Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 🧬-covid19
Between 01-Feb-21 12:00 AM and 01-Mar-21 12:00 AM
CurbShifter 02-Feb-21 09:06 PM
a guide to question everything…
PhantomXJ5 02-Feb-21 11:18 PM
Because of the implications of the latest coronavirus updates for the US in recent days, some leading public health experts like White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci have started to …
🪓 1
honkler 1
Deleted User 03-Feb-21 12:07 AM
The Petition To Stop Forced Experimental Vaccines Current Signatures: 415,824
mejon07 03-Feb-21 12:12 AM
A man in Odisha died after taking the coronavirus vaccine and his post mortem report is awaited, while another developed bacterial sepsis but the condition is not linked to the vaccine, the Central Government said on Wednesday.
Fpepe 1
The Windsor Essex County Health Unit confirmed an investigation is underway after a resident of a retirement home died following receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
MrGold 03-Feb-21 12:35 AM
Coof hospitalisations in 15 states, all with different NPI (Non Pharmaceutical Intervention) policies.
MrGold 03-Feb-21 12:49 AM
Daily CCPV1984 deaths in New York State, showing mask usage.
honkler 2
mejon07 03-Feb-21 06:02 AM
Safety is on the menu at McDonald’s. The Golden Arches plans to give four hours of paid time off to employees of corporate-owned restaurants to receive the coronavirus vaccine. A spokesperson for t…
grabbler 3
honkler 2
mejon07 03-Feb-21 03:34 PM
Grandfather suffers adverse reaction after receiving Pfizer vaccine on 28/1/21, developed rash on injection site side of body, presented at hospital twice, doctors unsure what caused reaction, he can barely talk or walk since vaccination.
reee 1
Fpepe 2
mejon07 03-Feb-21 06:59 PM
Scientists warn that vaccines are not to blame in the isolated cases where a person died after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
wtf 2
honkler 2
MrGold 03-Feb-21 10:26 PM
I hope the in-your-face hypocrisy of these criminals is getting at least some attention. If you die of bullet to head and corpse PCR test dings positive then you died of coof, but if you die shortly after the jab it's not the jab. Riiiight.
👍 4
Black Sails 🏴 03-Feb-21 11:02 PM
Dinglebob 03-Feb-21 11:12 PM
Hugo Talks is a bright light of truth is a sea of stupidity.
zer0day 03-Feb-21 11:19 PM
I agree, there are some crazy stuff going in the UK right now.
MrGold 03-Feb-21 11:22 PM
risitas 2
CurbShifter 03-Feb-21 11:29 PM
Big surpise they lowered the PRC (CT) Cycle Threshold
JUST IN - New #COVID19 infections are down 44% in the US and 30% globally in the last 3 weeks. WHO experts are baffled about the "phenomenon" and say vaccines cannot be the main driver (Daily Mail)
honkler 3
surprised_pikachu 1
stoned 1
PhantomXJ5 03-Feb-21 11:37 PM
Insanity has gripped hospitals worldwide. If video stalls, please refresh and wait a minute. BitChute experiences these processing problems. The news media will not report the very fact that 90% of hospitals are empty of covid19 patients as was v…
peep00 1
mejon07 04-Feb-21 12:03 AM
Armed guards will be stationed at hotels to enforce Covid quarantining
NWOpepe 2
PhantomXJ5 04-Feb-21 12:05 AM
mejon07 04-Feb-21 12:06 AM
Didi 04-Feb-21 12:57 AM
the first detention center for suspected covid 19, sars cov-2 patients . Now people can be forcibly put in a hospital in Groningen wen they are under suspicion
pewpew 2
dumpsterfire 2
Timothy Hunter 04-Feb-21 01:35 AM
By the time when hazmat squads break into your house its all over,freedom no more.
pewpew 1
mejon07 04-Feb-21 02:10 AM
Hong Kong is threatening to knock down the doors of residents who don’t respond to authorities conducting mandatory COVID-19 testing.
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 04-Feb-21 02:23 AM
Unexpectedly, Lisa Jones lost her mother on Saturday within a couple of hours after she received the Pfizer vaccine in Warsaw.
Fpepe 3
ShadowSpectre 04-Feb-21 03:49 AM
mejon07 04-Feb-21 06:00 AM
1/ So Europe has its own adverse events reporting system for drugs and vaccines, called EUDRA. It now has data for the Covid vaccines. Which turns out to be EVEN WORSE than the US data. It now contains 58,000 reports for the @pfizer vaccine alone, including about 730 deaths...
👀 1
wutdafug 2
Deleted User 04-Feb-21 11:06 AM
Authored by Mac Slavo via, Prepare for the mainstream media’s onslaught and push for the vaccine propaganda. The United Kingdom’s new COVID-19 variant has mutated yet again, say the medical tyrants.
honkler 2
surprised_pikachu 2
risitas 1
pewpew 1
CurbShifter 04-Feb-21 07:13 PM
H/t newsbeast
Check the CDC COVID vaccine adverse events reports yourself.
Select ‘agree’ then ‘VAERS data search’. If there are ‘too many events’ scroll down and select “Recovered = No”.
👍 2
CurbShifter 04-Feb-21 08:04 PM
h/t Didi
The judge has ruled that all Corona measures are unlawful and unconstitutional.
hyperz hyperz hyperz (edited)
feelsgoodman 3
MrGold 04-Feb-21 10:55 PM
Wilcot, B. (27 Jamboree, 2021). UK CCPV1984 Conundrum: The Mysterious Case of Disappearing Flu. Principia Scientific International. ``...we are told that Covid is still around because people are not masking and such properly, which means influenza should also still be around in the US. Since these are infectious viruses, how can these restrictions be effective against one virus and not the other? It does not make sense. ... Overall, the death rate in the UK is not out of line with the normal death rates from other years and clearly not close to the highest in the last 22 years. [1] ... The WHO is now admitting that that this test (PCR) can be 97% false positives or more, with higher processing cycle numbers. [3] The argument could be made that we have an epidemic of testing.''
MrGold 04-Feb-21 11:08 PM
CA and Fl coof deaths/million vs. time.
Sweden and Los Angeles coof deaths vs. time.
Collier, FL and Imperial, CA vs. time.
honkler 1
Woods, T. (04 FeblueBerry, 2021). From Tom Woods, Jr. email: Yesterday Shepard Smith shared a "shocking" (his word) video of a store in Naples, Florida, where people weren't wearing masks. As a Florida resident, I can attest to how unusual that store is -- contrary to the implication in the story, masks are in fact everywhere here. But of course the hysteria about this store has been off the charts. So Ian Miller decided to plot the county where that store was located to a California county that had one of the country's first mask mandates. You'll never guess what he found: I'd say that's what's shocking, and that's what Shep should be talking about. You may say this next chart isn't fair -- after all, the two places are different: But if these alleged mitigation measures are really so crucial, and if the results would be genuinely catastrophic without them, shouldn't there be a clear and unmistakable difference between Los Angeles and Sweden, in favor of the former? And finally, just as a reminder: here we have a state (California) with one of the youngest populations in the country alongside a state (Florida) with one of the oldest, with the former having been locked down from the start and the latter open since September and mostly open even before that. Here's how they're doing:
blacker 04-Feb-21 11:34 PM
MrGold 04-Feb-21 11:36 PM
Redshaw, M., Giuffre, B. (03 FeblueBerry, 2021). CCPV1984's Deadly toll on Youth: A Sharp Rise in Suicides. Young people may be the least likely to get sick from CCPV1984, but the impact of lockdowns and school closures has created an alarming spike in suicides among children and teens.
Young people may be the least likely to get sick from COVID, but the impact of lockdowns and school closures has created an alarming spike in suicides among children and teens.
feelsbadman 4
Fpepe 1
mejon07 05-Feb-21 01:59 AM
PSAKI: "Even after you’re vaccinated, social distancing and wearing masks will be essential."
risitas 1
honkler 4
mejon07 05-Feb-21 05:23 AM
Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine will be one of the most lucrative drugs on the market. Only one other drug, Humira, sells more.
grabbler 1
Pfizer expects to sell $15 billion worth of Covid-19 vaccines in 2021. That would make it the second-highest revenue-generating drug anytime, anywhere, according to industry reports.
grabbler 5
pinkwojak 3
visionn 05-Feb-21 09:20 AM
"Covid trial in UK examines mixing 🤡 different vaccines. The idea is to provide more 👉flexibility👈 with vaccine rollout and help deal with any potential disruption to supplies. Scientists say mixing jabs could also possibly give even better protection." @BBCNews
honkler 5
grabbler 3
They wanna mix vaccines yea I’m done.
💯 2
sNi 05-Feb-21 10:55 AM
mix your poisons.. they'll study them and figure out it's all fine, mix away cause they'll all have the same effect.
