It would be crazy, if tons of armed people showed up to all 50 state capitol buildings. After a few days, they bust in to lynch people. They find all the buildings empty. We're watching lives streams from all over the county where they're finding these bank vault looking doors in the basements of the each capitol. The rednecks start dragging chop saws and cutting torches from their trucks out in the parking lots, going to work on the doors. First Denver, then Orlando, one by one they breach the doors. You hear people in the streets singing and dancing, even the anfia kids are cheering "get those bastards!" "Long live the boogaloo!" A swarm of maga hats and American flags endlessly pour into the darkness. The flow of people slows down. Tons of stragglers hanging out in the stairways and out in front of the capitols giving commentary over streams about what could happen next. We get it live from the cell phones of the hordes storming down the subterranean tracks, chatting and singing, led only by LED into the blackness. The streams start to lag as they go deeper and deeper. Finally the connections start dropping. Hours go by, with more interviews from even the main stream media of the people still lingering by the underground doors. Hours turn into days, and the internet is on fire with anticipation. Murmurs start going around. The cops start moving in all over the country, kicking people out of the capitols. A week from when it started, Biden gets on TV. Right at the same time the same broadcast is on everyone's phones. You can't close it, you can't even turn your phone off, unless you take the battery out. All the TV's are on, you can't change the channel, you can't turn it off, unless you unplug it. Biden starts speaking, but all of a sudden he's not foggy or retarded. He starts going over what each person needs to do, to figure out what FEMA camp you're supposed to turn yourself into. If the last 4 of you social security number is even, you go on Mondays and Wednesdays blah, blah, blah. The communist start dancing in the streets once again, but then the camera starts pulling back. Trump is standing right next to Biden, and continues to rattle off info on the process, with threats for those who don't comply. Months later, as you're getting shuffled into an oven, stripped naked, with a bunch of other people, you hear some guy still talking about how they set Trump up.