ ĪµĪ¼Ī²ĻŒĪ»Ī¹Īæ Ļ„Ī·Ļ‚ Astrazeneca ĪŗĪ±Ī¹ Ī»ĪÆĪ³ĪµĻ‚ Ī¼Ī­ĻĪµĻ‚ Ī¼ĪµĻ„Ī¬ ĪµĪ¹ĻƒĪ®Ļ‡ĪøĪ· ĻƒĻ„Īæ Ī½ĪæĻƒĪæĪŗĪæĪ¼ĪµĪÆĪæ, Ī¼Īµ ĻƒĻ…Ī¼Ļ€Ļ„ĻŽĪ¼Ī±Ļ„Ī± Ļ€Ī±ĻĪ¬Ī»Ļ…ĻƒĪ·Ļ‚.
honkler 3
Didi 11-May-21 10:54 PM
JonSnow 11-May-21 11:04 PM
ā£Tucker Carlson Reports Anthony Fauci Let The Coronavirus Pandemic Happen I know people still hate Tucker, but I have to say, he is continuing to do what almost equates to REAL journalism. REQUIRED VE...
Art Queen 11-May-21 11:09 PM
It's not as easy for Fauci to lie to Rand Paul, because Rand Paul is a doctor.
Dr. Fauci and Rand Paul clashed again during a Senate hearing on the coronavirus on Tuesday.
PepePopcorn 1
CurbShifter 11-May-21 11:26 PM
ā€œI think it has got to be linked. It has put me off having the second one.ā€
wizard 3
ShadowSpectre 11-May-21 11:51 PM
Ivermectin is turning out very useful against the engineered bio-agents (the real Covid-19, perhaps?) "Ivermectin was added to the right side of the structures in Figure 17 and occurred immediately to the complete and permanent disappearance of the Darpa Hydrogel Crystal structures. This clearly shows what Ivermectin has an incredibly strong effect against what makes Darpa Hydrogel in our organisms." (edited)
peep00 1
ascendedalien 12-May-21 02:10 AM
SURAMIN- possible vax cure, some doctor on a interview spoke of it donā€™t have the vid saved tho (edited)
mejon07 12-May-21 03:39 AM
JAKARTA (May 11): A 22-year old Indonesian youth died last Friday, a day after receiving the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine shot.According to local media reports, Trio Fauqi Virdaus from Buaran, Jakarta received the vaccine shot last Thursday and soon after developed fever. He drew his last breath the next day while being treated at a hospital.Ind...
Fpepe 2
Jay R 12-May-21 10:12 AM
You know all those videos of people's covid injection sites being magnetized? I may have just found out why. Also may explain why they needed to keep the vials so cold. SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD-coupled Magnetic Beads.
Some people feel fine after the vaccine, could that be because they are still rolling out placebo shots. (edited)
hmmm 4
CurbShifter 12-May-21 12:49 PM
Will have to research immunocapture, biopanning and flow cytometry. Don't understand why it would be needed
CurbShifter 12-May-21 01:00 PM
JUST IN: Ontario stops administering first doses of AstraZeneca vaccine amid increased reports of blood clotting - CP24
hmmm 2
CurbShifter 12-May-21 01:46 PM
From reddit
Jim Stone (16 days ago):
ā€œUnder normal circumstances this is very rare, and when this happens it is called a decidual cast. These are extremely rare, but when they do happen it is usually when pregnancies go wrong, or after abortions, or when women take any of the pregnancy hormones at too high an amount and then suddenly stop taking them. The entire uterine wall gets expelled and it comes out in one piece that looks like a uterus. It is rare, this seldom happens even due to the causes mentioned here, it takes a serious hormonally traumatic event to trigger a decidual cast. Under normal circumstances, they don't lead to infertility. But what if the woman had no pregnancy go wrong, took no hormones, had EVERYTHING normal, and then this happens? Well, it does not happen. Yet after the corona vax it is happening. Let me explain something here - Even when a woman is not pregnant, she still has pregnancy hormones in her at a constant level. When she gets pregnant, they increase to help maintain the pregnancy but even without a pregnancy, she still has them. If the corona vax is triggering decidual casts, it means that normal non-pregnant hormonal levels are spiked downward so much the body believes a traumatic pregnancy event happened and it expels the entire uterine wall. My guess (and I am more than right, I am damn right and it's really no guess at all) - my FACTUAL supposition that goes beyond theory is that if you take a woman who's not pregnant and down spike her hormones so bad that this happens she's no longer fertile, and probably never will be again. There's absolutely no reason for women who are not messing with their hormones intentionally at a level well beyond birth control, or women that did not have a traumatic pregnancy event to have this happen EVER, IT DOES NOT HAPPEN OUTSIDE THOSE CONDITIONS, EVER. Yet after the vax, it is happening. Welcome to the new normal.ā€
peep00 2
CurbShifter 12-May-21 02:16 PM
The Spike Protein and itā€™s potential negative effects on your health
Dr Jeremy Shaft provides a detailed presentation of the dangers of the "Spike Protein"
hmmm 1
mejon07 12-May-21 02:46 PM
Slovakia will halt its rollout of AstraZenecaā€™s Covid-19 vaccine for people being given their first doses, its Health Ministry has said, after an inquiry into
ooh 2
COVID: DIES after the SECOND DOSE of the PFIZER VACCINE, it happened in the Treviso area. The details DIES after SECOND DOSE of PFIZER VACCINEA 91 year old woman she passed away shortly after receiving the second dose of COVID vaccine produced by Pfizer, right in the parking lot of the vaccination point of Villorba,ā€¦ Continue reading DIES after ...
Fpepe 2
A 63-year-old woman died in Laos after being given the AstraZeneca vaccine last week, the National Taskforce for Covid-19 Prevention and Control announced on May 11.
Fpepe 2
CurbShifter 12-May-21 09:49 PM
@xt52017black @MM_1776 @destinlola @Barb40179992 @Johnheretohelp @Jethrine7109791 Make this go viral šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” I'm pissed grace
wutdafug 2
Fpepe 1
mejon07 12-May-21 10:15 PM
Timothy Hunter 12-May-21 10:24 PM
@CurbShifter do you know the origin of the clip? I keep seeing it everywhere.
CurbShifter 12-May-21 10:29 PM
no sorry, but same its been doing the rounds. feel really bad for the kid. though have to say its weird this tiktok generation makes a selfy crying video of watching it...
tardapu 1
ascendedalien 12-May-21 11:46 PM
CurbShifter 13-May-21 01:38 AM
The money will come from existing federal Coronavirus Relief Funds, DeWine says.
JUST IN: Ohio adults who have received their first COVID-19 shot will be entered into a drawing 5 winners will be chosen, and each will win 1 million dollars
stoned 2
try looking deeper into stuff. if you just goto the link thats in that video you will see live action Zombie Experiences. quite literally a LARP
Action packed, immersive award winning Zombie Experiences across England, gift experiences, team building days, everything for zombie fans and friends!
mejon07 13-May-21 02:27 AM
Children begin receiving Pfizerā€™s Covid vaccine
sNi 13-May-21 03:17 AM
Yup... CDC says it's safe.. even though the FDA only says for emergency use. It's the spike proteins that will give you the problems. But as the CDC now recommends not to test vacced and only test at 25 cycles it will not show up. And they also won't report "breakthrough" cases.. because over time they will likely all become breakthrough..
sNi 13-May-21 03:28 AM
All corrupt, all working with the same aim. Destroy the US because it's owners have found a new šŸ•
yuri_bezmenov 1
PhantomXJ5 13-May-21 03:44 AM
UK doctors are being told the system of 'total triage' must be embedded into general practice, despite the Royal College of GPs' reservations (file photo).
A Sage member says it is 'possible' the final lifting of lockdown could be delayed beyond 21 June due to the threat of the highly transmissible variant
enuff 1
NWOpepe 1
mejon07 13-May-21 05:57 AM
SammanstƤllning av handlagda rapporter om misstƤnkta biverkningar fƶr de vacciner mot covid-19 som Ƥr godkƤnda och anvƤnds i Sverige.