Fpepe 2
Timothy Hunter 05-Feb-21 04:08 PM
Can't believe here in the UK are soon going to deploy people to persuade you into taking the vaccine.
grabbler 3
mejon07 05-Feb-21 05:45 PM
A panel of South Korean advisers has urged caution over the use of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine for people older than 65, citing a lack of data, the food and drug safety ministry said on Friday.
poohpe 2
Timothy Hunter 06-Feb-21 02:34 AM
That present a tiny percentage we don't know what happen to the rest of the million who took the vaccine.Anyone has any data ? (edited)
💯 1
Deleted User 06-Feb-21 02:39 AM
MrGold 06-Feb-21 03:07 AM
Tiny percentage sounds harmless, but it is a huge deal to the victims and their families, who could have taken care of their immune systems to get about zero chance of harm without throwing dice on vaccine. If only they could have been reached by the people advocating for that, instead of the fear-mongers.
Children's Health Defense Team. (05 FeblueBerry, 2021). 501 Deaths + 10,748 other injuries reported following CCPV1984 vaccine, latest CDC data show. the Defender.
The numbers reflect the latest data available as of Jan. 29 from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website. Of the 501 reported deaths, 453 were from the U.S. The average age of those who died was 77, the youngest was 23.
feelsbadman 2
Briggs, W. M. (02 Dismember, 2020). Taleb is Wrong: The Danish mask study shows masks aren't worth it. William M. Briggs,, Statistician to the stars.
HUFFIN’, PUFFIN’ & BLUFFIN’ The blustery squid-stained panicked hersteric Nassim Nicholas Taleb—the man who called those who dared not run around screeching like teenag…
grabbler 1
Briggs, W. M. (27 AwGhost, 2020). Take Your Masks Off: That's what THE Science Says. William M. Briggs Statistician to the Stars.
If you’re a surgeon and risk getting blood shot up your nose, or snot shot down into the open body, wear a mask. If you’re a painter, working with insulation and the like, wear a mask. …
grabbler 1
ShadowSpectre 06-Feb-21 03:16 AM
So Canada not being able to secure the mRNA vaxx, is going with traditional ones and to produce own ("When complete, the facility will be able to make viral vector, protein subunit, virus-like particle based vaccine doses, but not mRNA shots like those developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. The Novavax product is of the protein subunit variety."): What do we make of this? (edited)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today a plan to produce millions of COVID-19 shots at a plant in Montreal starting later this year, securing a domestic supply of vaccines as the global market contends with delivery delays and protectionist measures.
mejon07 06-Feb-21 04:04 AM
It's a dumpster fire dumpsterfire
dumpsterfire 1
mejon07 06-Feb-21 04:19 AM
In this article we will get straight to the point and go over the details provided by the manufacturer (specifically Pfizer, with sources for information on
ooh 1
visionn 06-Feb-21 12:38 PM
What are they doing to our kids globally.
reee 1
Everyone watch that it is ^disgusting
peep00 4
dumpsterfire 2
risitas 1
the test can damage our blood brain barrier and their trynna put something in us with the swab (edited)
CurbShifter 06-Feb-21 02:44 PM
Great read for those that still want that mRNA vax
👍 1
mejon07 06-Feb-21 03:53 PM
Sammanställning av handlagda rapporter om misstänkta biverkningar för de vacciner mot covid-19 som är godkända och används i Sverige. Inrapportering av misstänkta biverkningar från hälso- och sjukvård samt privatpersoner är en av flera insatser för att följa effekt och säkerhet för vaccinerna.
blacker 06-Feb-21 09:53 PM
Get The Only Keto Alternative I Use Here! Get 51% OFF By Clicking The Link Above^^^ Get more at Sub to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: https:...
Wasn't the UK having soldiers go door to door asking if they liked to be vaccinated? Someone posted a vid and was trying to stop neighbors from even opening their door
NWOpepe 3
Timothy Hunter 06-Feb-21 10:49 PM
@blacker I was referring to the council sending people.
ShadowSpectre 07-Feb-21 12:25 AM
What determines who goes to a quarantine hotel/camp in Canada? Unknown. Rebel News investigates at Toronto Pearson Airport and loads of people are still flying in, but the airport looks much different than even a month ago + lots of migrant workers coming in (though they usually come in to prep farms to work closer to the spring?): (edited) David Menzies visits Pearson International Airport in Mississauga, Ont. to get a firsthand glimpse at how exactly new quarantine protocols are being enforced. FULL REPORT from David Menzies: Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel con...
wtf 3
mejon07 07-Feb-21 03:32 AM
Vaccinations in Israel began 49 days ago. Second doses began 28 days ago. People at high risk were prioritized. Nearly the entire elderly population received a second dose more than two weeks ago. So why are serious cases higher now than early January?
Deleted User 07-Feb-21 04:48 PM
"... the findings were a 'wake-up call to control the virus and increase the response to Covid-19 in the world'"...
The vaccine doesn't work 🙂
surprised_pikachu 2
Virus doesn't work either!
Live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health.
Deleted User 07-Feb-21 07:03 PM
If America’s founding fathers understood one thing, it was the human tendency to acquire power and then use it to rule over, rather than govern, others. They learned first hand, of course, having endured the tyrannical whims of a king and a largely subservient parliament.  As such, they designed a form of government where power […]
poohpe 3
mejon07 08-Feb-21 02:12 AM
Is Covid-19 being misdiagnosed & so deaths also? Full post with linked refs: @randyhillier @richardursomd @OnCall4ON @anthonyfurey @DonaldWelsh16 @dockaurG @Roman_Baber @DrP_MD @FatEmperor @JeanmarcBenoit @jhnhellstrom @ClareCraigPath @Milhouse_Van_Ho
blacker 08-Feb-21 03:07 AM
Oh it's working all right, the way kill gates wants it too (doublespeak) (edited)
Fpepe 2
CurbShifter 08-Feb-21 10:08 AM
25 hrs after getting Pfizer vaccine. No fucking way I'm being vaccinated.
Fpepe 2
CurbShifter 08-Feb-21 06:37 PM
you vill take ze vaccine and you vill die happy (edited)
As mass vaccination campaigns roll out across the globe, surveys indicate that only 73% of people would get a COVID-19 vaccine if available, with the number as low as 40% in some countries. Join an exclusive expert briefing on the global implications of the COVID-19 crisis and the road ahead. Speakers: Mustafa Alrawi, Ben Page, Tan Chorh Chuan...
stoned 1
dumpsterfire 1
CurbShifter 08-Feb-21 07:47 PM
Ease of transmission, new strains, and limits of vaccination programs all mean Covid-19 will be around for years - and a big business...
mejon07 08-Feb-21 08:05 PM
COVID vaccines are killing thousands of people. This is absolutely brutal.
Fpepe 2
CurbShifter 08-Feb-21 08:40 PM
Just underlying conditions grabbler
grabbler 2
Onysfx 08-Feb-21 09:41 PM
Why is the MSM reporting on vaccine deaths? Wouldnt they be trying to hide it? (edited)
CurbShifter 08-Feb-21 10:15 PM
Turn on your TV and tell me if they mention it
👍 1
More than a dozen elderly care home residents in north-western Germany have been infected with the UK coronavirus strain around a week after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, local authorities have said.
honkler 2
mejon07 09-Feb-21 12:11 AM
Wright, a 67-year-old Texas Republican, had also been battling cancer.
"die from COVID-19" literally says in the article that he was battling cancer
U.S. Representative Ron Wright died after testing positive for COVID-19 last month, his office said on Monday, making him the first member of the U.S. Congress to die from the pandemic disease that has claimed nearly 464,000 American lives.
honkler 2
mejon07 09-Feb-21 12:19 AM
The man, who was in his 70s, collapsed as he left Manhattan's Jacob Javits Convention Center just 25 minutes after receiving his shot on Friday. He died in a local hospital on Saturday.
Fpepe 2
Most high school sports are requiring athletes to wear masks during game play and practices, and not all students and parents are too thrilled about the requirement.
surprised_pikachu 3
honkler 1
mejon07 09-Feb-21 03:41 AM
Doctor Kershav Sharma a respiratory consultant who practiced in Wexford hospital took the vaccine on Tuesday 5th of January 2021. The following Sunday the 10th of January was found dead at his home. There was nothing in local media about his death. He was only 39 years old. May he Rest in Peace
PhantomXJ5 09-Feb-21 06:12 AM
i mean what did they expect would happen out of this? honkler honkler its common sense that its counter productive to try to play sports while wearing something that already is restricting your breathing
wizard 1
surprised_pikachu 1
Deleted User 09-Feb-21 11:33 AM determine why people are refusing the vaccine and then “see what might convince them” to change their minds.
wutdafug 3
NWOpepe 3
mejon07 09-Feb-21 02:21 PM so if the virus has never been isolated then how can they tell there are variants? (edited)
Dr. Eileen de Villa, the city’s chief medical officer of health, said coronavirus variants discovered in Toronto are concerning. "We are in the transition of one pandemic to another — a transition to a new pandemic." More:
wizard 1
honkler 1
BREAKING: The Biden Administration is planning to launch a $1 billion COVID-19 vaccine awareness campaign -Politico
grabbler 2
Timothy Hunter 09-Feb-21 02:36 PM
@Deleted User I've mentioned that already its old news.
