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research sharing / 🔁-great-reset
4th industrial revolution. Digital Currency and ID. Pretty much anything that comes out of World Economic Forum.
Between 01-Jan-21 12:00 AM and 01-Feb-21 12:00 AM
𝑥𝑛𝟾𝑔𝑝𝑜𝟿𝑛𝟶 01-Jan-21 05:29 AM New York communist agenda bills being created for 2021
Homeless kids, Broken Dreams and Starving families is now New York City. New York City is dead and it will never come back. Here's the full break down of whats happening and why real estate investors, business owners and corporations are leaving. Enjoy! Add me on social media. ✅ ️Learn from John ✅ 🤵Cash Flow Rental Blueprint (From Unknowled...
yeks 02-Jan-21 01:34 AM
nickyboy109 02-Jan-21 02:01 AM
the ADL telling the goyim never to question anything they own, or control. which is everything.....🖕 that's for you ADL
NWPepe 1
PhantomXJ5 02-Jan-21 03:17 AM
then it will be to enter stores, to get a driver license, to buy or sell stuff, go to concerts, etc.
feelsbad 1
Timothy Hunter 02-Jan-21 09:13 AM
@nickyboy109 They are not Jews.
mejon07 02-Jan-21 03:46 PM
15-minute neighborhood pilot programs launching. Meaning, everything you need is within 15-min and you can walk or bike to it. Sounds wonderful for loving communities, but horrific if you know the people behind it, and their plans.
peep 2
MrGold 02-Jan-21 09:03 PM
Hopkins, C. J. (Jamboree, 2020). GloboCap Year Zero. The global-capitalist system can, virtually any time it wants, suspend the Simulation of Democracy and crack down on us with despotic force. Cold Type. ``They aren’t trying to trick or deceive anybody. They know their lies don’t make any sense. And they know that you know they don’t make any sense. They want you to know it. That is the point. They want you to know they are lying to you, manipulating you, openly mocking you, and that they can say and do anything they want to you, and you will go along with it, no matter how insane.''
👍 2
black_jack 03-Jan-21 05:52 PM
I suspect this video will be censored very soon. It's DEFINITELY worth the watch now while it's still viewable. Very empowering knowledge in my opinion.
mejon07 03-Jan-21 05:54 PM
That's correct. You read it right. Fake steak-looking meat made in laboratories will soon be jiggling on restaurant plates next to that baked potato. The fake steaks are literally printed to [...]
cringe 3
🤢 4
mejon07 03-Jan-21 07:28 PM in-depth breakdown of why the Green New Deal is not about "saving the planet", "sustainability" or any other buzzwords/phrase they might throw at you. it is about tighter control over resources and therefore you.
The math doesn't work out for the Green New Deal; 100% green energy and electric vehicles EVs idea. Resource constraints of Nickel, Lithium, and Rare Earth Neodymium will hinder the EV revolution, and limits to Silver, Tellurium and Vanadium won't allow all clean green power generation nor feasible grid storage batteries. Solar panels, wind turb...
💯 1
mejon07 03-Jan-21 10:10 PM
With vaccine rollouts underway, humanity looks set to win the fight against the coronavirus. But some elites planning a post-coronavirus ‘Great Reset’ don’t want to go back to normal. Here’s what they have planned instead.
pewpew 6
mejon07 04-Jan-21 02:02 AM
@wef You VILL eat zee bugs, You VILL eat zee 3d printed meat, you VILL live in pods, you VILL own nothing, you VILL have no privacy, you VILL be happy
surprisedpikachu 2
yeks 05-Jan-21 03:14 AM
Not much of a news person but this is interesting
Powerful individuals, groups and large global organisations are at the forefront of a plan labeled ‘The Great Reset’ which intends to use the fear generated by the coronavirus to reshape the world and achieve net zero emissions says Sky News host Rowan Dean. “The Australian taxpayer spends a fortune sending top politicians and public servants y...
