Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 💸-economy
Between 01-Dec-21 12:00 AM and 01-Jan-22 12:00 AM
mejon07 01-Dec-21 05:31 PM
SPAIN: The President and govt of Catalonia have announced that there will be a two-year basic income pilot starting next year, providing an unconditional monthly payment to 5,000 individuals.
CurbShifter 02-Dec-21 02:21 AM
if this is a success more will follow. like Microstrategy is also selling debt to buy BTC among others (like tesla). this can get hot and messy. lfg
PepePopcorn 1
TropicalTyrone 02-Dec-21 03:25 AM
It's fucking over for the US. $29T in debt. Fucking hell
pinkwojak 2
CurbShifter 02-Dec-21 12:08 PM
hyperz yay 29 took longer than I thought tbh
CurbShifter 02-Dec-21 12:36 PM
Better start killing a bunch of old "free loaders" before the pension Ponzi blows up
Article from 2016 (edited)
CurbShifter 02-Dec-21 03:20 PM
PSA: markets are getting kind of rekt they will prob pump it up again. all this has been streched out forever and i dont see the insanity stopping now either (extending the debt and keep low rates, and pump the financial markets) just a reminder to keep some cash at home at all times. but dont expect it to hold its value...
oil is pulling everything down
CurbShifter 02-Dec-21 05:06 PM
sign of the times
stoned 2
CurbShifter 02-Dec-21 09:55 PM
Goldman Sachs, and a handful of othe tier-one US banks, are figuring out how to use bitcoin as collateral for cash loans to institutions, according to three people familiar with the plans.
mejon07 03-Dec-21 05:54 AM
how Central banks cooperate to keep each other from collapsing:
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 03-Dec-21 05:57 PM
The IMF on Thursday urged advanced economies in the G20 to extend and improve their debt relief initiative, warning that many countries face a dire crisis without the help.
"We may see economic collapse in some countries unless G20 creditors agree to accelerate debt restructurings and suspend debt service while the restructurings are being negotiated,"
pinkwojak 1
CurbShifter 06-Dec-21 06:06 PM
European Central Bank Chief sees higher inflation behind us
ECB President on Friday suggested Eurozone inflation is transitory and most likely peaked after November’s reading of 4.9%, well above the 2% target set by the ECB. According to Lagarde, 55-60% of recent inflation came from rising energy prices, which should decline by the end of 2022 (excluding energy, inflation reads 2.5%). Lagarde also noted the ECB had more tools available to continue to provide favorable conditions,
after the expected end of asset purchases in March 2022.
The comments imply that the ECB could remain very accommodative for longer than previously anticipated and could in turn continue to pressure the EUR.
stopping asset purchases means stop the brrr. the more tools means other type of brrr probably. but this might rock markets. also around this time the jewish shemitah begins the last phase till september... if you got profits around march 2022. you might want to reduce some risk.
European Central Bank Chief sees higher inflation behind us ECB President on Friday suggested Eurozone inflation is transitory and most likely peaked after November’s reading of 4.9%, well above the 2% target set by the ECB. According to Lagarde, 55-60% of recent inflation came from rising energy prices, which should decline by the end of 2022 ...
it could mean a slower depreciating EURO compared to the USD. which would mean a tanking dollar. while the dollar is gaining strength at the moment.
mejon07 09-Dec-21 08:10 PM
grab your popcorn
PepePopcorn 1
CurbShifter 10-Dec-21 05:35 PM
Check out the Rebel Capitalist Live event Jan 7th - 9th!! LYN ALDEN and I discuss portfolio that will HELP YOU profit from DOLLAR losing reserve currency status, click this link to check it out!! 🔥 For more content that'll help you build wealth and thrive in a world of out ...
CurbShifter 10-Dec-21 06:45 PM
supply on btc exchanges almost halved since feb 2020
CurbShifter 10-Dec-21 07:18 PM
just a simulation. we know what that means..