👍 2
JonSnow 09-Feb-21 07:43 PM
risitas 3
mejon07 09-Feb-21 11:38 PM
Jen Steer
Two days after employees were given their first round of COVID-19 vaccinations, the Fairless Local School District canceled classes, attributing it to many developing side effects and becoming ill.
Fpepe 2
mejon07 10-Feb-21 12:08 AM
At least 36 people have developed a rare, life-threatening blood disorder, called thrombocytopenia, after receiving either of the two COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the US.
Fpepe 2
MrGold 10-Feb-21 12:55 AM
Coleman, V. (4 FeblueBerry, 2021). Doctors and nurses giving the CCPV1984 vaccine will be tried as war criminals. BitChute.
hmmm 3
MrGold 10-Feb-21 03:24 AM
Bailey, S. (09 FeblueBerry, 2021). CCPV1984: Behind the PCR Curtain. Dr. Sam Bailey, Youtube. ``Test for CCPV1984 is not for the whole virus. Test is supposed to detect a 1% fragment of an RNA molecule which resides inside a virus particle. Based on its detection a person is diagnosed as infected with CCPV1984 because that fragment is regarded as evidence of the virus. Similar to using a horse hair as evidence of a horse. This is problematic for three reasons: 1) While there are many papers revealing the existence of viral RNA in the presence of CCPV1984-like particles on electron micrographs, there are none proving that the RNA comes from inside those particles. In fact there is now a E225,000 prize for proof of isolation of the virus and its contained genome. 2) The RNA detected by the PCR test may not be the 1% of the viral genome. 3) Since there are no reports of the RT-PCR evaluated against the virus itself, no one knows how many people who test positive for the virus are actually infected with the virus. It's like we've found the horse hair but can't say anything aboot the horse or the jockey. ... This is what happens when scientists, for whatever reason, cut corners, and ignore the basics for establishing test parameters.
Let's dig deeper into PCR tests once again and have a look behind the curtain of this Covid-19 pandemic. #covid19pcr New 3rd Edition of our book Virus Mania available now!: Book Depository - Amazon -
The detonator for the world-wide explosion of so-called CCPV1984 PCR testing was the Corman Drosten paper published 2020/01/23. Incredibly, the paper was accepted for publication within 24 hours of submission, and several authors failed to declare their financial conflicts of interest with a commercial PCR test lab. Also, somewhat unusually, version 1.0 of the paper protocol appeared on the W.H.O. website 9 days before the paper was even accepted for publication. But, the Corman Drosten paper was just a lab study, meaning it didn't establish the validity of using the test in the real world. No evidence was provided about how a positive test related to the condition of CCPV1984. This wasn't the only problem with this paper. On the 27th of NoRemember, 2020, a consortium of health officials and scientists sent a retraction request paper to Eurosurveillance editorial board. Still awaiting response. Back in January of 2020, it was too late, and the test that had no track record was promoted to the world as the best way to diagnose Coof. When the MSM and govt scientists started telling the public that the coof PCR tests were 95% or 99% accurate, it was not very clear to the public what that actually meant. ... What is detected in the sample is not coof, it is a small piece of RNA. It seems likely that the ministry of health confused the analytical specificity of a test with its diagnostic specificity for the condition.
Analytical specificity refers to the qPCR assay detecting the appropriate target sequence rather than other, nonspecific targets also present in a sample. Diagnostic specificity is the percentage of individuals without a given condition whom the assay identifies as negative for that condition. For a pregnancy test that has 100% diagnostic specificity, all non-pregnant women test negative. Therefore, even if PCR test has 100% analytical specificity it is still meaningless as a test for viral infection without proof of the diagnostic specificity. ... In late 2020, W.H.O.'s official documentation stated that a confirmed coof case is `A person with laboratory confirmation of coof infection', irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms. This was a bad look for the W.H.O. because it openly admitted that cases were not required to be related to disease. Just three days later they removed the statement and published a completely revised document. While the new version looked more scientific, essentially nothing had changed. A confirmed case could still be a person with a positive Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT).
So any old positive PCR test will do. To add to the smoke-screen the W.H.O. website released another PCR update on the 20th of January, 2021, stating Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis.' On 11th NoRemember, 2020, the coof PCR test hit some of its first major legal problems. Judges in the Lisbon court of appeal delivered some decisive rulings, including In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.' They also said the test's reliability depends on the number of cycles used' and that the test's reliability depends on the viral load present.' which is being far too generous because no diagnostic specificity was ever established so cycle thresholds are meaningless. It's likely that a cycle threshold of, say, 25, down from the 40 cycles often being used, would result in such a dramatic decrease in cases that panicked policy makers would be forced to concede that they'd been swept up in a PCR pandemic. Regarding 36 or 37 PCR cycles, Professor Stephen Bustin, on 14th April, 2020, said `It's absolute nonsense... it makes no sense whatsoever. Once you get above a cycle of about 35... that would be roughly equivalent to a single copy of target RNA.' ''
hmmm 2
mejon07 10-Feb-21 05:31 AM
A village volunteer from Palasa mandalam in Andhra Pradesh’s Srikakulam district died after taking the coronavirus vaccine.
Fpepe 1
CurbShifter 10-Feb-21 09:08 AM
Will RNA vaccines genetically modify humans?
💯 1
Jam 10-Feb-21 02:23 PM
TERRIBLE COVID mRNA VACCINE REACTIONS [2021-02-03] (VIDEO) People all over the world are dying and being severely injured by these toxic, rushed Covid Experimental vaccines and platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook are deleting th…
Fpepe 3
blacker 11-Feb-21 01:44 AM
Jay R 11-Feb-21 01:49 AM
potassium chloride is present in pfizer vaccine; potassium chloride is used in lethal injections; I'm not sure how much potassium chloride is present, but for me it looks very risky just being an ingredient as whoever is administering these vaccines are clearly not taking patients potassium levels into account.
The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna coronavirus vaccines use similar ingredients to trigger the body's immune system response.
Lethal injection, method of executing condemned prisoners through the administration of one or more chemicals that induce death. Lethal injection—now the most widely used method of execution in the United States—was first adopted by the U.S. state of Oklahoma in 1977, because it was considered
Potassium chloride is used to prevent or to treat low blood levels of potassium (hypokalemia). Includes potassium chloride side effects, interactions and indications.
peep00 2
MrGold 11-Feb-21 02:36 AM
Young, T. (05 FeblueBerry, 2021).  The Case Against Lockdown: A Reply to Christopher Snowdon.  Quillette.
I enjoyed reading Christopher Snowdon’s critique of lockdown sceptics (“Rise of the Coronavirus Cranks”). Chris is a lively and entertaining writer and he does a great line in withering scorn (“The…
Jam 11-Feb-21 02:24 PM
The brain is surrounded by a thin lining called the blood-brain barrier, which prevents harmful compounds from entering the brain.
mirrored from youtube Camo Rose channel Thanks Rose : ) Say NO to any test, Say no to masks, Say NO to vaccines!
EVEN ATTACKS BY MEANS OF NEGATIVE REVIEWS CANNOT STOP THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED ================================================================================ ENGLISH DR. SHERRI TENPENNY ------------------------------------ Tägliche politische …
CurbShifter 11-Feb-21 05:09 PM
Doctor takes COVID vaccine, her baby dies less than 3 days later.
Fpepe 3
dumpsterfire 3
mejon07 11-Feb-21 08:34 PM
So @cdcgov is now recommending “intubation kits” at #Covid vaccine sites. Know why? Probably because the VAERS reports include many cases of anaphylactic shock following vaccinations so severe that intubation and ventilation was required. Nothing to see here, folks.
surprised_pikachu 2
grabbler 2
1/ A 37-year-old doctor in Memphis died Monday of an immune response after receiving the #Covid vaccine. It now appears health authorities want to whitewash the death as somehow being related to the virus rather than the vaccine - EVEN THOUGH HE NEVER TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID...
Fpepe 1
CurbShifter 11-Feb-21 09:48 PM
A second New York Times article quotes doctors who say the mRNA technology used in COVID vaccines may cause immune thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder that last month led to the death of a Florida doctor after his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
peep00 1
dumpsterfire 1
CurbShifter 12-Feb-21 01:05 AM
EVEN ATTACKS BY MEANS OF NEGATIVE REVIEWS CANNOT STOP THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED ================================================================================ ENGLISH DR. SHERRI TENPENNY ------------------------------------ Tägliche politische …
enuff 1
PhantomXJ5 12-Feb-21 06:14 AM
“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth." - George Orwell TheCrowhouse YouTube Archive on AltCensored: BitChute https://www.…
mejon07 12-Feb-21 03:18 PM
This is how they’ll get everyone to turn on those who refuse the vaccine. They’ll blame the minority for keeping the lockdown in place. #COVID19 #vaccine
Covid restrictions could stay until all adults get vaccine - follow live
💯 2
yuri_bezmenov 2
mejon07 12-Feb-21 03:35 PM
Hyderabad: Anganwadi teacher Padam Nagamani (35) of Ashravapeta mandal in Nandipadu village in Kottagudem district of Telangana died in a district hos..|News Track
Fpepe 2
The man, who was in his 40s, had a number of underlying health conditions and was a resident at a long-term care facility.