Oliver 05-Jan-21 06:24 PM You really need to watch this for the details. The globalists have been attacking this woman for 8 years.
Catherine Austin Fitts Full Interview Planet Lockdown
Slayer_369 05-Jan-21 07:21 PM
"If they'll do a really good job"
Update: Vaccines & Infant Mortality (A response to the 'Nothing to see here' trolls!) "The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we coul...
grabler 3
mejon07 05-Jan-21 08:09 PM
And then just like that, the world was transformed into a caste system of "touchables" and "untouchables". This has absolutely nothing to do with public or your private health, but rather total control over your behavior and person. Technocracy has no capacity for mercy or common sense, and the world will soon feel its iron teeth penetrating the...
pewpew 2
NWPepe 2
Curb 05-Jan-21 11:47 PM
The Great Reset ultimately will fail for the same reason all other attempts by government to control the market fail. As Ludwig von Mises showed, government interference in the marketplace distorts the price system. Prices are how information about the value of goods and services related to other goods and services is conveyed to market actors. Government interference in the marketplace disturbs the signals sent by prices, leading to an oversupply of certain goods and services and an undersupply of others.
The system of tracking and monitoring could be used to silence those expressing “dangerous” political views, such as that the Great Reset violates our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...
hmmm_think 2
yeks 06-Jan-21 03:27 AM
A terrifying coalition of big business and big tech are so confident and brazen they are promising the public “you will own nothing, and you will be happy” in an advertising campaign for a global reset, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean. “What they should have added is ‘we the very rich will own everything and be even happier’," he said. T...
pewpew 1
I’m not much of a YouTube person but thought this interesting
mejon07 06-Jan-21 03:32 AM
at least sky news can be based, not very often though
yeks 06-Jan-21 03:34 AM
@mejon07 agreed. Found a few but very very little like these
👍 2
Robert369 06-Jan-21 03:58 AM
After all the open words that I recently posted about the Galactic Federation being evil/regressive and ruling Earth in a way as to keep Humanity in eternal slavery (which luckily will be ended soon!), someone in the G&R forum appeared with a most noteworthy post: The so-called galactic federation of planets is a crime syndicate
PhantomXJ5 06-Jan-21 05:12 AM
Guess this is why trump annouced the space force awhile back
ariana 06-Jan-21 05:57 AM
guys should i get some new masks this year? kinda wanna do a reset from last year and get masks in more colors, i need it greatly.
mejon07 06-Jan-21 06:15 AM
are masks mandatory where you live? also please keep questions in#🗨-alt-chator #💬-general-chat thanks!
Robert369 06-Jan-21 09:46 AM
Here's a Taygetan update on the topic from last night that I just put up on the G&R forum:
Justin Case 06-Jan-21 05:46 PM
The Weapon of Fear: How They Use Fear to Manipulate You MSM Industrial Gaslighting Telling you that what you’re hearing and seeing isn’t actually what you’re hearing and seeing. #justincaseyoumissedit GASLIGHTING is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. #stopthemadness #omnicide
💯 8
sidwasout 06-Jan-21 07:34 PM
@Justin Case Coward isn't used enough these days. Thank you for the catalyst.
💯 6
mejon07 06-Jan-21 09:50 PM
As India prepares to roll-out the vaccination drive, the govt is developing a centralised platform called CoWIN (COVID Vaccine Intelligence Network). The platform will not only help the government to coordinate the massive inoculation process but it will also help health authorities monitoring coronavirus vaccines in real-time. Here’s how it wor...
pewpew 4
pepe_novote 4
👎 3
🤣 1
Shartmaster69 06-Jan-21 10:48 PM
if you dont want "the great reset" to happen do something about it
no_u_cat 5
PhantomXJ5 07-Jan-21 01:00 AM
its not that simple bud, when we have the sheep constantly saying yes to everything like these contact tracing apps
npc 2
tardapu 2
GandalfTheGreen 07-Jan-21 05:04 AM
@PhantomXJ5 It's pretty simple. Be a wolf.