Sweden Reports 30,000 Adverse Reactions From COVID-19 Vaccines, AstraZeneca Jab Accounts for More Than Half
An official tally of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines in Sweden has surpassed 30,000, with the majority occurring in people inoculated with AstraZenecaā€™s shot. According to the Swedish Medical Products Agency, the country had received 31,844 reports of adverse reactions linked to COVID-19 vaccines as of last week. There are currently 2,103 reports of side effects from the Moderna shot, while the Pfizer vaccine has been associated with 9,117 health issues. But the number of suspected adverse reactions from the two shots seems relatively small when compared to the 19,961 reports linked to AstraZenecaā€™s jab. Notably, the AstraZeneca shot only accounts for about 26% of the roughly 2.7 million vaccines that have been administered so far in Sweden, but makes up around 63% of the side effects reports.
peep00 1
Art Queen 13-May-21 06:27 AM
How Rockefeller founded modern medicine and killed natural cures.
How Many Times Have We Heard 'Dark Winter' ? THIS Is Operation Dark Winter...
CurbShifter 13-May-21 01:37 PM
How many Americans have died after taking the Covid vaccine? According to official data, between late December of 2020, and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States. Thatā€™s an average of 30 people every day.
dumpsterfire 2
šŸ˜© 1
CurbShifter 13-May-21 02:00 PM
The FauciCOVID-19 Dossier Download the PDF and share with every one you know. Also, deliver to your local politician and demand a formal investigation #FauciTheFraud Kary Mullis won the Nobel Prizeā€¦
grabbler 2
CurbShifter 13-May-21 02:14 PM
We must halt all COVID vaccine administration immediately, before we create a true pandemic that we cannot reign in,ā€™ warned Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D.
peep00 1
CurbShifter 13-May-21 02:39 PM
"Needless to say the reactions were disastrous, my hands and feet were either frozen, numb or burning, and pretty much useless for two weeks, I feared I would never play again, (I suffer with peripheral neuropathy and should never have gone near the needle.) But the propaganda said the vaccine was safe for everyone...."
Eric Clapton after COVID vaccination: 'I should never have gone near the needle'
May 12, 2021. Mordechai Sones America's Frontline Doctors. Eric Clapton after COVID vaccination: 'I should never have gone near the needle'
dumpsterfire 2
surprised_pikachu 2
mejon07 13-May-21 02:48 PM
SENIOR CITIZEN - The authorities are now investigating the death of a senior citizen in Cagayan de Oro after receiving COVID-19 vaccine.
Fpepe 1
sNi 13-May-21 03:49 PM
hehe bottom bit.. it's got to be diluted.. makes it into 2.3ml (edited)
mejon07 13-May-21 04:09 PM
true, didn't catch that
Canadaā€™s top doctor believes Canada could be mixing different kinds of COVID-19 vaccines in the next few months, as several provinces have already halted administering first doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine over concerns surrounding rare blood clotting.
grabbler 1
dumpsterfire 1
sNi 13-May-21 04:42 PM
Australia just bought moderna .. we got 165mil vacs on order.. for 26mil people.. wtf
grabbler 4
CurbShifter 13-May-21 04:47 PM
Canada population is 37M so yeah 4,45 shots per person.. Just print more money, must be great to live as a lobbyist in this age
haram 13-May-21 05:14 PM
It begs belief that this information is not on the mainstream media, and that these shots have not been pulled from the market on grounds of being purely lethal.
CurbShifter 13-May-21 06:45 PM
Those who have been vaccinated against new coronaviruses are not allowed to donate blood for the time being.
grabbler 1
mejon07 14-May-21 01:29 AM
The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is yours.
Updated guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says people fully vaccinated against Covid-19 do not need to wear masks or practice social distancing indoors or outdoors, except in certain circumstances.
no_u 1
honkler 2
mejon07 14-May-21 03:57 AM
FBI Warns of Prison Time If You Present a Fake Vaccination Card -
NWOpepe 2
PhantomXJ5 14-May-21 05:17 AM
and yet they are still restricting even the fully vaxxed hence the "certain circumstances". what part of "control" do people not understand
mejon07 14-May-21 05:27 AM
A public health official has died seven days after being given a Covid-19 vaccine, deputy permanent secretary for health Sura Wisetsak said on Thursday.
Fpepe 2
haram 14-May-21 09:37 AM
The risk of developing erectile dysfunction is the latest reason that we should all do our best to avoid catching Covid, according to a medical student working on a new study of just four men.
sNi 14-May-21 12:06 PM
Yup.. but the typical lair way of this is that getting the jab will give you this as the spike proteins in all of them will cause it. But when that becomes too obvious they'll just blame it on the barely existing disease
yuri_bezmenov 1
CurbShifter 14-May-21 12:56 PM
Vaers backlogged
ooh 3
CurbShifter 14-May-21 01:45 PM
Make the employer liable
An animation of COVID mortality across the world to examine the impact of vaccination, testing the hypothesis that they are up to 97% effective in reducing mortality. Credit @britishbennyboy on Twitter for the animation.
tagiadin_tasos 15-May-21 12:06 AM
look at this clown (edited)
pewpew 2
Spineshank 15-May-21 12:09 AM
hhhhh 2
Onysfx 15-May-21 12:49 AM
Ironically, he's already wearing one himself
cringe 1
mejon07 15-May-21 01:08 AM
Anthony Fauci and the FDA's Peter Marks were forced to admit that almost half of NIH and FDA employees have not taken the COVID vaccine. The CDC's Rochelle Walensky dodged a question about how many CDC employees have refused the vaccine.
grabbler 1
sNi 15-May-21 06:44 AM
Fauci Flu... I've always said this and it is 100% a bio weapon from the top "elite" who run the whole world.
All of these "agencies" work for them too, and all of them have one thing in common.
CurbShifter 15-May-21 02:14 PM
Short term (deny shedding and obv never a reference to the Pfizer doc describing it)
Stories of genuine experiences shared online have been followed by a wave of anti-vaccine disinformation.
grabbler 1
A survey has been launched to probe whether or not menstrual changes could be a side effect of the Covid-19 vaccine.
grabbler 2
CurbShifter 15-May-21 02:38 PM
Heads up telegram channel! This next post is EXTREMELY important. This survey was made by my friend Tiffany, and we need ALL of you women, vaccinated or not, to participate. In a nutshell, Tiffany has built this study for women who are BOTH vaccinated and unvaccinated that are seeing cycle issues recently. Itā€™s in a HIPPA compliant machine dat...
An Independent Research Study Collecting Data Around Women's Cycle Changes
CurbShifter 15-May-21 02:50 PM
Safety concerns associated with vector shedding is a potential concern for replication-competent viral vectors15,16 Because replication-competent viral vectors retain the ability to replicate, they are likely to shed more effectively and for a longer period into the environment compared with replication-deficient viral vectors18
Overview of Viral Vector Shedding Vector shedding is the release of virus-based gene therapy products from the patient through one or all of the following routes: excreta (feces), secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids, etc.), and skin (pustule, sores, wounds)1 Biodistribution Shedding is distinct from biodistribution, which refers to the...
hmmm 2
haram 15-May-21 11:56 PM
mejon07 16-May-21 03:16 AM
Vincenzo ā€œEnzoā€ Mincolla got his second shot as part of a clinical trial being conducted by Upstate Medical University.
grabbler 2
PhantomXJ5 16-May-21 03:20 AM
As indoor activities increase across the Southland, L.A. County's public health director encouraged residents to continue wearing masks inside businesses and at crowded venues.