Fpepe 2
visionn 12-Feb-21 10:25 PM
MrGold 13-Feb-21 01:15 AM
Kennedy, R. F. (12 FeblueBerry, 2021).  National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation -- Coroner's Office Never Saw Hank Aaron's Body.  The Fulton medical examiner said the coroner never saw Aaron's body, much less conducted an examination.  By implying that the Fulton County coroner conducted an autopsy, the New York Times and other media outlets deceived their readers.  the Defender.  Despite the extreme vitality of its elite participants, Moderna’s Phase I clinical trial reported astonishingly high injury rates. A stunning 100% of vaccine recipients suffered adverse events. Moreover, 6% of the low-dose group (1 in 20) and 21% of the high-dose group (1 in 5) reported “serious injuries” so grave that they required medical intervention or hospitalization. The Moderna vaccine reported 5x the death rate in Phase 2 as Pfizer’s vaccine.''  In 2020, ... a comprehensive report funded by HHS concluded that VAERS collects “fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries.” Even vaccine manufacturers acknowledged in a confidential, internal 2012 memo “a fifty-fold underreporting of [vaccine] adverse events.” ''
The Fulton County medical examiner said the coroner never saw Aaron’s body, much less conducted an examination. By implying that the Fulton County coroner conducted an autopsy, the New York Times and other media outlets deceived their readers.
hmmm 1
CurbShifter 13-Feb-21 01:46 PM
Peter Daszak's ties to the Chinese Communist Party call into question the validity of his and the World Health Organization (WHO) investigative team which
poohpe 1
surprised_pikachu 2
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 13-Feb-21 01:53 PM
H/t newsbeast
'Vaccine side effects are actually a good thing'
"Every vaccine comes with the chance of side effects. But with these new Covid-19 vaccines, the chances are much higher. Most people will feel pain at the injection site or fatigued. The vaccines come with more side effects than we’re used to, which can be scary. But scientists argue this is actually a good thing." 🤡 '70-Year-Old Man Collapses, Dies Just 25 Mins After Taking Covid-19 Vaccine; Exact Reason Unclear'
Death is one of the side effects thats good for you. 🤡
Why you might feel sick after getting a Covid-19 vaccine.
After his death, heath officials say that the elderly man had exhibited no adverse reactions nor did he have any allergic reaction to the vaccine, during the required 15-minute observation period.
honkler 2
Tracy Bloom
Four people in Oregon, who have been fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, have tested positive for the coronavirus the health authority reported Friday. Oregon is among the first states nati…
honkler 2
Pfizer whistle blower! "Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer for 16 years, says that half or even "almost all" of tests for COVID are false positives."
In a stunning development, a former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says "there is no science to suggest a second wave should
grabbler 1
mejon07 13-Feb-21 04:10 PM
While that trial is thirty days away, experts are encouraging people to sign up now.
Fpepe 2
pewpew 1
🔴WHO: COVID Vaccine Probably Won’t Stop You Getting Infected 🔴WHO’s chief scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan: NO EVIDENCE that coronavirus vaccines were “going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on”.
surprised_pikachu 1
honkler 2
mejon07 13-Feb-21 04:52 PM
Forty-nine adverse cases following Covid-19 vaccination and one death has so far been reported in Andhra Pradesh after the drive began on January 16.
Fpepe 2
mejon07 13-Feb-21 09:50 PM
President Biden on Thursday stressed the importance of wearing masks until at least 2022 to save lives — despite declaring the US will have enough supply of vaccines by the summer to inoculate 300 …
grabbler 2
surprised_pikachu 1
honkler 2
Lal 13-Feb-21 10:25 PM
A trial will assess whether the vaccine produces a strong immune response in six to 17-year-olds.
Fpepe 2
reee 3
mejon07 14-Feb-21 02:41 AM
The elderly vaccination horror continues: 13 dead in old people's home in Leverkusen
Alarmierende Meldungen kommen aus einem Seniorenheim in Leverkusen Rheindorf. Dort wurden am 30. Dezember vergangenen Jahres die ersten Impfungen vorgenommen. Doch nun hat sich dort ein Drama abgespielt:
Fpepe 2
A 78-year-old woman died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine at Cal Poly Pomona, but her death is not believed to be related to the vaccine, health officials said Saturday. The woman died Friday, according to Kaiser Permanente, which operates the vaccination site at the Pomona campus.
Fpepe 2
#Vaccine Adverse Event Report System (VAERS) by HHS: 606 Deaths in 2021 after getting the shot in the USA. #covidvaccine #vaccinedeaths Here's the spreadsheet with some summary info: Source data:
Fpepe 2
mejon07 14-Feb-21 04:38 PM
@FatEmperor This news report talks about a possible contract between Israel and Pfizer, to get new vaccines to Israel on a yearly basis. The Green Passport that is about to be issued is due to expire 6 months later, and renewal would require an additional vaccine.
חיסונים בפעם השנייה: היערכות לסבב התחסנות נוסף בקיץ עבור מחוסני הקורונה מהחודשים האחרונים. התכנון: הבאת עשרות מיליוני מנות כדי לחסן נגד קורונה מדי שנה. הדיווח של @gilicohen10 ב-#חדשותהערב
grabbler 2
CurbShifter 14-Feb-21 09:40 PM
As things stand at the moment, it is hard to deny the possibility of a correlation between mass vaccination and a sharp spike in Covid-19 cases in both Israel and Britain. It is hard to deny the fact that Israeli Arabs who at large avoid the vaccine are doing far better than the Jewish orthodox who seem to also believe in Pfizer.
Not many countries are brave or reckless enough to execute a vast medical experiment on their entire population and put vulnerable people at risk. Britain and Israel did. On December 8, Britain was the first Western country to start “immunising its population.” Two weeks later, just a few days before Christmas, Britain grasped that it was in ser...
hmmm 2
CurbShifter 15-Feb-21 12:11 AM
a compilation
CurbShifter 15-Feb-21 12:27 AM
It’s not disputable, since the information comes from official patent registries in the Netherlands and US. And we have all the documentation
Covid19 patented in 2015
grabbler 2
npc 1
mejon07 15-Feb-21 03:01 AM
A study was done on 25,000 school-aged children on the impact of masks. - 53% increased headaches - 50% difficulty concentrating - 42% malaise - 37% drowsiness - 29% shortness of breath - 26% experienced dizziness - 1/3 had more issues sleeping
Fpepe 2
feelsbadman 2
MrGold 15-Feb-21 08:15 AM
2020NEWS. (14 FeblueBerry, 2021). Whistleblower from Berlin nursing home: the terrible dying after vaccination. 2020 News.
For the first time, there is an eyewitness report from a Berlin nursing home on the situation after the vaccination. It comes from the AGAPLESION Bethanien Havelgarten retirement home in Berlin-Spandau. There, within four weeks after the first vaccination with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine Comirnaty, eight of 31 seniors, who suffered from dementia...
Fpepe 1
blacker 15-Feb-21 06:50 PM
The owner of the Brentwood restaurant ordered to comply with covid-19 masking orders said in a Facebook Live video Wednesday night that “it is not over by a long shot.” Kimberly Waigand told those watching that she was not backing down, but she would not break the law. “We’re going
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
MrGold 15-Feb-21 07:28 PM
Jeanmonod, D. (12 FeblueBerry, 2021). Lockdowns are a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. Non-pharmaceutical'' interventions do not work, and are doing far more harm than good. Off Guardian. An important study in Frontiers in Public Health on the data delivered by 160 countries has found no correlation between death rate and stringency of lockdown measures[1]. ... Another study showed no significant benefits of stay-at-home order and business closure on epidemic case growth[2]. ... a country with low lockdown stringency like Sweden has at the moment the same fatality rate per million inhabitants as France, but lower than Spain, Italy and UK, where severe lockdown measures were applied. ... As NPIs are imposed in an overloaded ambiance of viral threat, they are additionally in position to activate destructive neuro-immunological mechanisms as well as to trigger secondary deleterious psycho-social, medical and economic developments5. Both have a direct effect on population mortality. Analyses indicate that at least a third, and possibly more than half, of the observed excess mortality may be caused by the applied measures[3][4]. Measure-based mortality will proceed and may even accelerate if the fear-mongering stays and no end to the nightmare is presented to a now chronically overloaded population.'' ... ``The Great Barrington Declaration enacts the reduction of measures to “focal” protection. It was proposed by 3 epidemiologists from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford and has collected more than 50,000 signatures from medical and public health scientists and medical practitioners as well as from more than 700,000 concerned citizens.''