I threw out my cell phone and TV last year. Well ahead of the "curve"
Those of you who know what the "MONOLITH" is.
👍 1
Well, now you've got a cute little one you can hold in your hand.
mejon07 07-Jan-21 06:10 AM
A big list of credible resources about CBDCs, blockchains / distributed ledgers, stablecoins, and cryptocurrencies.
peep00 1
PhantomXJ5 07-Jan-21 08:21 AM
sure you might do that, but the rest wont, we are surrounded by the nonsense is my point
mejon07 07-Jan-21 04:21 PM
A new model, based on historical climate data, has projected the Earth's temperature until 2100. Here's what it found.
dumpsterfire 3
Timothy Hunter 08-Jan-21 09:02 AM
@GandalfTheGreen the only solution is to create an alternative society away from the mainstream one it's far too complex it's not just the sheeple that are the problem. (edited)
mejon07 08-Jan-21 02:15 PM
Fewer people are paying with cash in Germany and the European Union — a trend that the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated. But there are risks involved with "fast" and "hygienic" contactless payment.
PinkWojak 5
💸 4
📉 4
alt-theories 08-Jan-21 09:52 PM
Some good news👇 A European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) entitled ‘Civil society initiative for a ban on biometric mass surveillance practices’ has been officially registered by the European Commission. Operating as the Reclaim Your Face campaign, this group demands transparency in how facial recognition tools are being used by authorities and companies across Europe. EU registers citizens' initiative seeking ban on mass surveillance technology.
The civil society will have one year to raise support for a proposed ban on public use of surveillance technologies such as facial recognition
peep00 3
mejon07 09-Jan-21 02:30 AM
Iceland’s government will launch border surveillance technology created by IDEMIA company,  from 2022,  which will record entry and exit information on every person outside the Schengen Zone wishing to visit Iceland. The new system, which among other things, protects Schengen Zone’s external borders will record entry and exit data of travellers,...
Black Sails 🏴 09-Jan-21 01:25 PM
Disclaimer: This is another joke video. Bill Gates knows what's best. I will be amongst the first to get vaccinated. I am a good 'global citizen.' Global Government is the only way humanity can be saved. The killing over over a million Iraqis was a liberation. Bush and Blair are hero's, Edward Snowden's a criminal and communism is the only logic...
pewpew 2
grabler 1
GandalfTheGreen 09-Jan-21 02:16 PM
@Timothy Hunter Agreed. An Ecclysia for Elysium.
Robert369 09-Jan-21 03:28 PM
That of course is for Windows because both the virus and the vaccine are coming from Billy Boy...
NWPepe 1
mejon07 09-Jan-21 04:13 PM
"Смотрим" - Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Список тех, кто может получить "Спутник V", расширяется практически каждую неделю. Как оформить паспорт вакцинированного? Последние новости России и мира, политика, экономика, бизнес, курсы валют, культура, технологии, спорт, и...
Vaccine passports are issued in Moscow - Russia 24
dumpsterfire 3
NWPepe 2
mejon07 10-Jan-21 04:59 PM
Health Passport. Vaccine Certificate. Immunity Card. Society Permit. Freedom Pass. Whatever they call it, if you accept the concept you will never be free again.
grabler 2
NWPepe 2
Curb 10-Jan-21 08:14 PM
vision2 10-Jan-21 09:49 PM
SUBSCRIBE: DONATE: Your support is greatly appreciated. PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: BLOG: PATREON: To reach me direc...
feelsbad 2
mejon07 11-Jan-21 11:39 PM
Denmark is developing a digital "vaccine passport" for people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine, a move that may enable them to travel to countries where such documentation is required during the pandemic.
pewpew 3
boog 2
dumpsterfire 1
mejon07 12-Jan-21 02:16 AM
The world “won’t get back to normal quickly” by just embracing a herd immunity strategy after the rollout of Covid-19 vaccination programs, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Dr. Dale Fisher has warned.
vision2 12-Jan-21 04:05 AM
dumpsterfire 3
pewpew 2
mejon07 12-Jan-21 02:54 PM
🚨You’ll own nothing and be happy🤔 🔥Just as with the second world war, “one happy consequence of this otherwise desperately unhappy experience,” may be a more generous welfare state that insures us all against the risks posed by illness and poverty. 👉
PinkWojak 2
💸 2
vision2 13-Jan-21 01:04 AM
Got real proof the Illuminati and ruling bloodlines run earth and plan everything.