CurbShifter 16-May-21 02:59 PM
This Is A Texas Senate Hearing talking about all the test animals dying from the #Vaxx
yuri_bezmenov 1
peep00 1
haram 17-May-21 09:00 AM
Tweet               Del Bigtree sat down with three healthcare workers who, when the ā€œvaccineā€ rollout began, were on the front lines. These three three women recount the day they received the shot and the severe adverse reactions, which began just days after they took the jab. Del Bigtree: The Scientific Method For ...
haram 17-May-21 01:33 PM
Pfizer board member James C Smith was CEO of Thomson Reuters Corporation until 2020, and is currently chairman of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Reuters has failed to disclose this conflict of interest in all of their very favorable coverage of Pfizer & their vaccine.
grabbler 2
CurbShifter 17-May-21 02:17 PM
Example where all covid patients have been injected
surprised_pikachu 2
mejon07 17-May-21 02:25 PM
A 43 year old healthy father, Shaun Mulldoon from Langley in the British Columbia, Canada has lost 2 Metres of intestine after developing blood clot from AstraZeneca vaccine branded as Covishield in India.
wutdafug 1
Fpepe 1
PhantomXJ5 18-May-21 03:38 AM
Matt Hancock on ā€˜Indian Covid Variant.ā€™ Covid Vaccine campaign. Psychology and coercion. What to expect over next 3 months. Lockdown end in question. #COVID19 #lockdown #vaccine #COVIDVaccination #freedom #Gaslighting #IndianVariant #psychology #mindgames
CurbShifter 18-May-21 04:14 AM
don't think we have info collected on those specific questions. think we all would like to know what exactly is happening. just be prepared to never really know for sure. feel free to discuss in #šŸ’¬-main-chat
CurbShifter 18-May-21 12:30 PM
Eurdravigilance 8 may
Fpepe 1
Unconfirmed info on the magnetic injections
Magnetic injection phenomena resolved: they use magnetic iron oxide particles to preserve the injected genetic material. If upon injection you form a granuloma it will be capable of holding a small magnet. By massaging the area it allows the iron oxide particles to spread evenly and disperse resolving the concentrated iron particles. Apprently this is common in gene based injections due to the use of (SPIONs) superlaramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. These SPIONs are FDA approved.
hmmm 1
CurbShifter 18-May-21 01:51 PM
Cure against the spike proteins (?)
New Study Published by the American Heart Association (AHA) Proves The Spike Protein Alone Causes Lung Damage & Arterial Destruction in Lab Animals
They also demonstrated The Cure: ā€œwas rescued by treatment with N-acetyl-L-cysteine,ā€ which is an Amino Acid found in Turkey, Yogurt, Legumes, and Sunflower Seeds. Researchers created a ā€œpseudovirusā€ that was surrounded by the classic crown of spike proteins from Sars-Cov-2, but that did not contain an actual virus. This pseudovirus (only spike protiens - like what the vaccine programs your cells to produce) caused damage to the lungs and arteries of the Hamsters in the experiment, but administering the common amino acid N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), the Hamsters were rescued from certain death. This proves that the spike protein alone is enough to trigger the disease, according to the researchers - and everyone who got the vaccine has their own cells producing this spike protein - in an attempt to trigger your body to produce antibodies. The antibodies - which are also produced by exposure to the natural virus - protect you from the negative effects of the spike proteins - as does the amino acid. Researchers know this, yet pharmaceutical corporations continue to rake in RECORD PROFITS as governments around the world are compelled to purchase large amounts of the dangerous and pointless vaccines. Pre-existing contracts This is due to pre-existing contracts, which are enforced when the WHO declares a global pandemic. So your GOVERNMENT have been dealing w the pHARMa Drug lords to buy these VACCINE-genoccines - and they invested our pension funds in Big Pharma ā€” so they have to make a profit and itā€™s on us!!
hmmm 2
The vaccine causes more damage than the virus, because there is no known immunity to their mRNA and DNA injections that reprogram your cells. šŸ‘‰šŸ» The only ā€œrescueā€ is the amino acid NAC - which is an unregulated supplement you can buy at the vitamin store. At least thatā€™s hopeful!! šŸ‘šŸ»
ooh 2
An LE Best Seller, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine or NAC is an easily-absorbed nutrient with strong benefits for bronchial, respiratory, liver and immune health.
The FDA has now banned the public sale of N-acetylcysteine (NAC), and classifies it as a medication that requires prescription.
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 18-May-21 02:07 PM
There is no specific dietary recommendation for cysteine because your body can produce small amounts.
For your body to make the amino acid cysteine, you need adequate amounts of folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. These nutrients can be found in beans, lentils, spinach, bananas, salmon and tuna. While most protein-rich foods, such as chicken, turkey, yogurt, cheese, eggs, sunflower seeds and legumes, contain cysteine, some people choose supplement with NAC to increase their cysteine intake. (edited)
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is the supplement form of the amino acid cysteine, which plays several important roles in human health. Here are the top 9 health benefits of NAC.
hmmm 2
CurbShifter 18-May-21 03:38 PM
The coronaviral pandemic is exerting a tremendously detrimental impact on global health, quality of life and the world economy, emphasizing the need for effective medications for current and future coronaviral outbreaks as a complementary approach to vaccines. The Spike protein, responsible for cell receptor binding and viral internalization, po...
Pinned a message.
CurbShifter 18-May-21 05:20 PM
main parts of the paper that are semi-understandable without a bio medical degree
The virus attaches itself to the human epithelial cells through bonding of its spike protein with the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) receptor on the host cell.
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), an antioxidant and mucolytic agent been widely in use in clinical medicine, ... ... resulted in threefold weakening in the binding affinity of spike protein with ACE2 receptor. VeroE6 cells showed that NAC caused 54.3% inhibition in SARS-CoV-2 replication.
Interestingly, almost all SARS-Cov-2 variants conserved cystine residues in the spike protein.
which would mean its probably useful against the spike proteins caused from the mRNA
haram 18-May-21 06:52 PM
ascendedalien 18-May-21 07:35 PM
ascendedalien 18-May-21 07:48 PM
Are these good to buy and take if you was vaccinated?
CurbShifter 18-May-21 07:53 PM
i believe so. but pls look into it yourself also. i am not a medical advisor.
ascendedalien 18-May-21 07:54 PM
Well itā€™s good to say a medical adviser gave me a lethal injection so how bad can it be and yea Iā€™ll look into it šŸ˜‚ (edited)
honkler 1
Iā€™m definitely going to buy it I need to Heal my body I am looking for cures
haram 18-May-21 11:07 PM
The Covid vaccines are EUA (emergency use authorization) vaccines, not FDA approved and US Federal law says that if a vaccine is only authorized for distribution as an emergency vaccine, then it cannot be compelled on anybody." Civil rights attorney Robert Barnes.
PhantomXJ5 19-May-21 01:22 AM
You were warned. Michael Yeadon, PhD, the consummate whistleblower from inside the Big Pharma world , says the entire pandemic narrative is a web of lies: "not one of those things is supported by the science... I think we are standing at the very gates of hell ā€¦ Itā€™s all about control."
Proioxis 19-May-21 01:31 AM
feelsbadman 1
Fpepe 2
Junkyard 19-May-21 07:42 AM
stoned 1
blacker 19-May-21 08:22 AM
and the sheeple will even notice not 1, but 2 slips:
ā˜‘ļø Grab Your Ageless Body: My channel is 100% Demonetized, if you'd like to support my work: šŸ“¬ Snail Mail: P.O. Box 1454 Tahlequah, Ok 74465 šŸ“¬ āœ… Patreon: āœ… PayPal:ā€¦
Junkyard 19-May-21 08:23 AM
Senator Rand Paul lays out the case that Dr Fauci was funding and authorized gain of function research he knew was being shared with China.
wizard 2
CurbShifter 19-May-21 01:31 PM
Plasma is needed. But NOT from those vaccinated!