CurbShifter 15-Feb-21 07:51 PM
NEW - Cases, deaths, and hospitalizations plummet by 30% in a month in lockdown-loving California AND open-all-hours Florida. Despite these different approaches, both states ended up with roughly the same outcome (Daily Mail)
surprised_pikachu 3
mejon07 15-Feb-21 08:21 PM
The prize committee said Dr. Anthony Fauci, long-time head of the United States' leading infectious diseases research institute, "is the consummate model of leadership and impact in public health."
honkler 5
grabbler 3
CurbShifter 15-Feb-21 08:28 PM
The deaths occurred in 23 elderly people, who were frail, after their first dose of the COVID vaccine from Pfizer.
Fpepe 3
CurbShifter 15-Feb-21 08:51 PM
Dying in the chair at the clinic a few minutes after injection is “something else.”
Fpepe 2
mejon07 15-Feb-21 09:00 PM
"dies of something else" lol they're literally just laughing at the npcs that believe their lies
yuri_bezmenov 2
hhhhh 1
CurbShifter 15-Feb-21 09:06 PM
CreepyJoe 15-Feb-21 09:38 PM
Another reason to get my Fauci Ouchie 😋
visionn 16-Feb-21 12:50 AM
Their lying about the Covid death numbers
hmmm 1
About 3,000 real deaths from the vaccine
peep00 3
mejon07 16-Feb-21 04:49 AM
28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection
Fpepe 2
It is a rushed and untested vaccine, made using unprecedented technology, with no legal recourse should it do you harm, to treat a virus 99.8 of people will survive. So the question that really mat…
Onysfx 16-Feb-21 07:48 AM
they dont care if it's rushed, or if it's experimental, or alters your dna, or kills you, they will get it because their god, government, told them too. (edited)
yuri_bezmenov 4
mejon07 16-Feb-21 02:43 PM
A 24-year-old medical intern at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS-Rishikesh) died on Sunday, 11 days after getting the Covid vaccine.
Fpepe 2
mejon07 16-Feb-21 04:38 PM
h/t lyquidflows
Here is a great list of reasons not to get the Covid-19 vaccine and what I send to my loved ones.
1. Zero long term studies of mRNA vaccines.
> > > >
2. Insufficient animal studies to investigate pathogenic priming which leads to worse outcomes when exposed to the live virus as seen in the early RSV vaccine.
> > >
3. By definition this is an experimental “vaccine”
> >
4. “Vaccine” does not provide immunity.
> > > >
5. “Vaccine” does not prevent spread.
> > >
6. Nano-lipid-PEG related antibodies/ allergic reactions
> >
How much data do we have on the long-term safety of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 vaccines developed during Operation Warp Speed? Perhaps more than you think.
Creating two vaccines in less than a year is an astonishing achievement, experts say, but the next task could prove even more difficult — convincing Americans that it’s safe to take vaccines developed at such a breakneck pace.
Some of the worlds top vaccine-promoters are warning about unique and frightening dangers inherent in developing a coronavirus vaccine.
7. “Vaccine” will be required yearly or more frequently.
> > >
8. Immunity passports should not be the new normal.
> >
9. Younger ppl suffer more adverse reactions to the vaccine.
> >
10. Antibody dependent enhancement.
> >
11. Vaccine may cause infertility.
> > >
12. A majority of healthcare workers are refusing the “vaccine”.
> > > > >
13. 1976 Swine flu vaccine controversy with the Ford administration.
> > >
14. Tuskegee experiments done on US and South American citizens.
Current science says coronavirus immunity only lasts 3 to 12 months. Here's what that means for the vaccine
Will a COVID-19 vaccine be needed every year? How many shots will you have to get? Everything we know.
The distribution of the first vaccines for the coronavirus has raised hopes that the end of the pandemic may be in sight, but it has also sparked some concern about side effects.
I've had several questions about antibody-dependent enhancement, which has always been a worry as the coronavirus vaccines have been developed. I figured it might be worth a look at just what we know about it, why one might be worried, and why (on the other hand) one might be hopeful. The simple
Numerous experiments performed on human test subjects in the United States have been considered unethical, as they were performed illegally or without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of the test subjects. Such tests have occurred throughout American history, but particularly in the 20th century. The experiments include the exposure o...
The Stateville Penitentiary malaria study was a controlled but ethically questionable study of the effects of malaria on the prisoners of Stateville Penitentiary near Joliet, Illinois in the 1940s. The study was conducted by the Department of Medicine at the University of Chicago in conjunction with the United States Army and the State Departmen...
Since the discovery of ionizing radiation, a number of human radiation experiments have been performed to understand the effects of ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination on the human body, specifically with the element plutonium.
The syphilis experiments in Guatemala were United States-led human experiments conducted in Guatemala from 1946 to 1948. The experiments were led by physician John Charles Cutler who also participated in the late stages of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Doctors infected soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners and mental patients with syphilis and o...
Pfizer's failings are well documented and worth reviewing at this critical time in human history as we all search for answers.
zomg 2
mejon07 16-Feb-21 08:32 PM
Pizza, hummus, pastry and a cup of coffee were on the menu on Tuesday to entice Israelis to get their COVID-19 vaccinations.
grabbler 2
Didi 16-Feb-21 10:59 PM
MrGold 16-Feb-21 11:10 PM
Kennedy, R. F. (16 FeblueBerry, 2021).  Critics Must Be Silenced for Billionaires to Keep Profiting From Pandemic.  By controlling the media, billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates can prolong a crisis indefinitely while they accumulate unprecedented wealth and power over humanity.  the Defender.
By controlling the media, billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates can prolong a crisis indefinitely while they accumulate unprecedented wealth and power over humanity.
NWOpepe 1
MrGold 17-Feb-21 02:10 AM
mejon07 17-Feb-21 03:12 AM
One of the more serious issues with the Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines is their propensity to cause inflammation of the cardiovascular system. The vacc
Fpepe 2
MrGold 17-Feb-21 10:03 AM
Bagus, P., Pena-Ramos, J. A., Sanchez-Bayon, A. (2021).  CCPV1984 and the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria.  Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18(4), 1376;  ``It is one of the core characteristics of decentralized systems that they allow for competition, error detection, and correction [63,64,65].''
In this article, we aim to develop a political economy of mass hysteria. Using the background of COVID-19, we study past mass hysteria. Negative information which is spread through mass media repetitively can affect public health negatively in the form of nocebo effects and mass hysteria. We argue that mass and digital media in connection with t...
In this article, we aim to develop a political economy of mass hysteria. Using the background of COVID-19, we study past mass hysteria. Negative information which is spread through mass media repetitively can affect public health negatively in the form of nocebo effects and mass hysteria. We argue that mass and digital media in connection with t...
💯 2
yuri_bezmenov 2
mejon07 17-Feb-21 03:08 PM
There's growing concern about the effectiveness of current vaccines against variants from Brazil and South Africa.
honkler 3
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pewpew 1
Fpepe 3
mejon07 17-Feb-21 03:26 PM
In the last couple of weeks a side effect of Covid-19 vaccine was registered in Latvia. One recipient of a vaccine was hospitalized, said the director of the State Agency of Medicines Svens Henkuzens at a government meeting.
Fpepe 2
CurbShifter 17-Feb-21 04:26 PM
United Kingdom: 12 people deaf, five blind after Pfizer BioNTech mRNA shots
It's common knowledge that Bell's Palsy, anaphylaxis & death are possible from Pfizer mRNA shots. Now new adverse effects are being reported.
Fpepe 3
Dinglebob 17-Feb-21 06:36 PM
mejon07 17-Feb-21 08:45 PM
So they just admitted the test is a fraud and a scam. These people who ruined humanity over a fraud should be in prison. And they need to confess who their real masters are.
grabbler 2
honkler 1
BREAKING NEWS Ontario Public Health quietly increases PCR threshold for VOC from 30 to 35. This will increase variant case numbers, regardless of symptoms. Today: Archive Jan 26:
grabbler 2
A COVID-19 trial that will see healthy young people paid £4,500 to be deliberately infected with coronavirus has been given ethics approval in the U.K.
honkler 4
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PhantomXJ5 18-Feb-21 01:00 AM
Covid 19 - World-Wide Prison and Murder by Proxy - 02/08/21 “The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth." - George Orwell TheCrowhouse YouTube Archive on AltCensored: https://www.altcenso…
mejon07 18-Feb-21 04:08 AM
Nalconagar: Family members of a woman, who took the Covid vaccine on February 3 at the Nalco Hospital in Angul and died while undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Bhubaneswar today morning, blamed the vaccine for her death. The deceased was identified as Shakuntala Gochhayat (52), a resident of Kurudulu village in the district. […]
Fpepe 2
With paralysis in the lower extremities, fatigue and myalgias, a doctor is being treated at the general hospital of Corfu.