Jay R 13-Jan-21 01:15 AM
I've seen this before, do you ever wonder why these documents are just out in the open on the cia's website? I just find it odd.
👍 1
vision2 13-Jan-21 01:15 AM
No because this way we can use it to wake up people
They will believe it if it’s from the cia so
And it is true tho for the most part
No the cia is not entirely bad and plus they have to reveal the truth
In different ways
yeks 13-Jan-21 01:38 AM
I always wonder the same thing.
What do you mean by not entirely bad? I never looked deep into the cia itself
vision2 13-Jan-21 01:41 AM
Not everyone in the cia is evil
That’s what I meant
yeks 13-Jan-21 01:44 AM
Okies i think I read your sentence wrong lol sorry. Ima gonna take a read. Thanks dude 🙏🏻
Stranded 360 13-Jan-21 02:10 AM
that microchip is old af...they have much better ones now....
vision2 13-Jan-21 02:15 AM
Stranded 360 13-Jan-21 02:16 AM
oh in that earlier video they were showing- the old style rfid, they have ones that are way smaller...not that big huge thing.
vision2 13-Jan-21 02:16 AM
Well yea ofc they have that tech they been hiding it
They got mini nano bots that are so small it can be in the vaccine
If not this vaccine the next one
Also something called smart dust
It’s so tiny it can fit in vaccines it smaller then a micro chip
And it’s not about “tracking” at all lmao
People are like “why would bill gates track us with a chip” lmao
they played themselves 😂
Stranded 360 13-Jan-21 02:19 AM
freakin windows like bill gates peeping through your window at you
wonder what kind of bullshit would be in his phones if they weren't a flop
Curb 13-Jan-21 02:56 AM
Soon you can kiss your $AMZN jobs goodbye
NWPepe 2
🤖 2
Kevin McCairn PhD 13-Jan-21 06:10 AM
Replay of my interview with Greg Felton that was streamed to my back up during YT banishment.
Greg Felton is an author, teacher, journalist, linguist, Canadian nationalist. Buy the book Contagion, Collusion, Corruption Join our Discord Introduction:1Step_TooFar Fate_of_Kings: https:...
hmmm_think 1
Timothy Hunter 13-Jan-21 01:09 PM
@vision2 there are no nanochips in those vaccines dude.
Curb 13-Jan-21 03:35 PM
Social media/credits
wtf_omg 3
mejon07 14-Jan-21 05:37 AM
Friday, 1 January 2021, marked the beginning of the European Year of Rail . The European Year of Rail is an initiative of the European Commission.
The European Parliament has designated 2021 as European Year of Rail. To reach climate-neutrality by 2050, the EU said it needs to cut its transport CO2 emissions drastically.
grabler 2
mejon07 14-Jan-21 01:58 PM
BIS, the Bank for International Settlements, is working towards implementing a digital currency that would replace cash. There doesn’t appear to be any ideological concerns against this. Inst…
grabler 1
PinkWojak 2
mejon07 14-Jan-21 11:49 PM
Claims that COVID is spread at grocery stores are driving major retailers to move to online ordering and curbside pickup. These claims are laughable, but the agenda behind them is not: the elimination of farmers markets and smaller grocers, and the separation of consumers from the food supply in advance of food shortages. Christian breaks it d...
Fpepe 3
mejon07 15-Jan-21 04:56 AM
A digital Covid vaccination passport is being jointly developed by a group of health and technology companies including Microsoft and Salesforce.
surprisedpikachu 3
grabler 2
"We need to realize Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of a guaranteed minimum income and get cash into the hands of people who need it most."