CurbShifter 19-May-21 02:09 PM
We must halt all COVID vaccine administration immediately, before we create a true pandemic that we cannot reign in,ā€™ warned Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D.
hmmm 2
mejon07 19-May-21 02:26 PM
CALGARY ā€” Canadian Blood Services is reassuring the public that blood donated by anyone who has had COVID-19 or who has been vaccinated is safe. "Given that COVID is a respiratory virus, . . .
honkler 2
Dinglebob 19-May-21 02:28 PM
@ascendedalien bs
CurbShifter 19-May-21 02:39 PM
Researchers are investigating whether disruption to the menstrual cycle is caused by jabs after hundreds of women described the symptoms
peep00 1
mejon07 19-May-21 03:34 PM "dies of Covid" but
he died after taking both shots
Hailed across the country for posting informative videos on Covid-19 throughout the pandemic, Padma Shri awardee and leading cardiologist KK Aggarwal succumbed to the very same disease last night, having been on ventilator at AIIMS, New Delhi, for several days. He was 63.
honkler 4
Fpepe 2
A 62-year-old man died yesterday afternoon after taking the covid-19 vaccine
Fpepe 1
Tin Foil Hat #1 ā­šŸ‰ 19-May-21 07:43 PM
ascendedalien 19-May-21 09:19 PM
What is?
Dinglebob 19-May-21 09:45 PM
@ascendedalien this is pure fear porn...
šŸ’Æ 1
ascendedalien 19-May-21 10:03 PM
Ok well I just shared it to get your guys opinions I saw it somewhere
Dinglebob 19-May-21 10:12 PM
My opinion is that this is BS
Tin Foil Hat #1 ā­šŸ‰ 19-May-21 10:16 PM
WORLD DOCTORS AND NURSES PUTTING OUT DIRE WARNING: STAY AWAY FROM mRNA VACCINATED PEOPLE - VACCINE SHEDDING TO OTHERS [2021-04-23] (VIDEO) Many stores and businesses are now posting signage for all those mRNA Vaccinated to STAY OUT. Knowledgeablā€¦
Health Impact News, April 25, 2021 Featuring: Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Christiane Northup, Dr Carrie Madej, Dr Lee Merritt, Dr Larry Palevskyā€¦
Self-spreading vaccines that use viruses to confer immunity instead of disease among wild animals could help stop animal diseases from jumping to humans, quashing the next pandemic before it starts. But the new technology is not without risks.
Dinglebob 19-May-21 10:18 PM
What could go wrong?! If you didn't show me this I wouldn't believe it. I still find it very hard to believe. Just imagine the full potential of such a technology! (edited)
Tin Foil Hat #1 ā­šŸ‰ 19-May-21 10:19 PM
I mean why wouldnā€™t they?
Dinglebob 19-May-21 10:21 PM
They could straight up release mosquitos with diseases or vaccines in them
But making you spread infection to others while being imune is unnatural and very dangerous if weaponised
Tin Foil Hat #1 ā­šŸ‰ 19-May-21 10:22 PM
CurbShifter 19-May-21 11:09 PM
the fact mainstream is ignoring the injected people being infections (aka shedding) makes me cautious. The tech exists and is being researched and is apparently possible. This mRNA experiment is still on going. Just no way to know other than collecting stories with hopefully some verification.
PhantomXJ5 19-May-21 11:14 PM
indeed, keeping everyone in the dark as usual when it comes to the REAL issues. meanwhile despite what CDC came out with we still have people dicking around with the masks despite the MSM also saying that they were the "way back to normal".
mejon07 20-May-21 01:59 AM
first time i've seen them admit that the covid jab caused people to die ... ofc they still pretend and say it's "extremely rare" and that the jab is the "best protection against covid"
The deaths occurred before 30 April, when almost three million people had received at least a first dose.
Fpepe 1
mejon07 20-May-21 02:22 AM
Hey Ladies (especially pregnant and new mothers)! You really should read the fine print. šŸ§šŸ‘‡
peep00 2
šŸšØNo Parental ConsentšŸšØnecessary for them to give your child the COVID shot in Nova Scotia, Canada *Children aren't capable of understanding the implications of this
grabbler 4
The Military Union of Serbia claims that the compulsory vaccination of all army personnel was ordered by the Chief of Staff Milan Mojsilovic, which was confirmed by the Ministry. The union, claiming that this is discrimination as vaccination is assessed as a prerequisite for career advancement or training, has taken the case to the Prosecutor [ā€¦]
grabbler 2
mejon07 20-May-21 02:24 PM
One person who received a single dose of the Astrazeneca vaccine, did in fact contract the virus and subsequently died.
honkler 1
Fpepe 1
sNi 20-May-21 03:49 PM
Doctors call for a more effective communications strategy to convince people to get COVID-19 vaccines, warning Australians are "sitting ducks" until a much larger portion of the population is protected.
NWOpepe 1
mejon07 20-May-21 09:43 PM
So again what's the point of the jab ?
Even if you have been vaccinated against #coronavirus it's still important to take free, rapid coronavirus tests šŸ§Ŗ People who have been vaccinated are not completely protected and can still spread the virus. Vaccines and testing are our way out of the pandemic šŸ‘ #DoYourBit
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yeks 20-May-21 10:54 PM
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CurbShifter 21-May-21 12:01 AM
CurbShifter 21-May-21 02:03 AM
Communication and public engagement Lecture by Marc Van Ranst, Belgian Flu Commissioner, at the ESWI/Chatham House Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Stakeholders Conference on 22 January 2019
quite recognizable
Lecture by Marc Van Ranst, Belgian Flu Commissioner, at the ESWI/Chatham House Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Stakeholders Conference on 22 January 2019
Goober 21-May-21 02:04 AM
Well they do make viruses more contagious with gain of function so it's not too crazy to think they could make jabs spread.
CurbShifter 21-May-21 04:55 AM
ShadowSpectre 21-May-21 05:21 AM
OHSA change in standards, employers to be held liable if adverse event suffered by vaccination-mandated employee:
Contractors, construction industry groups say guidance contradicts administration's desire to encourage employees to get vaccinated.
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CurbShifter 21-May-21 12:32 PM
Great way to bankrupt and then have the state "safe" these businesses..šŸ‘†
Severe Reactions in Healthy Teens From COVID-19 Shot
17-year-old Everest Romney of Draper, Utah, developed blood clots in his brain within days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine
Emma Burkey, an 18-year-old from the Las Vegas area, received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine March 20, 2021, and was put into a medically induced coma within two weeks due to seizures and blood clots in her brain
Another devastating report states that a 15-year-old boy from Colorado, with no preexisting conditions or allergies, died from cardiac failure two days after receiving Pfizerā€™s COVID-19 vaccine
Healthy teenagers have reportedly been hospitalized after getting the COVID shot.
dumpsterfire 2
CurbShifter 21-May-21 12:53 PM
One of the most-published medical researchers in the U.S. speaks out about COVID vaccine statistics and safety concerns in this must-watch interview.
