in Dutch, Henk Krol of all people questions the Premiers (Mark Rutte) covert stance about Build back Better and Klaus Schwabs great reset. Obviously the majority is globalist controlled and dont support a debate about it. Though Rutte is now forced to write a letter about it.
Een debat over Build Back Better? Daar worden veel partijen erg nerveus van.
Maar een brief erover, die moet er snel komen :
"The system will track the make, model, and serial number of all firearms, their owners, the dates they were acquired, and where they are being stored..."
Pro-Israel organizations and individuals have acquired major power in Congress among both parties, driving many US policies. A number of books have described this situation, including "The Israel Lob...
Lindell, M. (05 FeblueBerry, 2021). Absolute Proof. Exposing Election Fraud and the Theft of uSA by Enemies Foreign and Domestic. One America News Network.
Absolute Proof Please share with everyone you know to save our country! Alternate Site: Watch on OAN Feb 5th @ 1pm | 4pm | 7pm | midnight Feb 6th @ 8am | 11am | 3pm | 7pm All times are EST Use Promo Code PROOF Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share … Home Read More »
Some things you should know about those “anti-government, fringe extremists” you see on the news.
(Pardon me being slightly out of focus in the video.)
If you’re ready to be genuinely anti-“government” too, then read my book, “The Most Dangerous Superstition”:
CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — Planned legislation to establish new business areas in Nevada would allow technology companies to effectively form separate local governments. Democratic Gov. Steve...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounces the International Criminal Court's ruling as "pure anit-semitism" after it had jurisdiction over the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.
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.@StateDeptSPOX Ned Price indicated that the Biden White House will not change tack in its predecessor’s Venezuela foreign policy.
U.S. Capitol unveils a new warning system that signals the building is under attack with AOC's hologram image?
WTH? It's a joke!
Whoa, this is bizarre. Trump's impeachment attorney van der Veen filed suit last year against Trump (as well as the USPS & postmaster general Louis DeJoy) alleging a deliberate slowdown of the mail system in Pennsylvania to disenfranchise mail-in voters.
#BBC stirs up the "war against terror" again in #Syria following Biden inauguration - faithfully following US Coalition game plan - create #ISIS, get media to make it new bogey man, invade sovereign nation to defeat terrorism they fund, arm & equip, take 2. Globalist text book.
Koenig, P. (09 FeblueBerry, 2021). Mass Manipulation -- How It Works. GlobalResearch. `... the many poignant assertions Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda (1933 to 1945) included if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth', or if you make people believe in the threat of an enemy, they'll do your bidding', and divide and polarize them, destroy their solidarity, and they follow your command'. ''
All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** Have you ever wondered how a herd of sheep is driven to their “slaughterhouse”? Manipulation of minds is a well-studied science, has been applied already for centuries, but …
As the Senate prepares to confirm Victoria Nuland for Under Secretary for Political Affairs, a reflection of her last 30 years in government shows how she was connected to nearly every foreign policy disaster undertaken by the United States.
The Olympics are almost here! No, not the Tokyo 2020 Olympics that were postponed because of the coronavirus. The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics! But China is committing genocide, and that has a lot of human rights groups calling for a boycott of the olympics. And China is threatening any country that does. What will that mean for Biden China and ...
Italy could have a new government within days after economist Mario Draghi secured the support of most Italian political parties.
CurbShifter13-Feb-21 01:54 PM
“it’s the law” that “the US Congress is not actually allowed to authorize any new spending unless a portion of it is directed toward buying weapons for Israel”
The meaning of ‘free speech’ is devolving rapidly, with an ever-widening swathe of journalistic content deemed deplatform-worthy, but one writer’s run-in with the Israeli lobby should remind us where “cancel culture” began.
White Helmets need more donations so they stuck a little girl down one of their war tunnels - oops, I mean "well" - and then "saved" her.
@Reuters, your journalism has hit rock bottom, pun intended.
Video of a young girl being saved from inside a well in Al Bab City, Syria, was released by the White Helmets search and rescue organization
Hasaka, SANA – US occupation forces evacuated a site in Tal Alou Silos in Hasaka countryside and moved their equipment and vehicles to Iraqi lands.
SANA reporter quoted local sources as saying that US occupation forces started on Friday moving their vehicles, military equipment and soldiers from th
Report by the Jewish Chronicle says Israeli-led team of 20 plus agents killed Iranian nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, using a one-tonne smuggled gun.
The head of US Central Command has said that the US military will continue to provide certain support, including intelligence, to Saudi Arabia regarding Yemen for defensive purposes.
