Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 🕳-memory-hole
Between 01-Jul-21 12:00 AM and 01-Aug-21 12:00 AM
mejon07 03-Jul-21 05:12 AM
Imagine a biological computer that operates inside a living cell, one that can be used to determine if a cell is cancerous and then trigger its death. In this project, this is done using DNA as a programmable material. Just like a computer, DNA is highly programmable into a whole range of complex behaviors. This could enable a whole a range of...
wizard 1
CurbShifter 10-Jul-21 09:49 AM
Pfizer biggest fine in US history
grabbler 1
mejon07 12-Jul-21 05:01 PM
USAid started ZunZuneo, a social network built on texts, in hope it could be used to organize 'smart mobs' to trigger Cuban spring
sidwasout 12-Jul-21 11:00 PM
On one side of this mound is a metal scrapyard and on the other is where flight93 went down. Photo from early '02 (edited)
CurbShifter 14-Jul-21 10:18 AM
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 16-Jul-21 01:19 PM
grabbler 3
CurbShifter 18-Jul-21 01:41 AM
some deagle data from the forecast thats now not available anymore
someone compared it against the "vaccination" rate
hmmm 3
Lal 18-Jul-21 03:31 PM
a large rally organised by the Anti-Vaccination League of Canada in Toronto in November 1919.  👆
ooh 3
Liberty 19-Jul-21 12:12 AM
Curbshifter? I was wondering on where you got that chart info from concerning the world pop data on the vaxx
max9 19-Jul-21 04:33 AM
yeah, the links is good
Liberty 19-Jul-21 07:04 AM
Anybody got the link to it?
CurbShifter 19-Jul-21 09:24 AM they used to have a forecast page. But too many people were on to it eventually. Its been there updated for a decade before
sidwasout 19-Jul-21 02:47 PM
Libya and Angola are of particular interest due to sub 4% vax rate yet a "culling" of 40-50%
CurbShifter 19-Jul-21 02:54 PM
who knows what wars or famine they predicted tbh
max9 20-Jul-21 06:48 AM
Article by Joseph Brewda from 1995 on Kissinger's NSSM200 policy for population control using food as a weapon published in 1975
grabbler 2
they predict it because they have been planning it for a long time
NWOpepe 2
Lal 21-Jul-21 09:57 AM
grabbler 2
pewpew 2
Lal 25-Jul-21 03:48 PM
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