Israel has taken point on a 10-country exercise which simulated a crippling cyber-attack on financial markets around the world, attempting to create a realistic scenario of the panic and chaos that would ensue, Reuters reported.
hmmm 1
Tergiversator 10-Dec-21 08:28 PM
Maybe coincidentally? An exploit dropped on twitter last night. As the hours roll by the list of affected products continues to grow.
hmmm 2
alt-theories 10-Dec-21 08:34 PM
"The banks are appealing for emergency liquidity assistance in a multitude of currencies to put a halt to the chaos as counterparties withdraw their funds and limit access to liquidity, leaving the banks in disarray and ruin," the narrator said. The participants discussed multilateral policies to respond to the crisis, including a coordinated bank holiday, debt repayment grace periods, SWAP/REPO agreements and coordinated delinking from major currencies.” - from the Reuters article klaus klaus (edited)
klaus 1
NWOpepe 1
CurbShifter 13-Dec-21 09:57 AM
The IMF has released a proposed framework aimed at making the global cryptocurrency regulatory approach functional on a worldwide level.
The global regulatory framework should provide a level playing field along the activity and risk spectrum
marx marx Yeah let's use a centralized authority to regulate decentralized assets and make everything equal by force (debt)
CurbShifter 13-Dec-21 04:45 PM
Europe's first cross-border trial of central bank digital currency (CBDC) payments has been described as a success by the central banks of Switzerland and France, though they said it would not immediately lead to issuance of CBDCs.
mejon07 14-Dec-21 09:05 PM
Afghani Dinar collapsing too now:
peep00 1
CurbShifter 16-Dec-21 06:00 PM
By Carlotta Gall
Squeezed by rising costs, price controls and plunging sales, bakers warn of ruin, while their impoverished former customers line up for government-supplied loaves.
doom 3
pinkwojak 1
mejon07 17-Dec-21 02:02 PM
December 16, 2021 | 2:47 pm The chain of stores Elektra will accept bitcoin as a form of payment, its owner said, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, through Twitter, who stated that this makes it the first retail store in Mexico that allows it. The rumors are true
Electra, one of Mexico's largest retailers, now accepts Bitcoin.
ooh 1
mejon07 17-Dec-21 05:51 PM
The Turkish stock exchange suspended trading after the national currency fell below 17 lira per US dollar on Friday. The lira has lost more than half of its value against the US dollar since the beginning of 2021.
🚀 1
CurbShifter 18-Dec-21 12:31 AM
Cmon do moar brrr already pinkwojak My bitcorn stopped going up
CurbShifter 20-Dec-21 07:51 PM
Italy Milan 20/12/21.
Italians have to beg for a piece of bread and some vegetables to survive. They also include people who have been suspended from work without pay because they have not been vaccinated. This is Mario Draghi's Italy.
doom 2
CurbShifter 21-Dec-21 12:19 AM
LIRA big shifts
CurbShifter 21-Dec-21 12:30 AM
The government will make up for losses incurred by holders of lira deposits should the lira’s declines against hard currencies exceed interest rates promised by banks, Erdogan said after chairing a cabinet meeting in Ankara.
right more brrr fixes everything pinkwojak
"From now on, none of our citizens will need to switch their deposits from the Turkish lira to foreign currencies..."
mejon07 21-Dec-21 06:33 AM
maybe the ESF has been in and saving the lira? That’s what they’ve done in the past.
hmmm 1
pinkwojak 1
CurbShifter 21-Dec-21 01:55 PM
perhaps.. maybe the LIRA can pull everything down by proxy so he has the EU by the balls. i see no other angle that would make sense
hmmm 1
CurbShifter 22-Dec-21 01:31 PM
based 1
mejon07 23-Dec-21 04:02 PM
Which countries and regions contribute the most to the world economy? In this infographic, we break down all $94 trillion of global GDP by country.
Onysfx 25-Dec-21 08:50 PM
Rip Canada lmao
CurbShifter 27-Dec-21 09:17 PM
PepePopcorn 2
honkler 1
CurbShifter 29-Dec-21 12:36 PM
Check out the Rebel Capitalist Live event Jan 7th - 9th!! LYN ALDEN and I discuss portfolio that will HELP YOU profit from DOLLAR losing reserve currency status, click this link to check it out!! 🔥 For more content that'll help you build wealth and thrive in a world of out ...
hmmm 1
marx 1
alt-theories 29-Dec-21 07:21 PM
best villian ever PepePopcorn
BIGFOOT 30-Dec-21 09:10 PM
CurbShifter 31-Dec-21 07:45 PM
The Mexican government's official Twitter account has confirmed that the country's central bank will begin circulating CBDCs by 2024
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