If vaccine adverse events and deaths following COVID19 vaccination were truly not causally related, there would be an equal number of reports in the days following the vaccine administration. That&ā€¦
surprised_pikachu 2
The UNPRECIDENTED ARISE Resurrection nationwide tour is happening NOW! Join us at a location near you! To see all updates go to 15 May to 6 September -- EPIC! šŸ“§ š—šš—²š˜ š—™š—„š—˜š—˜ š—˜š—ŗš—®š—¶š—¹ š—”š—¹š—²š—暝˜š˜€ & š—Øš—½š—±š—®š˜š—²š˜€ š—®š˜ https://robertdavidsteeleā€¦
CurbShifter 21-May-21 01:26 PM
Pre-Covid Politics IVERMECTIN was generally well tolerated, with no indication of associated CNS toxicity for doses up to 10 times the highest FDA-approved dose
The effectiveness of immunity due to previous infection is the same as the Pfizer injection
CurbShifter 21-May-21 01:38 PM
Roni Hooker Sisk Vaccinated 1/27/21 Died 2/16/21
CurbShifter 21-May-21 02:14 PM
The Connecticut Department of Public Health has published the Ingredients list for the Moderna COVID ā€œVaccineā€ and that data sheet confirms it contains a chemical ā€œSM-102.ā€
The SM-102 Material Safety Data Sheet describes this chemical as ā€œNOT FOR HUMAN OR VETERINARY USEā€ According to the manufacturer, Cayman Chemical Company in their filing with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), this chemical causes ā€œAcute Toxicity ā€œFatal in contact with skin.ā€
peep00 1
In that same OSHA filing, the manufacturer declares SM-102 ā€œCauses damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure.ā€
This appears to be what they are injecting into your arm when you take the Moderna COVID Vax. Perhaps this is why so many people are having ā€œadverse reactionsā€ to the so-called ā€œvaccine?ā€ Yet Health departments all over this country are running TV and Radio ads telling the general public this vaccine is ā€œsafe.ā€ @silverreport
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mejon07 21-May-21 02:25 PM
Many people in the country have lost their lives due to corona epidemic. Surprisingly, he suffered corona even after getting both doses of corona vacc..|News Track
CurbShifter 21-May-21 02:45 PM
All Vaccinated people will die within 2 years Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine. In the shocking interview, the world's top virologist stated blankly: "there is no hope, and no possible treatment for those who have been vaccinated already. We must be prepared to incinerate the bodies." The scientific genius backed claims of other pre eminent virologists after studying the constituents of the vaccine. "They will all die from antibody dependent enhancement. Nothing more can be said."
the above text is taking leaps that are not in the video. he doesn't say everyone will die in 2 years for example (edited)
Luc Antoine Montagnier (US: ; US: , French: [mɔĢƒtaɲe]; born 18 August 1932) is a French virologist and joint recipient, with FranƧoise BarrĆ©-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen, of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). He has worked as a researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris...
All Vaccinated people will die within 2 years - "/pol/ - Politically Incorrect" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating politics and current events.
ooh 2
hmmm 1
mejon07 21-May-21 05:29 PM
did he mention people dying within 2 years in another interview? i didn't recall him saying it in the video. Also more on the video: (edited)
Nobel Prize winner French Virologist Prof. Luc Montagnier in an interview has claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines are creating variants. He said that epidemiologists know but are ā€œsilentā€ about the phenomenon, known as ā€œAntibody-Dependent Enhancement" (ADE).
CurbShifter 21-May-21 05:33 PM
no dont think its mentioned in the video. Dont think anyone can make any claims on the result of this open air experiment
CurbShifter 21-May-21 08:09 PM
its an old vid 17/04/20 but well buried it seems near the end he also mentions 5G being a possible factor in making things worse
CurbShifter 21-May-21 08:20 PM
Prof. Luc Montagnier said that epidemiologists know but are "silent" about the phenomenon, known as "Antibody-Dependent Enhancement" (ADE).
Hey, remember how all the smart people told you the vaccines were supery-dupery safe because those nasty-ass (technical term) spike proteins they make would never actually leave the cells that make them? Turns out that's... less than entirely accurate.
@AlexBerenson The study was done on 13 healthy M/F avg age 24, not previously infected with Covid.
Abstract. SARS-CoV-2 proteins were measured in longitudinal plasma samples collected from 13 participants who received two doses of mRNA-1273 vaccine. 11 of 13
hmmm 2
CurbShifter 21-May-21 09:02 PM
"To protect the RNA replicons from degradation, we partnered them with a LION formulation that consists of inorganic SPIO nanoparticles" Antigen Tagging "This enables tracking of individual vaccine components to determine changes in biodistribution" Antibody Tethering "Nanoparticles with cytokine-binding properties quenched the cytokine storm, and PEGylated dextran-coated super magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) tethered with anti-IL4RĪ± antibodies decreased pro-inflammatory cytokine expression and repaired lung tissue in mice" Magnetofection "Magnetofection is a simple and highly efficient transfection method that uses magnetic fields to concentrate particles containing nucleic acid into the target cells."
The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is having a major global public health impact necessitating the rapid development of an effective vaccine. Erasmus et al . report that a replicating RNA vaccine stabilized in a lipid inorganic nanoparticle (LION) formulation induced robust antibody responses after a single intramuscular ...
Immunotherapies, including peptide-based vaccines, are a growing area of cancer research, and understanding their mechanism of action is crucial for their continued development and clinical application. Exploring the biodistribution of vaccine components may be key to understanding this action. This ā€¦
The efficiency of delivery of DNA vaccines is often relatively low compared to protein vaccines. The use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) ...
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Imaging (e.g. MRI) Moreover, theranostic multifunctional SPIONs make simultaneous delivery and imaging possible. Organ Targeting "SPIONs can achieve the highest drug targeting efficiency among carriers since an external magnetic field locally applied to the target organ enhances the accumulation of magnetic nanoparticles in the drug site of action." Protein Detection "Although proteins are unstable in conventional MagLev paramagnetic solutions, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) can deal with this issue and levitate plasma proteins [92]. Supervised classification analysis confirmed the proof-of-concept that the motion of levitating proteins in MagLev possesses disease detection capacity, with potential use in a point-of-care device by providing important information on the health status of infected individuals" Detection Agent (Moderna patent) "In some embodiments, the payload may be a detectable agent, such as... iron oxides (e.g., superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO)"
One of the major success determinants in targeted in vivo drug delivery using SPIONs is the adequacy of magnetic gradient. This can be partially achieved by using superconducting magnets, local implantation of magnets and application of magnetic stents. Other issues that must be considered include t ā€¦
The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)) has witnessed a rapid and global proliferation since its early identification in patients with severe pneumonia in Wuhan, China. As of 27th May 2020, ...
šŸ‘ 1
mejon07 22-May-21 02:49 AM
Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry told Global News last week schools would not be used for the vaccination program except in smaller communities.
grabbler 2
So that's Nova Scotia, and BC in Canada that allow children to get the jab without parental consent.
honkler 2
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mejon07 22-May-21 03:17 AM
Another Sprouts employee just sent Namely Liberty this internal video sent out to their leadership team advising them that Sprouts will begin requiring a COVID vaccination in order to bare their faces at work. Let @sproutsfm know what you think. VIDEO:
Another Sprouts employee just sent Namely Liberty this internal video sent out to their leadership team advising them that Sprouts will begin requiring a COVID vaccination in order to bare their faces at work. Unvaccinated employees will now be forced to continue wearing the face diaper while the COVID vaccinated will not. The video does not add...
honkler 1
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PhantomXJ5 22-May-21 03:48 AM
Dear The Vaccinated. Good luck. (A clip from 2009)
peep00 1
PhantomXJ5 22-May-21 08:26 AM
Professor Dolores Cahill has degree is in molecular genetics and her PhD is in immunology where she was using antibodies and making libraries to try and improve the outcomes in cancer. She also spent eight years in the Max Planck Institute for Molecā€¦
peep00 2
CurbShifter 22-May-21 01:17 PM
To be clear: If these new policies had been the global approach to ā€œCOVIDā€ since December 2019, there would never have been a pandemic at all...
boog 2
pewpew 1
CurbShifter 22-May-21 01:27 PM
Pinned a message.