Fpepe 2
@erinotoole Congratulations on your retirement from politics! ➡️2% of #Canadians have been diagnosed w #COVID19 in 1 yr. Feb. 17th @GovCanHealth ➡️.09% Active cases in #Cdn pop ➡️93% Recovered ➡️5% hospitalization ➡️4% + rate for 17+ million #Canadians tested ➡️.05% of Cdn pop died
mejon07 18-Feb-21 04:26 AM
People with normal vitamin D levels are unaffected by COVID-19 says William Grace, MD.
surprised_pikachu 3
MrGold 18-Feb-21 10:40 PM
Redshaw, M. (17 FeblueBerry, 2021). Bill Gates: Third Shot May Be Needed to Combat Coof Variants. Gates told CBS News we might need a third shot of a currently available vaccine, or a ``midified'' vaccine as the virus mutates, but CHD's RFK, Jr. asks why we haven't focused instead on non-vaccine strategies, including therapeutic drugs. the Defender. “Gates continues to move the goalposts,” said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief legal counsel of Children’s Health Defense. “Meanwhile the strategies he and others have promoted are obliterating the global economy, demolishing the middle class, making the rich richer and censoring vaccine safety advocates, like me.”
Gates told CBS News we might need a third shot of a currently available vaccine, or a “modified” vaccine as the virus mutates, but CHD’s RFK, Jr. asks why we haven’t focused instead on non-vaccine strategies, including therapeutic drugs.
honkler 2
Redshaw, M. (18 FeblueBerry, 2021). W.H.O. Approves AstraZeneca Vaccine for Emergency Use, But Some Nations Say No Thanks' the Defender. `Multiple adverse reactions were reported during the 2020 AstraZeneca trials, including spinal cord damage consistent with transverse myelitis, death and acute neuro encephalopathy.''
The controversial vaccine, which Bill Gates has heavily invested in, is being rejected by some countries over widespread concerns about side effects and efficacy.
Myers, F. (15 FeblueBerry, 2021).  Zero Coof is an authoritarian fantasy.  Even as the coof becomes a manageable threat, some are demanding forever lockdown.  We can't let them win.  spiked. ``Perhaps other members of Indie SAGE will find new reasons and threats for restrictions on our lives as Covid fades from view – Pagel’s colleague at UCL, Mariana Mazzucato, has called for lockdowns to tackle climate change, for instance. In both cases, the impulse to restrict others’ behaviour seems to come first, the threat which justifies it second.''
Even as Covid becomes a manageable threat, some are demanding forever lockdown. We can’t let them win.
honkler 1
CurbShifter 19-Feb-21 01:00 AM
enuff 1
reee 1
MrGold 19-Feb-21 02:11 AM
Sardi, B. (18 FeblueBerry, 2021). Virologists Report Poor Man's Amino Acid Cure for Coof Would Abolish Need for Vaccines. World Would Get Healthy On Its Own, Without Doctoring. ``There is additional evidence that lysine also halts the growth of influenza and coxsackie viruses.''
Move over hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, two widely extolled prescription medicines used to treat COVID-19 viral infections.  A natural cure for COVID-19 that is widely available and affordable for even the poorest of people on the planet has been confirmed by a team of virologists who have spent a lifetime studying the underlying causes of ...
hmmm 1
mejon07 19-Feb-21 03:29 AM
A 90-year-old Macomb County man died within a day of getting a COVID-19 vaccine, but identifying whether the shot played a role is anything but simple.
Fpepe 2
mejon07 19-Feb-21 03:41 AM
US government could fine or imprison those who refuse COVID vaccine, according to law professor. Businesses have authority to fire employees if they refuse vaccination, even if they refuse for religious or philosophical reasons.
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 19-Feb-21 05:17 AM He got the vaccine 1 day before dying that had "zero" to do with his death. This one is so obvious it hurts. (edited)
A friend has identified 34-year-old Tom Thomas as having died this week of cardiac arrest after testing positive for COVID-19. Thomas worked at Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford
Fpepe 2
CurbShifter 19-Feb-21 10:40 AM
In a uniquely heavy-handed move, the Indonesian government is threatening to punish citizens who refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine, as the massive island nation, one of the world's most populous, pushes one of the most aggressive vaccination campaigns in the world.
"If you reject it, there are two things, social aid will not be given, (and a) fine..."
wutdafug 4
Jam 19-Feb-21 01:19 PM
“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth." - George Orwell TheCrowhouse YouTube Archive on AltCensored: BitChute https://www.…
mejon07 19-Feb-21 03:40 PM
A Norwegian county is now forcing its employees to take a covid vaccine. If they refuse, they will be relocated to another part of Norway. Check out my main channel at: If you want to support me with a small amount of your choice, you can support me at http://w...
grabbler 2
CurbShifter 19-Feb-21 08:01 PM
Share of population receiving covid vaccine
💉 2
mejon07 19-Feb-21 08:28 PM
This brings the cumulative serious AEFIs to 18 in the state, including 3 on Friday and total severe AEFIs to two, including one on the same day.
Fpepe 2
mejon07 19-Feb-21 08:36 PM
▶️ REPLAY: Pandemic will not end until world is vaccinated, Merkel says in Munich speech
dumpsterfire 2
honkler 1
NWOpepe 1
sNi 20-Feb-21 03:32 AM
And that's another lie.. because they'll keep coming with variants and more and more vacs. Shifting the goalpost.
grabbler 3
yuri_bezmenov 1
mejon07 20-Feb-21 06:54 AM
After examination, it was found that the deceased had aortic stenosis (narrowing of the aortic valve opening) and his sugar levels were 350, a health official.
Fpepe 3
feelsbadman 3
mejon07 20-Feb-21 09:04 PM
🔴 You just can’t make this stuff up...
stoned 2
honkler 1
visionn 20-Feb-21 10:29 PM
REQUIRED VIEWING! Dr. Sherri Tenpenny gives VERY important information! Hyper-immune response in test animals for previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines, like SARS and MERS, has been a persistent problem. All is well for awhile, until the animals are exposed to the wild mutated virus....
CurbShifter 20-Feb-21 10:49 PM
TAKEAWAY FROM THE TIMES: No large study validating the uniformity of PCR results, from lab to lab, has ever been done. At least a dozen very large studies should have checked for uniform results, before unleashing the PCR on the public; but no, this was not the case. It is still not the case. Also, the extreme sensitivity of the test causes MANY false-positives.
hmmm 2
mejon07 21-Feb-21 02:06 AM
Facebook "fact-checkers" are making political satire redundant ...
honkler 2
dumpsterfire 1
CurbShifter 21-Feb-21 09:05 AM
wtf 2
CurbShifter 21-Feb-21 10:00 PM
ER Editor: We totally recommend viewing the short 8-9 minute video below in its entirety, but we’ve made some notes, too, since the report involves mention of two vaccine ingredients (antigens) that may not be [...]
grabbler 3
mejon07 21-Feb-21 10:13 PM
Puri, Feb 21 (UNI) In a tragic incident a health supervisor with the Puri municipality apparently died after receiving the second dose of COVID vaccine, here on Sunday.
An Anganwadi worker name Deepa Gautam in Lakhimpur died after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.
Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh has ordered a probe by a medical expert team into the death of a frontline worker who died a week after receiving her first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. The Chief minister has told NDTV that the state government has taken a serious note of the allegations by the family members of the 48-year-old Anganwadi worker...
Fpepe 3
MrGold 22-Feb-21 12:23 AM
Cowan, T., Fallon Morell, S. (20 Jamboree, 2021).  The Contagion Fairy Tale.  The Weston A. Price Foundation.  Journal, Winter 2020, Contagion Fairy Tale. Linked from
FEATURES The Contagion Fairy Tale Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell furtherdeconstruct the contagion myth The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy Stephanie Seneff examines chlorinedioxide’s actions and mechanisms Coconut and […]
MrGold 22-Feb-21 12:40 AM
We all know that if he had got a positive PCR coof test result a few days ago, then died, it would go into the stats as a coof death.
Black Sails 🏴 22-Feb-21 01:07 AM
CurbShifter 22-Feb-21 09:33 AM
Pfizer documents about the vax. Tell them you are allergic to one of the ingredients. On page 1
peep00 2
💯 2
mejon07 22-Feb-21 02:15 PM
This is the first such case of death involving an Anganwadi worker who had taken a vaccination shot in her home district 23 days back.
Fpepe 2
mejon07 22-Feb-21 08:44 PM
Fauci: “Possible” Americans could still be wearing masks through 2022, but predicts “a significant degree of normality"
grabbler 2
Timothy Hunter 22-Feb-21 09:36 PM
@Dinglebob is it the covid vaccine?
Dinglebob 22-Feb-21 10:05 PM
I think so.
I don't have confirmation yet. Let me hear the recording closely. I understand spanish.
