Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 🚪-gateways
post links to channels and websites that contain relevant 'truth' sources. (post the main pages, not specific videos or articles of those sources). - any language, but please tag it. - posting invite links to other servers is allowed - we are building a list, so keep it short
Between 01-Jul-21 12:00 AM and 01-Aug-21 12:00 AM
mejon07 01-Jul-21 02:57 AM website where people review their experience at businesses when it comes to mask enforcement
The Mask Map - Review the face mask policies of stores, restaurants, and other businesses near you!
peep00 2
only in the usa atm
CurbShifter 12-Jul-21 06:57 PM
Aviation accidents from 1908 through the present
CurbShifter 14-Jul-21 09:34 PM
Searchable Archived Riot Videos
peep00 2
CurbShifter 15-Jul-21 11:24 AM
I’m often asked if there are good resources out there for introducing children to the ideas of liberty, economics, self-ownership and other important topics. One book series that I’ve begun reading…
cool 3
Didi 16-Jul-21 09:11 PM
For timely updates from the Netherlands surrounding politics, news and current events. Also some bottom text memes from time to time.
mejon07 16-Jul-21 10:06 PM
Interactive database of companies complicit in illegal Israeli settlements.
Exported 7 message(s)