CurbShifter 22-May-21 01:51 PM
Erika Martin
With millions of people in Los Angeles County now fully vaccinated against COVID-19, public health officials said Thursday evidence is becoming clearer that the shots provide exceptional protectionā€¦
12 died. It works great !
honkler 2
CurbShifter 22-May-21 02:02 PM
Losing a new born is a heart breaking endeavour, as is the pain of losing an unborn child. Which is why weā€™re both saddened and shocked to bring you the lates
feelsbadman 3
CurbShifter 22-May-21 02:47 PM
This woman has suffered from horrific and unexplained symptoms after close contact with vaccinated individuals. These include a full body rash, blood infection levels over 200, horrific menstrual pains, an enlarged uterus and ovarian cysts. Subscribe:
wtf 1
mejon07 22-May-21 03:55 PM
The UK launches the third booster dose trial of its seven Covid-19 vaccines. The new clinical trial will assess the efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines of Oxford-AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax, Valneva, Janssen, and Curevac in June.
honkler 1
They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by exposing the truth about MRNA shots and the Scamdemic. These are the modern day Immortals of Humanity. For more details on the Scamdemic go to nojab
Sir Thiccnificent Cringeworth 22-May-21 09:21 PM
Connecticut admits covid vaccines contain spike proteins, then claims they are harmless even while the Salk Institute confirms they can be deadly
CurbShifter 22-May-21 09:25 PM
yes it seems the spike proteins are causing damage in itself. pls drop links to sources if possible
Sir Thiccnificent Cringeworth 22-May-21 09:28 PM
The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 ā€œvaccines.ā€ Their report through May 8, 2021 lists 10,570 deaths and 405,259 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots: COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414)....
Muammar Qaddafi laid out the basis for the covid nightmare in his 2009 speech to the United Nations
ā€œThey will create a virus, pretend, and sell the antidotes ... vaccine and medicine factories are working side-by-side with the intelligence services"
- Muammar Qaddafi, 2009 speech to the United Nations
Libya: From Africaā€™s Wealthiest Democracy Under Gaddafi to Terrorist Haven After US/NATO/EU Intervention. ---- WHITE MAN created COVID-19! ---- America (white supremacist) is responsible for the death and agony of millions of people around the wā€¦
They will create the virus, pretend and sell the antidotesā€¦. Gaddafi
Sir Thiccnificent Cringeworth 22-May-21 10:13 PM
The prestigious Salk Institute, founded by vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, has authored and published a bombshell scientific article revealing that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what's [...]
This paper is the first to document the mechanism by which spike proteins ā€” even ones lacking an active viral component ā€” cause vascular destruction by binding to ACE2 receptors and inhibiting the function of cellular mitochondria.
Sir Thiccnificent Cringeworth 22-May-21 10:31 PM
LA JOLLAā€”Scientists have known for a while that SARS-CoV-2ā€™s distinctive ā€œspikeā€ proteins help the virus infect its host by latching on to healthy cells. Now, a major new study shows that the virus spike proteins (which behave very differently than those safely encoded by vaccines) also play a key role in the disease itself.
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Tin Foil Hat #1 ā­šŸ‰ 23-May-21 01:21 AM
For the people overseeing nationwide vaccination initiatives in developing countries, keeping track of who had which vaccination and when can be a tough task.
NWOpepe 3
CurbShifter 23-May-21 01:45 AM
did it stick? yes 6 no 9
haram 23-May-21 06:03 AM
Some teenagers and young adults who received COVID-19 vaccines experienced heart inflammation, a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory group said, recommending further study of the rare condition.
Fpepe 1
mejon07 23-May-21 03:52 PM
Youth do not need to attend a clinic with a parent or guardian as parental consent is not required to receive a vaccine, provided the healthcare provider administering the vaccine deems the youth capable of understanding the decision to be vaccinated.
NWOpepe 2
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mejon07 23-May-21 05:12 PM
good video to show to your normie friends
wutdafug 1
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CurbShifter 23-May-21 07:06 PM
Pinned a message.
šŸ‘ 3
mejon07 24-May-21 02:16 AM
Stephanie Dubois, of Cypress, was a model with RMG Model Agency. She was recently hospitalized and in a coma after a brain hemorrhage. Her condition was said to be a reaction from the Covid Astra Zā€¦
Stephanie Dubois Death - Dead,  Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death, Passed Away: On May 22nd, 2021, InsideEko Media learned about the death of Stephanie
Fpepe 2
CurbShifter 24-May-21 04:37 AM
You'd think people npc npc npc Should start to notice these deaths by now..
npc 1
NEW - Three researchers at a Chinese lab that has been scrutinized as the possible origin point of the coronavirus pandemic went to the hospital due to an illness in November 2019, according to a new report. @disclosetv
Researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology had to be hospitalized after falling ill in November 2019.
Three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November 2019 that they sought hospital care, according to a U.S. intelligence report, fueling debate over Covid-19ā€™s origin.
CurbShifter 24-May-21 01:44 PM
There are now three studies documenting that the "S" (spike) protein ALONE causes damage ā€“ whether you get it from natural infection or from a jab. The spike protein alone causes blood clotting ā€“ no covid needed ā€“ just the jab.
ā€˜ā€™We show here that S protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells (ECs) in vitro and in vivo, manifested by impaired mitochondrial function, decreased ACE2 expression and eNOS activity, and increased glycolysis. The underlying mechanism involves S protein downregulation of AMPK and upregulation of MDM2, causing ACE2 destabilization. Thus, the S protein-exerted vascular endothelial damage via ACE2 downregulation overrides the decreased virus infectivity.ā€™ā€™ I am guessing that there is an endless list of ā€˜rare conditionsā€™ that will be caused by every one of the Vs. basically the body is being told to make the very thing that is causing most of the damage from Cov2. The spike protein.
wutdafug 2
mejon07 24-May-21 02:21 PM
Thousands of people hired by the State of California are out knocking on doors asking residents if they've been vaccinated. The goal is to target the
NWOpepe 1
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mejon07 24-May-21 02:29 PM
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. (KTVL) -- The daughter of a Klamath Falls resident said her 75-year-old mother died less than 72 hours after receiving her first dose of the COVID-19 Moderna vaccine. Carrie Creswell said her mother, Darlene Bartholomew was given her first dose on April 23 at Sky Lakes Medical Center. By Monday, April 26 her mother was found ...
Fpepe 1
NICOSIA (CYPRUS) ā€” A 39-year-old British woman died in a Cypriot hospital after a blood clotting incident after receiving the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, the official Cyprus News Agency said Monday (May 24)
Fpepe 1
A man in his 40s with a history of high blood pressure was found dead in Denpasar today, a couple of days after he reportedly received a shot of the COVID-19 vaccine from AstraZeneca  The man, identified as MAM, was found dead and alone in the...
Singapore ā€“ The Covid-19 vaccine did not kill the 57-year-old man who had a fatal heart attack the day after he was jabbed, according to the Ministry of Healt
Fpepe 2
The UK Government have released their sixteenth report highlighting adverse reactions to both the Pfizer / BioNTech and Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccines that have occurred since the roll-out began on ā€¦
mejon07 24-May-21 03:21 PM
"Top Doctor" Robert Strang has been repeatedly asked one question since the vaccine rollout has begun, "What is the age and vaccination status of people in hospital/ICU or who have died?" His respon
honkler 1
mejon07 24-May-21 08:15 PM
8-month-old Baldwinsville, NY boy named Enzo becomes youngest person in the world to receive two doses of Pfizer COVID vaccine. His parents, both doctors, say he had no reaction to either shot. - WSYR
honkler 3
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mejon07 25-May-21 03:36 AM
Dr Das who had been active on social media to spread awareness against Covid himself succumbed to the disease. Dr Das soon returned to his work place. The report came positive on May 7. As he was showing no sign of improvement, he was shifted to a local Covid hospital. People must take precautionary measures even if they had taken the vaccine sh...
Fpepe 2
CurbShifter 25-May-21 08:35 AM
Stephanie Dubois 39 Years old, UK & Cyprus British model Stephanie had moved to Cyprus in December 2020. According fi her Facebook page she had received an AstraZeneca injection in May 6, 2021. She stated that she hated it and felt miserable during the first day. On May 14th she said she felt fine until out of the blue and started to feel ver...
Victims & their stories.. Join the chat for this page here: Also find us on Instagram ā¤µļø Things that will get you banned: 1. Racist or bigoted comments 2. Spamming
mejon07 25-May-21 03:33 PM
MOH said that to date, there has not been any deaths in Singapore assessed to be caused by the Covid-19 vaccine.. Read more at
honkler 1
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Tin Foil Hat #1 ā­šŸ‰ 25-May-21 08:15 PM
A UK man named William Shakespeare famously became the first man in the world to receive a COVID-19 vaccine this past December.