Second 42
I think she's saying vaccine
CurbShifter 22-Feb-21 10:19 PM
there are a whole bunch of those vids in seems its mostly women
Victims & stories of direct affects of the covid mRNA ”vaccine”.
wutdafug 2
mejon07 23-Feb-21 03:12 AM
The US has become the first country to record more than half a million deaths with coronavirus
honkler 1
Timothy Hunter 23-Feb-21 03:16 AM
These bastards want you to take the covid 19 vaccine every year ?are they out of their mind ? I think im going to be physically sick. (edited)
grabbler 2
pewpew 1
mejon07 23-Feb-21 03:30 AM
yeah you will get ur yearly monthly covid vaccine, drink ur water made from human feces, eat ur synthetic meat and own nothing and of course be happy!! (edited)
Ramesh Kumar, a 54-year-old sanitation worker employed with North Delhi Municipal Corporation, passed away on Monday. He had been administered the fir
Fpepe 2
CurbShifter 23-Feb-21 08:41 AM
Earlier this week we published the English translation of a video in German that Attorney Reiner Fuellmich published with a whistleblower who works in a nursing home where several residents were injec
CurbShifter 23-Feb-21 09:05 AM
Famous Russian Celebrity Mikhail Boyarsky collapses after receiving the Covid Vaccine.
Fpepe 2
JonSnow 23-Feb-21 10:21 AM
Condemnation before investigation is the highest form of ignorance‼️ MRNA :Software for humans. Hidden in the stimulus bill: Health Surveillance
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 23-Feb-21 10:36 AM
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains that despite the lies being told by politicians and journalists, there are very real dangers with the covid-19 jabs. Thos...
enuff 2
feelsbadman 1
Black Sails 🏴 23-Feb-21 01:29 PM
EPIC, so proud of this guy! This guy shows the police and the sheep how things work! Please share, people need to see this! (Canada based)
vote_yes 3
hyperz 2
👏 1
mejon07 23-Feb-21 02:58 PM
Dozens of Italian teachers called in sick Monday after getting inoculated with the AstraZeneca vaccine over the weekend in Treviso, Italy.
surprised_pikachu 2
ShadowSpectre 23-Feb-21 07:32 PM
I wish other people would follow his example and refuse as well. A lot of criticism of Chris Sky, but the guy is legit, nobody else in Canada has had the balls to do that kind of thing. Back from this summer, prophetically accurate, though many of us were in complete agreement when he said this: (edited)
@CarolinPost Ah Thank you, I just sussed who this guy is!!!!! It's this guy.. Now this guy is a true freedom fighter!
yuri_bezmenov 2
gulag 1
grabbler 1
hmmm 1
CurbShifter 23-Feb-21 09:20 PM
Canadian Frontline Nurses Mission To unite Canadian nurses so our voices may be heard, to speak up against the draconian measures that are currently in place, in effort to uphold our oath to do no harm.
Vision To restore our freedoms and rights as Canadian citizens and reinstate the four ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice within nursing.
ooh 2
mejon07 23-Feb-21 11:38 PM
AMERSFOORT - De hoop was gevestigd op het vaccin bij het St Elisabeth Verpleeg- en Gasthuis in Amersfoort. (Foto: ANP)
Fpepe 2
mejon07 24-Feb-21 12:12 AM
Side effects center Lareb received 65 reports of people who died after receiving a coronavirus vaccine. According to Lareb, this includes 55 people aged 80 or older, and ten people between the ages of 65 and 79 years. "All had fragile health due to a variety of serious underlying illnesses and/or advanced age," Lareb director and epidemiologist ...
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feelsbadman 2
ShadowSpectre 24-Feb-21 02:16 AM
Canadian air travellers now required mandatory (self-paid) quarantine as of Monday. New rules (again). Such a complicated infographic. So a test before boarding a flight doesn't mean anything. You need to take 2 more tests, get negative results a total of 3 times. Book your own hotel for this time, not get through for hours, end up in a government quarantine facility anyways upon one positive test. Can a sheep explain how any of this makes sense? (edited)
The federal government's new hotel quarantine requirement is now in effect for air travellers. Here’s the latest on what we know, including the hotel cost and who is exempt.
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mejon07 24-Feb-21 02:21 AM
the average sheep: surprised_pikachu
npc 5
PhantomXJ5 24-Feb-21 03:56 AM
The sheep npc will just say the default line they always do "iT iS foR oUR sAfEtY" (edited)
npc 2
honkler 2
mejon07 24-Feb-21 05:24 AM
CurbShifter 24-Feb-21 07:05 AM
Haley Link Brinkmeyer, 28 yr old dies two days after getting COVID vaccine. “Haley Link Brinkmeyer worked as a physical therapist for North River Health Campus, the assisted living center in her hometown. This vaccine superfan facility posts often in support of vaccines. They vaccinated their staff on January 19th. Haley died two days later. According to her mother, Haley's autopsy showed no health issues.”
Fpepe 1
Fpepe 2
Dr. Witold Rogiewicz, RIP. Died a few days after receiving his second dose of the covid-19 vaccine. He was known online for encouraging vaccine-taking and criticizing anti-vaccine and coronasceptic environments.
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Fpepe 2
MrGold 24-Feb-21 08:31 AM
Senum, R. (7 FeblueBerry, 2021). Dr. Sherri Tenpenny 'splains how the depopulation coof vaccines will start working in 3-6 months.
peep00 1
MrGold 24-Feb-21 09:45 AM
@CurbShifter My friend passed away Saturday, a couple three days after getting jab #1. Went to bed early complaining of being tired, then woke up dead next morning. He had had diabetes for decades and handled it just fine with insulin shots, family told me he was just fine and living life normally until...
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CurbShifter 24-Feb-21 10:54 AM
so sorry to hear you lost your friend... im really afraid we can share similar stories the coming year(s). my condolences
mejon07 24-Feb-21 03:26 PM what about the covid vaccine manufacturers? shouldn't they be the ones to pay up? ofc not, they're not liable if you die or get injured from the vaccine.. instead govt taxpayers will pay up
The amount equates to just under £300,000 and is an attempt to coax the public into taking the newly distributed vaccine.
💯 2
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Onysfx 24-Feb-21 04:14 PM
@CurbShifter Do you have the original link to that post? I want to see what the trolls are saying.
CurbShifter 24-Feb-21 04:16 PM
i dont sry. its form the covidvaccinevictims telegram group. i usually post the org links if i got them
Onysfx 24-Feb-21 04:24 PM
shills like this piss me off:
npc 3
mejon07 24-Feb-21 10:37 PM
747 people reported dead from covid vaccines
1146 hospitalized
171 people had life threatening injuries
81 people got permanently disabled so far:
CurbShifter 24-Feb-21 11:48 PM
'''According to new data released today, as of Feb. 12, 15,923 adverse reactions to COVID vaccines, including 929 deaths, have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since Dec. 14, 2020. VAERS is the primary mechanism in the U.S. for reporting adverse vaccine reactions. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a determination can be made as to whether the reported adverse event was directly or indirectly caused by the vaccine. '''
Following the release of data from phase III trials on 9 November, vaccine makers Pfizer and BioNTech deployed their vaccines under emergency-use rules. The developer of another leading vaccine, Moderna, did the same. When a vaccine is granted emergency approval, and the vaccine is rushed through, companies might not have enough data to establis...
mejon07 25-Feb-21 02:32 AM Fpepe for the kids... their parents treating them as guinea pigs
Some of the children had to persuade their parents to let them take part in the trial.
Fpepe 2
According to Intermountain Healthcare doctors women who were recently vaccinated for COVID-19 may show symptoms of Breast Cancer as a side-effect of the vaccine.
Fpepe 1
The elderly nuns at a Kentucky monastery closed to the outside world to keep #Covid at bay. For 10 months they succeeded. Then they opened up to be vaccinated. Now they’re dying. “This is actually way more common than you might think,” the county public health director said.
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CurbShifter 25-Feb-21 08:54 AM
CurbShifter 25-Feb-21 09:11 AM
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(Got no link. And have to stay sceptical towards unverified stories.)
CurbShifter 25-Feb-21 09:34 AM
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Fpepe 3
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mejon07 25-Feb-21 02:17 PM
CurbShifter 25-Feb-21 04:33 PM
A nurse has died eight days after being vaccinated with the Chinese-made CoronaVac vaccine in East Java on Feb. 14, Indonesian media reported.
👍 2
Dr. Budiman Ali, RIP ❤️Died post vaccination of a heart attack in Indonesia. #Indonesia #Heart #Cardiovascular
Dokter Budiman meninggal tak lama setelah menghadiri acara vaksinasi Covid-19.
Fpepe 3
Drg. Bernadi Catur Into, Sp.Prostho, RIP ❤️ Died February 22, 2021 following the his covid vaccination. He was a physician in a Jakarta Indonesia. #Death #Indonesia #Sinovac
Fpepe 3
mejon07 25-Feb-21 04:39 PM
seems like deaths after the covid vaccines are being more reported in countries like india and indonesia more than the US
reported in the news*
CurbShifter 25-Feb-21 04:45 PM
Yeah dunno its hard to get to the bottom like this. I know someone at a high pos in a big hospital here in NL. Told me about 500 staff members got 2 shots already about 3 weeks ago (pfizer). There were no issues (as of yet ofc). Still a grain of salt needed. But i do trust him. (edited)
hmmm 2
mejon07 25-Feb-21 05:02 PM
UK Government: Over 240 Deaths, 8 Miscarriages and Over 100,000 Side Effects Reported Shortly After Receiving the COVID Experimental mRNA Injection
wutdafug 2
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Lal 25-Feb-21 07:49 PM
The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is tied...
npc 2
honkler 1
Onysfx 25-Feb-21 09:46 PM
What do you guys think of this video? Fake? (edited)
CurbShifter 25-Feb-21 10:57 PM
Onysfx 25-Feb-21 10:59 PM
why though?