PMJT says that the word genocide is "is extremely loaded" so the government needs to see evidence that clearly demonstrated China's treatment of the Uyghurs as a genocide before making a determination on Canada's position #cdnpoli
BREAKING: Bolivia has cancelled and returned the full sum of the US $346.7 Million IMF loan taken out by the coup regime, in rejection of IMF impositions on internal economic policy.
As of February 2021, the loan had already racked up $24.3 Million in interest and commissions.
Bank of Japan concerned that years of cooperation risk turning backward
MrGold18-Feb-21 10:41 PM
Furedi, F. (08 FeblueBerry, 2021). Big Brother comes to America. Experts in the uSA are calling for the creation of a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth. spiked. ``... John Stuart Mill. In his powerful essay On Liberty (1859), Mill said that censoring someone’s views is always wrong, even if those views are false. Why? Because society’s knowledge and understanding evolve through the ‘collision’ of truth with ‘error’.''
Experts in the US are calling for the creation of a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth.
Pile, B. (05 FeblueBerry, 2021). Why greens love lockdown. Greens now want harder, longer lockdowns to tackle climate change. Are they mad? spiked. ``In December, the Guardian’s global environment editor, Jonathan Watts, claimed that, despite nearly a year of grounded flights, immobilised cars, a loss of 10 per cent or more of GDP, and a record plunge into further debt, lockdown had not done enough and was ‘too short to reverse years of destruction’.''
Greens now want harder, longer lockdowns to tackle climate change. Are they mad?
Williams, J. (18 FeblueBerry, 2021). Why did we all copy China? In the UK a line was crossed when we enforced the first lockdown. spiked. ``The future is a bleak vista. Scientists claim that lockdown cycles will continue for years, and regular reviews of personal freedom look set to become as quotidian as changes in interest rates. ... Civil liberties safeguarded during two world wars are now, as they are in China, gifts of the state.''
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday the alliance decide to expand a NATO training mission in Iraq from 500 to around 4,000 personnel while defence ministers of member states held…
CurbShifter20-Feb-21 09:19 AM
Chinese media releases video of Galwan valley clash between armies of China and India.
It’s official – I’ve now tabled ’s first-ever legislation on a #GuaranteedBasicIncome in @HoCChamber!
Now the hard work begins to get Bill #C273 through the House of Commons with support from all sides! #cdnpoli
ShadowSpectre24-Feb-21 02:55 AM
UBI part of the leaked Canada plan right on schedule. . . "– Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned into the universal basic income program. Expected by Q1 2021." & "– Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021." (edited)
Though we are a bit behind the rolling each program into one so far. It sounds to me like the actual plan is force anyone on any form of public assistance on the vaccination schedule and forfeit their assets for the UBI. Anyone working with assets will still be forced at a later date into the HealthPass program or jailed until they take the vaccine or some such. (edited)
mejon0724-Feb-21 04:41 AM
yeah I agree... as Satan Klaus said you vill own nothing and you vill be happy... We will have to find ways to circumvent the tyranny. (edited)
CurbShifter24-Feb-21 10:50 AM
cant confiscate your blockchain seed. memorize 12 words and ur good
Preparing for war against Iran in Syria. Effectively, US will have missile, air and military bases in the north-east, south-east (Al Tanf) and the south in Israel. Effectively, Syria will be surrou…
According to Reuters, the US bombed a structure in Syria belonging to what it described as an “Iran-backed militia.” Two anonymous US officials told Reuters that the attack was approved by President Biden. The airstrike is being presented as retaliation for recent rocket attacks in Iraq, including one in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, … ...
The United States has carried out an airstrike against structure belonging to Iranian-backed militia in Syria, U.S. officials tell Reuters. W/@phildstewart
mejon0726-Feb-21 05:04 AM
i wonder why Syria is not using their S-300 air defense systems
sNi26-Feb-21 06:40 AM
I'd say the codes are inactive .. dirty games being played by all sides.
Supposedly Sadat made a deal with Isr. To get them to rid Syria of Iranian forces..
Officials tell Walla News they see attacks on Iran-backed militia base as a positive signal about new administration's posture toward Tehran, say US gave Israel advance notice
NYT headline affirms Pentagon claim that the group the US bombed in Syria is backed by Iran, then admits it doesn't actually know if the group has any link to Iran.
The spirit of Judith Miller lives on at the Paper of Record.
HT @MarkAmesExiled
BREAKING: Patriot launches reported over Saudi Arabia — Riyadh: multiple explosions reported
MrGold28-Feb-21 07:46 PM
Americans: $2000 checks please
Government: Sorry did you say airstrikes on Syria?
Americans: No, $2000 checks
Government: Okay, since you asked nicely here's your airstrikes on Syria.
~ Caitlin Johnstone