Fpepe 1
mejon07 25-May-21 08:32 PM
dies of unrelated illness
PhantomXJ5 26-May-21 03:46 AM
Facebook Whistleblowers Leak Documents Detailing Effort to Secretly Censor Vaccine Concerns on Global Scale
mejon07 26-May-21 02:06 PM
PHUKET: A 43-year-old man from Phang Nga has died after suffering chest pains and a heart attack on Monday night after receiving his first Sinovac COVID-19 vaccination injection at Phuket airport on S
Fpepe 2
mejon07 26-May-21 02:17 PM
Caslee Sims
Children as young as six months are now participating in a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial. Pfizer plans to eventually enroll more than 4,500 kids, with the goal of applying for emergency use authoriā€¦
dumpsterfire 2
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black_jack 26-May-21 02:26 PM
CurbShifter 26-May-21 02:28 PM
How Can You Protect Yourself From the Vaccine or Exposure to Those That Were Vaccinated?
Indeed, that is the question of the day. We talked about shedding from the vaccine. Obviously, the vaccine does not classically shed virus particles but it can easily cause people to shed spike proteins, and it is these spike proteins that may cause just as much damage as the virus.
The COVID-19 vaccine was developed with Operation Warp Speed in less than one year as the vaccine has not been adequately tested.
While Seneffā€™s paper didnā€™t delve deeply into solutions, it provides a major clue, which is that your body has the capacity to address many of these problems through a process called autophagy. This is the process of removal of damaged proteins in your body.
One effective strategy that will upregulate autophagy is periodic fasting or time-restricted eating. Most people eat more than 12 hours a day. Gradually lowering that to a six- to eight-hour window will radically improve your metabolic flexibility and decrease insulin resistance.
Another beneficial practice is sauna therapy, which upregulates heat shock proteins. I have discussed this extensively in previous articles. Heat shock proteins work by refolding proteins that are misfolded. They also tag damaged proteins and target them for removal.
Another vital strategy is to eliminate all processed vegetable oils (seed oils), which means eliminating virtually all processed foods as they are loaded with them. Seed oils will radically impair mitochondrial energy production, increase oxidative stress and damage your immune system. 
Seed oils also are likely to contain glyphosate, as it is heavily used on the crops that produce them. Obviously, it is important to avoid glyphosate contamination in all your food, which you can minimize by buying only certified organic foods.
Finally, you want to optimize your innate immune system and one of the best ways to do that is to get enough sun exposure, wearing in your bathing suit, to have your vitamin level reach 60 to 80 ng/ml (100 to 150 nmol/l).
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CurbShifter 26-May-21 02:46 PM
"I was supposed to say the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine had caused three times more deaths than AstraZeneca."
There is a battle going on between the injection manufacturers
"This is strange. I got offered a partnership that consists of destroying the Pfizer vaccine in a video. Huge budget, and a client that wants to stay anonymous."
šŸŽ­ 1
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CurbShifter 26-May-21 02:55 PM
Are you one of those people hesitant to receive a COVID-19 vaccine? You know, one of those "dangerous" and "selfish" people, as the Democrats would call you, w
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 26-May-21 03:03 PM This is her FB post - "After four months, she's still having seizures, she just got fired and was denied workman's comp. Her company won't acknowledge her vaccine injury. Has to wait until October for a neurologist appointment."
ā€œIf I'm not mistaken, she's the one who received the Vax because she was a nurse and did so to protect her patients as advised. She has been silenced by Mainstream Media and has been removed from social media for telling her story. Her condition hasā€¦
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
pinkwojak 1
Fpepe 1
Nine executives from Moderna, BioNTech, ROVI and CanSino Biologics have all become billionaires throughout the pandemic.
gulag 3
NWOpepe 1
mejon07 26-May-21 03:41 PM
News from #i5rahell ! 'excess morbidity' - myocarditis among ppl aged 16-30 Great surprise: There is a link bt the vaccinated and the myocarditis. #asexpected
peep00 1
CurbShifter 26-May-21 08:40 PM
Update on Dr Reiner Fuellmich and the Corona Investigation worth a watch
Dr. Fuellmich joins me to talk about current lawsuits, misinformation, the bigger picture and ways out of the chaos.
mejon07 27-May-21 01:17 AM
Pfizer/BioNTech published a study on the safety and use of their vaccine last Wednesday. It refers to the current status of the vaccination studies in the context of emergency approval. Some 78,9 percent of the vaccinated children developed some form of side effect.
peep00 1
mejon07 27-May-21 03:37 AM
Kit Knightly A new report, published just yesterday, has provided yet more evidence that the CDC is manipulating data to conceal the number of ā€œbreakthrough infectionsā€. A ā€œbreaktā€¦
grabbler 2
mejon07 27-May-21 03:59 AM
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom confirmed Monday that it aims to bring lawyers and professional staff back into its U.S. offices on Sept. 13 ā€“ and those who haven't received a COVID-19 vaccine by then will have to get continually tested for the virus.
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 27-May-21 04:14 AM
People who have had two doses of a Covid vaccine will still have to self-isolate for 10 days if they come into contact with someone infected with Covid after the "end" of lockdown.
honkler 3
CurbShifter 27-May-21 01:08 PM
Let's take a look at the ~34,000 new adverse events. 228K total AE's. 49% of all Published AE's from jabs January or older. 36 Million doses rolled out by Jan31st. How far behind is VAERS? Currently (May 21) 280 million doses rolled out. Forā€¦
Daniel Spampanato passed away April 9, 2021 at the age of 32. He leaves behind his wife Holly, their two year old son Carter, as well as many friends and family members. According to social media pā€¦
feelsbadman 1
Fpepe 1
CurbShifter 27-May-21 01:59 PM
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating a rare heart condition possibly linked to adolescents and young adults getting the vaccine, according to the COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical (VaST) Work Group at the CDC. After a recent report last week, VaST concluded that there are relatively few reports of myocarditis, which ca...
surprised_pikachu 1
CurbShifter 27-May-21 02:12 PM
YES , THIS IS HUGE Vaccine does NOT really work for SHIT PEER REVIEWED says Vaccine is USELESS Peer reviewed study published in the top medical journal in the World, the Lancet, Show that NONE of the Covid vaccines reduce your chances of getting Covid by more than 1.3 %. That means you are risking a 6% chance of dying or becoming permanently disabled for almost NO benefit!
šŸ”»šŸ”»Dana Ottmann: 32-year-old German psychologist develops blood clots, dead 12 days after the experimental AstraZeneca Gene Therapy shot
Health authorities say death caused by AstraZeneca shot Ms. Ottmann died from blood clots in her brain caused by the AstraZeneca shot, according to health authorities in the Herford District.
Dana Ottmann chalked up her severe headaches to normal migraines she'd suffered since childhood. Blood clots killed her soon thereafter.
Fpepe 1
CurbShifter 27-May-21 02:24 PM
Proof that CDC and FDA KNEW the jabs would cause heart complications, but the Fed STILL pushing your KIDS to be inoculated.
Dr. Jane Ruby exposed evidence proving that the federal government agencies were aware of serious heart complications caused by the very injections they're trying to push on your kids.
Dr. Jane Ruby exposed evidence proving that the federal government agencies were aware of serious heart complications caused by the very injections they're trying to push on your kids. www.StewPeters.
CurbShifter 27-May-21 02:39 PM
Maria Ilva Biolcati ā€œMILVAā€ 81 Years old, Italy A beloved Italian singer stage, film actress, and television personality known as Milva (and La Rossa -Italian for "The Redhead",due to the characteristic colour of her hair) has died. Maria received a Covid-19 injection on March 26, 2021 according to her Instagram page. She then had her second...