Ya it looks fake but why? To discredit?
mejon07 25-Feb-21 11:51 PM
looks like a skit or something
Chinese anal covid swab test instructions. 🍑
honkler 4
mejon07 26-Feb-21 05:25 AM
The FDA has signaled an eagerness in recent days for progress on vaccines that can offer protection from the emerging variants.
grabbler 2
News narrative has shifted 100% frm questions of vaccine efficacy & safety to questions of supply & demand, distribution, “fairness” in who gets jabbed first, complete w/villains who are “cutting the line,” etc. A total distraction w/$50MM “It’s Up to You” scare ad campaign
grabbler 2
gulag 1
mejon07 26-Feb-21 01:47 PM
because vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, lugols iodine, magnesium etc don't exist
gulag 2
CurbShifter 26-Feb-21 09:08 PM
Dr Eha Soemantri, RIP ❤️ Dies following a second dose of the Sinovac covid-19 vaccine. In this video Dr. Eha also shared her testimonial. After being vaccinated some time ago. She urged the public not to be afraid of being vaccinated.
"I have received a vaccine injection on January 14 after the launch of the Covid-19 vaccination by the Governor," she said in the video testimony. "Alhamdulillah, after vaccinating I did not experience any complaints. This is one of the evidences that shows the Covid-19 vaccine is safe. To the community, let's succeed in administering this vaccine, as our endeavor to be protected from the covid-19 virus. Of course, by sticking to 3M. Wear a mask, keep your distance, and comply with health protocols.” #Indonesia #Sinovac #Death
FAJAR.CO.ID, MAKASSAR — Ketua Perhimpunan Sarjana dan Profesional Kesehatan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (Persakmi) Sulsel, Prof. Sukri Palutturi turut berkabung atas meninggalnya Dr. Eha
Fpepe 2
#Death #Poland
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mejon07 26-Feb-21 09:12 PM
The students are now protesting in the college's premises, not against the vaccine, but the medical college, alleging that Mitha was denied fair treatment
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A 77-year-old man has died in Lithuania minutes after receiving a Covid-19 shot, although the death is not linked to the vaccine, the State Medicines Control Agency (VVKT) said on Friday.
Fpepe 2
CurbShifter 26-Feb-21 09:15 PM
Janet L. Moore, RIP ❤️ 39 year old nure aid dies 48 hours after being forced to take the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine by her employer “Admirals Pointe Nursing Home” in Akron Ohio. Soon after taking the vaccine she felt ill. #Death #USA #Pfizer
Fpepe 2
pinkwojak 2
Abdul Hadi Al Majali, RIP ❤️ 87 year old, former Minister of Public Works and Housing passed away 3 weeks following a covid-19 vaccine. #Jordan #Death
AMMAN — Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Bisher Al Khasawneh mourned the passing of former minister of Public Works and Housing Abdul Haddi Al Majali, who passed away on Wednesday.The premier also extended his condolences to the Majali family, paying tribute to the former minister's great efforts in serving his country, the Jordan News Age...
mejon07 26-Feb-21 09:18 PM
just the beginning and already seeing a ton of these reports
CurbShifter 26-Feb-21 09:19 PM
Its crazy.. and have to wait and see what the long term effects are
mejon07 26-Feb-21 09:20 PM
can't even imagine what those effects will be like
dumpsterfire 3
Dinglebob 26-Feb-21 10:12 PM
Holy fuck this is out of control
If this is like this and with <10% vaccinated just imagine how it will be with 80% vaccinated
This is evil
And the worst thing of all is that people are lining up and defending it...
Onysfx 26-Feb-21 10:47 PM
@Dinglebob They mocked us, called us conspiracy theorists. They get what they deserve. The only problem is they will drag us down with them (and children who don't know any better) (edited)
Onysfx 26-Feb-21 10:54 PM
people will die, and they will blame it on covid, and the masses will believe it, and somehow the media will make it our fault. Very sad, very depressing. I do feel bad for the regular folks who don't know any better, but these order following karens who harass people for not wearing a mask, fuck em. They get what they deserve. (edited)
visionn 27-Feb-21 03:17 AM
PhantomXJ5 27-Feb-21 04:38 AM
the sheep don't know any better, they think the vax and these "world leaders" are somehow saving people when in reality they aren't. (the shills dont help in this regard)
yeah especially when they start the new casedemic for COVID-21, add some new symptoms to induce more fear and hysteria (they already have news pieces saying the "new strains" are more "aggressive" then its "predecessor") for the population and regulate more travel restrictions (edited)
Timothy Hunter 27-Feb-21 10:22 AM
They are planning on vaccinating kids with the covid 19 "vaccine" as well maybe when they are start dying from it they might wake up to whats going on unfortunately traumatic events might me a necessity to wake some people up.
CurbShifter 27-Feb-21 11:44 AM
Correlation does not prove causation — but ignoring correlation signifies denial. We should not be afraid to ask a perfectly legitimate question: Why is there a correlation between the vaccine rollout and increased COVID–19 mortality?
hmmm 3
CurbShifter 27-Feb-21 07:28 PM
Ik vind dit zeer zorgelijk!!! 😡
☹️ 2
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ShadowSpectre 27-Feb-21 08:20 PM
I'm lurking my FB now to see who mysteriously becomes ill or stops posting. They've begun a major mish-mash vaccination campaign in Canada. First it was the LTC facilities with the elderly, now they've moved onto the front line workers. Going to be very interesting to see what happens. (edited)
hmmm 3
CurbShifter 27-Feb-21 09:49 PM
Fern RIP ❤️ Passed away February 26, 2021 of a stroke following a covid-vaccine. #Stroke #Neurological #USA
Michela Foderini, May you Rest In Peace ❤️, 49 years old passed away from cardiac arrest on February 26, 2021 following her second dose of the Covid-19 Vaccine. Michela received her first dose Jan 14, 2021 and second dose February 5, 2021. #Italy #Heart #Cardiovascular (edited)
Avrebbe compiuto oggi 49 anni Michela Foderini, appassionata fotografa del podismo, deceduta l'altra notte in seguito ad un improvviso arresto cardiaco. Da tutti conosciuta per essere una delle fo
Fpepe 3
mejon07 27-Feb-21 10:42 PM
Moscow/Sputnik: At least 16 people have died in Switzerland after being vaccinated against the coronavirus, the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic) said.
Fpepe 1
An ASHA worker, Chandrakala, 50, of Kothacheruvu mandal headquarters in the district died in the early hours of Saturday. Her relatives alleged that she died after taking the second dose of the COVID-
Fpepe 1
visionn 28-Feb-21 01:40 AM
Johnson and J vaccine ingredients
Still way safer then mRNA poison
Still say no!
Avatar 28-Feb-21 02:46 AM
mejon07 28-Feb-21 03:19 AM
what does the link direct to?
mejon07 28-Feb-21 03:29 AM
The regional government of Galicia in north-western Spain has declared that the controversial coronavirus vaccination should be mandatory for all 2.7 million citizens.
NWOpepe 2
COVID vaccination update from Norway. 25.02.21 102 related vaccine deaths. 299,418 vaccinated. 1011 not assessed adverse reaction. 1204 assessed adverse reaction. Source: #norway #covidvaccine #covid
Avatar 28-Feb-21 03:38 AM
why don´t you find that out yourself @mejon07
trust me it is legit
CurbShifter 28-Feb-21 10:05 AM links are more often than not used for scams. Pls post the resolved links instead of making others guess
👆 1
visionn 28-Feb-21 10:48 AM
Update to Pfizer and Oxford side effects, Reports: 22 Feb Pfizer: Reactions: 77,207 Blindness: 9 Deaths: 197 Oxford: Reactions: 114,625 Blindness: 16 Deaths: 205 Pfizer Vax started 8 Dec Oxford Vax started 4 Jan
dumpsterfire 2
mejon07 28-Feb-21 04:15 PM
It has been described as the worst COVID outbreak in an Irish nursing home. At least 21 residents in a retirement home in Ballynoe, Co Cork, have died, and almost all the 30 others remaining have COVID, as do the majority of the staff. Since the outbreak began on January 8, COVID has ravaged Ballynoe Nursing Home at an alarming speed, with manag...
Fpepe 3
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Tergiversator 28-Feb-21 07:17 PM
There are services out there to expand the links so you can know where it goes without clicking.
Exported 379 message(s)