PinkWojak 2
The choice of whether to vaccinate against Covid-19 may affect the ability to fly, cruise and travel once vaccinations become widespread later this year.
boog 1
pewpew 2
Executives are looking towards a national digital ID as a way to address a number of key issues from fraud prevention to smoother digital transactions.
NWPepe 2
The Microsoft billionaire has been quietly building a 242,000-acre portfolio of agricultural land across 18 states.
feelsbad 2
vision2 15-Jan-21 06:08 AM
how are you gonna say that, they have technology so FAR AHEAD they don’t show us probably like 50 years in the future
They literally have this stuff called smart dust that is so tiny it can be in food drinks and prob vaccines it’s that small
Curb 15-Jan-21 08:24 AM
Stop posing personal judgement and keep to the info. That said A random tweet is not proof. Also a 'holographic chip' does not equate to nano particles.
Curb 15-Jan-21 08:55 AM
The passport “will confirm that the person has been vaccinated and can use the rights to which vaccinated people are entitled..."
NWPepe 2
vision2 15-Jan-21 11:35 AM
yikes now more food will be gmo 💀
ardy131 15-Jan-21 12:05 PM
Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity d...
mejon07 15-Jan-21 02:08 PM
The passport creates a two-tier system that shuts out people who refuse the shots, blocking them from public services, work, or housing.
pewpew 7
Companies are developing embryo selection algorithms aimed at boosting the success of IVF
dumpsterfire 3
vision2 16-Jan-21 03:31 AM
mejon07 16-Jan-21 04:59 AM
NEW- Silicon Valley’s most influential companies, alongside healthcare companies, US intelligence contractors and the Commons Project Foundation, recently launched the Vaccination Credential Initiative. The initiative’s ambitions reach far beyond vaccines
NWPepe 2
mejon07 16-Jan-21 04:07 PM
Curb 16-Jan-21 07:57 PM
The two justifications for the proposal, which has been aptly named by its supporters the "Great Reset," are the COVID-19 pandemic (the short-term justification) and the so-called "climate crisis" caused by global warming (the long-term justification).
Biden and his team have never explicitly stated that America would be involved in the Great Reset — that is, until now.
grabler 3
mejon07 16-Jan-21 10:37 PM
In 2021 Trend Micro predicts that cybercriminals will look to home networks as a critical launch pad to compromising corporate IT and IoT networks.
🤖 3
mejon07 17-Jan-21 12:49 AM
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains in horrifying detail the horrors of social engineering and social credit scores. For more unbiased information about other important matters please visit Thank you for all your support and kind comments.
feelsbad 5
mejon07 17-Jan-21 07:11 AM
40 organizations signed a letter calling on an independent gov't watchdog to recommend a ban on U.S. government use of facial recognition.
NWPepe 2
Jay R 17-Jan-21 11:38 PM
The Oregon state legislature is currently considering a bill which would allow for the Governor to seize, use, or possess any private property during a state
grabler 2
NWPepe 3
mejon07 18-Jan-21 12:50 AM because vaccine passports = "helping to return back to normal" grabler (edited)
A number of start-ups and major tech companies like Microsoft, Ticketmaster, Apple, and Google are interested in vaccine or immunization passports to help reopen the economy. But public health officials are weary, warning the apps are pointless without more knowledge about the efficacy of the vaccines. Watch the video above to learn more about d...
grabler 3
honkhonk_clown 5
Black Sails 🏴 18-Jan-21 08:58 PM (subscribe to this channel, good content)
mejon07 19-Jan-21 03:46 AM
What began as eagle eye tools for militaries to track and monitor “terrorists” abroad have now been adapted for use in everyday products.
feelsbad 1
mejon07 19-Jan-21 02:25 PM
American Airlines will become the first carrier to introduce a health passport for inbound travel into America. American Airlines has partnered up with biometrics company Daon to build the VeriFLY app. The app will store covid-19 test results and eventually vaccine records.
