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research sharing / 🕳-memory-hole
historic events that are pushed into the memory hole.
Between 01-Jan-21 12:00 AM and 01-Feb-21 12:00 AM
mejon07 05-Jan-21 02:15 PM
If you do not have any respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, or runny nose, you do not need to wear a medical mask. When used alone, masks can give you a false feeling of protection and can even be a source of infection when not used correctly. ➡️
ugh 2
surprisedpikachu 1
mejon07 06-Jan-21 02:28 PM
In an era when public opinion favored sheltering young people from adult society, the Freeville republic and its descendants immersed them in carefully designed models of that society instead.
peep 1
mejon07 07-Jan-21 02:15 PM
20 March, 2020: Sky News airs footage of a hospital in Italy. 25 & 26 March, 2020: CBS uses the same footage while reporting on NYC. 19 July, 2020: 7 News Australia uses the same footage while reporting on Melbourne. Video in You Tube: Pls RT
mejon07 10-Jan-21 05:00 PM
Twitter stands for freedom of expression. We stand for speaking truth to power. And we stand for empowering dialogue.
honkhonk_clown 2
EvLIncarnate 11-Jan-21 12:13 AM
I call bullshit
dascute 4
Curb 11-Jan-21 12:34 AM
cringe 3
grabler 3
reee 1
black_jack 13-Jan-21 12:02 AM
Share your prevision of the future on Work as we know it is changing radically. This is the time to understand what is happening and how to deal with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and exponential technologies. Which jobs will disappear in what year and why, which will be the new ones to appear, how are we going ...
mejon07 13-Jan-21 01:30 AM
'I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It’s – it was like – we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment' - Pompeo Secretary Pompeo participates in a Q&A discussion at Texas A&M University as part of the Wiley Lecture Series, in College Station, Texas on April 15, 2019. A transcript i...
grabler 2
jDawganator 15-Jan-21 10:24 AM
Day after 9/11 attacks, this article was published. Harry Browne foresaw everything that happened and called people out. Kudos to Dave Smith for recommending it.
Lal 15-Jan-21 04:05 PM
Short extract from 'The Hamburg Syndrome' film 1979. Spot on!
These are highlights from the 1979 German Sci-Fi psychological thriller, “The Hamburg Syndrome,” or “Die Hamburger Krankheit”, directed by Peter Fleischmann. This film has striking similarities to the present-day COVID-19 global ‘pandemic’ storyline, and shows an eerily similar psychological manipulation waged by government and the medical/pharm...
peep 3
Curb 17-Jan-21 10:12 AM
#QAnon is literally a carbon copy of a massive #Bolshevik psyop from the 1920’s that was created 2 neutralize the remaining reactionary forces opposed to the communist takeover of Russia. The name of that psy-op was "Operation TRUST" #TrustThePlan guys! #MAGA #BlackPill #Capitol
👍 3
blacker 18-Jan-21 12:27 AM
The "spanish flu" era was blamed on china, their were "2 waves", their was an economic crash, race riots, sounds familiar:
Hi gh guys!!! Kraken released. Eat shite and die, maskertard<<<3 Is it not amazing how my video cannot be found. Amazing huh... frozen at 117 views. Semper Fi Neo #maskholes #notsees #nomasksnoglovesonlylove
hmmm_think 3
black_jack 18-Jan-21 10:25 PM
This cartoon predicts the future more than 60 years ago. You won't see anything like this taught in schools today. If you like political cartoons with insight, this is one of the best ever made. If you worry this country is losing freedoms by the day, you are not alone. They tried to warn us in this political cartoon 60 years ago. If you love ...
peep00 4
Curb 24-Jan-21 12:08 AM
Jewish Bolshevik communism
peep 2
grabler 1
mejon07 24-Jan-21 12:28 AM
How has the US media covered the conflict in the Middle East? We play an excerpt of the documentary “Peace Propaganda and the Promised Land: U.S. Media & the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” The film was directed by Bathsheba Ratzkoff and Sut Jhally of the Media Education Foundation. [includes rush transcript]
mejon07 24-Jan-21 04:34 PM
the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus: • impose “extreme a lockdown on his people” • force them to wear face masks • impose very strict curfews • impose a police state • crash the economy Belarus President ...
Aleksandr Lukashenko REFUSED the offer and stated that he could not accept such an offer and would put his people above the needs of the IMF and World Bank.
pepe_yesvote 2
hypers 1
jDawganator 25-Jan-21 06:30 AM
The same corporation that knowingly defrauded innocent customers in Latin America and knowingly infected them with HIV now owns Monsanto.
mejon07 27-Jan-21 03:27 PM
American President Joe Biden in 1992 wrote a lengthy piece published in the Wall Street Journal in which he explains how he learned to love the New World Order.
NWPepe 2
grabler 1
Slayer_369 28-Jan-21 12:25 AM
Hello, it's Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft in a 60 second introduction to a cheesy 3-hour video tutorial VHS tape on Windows 3.1
🇳 2
🇪 2
🇷 2
🇩 2
npc 3
Dinglebob 28-Jan-21 01:02 AM
Great interview with former president of the AAPS Dr.Lee Merrit who tells us what she thinks about what’s happening & the experimental “vaccine”. Share away🙂
Very important! ^^^^^
👍 1
Curb 29-Jan-21 07:32 PM
hmmm_think 5
popcorn 1
Dinglebob 30-Jan-21 03:51 PM - Anonymously publish text with hyperlinks enabled.
hmmm_think 1
mejon07 30-Jan-21 04:35 PM
"Lockdowns were ruled out in the past precisely so that the damage of a pandemic would be minimized and we could get through it more quickly. This was the science. This was the science all the way through the spring of 2020, when everything changed. Suddenly the “science” favored forgetting...
Curb 31-Jan-21 12:44 AM
In 2006, Jim Cramer accidentally revealed some of the dirty tricks short selling hedge funds use to manipulate the price of stocks down. This podcast episode was promptly deleted but not before I captured it for posterity. This, by the way, is the video The Daily Show used to very nearly ruin Jim Cramer's career.
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