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post links to channels and websites that contain relevant 'truth' sources. (post the main pages, not specific videos or articles of those sources). - any language, but please tag it. - posting invite links to other servers is allowed - we are building a list, so keep it short
Between 01-Jan-21 12:00 AM and 01-Feb-21 12:00 AM
hhriieth 08-Jan-21 03:45 AM
Demo🦀lican 08-Jan-21 06:05 AM
Thanks for saying im allowed to crossshare servers. This server is about wild edible weeds (edited)
👍 1
hhriieth 09-Jan-21 09:48 PM
Violence and indifference are two sides of evil, namely the reactive and passive sides of the same coin.
Curb 11-Jan-21 02:28 AM
Gab TV is a video hosting platform powered by the freedom of speech.
mejon07 12-Jan-21 08:21 PM
decent list for big tech alternatives
peep 1
hhriieth 17-Jan-21 09:18 PM
Well, I would say that it's the other way around, with intuition and intelligence being signs of more consciously expressed imagination, if we're using the...
hhriieth 19-Jan-21 01:32 PM
Has COVID19 Been Isolated? with Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Thomas Cowan Journalist Derrick Broze will interview controversial doctors Andrew Kaufman and Thomas Cowan about the isolation and purification of COVID19. Don’t miss this! Dr. Andrew Kauf…
hhriieth 24-Jan-21 12:34 AM
I don't agree with the whole circle-jerking of "going to court", as it still promotes the belief in "gov" and "auth", which besides from being retarded and evil in itself, it also long-term has the major risk of degrading back into outright tyranny. Humanity is to grow in consciousness, both for the actual evolution that that involves, as well as for the purpose of overcoming current aggregate condition of slavery and tyranny, as a species and civilisation. "New systems" or "reformations" ain't gonna do shit in the long term, on their own. A growth in conscience and consciousness is the thing to do. That said, there is still some value in the presented solutions, and the motivation to retaliate against the globalist agenda is a good thing, so I find this pertinent enough to share.
hhriieth 24-Jan-21 01:41 AM
I don't agree with parts of this, but here's something that incorporates "money" as well, but which more than that, has the purpose of people realizing that "money" is not only completely unnecessary, but utterly worthless. Part of the actual solution to all problems, is to grow in consciousness and do things through, with, of and out of genuine care, discernment, conscience and consciousness, etcetera. (edited)
Michael Tellinger answers Frequently Asked Questions about ONE SMALL TOWN implementation and the philosophy of Contributionism. See the full list of Q&A videos that clears up any misconceptions about this simple plan to create abundance and prosperity for all of humanity.
Michael Tellinger answers Frequently Asked Questions about ONE SMALL TOWN implementation and the philosophy of Contributionism. See the full list of Q&A videos that clears up any misconceptions about this simple plan to create abundance and prosperity for all of humanity. Visit the UBUNTU Planet website
Michael Tellinger answers Frequently Asked Questions about ONE SMALL TOWN implementation and the philosophy of Contributionism. See the full list of Q&A videos that clears up many misconceptions about this simple plan to create abundance and prosperity for all of humanity. Visit the UBUNTU Planet website
hhriieth 24-Jan-21 02:36 AM
Bill Gates is now the largest farmland owner in America. Let's talk about why. Subscribe For More - Check out my TopVideos!: Please consider supporting my channel on Patreon: http…
Curb 24-Jan-21 09:42 AM
Thanks for posting. But these prob fit better in #🧠-society-of-the-spectacle or other research channels. This channel should be used to refer to other channels, discord invites and websites instead of specific topics
hhriieth 27-Jan-21 03:58 AM
It should be obvious to anyone by now that the entire “official” narrative behind scamdemic is one of the biggest frauds in recent, publicly known...
mejon07 27-Jan-21 04:16 AM
@hhriieth better to post it here instead -> #🧠-society-of-the-spectacle
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