Kristin Salo Baker 38 Years old, USA A high school sophomore English teacher has died following a Covid-19 injection. Kristin apparently developed a blood clot from her shot and passed unexpectedly. If is not clear which one she had received. She leaves behind her husband and family. May she Rest In Peace ā¤ļø #Death #Clot #USA #COVIDVACCINE...
Alpa Amish Tailor 35 Years old, England, UK Passed away unexpectedly on April 24, 2021 after receiving the Oxford-AstraZeneca injection. Approximately 10 days after having the injection, she was rushed to the hospital after suffering a suspected stroke. It was found that Alpa had suffered a blood clot in the brain and within days the number...
Maria De Los Angeles Gonzalez Andrini 70 Years old, USA According to Mariaā€™s daughter: ā€œFebruary 18, 2021(her birthday), she was given the first dose, against her will, that put her in the hospital with heart failure and shortness of breath on top of being weak from Parkinsonā€™s, and losing her appetite altogether, making it a challenge for her...
CurbShifter 27-May-21 03:06 PM
mejon07 28-May-21 02:31 AM
HEADLINE Heart issue possibly linked to Covid vaccines is rare FDA SPOKESPERSON My kids are older but I wouldnā€™t hesitate to vaccinate them because this is a pretty rare finding & we really donā€™t know yet if itā€™s truly related to vaccines Great. Let's start with his kids & wait
dumpsterfire 1
pewpew 1
mejon07 28-May-21 02:42 AM
A ā€œBRILLIANTā€ BBC presenter died after suffering a blood clot following the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, her family said today. Lisa Shawā€™s devastated relatives told of their heartbā€¦
Fpepe 1
mejon07 28-May-21 06:52 AM
The spike protein in the Covid-19 vaccine binds to the ACE2 receptors. Dr. Roger Hodkinson explains to me how the covid vaccine may affect male and female fertility Full video:
Joining me today is Dr. Hodkinson, here to discuss the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines, the possibility of infertility, and the very real concerns about the vaccine-induced spike proteins and what ne...
peep00 1
CurbShifter 28-May-21 01:14 PM
10min interview of a doc explaining why the spike proteĆÆnes that the mRNA makes are causing problems themselves
Alex talks with Dr. Byram Bridle, an Associate Professor on Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph about a new peer-reviewed study that suggests there may be terrifying reasons side effects such as heart inflammation, VITT, and other serious issues may occur in those who have been vaccinated.  Let's get talking.
black_jack 28-May-21 02:47 PM
Advanced work actual thousand of hours of research Found nowhere else. That I have seen.
CurbShifter 28-May-21 04:43 PM
grabbler 2
Tin Foil Hat #1 ā­šŸ‰ 28-May-21 09:49 PM
mejon07 29-May-21 03:58 AM
COVID-19 vaccines are the most promoted product of our times.  There is a reason for it.  After the vaccination people are turned into consumers for life if they donā€™t of course dieā€¦
mejon07 29-May-21 04:06 AM
Pinned a message.
mejon07 29-May-21 04:13 AM
Jeff Reeves
This week, Ohio gave away its first $1 million prize after Gov. Mike DeWine (R) announced his stateā€™s Vax-a-Million giveaway earlier this month.
haram 29-May-21 04:50 AM
Fpepe 1
haram 29-May-21 05:20 AM
The 22-page paper on the origins of COVID-19, exclusively obtained by and slated for publication in the coming days, is set to make waves among the scientific community.
haram 29-May-21 05:40 AM
Conspiracy theories about Moderna coronavirus vaccine ingredients are being pushed online by Twitter and TikTok users.
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 29-May-21 11:53 AM
BREAKING: California launches vaccine incentives making those already vaccinated eligible for cash prizes. 10 people will win $1.5 million each June 15 30 people will win $50,000 each June 4/ June 11 CA will also give $50 gift cards to next 2 million to get fully vaxxed
ugh 2
honkler 1
CurbShifter 29-May-21 12:15 PM
An initiative in Mexico City to prescribe ivermectin to COVID-19 positive patients has resulted in a 52ā€“76 percent reduction in hospitalizations.
hmmm 2
tagiadin_tasos 29-May-21 12:56 PM
The 22-page paper on the origins of COVID-19, exclusively obtained by and slated for publication in the coming days, is set to make waves among the scientific community.
CurbShifter 29-May-21 01:06 PM
Lynnae Erick 50 Years old, Canada Lynnae a mother and wife had taken her first dose of the Pfizer injection on May 17, 2021 and complained of a sore arm and being tired as a result. On May 22, 2021 just days later she commented on her Facebook page that she wishes she didnā€™t get the shot and that her neck was hurting bad and she couldnā€™t stay ...
CurbShifter 29-May-21 01:20 PM
CurbShifter 29-May-21 01:34 PM
dumpsterfire 3
mejon07 29-May-21 04:23 PM
Fantastic compilation by Jason Lo of MSM reported jab related tragedies: "THEY ARE LYING AND PEOPLE ARE DYING!" Original video:
feelsbadman 1
Fpepe 1
haram 29-May-21 08:27 PM
peep00 2
haram 29-May-21 08:43 PM
The vax companies reported efficacy as 95%. But they tricked you by reporting relative risk reduction (RRR) instead of absolute risk redirection (ARR). So the real numbers are: Astra Zeneca 1.3% Moderna 1.2% J&J 1.2% Pfizer 0.84%
grabbler 3
mejon07 30-May-21 03:36 AM
By Mihir Zaveri
The random drawings are yet another example of how officials are relying on an array of incentives to boost vaccinations among younger people.
honkler 2
haram 30-May-21 03:41 PM
A legal notice is served by Indian Bar Association (IBA) upon Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at the
mejon07 30-May-21 04:30 PM
"We believe that not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease not dangerous to them."
feelsgoodman 1
CurbShifter 30-May-21 08:33 PM
Fpepe 1
CurbShifter 30-May-21 08:49 PM
mejon07 30-May-21 10:19 PM
pfizer vaccine appears to accumulate in the ovaries in female rats
HOLY CRAP This leaked #Pfizer study from the EMA shows that the #vaccine particles are hugely sequestered into the ovaries. That's right. The ovaries. @richardursomd @Fynnderella1 @NoWackyScience h/t @dankdly111
the European Medicines Agency noted some presence in the ovaries but they brush it aside and don't include the raw data (edited)
the screenshot is from a PDF found on the Japanese equivalent of FDA
however someone translated it to english for those interested: (edited)
mejon07 31-May-21 02:00 AM
BREAKING: Oracle VP, Joel Kallman, dies of "COVID" after receiving vaccine
Fpepe 2
Ian Jenkins Extracts from ā€˜The New Normal Lexiconā€™ by Greta Reset, Professor of Neology at Schwabgate University. * Mask eye: the nasty beady-eyed glare, a mix of hatred and fear, givenā€¦
mejon07 31-May-21 02:23 AM
Children v4xxination in #i5rahell ā€˜they will approve the vaccine and may recommend - if they do not raise dramatic data indicating that the vaccine causes certain side effectsā€™ Translation from the profile of @yollancohen h/t @efenigson
CurbShifter 31-May-21 10:04 AM
Here is ONE of the INFAMOUS Reports showing <1% of Adverse Reactions from vaccines get reported to the VAERS (per US Dept of Health/Harvard)
An ambulance worker who cannot hold back sharing what he knows: "It happens 15 days after the shots" (massive strokes) #stroke #bloodclots #france #whistleblowers
2 mins- JABS - French Ambulance Man and Nurses ALERT Massive Increase in Deaths following the Shot - English Version Voice and Sub - May 24, 2021 MIRROR SOURCE: Humains Libres amour pour tous - Free Humans love for all:ā€¦
dumpsterfire 1
CurbShifter 31-May-21 07:57 PM
Luc Montagnier. explicitly saying he did not say everyone will die from the injection. but notes the prions can cause neurological problems
hmmm 2
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