Android iOS
American Airlines will become the first carrier to introduce a health passport for inbound travel into the country.
Adaptable, real-time digital credentials allow users seamless, touch-free transactions. Users have countless ways to acquire, verify, and assert credentials needed for services—proof of age, business membership, citizenship, health status, travel reservations, and so much more.
‎VeriFLY™ is a new airport experience that brings less contact, more speed, and more confidence. First available at DEN.
NWPepe 4
Doc 19-Jan-21 05:24 PM
Just downloaded that app. It feels so incredibly unsafe. There is no way I'll be carrying health documents on a mobile phone.
Curb 19-Jan-21 08:33 PM
NEW - Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum organizers are expecting Chinese President Xi Jinping, India's Modi, Germany's Merkel, France's Macron, Israel's Netanyahu, and more for a virtual gathering next week. Unclear if Joe Biden attends.
Source: @disclosetv
GENEVA (AP) — World Economic Forum organizers are expecting leaders including Chinese President Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and South African...
mejon07 20-Jan-21 12:06 AM
News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, the worldʼs leading global business publication
grabler 2
🤖 3
mejon07 20-Jan-21 03:33 AM
With the pandemic, the “digital transformation” that so many analysts have been referring to for years, without being exactly sure what it meant, has found its catalyst. One major effect of confinement will be the expansion and progression of the digital world in a decisive and often permanent manner. – Klaus Schwab, COVID-19: The Great Reset …
To what extent should a society protect those who are willing to become a vector for the spread of a dangerous disease? If we've been doing that for ages to travel to certain countries, what’s the problem with doing so to help tackle a pandemic that has already killed more than two million people?
mejon07 20-Jan-21 11:49 PM
...could lead to “a dystopic system that would limit the rights of people who have been careful to avoid infection and are unable or unwilling to be vaccinated"...
reee 4
mejon07 21-Jan-21 02:58 PM
It's a big club, and you ain't in it.
pewpew 3
grabler 1
NWPepe 1
This article was originally published by Sarah Wray on Cities Today, the leading news platform on urban mobility and innovation, reaching an international audience of city leaders. For the latest updates follow Cities Today on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube, or sign up for Cities Today News. Verizon has announced a collabora...
🤖 2
Curb 22-Jan-21 12:31 AM
The Davos Agenda | From Monday January 25th - 29th 2021. The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. We believe that progress happens by bringing together people...
pewpew 4
dumpsterfire 2
mejon07 22-Jan-21 02:24 PM
“We feel that now this is the time for these vaccine certificates to be recognized across the European Union, and even beyond the European Union.”
NWPepe 1
grabler 1
dumpsterfire 1
pewpew 2
mejon07 23-Jan-21 04:33 PM
Joe Biden signs executive order imposing new travel restrictions and also begin testing the feasibility of COVID-19 vaccine passports.
grabler 2
😩 1
Curb 24-Jan-21 10:55 PM
The fact that Schwab is being proven right on his “magic money tree” prediction leads one to wonder: what else will he be right about in the near future? Scary thought...
grabler 3
mejon07 25-Jan-21 02:26 AM
The European Central Bank will decide in spring, most likely in April, whether to move ahead with the preparatory work to launch a digital euro, a complex project that would facilitate payments but could also shake the foundations of the financial system.
peep 2
mejon07 25-Jan-21 03:53 AM
Already widely used in China, facial recognition payment is now expanding in other countries.
no_u_cat 2
clintm 25-Jan-21 05:36 AM
peep00 1
Curb 25-Jan-21 10:02 AM Long but def worth a read. It sums up Klaus Schwabs books and provides context
Born in Ravensburg in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a child of Adolf Hitler’s Germany, a police-state regime built on fear and violence, on brainwashing and control, on propaganda and lies, on indust…
hmmm_think 1
pewpew 2
Curb 25-Jan-21 12:53 PM
As mass vaccination campaigns roll out across the globe, surveys indicate that only 73% of people would get a COVID-19 vaccine if available, with the number as low as 40% in some countries.
grabler 3
pepe_novote 4
feelsbad 3
mejon07 25-Jan-21 03:25 PM so now satan klaus is allowing people to comment on his tweets?
The @wef's #DavosAgenda begins today. Join in to hear from government, business and civil society leaders in over 130 sessions:
Curb 25-Jan-21 06:26 PM
Curb 25-Jan-21 07:46 PM
mejon07 25-Jan-21 08:33 PM
This week the @WEF Davos virtual begins. They are popping champagne corks over their #GreatReset 'success' over last 12 months. The 'pandemic' worked wonders. In truth, Herr Schwab began 'building back better' years ago...
grabler 3
🇿 1
🇴 1
🇬 1
pewpew 1
mejon07 25-Jan-21 08:48 PM
73%? hhhhh
hypers 5
hhhhh 4
😆 2
Curb 26-Jan-21 10:41 AM
A Hong Kong-based robotics company plans to mass produce humanoid robots to replace workers across industries such as healthcare and education.
🤖 4
grabler 1
Curb 26-Jan-21 12:10 PM
Chinese president Xi Jinping is the lead speaker at this week's Davos Agenda, the World Economic Forum's online summit.
pooh 2
NWPepe 2
Black Sails 🏴 26-Jan-21 09:41 PM
highly recommend watching this if you haven't already. It gets very interesting and he did a great job at giving a full picture.
The ICONIC Podcast Due to monetization restrictions you can support us by going to: ...and making a monthly pledge. Communist Subversion | A Plan for World-Wide Total Control | Part 1 Communist Subversion Part 1 provides a high level overview on the many layers to understanding the culprits involve...
Curb 26-Jan-21 11:06 PM
This is your daily breakdown of the most important highlights of The Davos Agenda 2021, presented by Lilly Singh. Day 1 at Davos has seen some of the biggest names in politics, business, and activism. Dr Anthony Fauci responding to the COVID-19 Crisis: Special Address by António Guterres:
cringe 1
stoned 1
Curb 27-Jan-21 12:02 AM
lots of support in the comments lol
mejon07 27-Jan-21 12:20 AM
well deserved like/dislike ratio
Lilly Singh | Greta Thunberg, Dr. Anthony Fauci, & António Guterres
damn what a list of such amazing, inspirational people honkhonk_clown
hhhhh 1
honkhonk_clown 2
mejon07 27-Jan-21 12:37 AM
The blatant, in-your-face assault on free speech by America’s largest tech companies is about more than just stifling political dissent – it’s about advancing the agenda of globalist technocrats wi…
Another Idiot 27-Jan-21 08:49 PM
They are literally shitting in our faces now.
☑ (IMPACT20 for 20% OFF)My channel is Demonetized, if you'd like to support my work: (Because they stripped me of SUPER CHATS...During a LIVESTREAM if you use that link, your alert & message will appe…
mejon07 28-Jan-21 02:24 PM
Digital system being implemented in China to monitor each individual farm animal's consumption and production levels. Just working out the kinks before adding 'human' to the digital drop down menu. Agenda21/2030 WEF Davos 2021
grabler 2
mejon07 29-Jan-21 05:38 AM
A Covid vaccine passport system is likely to be introduced in future, Scotland’s national clinical director has said.
pewpew 2
mejon07 29-Jan-21 08:12 PM
Klaus Schwab: "As long as not everybody is vaccinated, nobody will be safe."
🥷 3
NWPepe 1
dumpsterfire 1
mejon07 30-Jan-21 01:15 AM
Amid the coronavirus crisis, Americans are abandoning cash almost entirely in favor of “tap and go” transactions and have finally embraced contactless and digital payment methods after years of reluctance.
going as planned grabler
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, Americans are finally embracing touch-free payments. And they may never go back to paper currency again.
grabler 2
Exported 163 message(s)