ANCESTRY DOT COM: TIFFANY LASHAE PONTES DOVER DIED IN 2020 . . . . . . . . . . #GunnSquad #jbgunner #news J.B. Gunner TV 5.94K subscribers ANCESTRY DOT COM: TIFFANY LASHAE PONTES DOVER DIED IN 2020 SCROLL DOWN TO SEE THE COPY PROOFS: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ALL THE INFORMATION FROM ANCESTORY.COM THAT WAS PHOTOCOPIED AND PRODUCED IN THE ABOVE VIDEO IS NOW GONE… But I have it here. The video may go down. This has been saved through a private server and distributed to a few places. Dec 2020 #GunnSquad #jbgunner #news ANCESTRY DOT COM: TIFFANY LASHAE PONTES DOVER DIED IN 2020 2,890 views • Premiered 5 hours ago heck out this video quickly before it disappears... ANCESTRY DOT COM: TIFFANY LASHAE PONTES DOVER DIED IN 2020 . . . . . . . Print screen it all.... It has already disappeard from Ancestory .com But this video has it all at the moment... PROOF. Nurse Tiffany is DEAD... Her husband is named there, and on his account, it says HIS WIFE died (30 yrs old) same name, etc.,, Her full name; Tiffany Lashae Pontes Dover MANY PEOPLE HAVE NOW RECEIVED THIS VISUAL PROOF. IT CAN"T BE HIDDEN NOW. ~ ~ ~ ~ TIFFANY PONTES DOVER FAINTS IN 17 MINS, DEAD IN 10 HOURS [2020-12-24] (VIDEO) NURSE TIFFANY LASHAE PONTES DOVER gets Pfizer mRNA Vaccine live on TV on Dec. 17, 2020. She becomes dizzy and faints within 17 minutes of the injection, then "likely" dies during the night while sleeping. ( state she died in Alabama, so she must have got there from Chatanooga) She was a mother of two, in great health, and only 30 years old. Anyone with Common Sense knows that she would have been paraded onto a local news channel to debunk the rumors of death. She did one small interview the same day she passed out, but people are looking high and low for PROOF OF LIFE on Dec. 18th or later. If she is dead, this can't happen. She was being found on the Death Records Search, but no longer. They can shut down the Death Records Search Engine which is what the government, Medical Mafia, and Big Pharma have done. They can also sick the fake "fact checkers" that are paid by Soros and Gates, and have Big Tech block and delete Truther information off all the biggest social media sites which is also what is being done. Like any other False Flag Event, the government will now search for a lookalike, push older photos or videos, do a video manipulation, or even create a clone to play her part as a role player if the story will not die down. They will also pay crisis actors to say that she is fine by making internet posts. Truthers will see all the signs of a Government Conspiracy Theory, the Sheeple will say the MSM said she is fine so they will line up to get their own mRNA dosage, and the DEMONrat Globalists will cover-up, deflect, and keep pushing their NWO Agenda. The script being read by MSM is obviously a SCRIPT, just like the entire PLANdemic/SCAMdemic is a SCRIPT being followed and played out by most World Governments. Any UNBIASED Doctors, Nurses, and other Medical Personnel that are coming out and telling the TRUTH will keep being discredited, ridiculed, publicly shamed, blocked, deleted, gaslighted, fined, fired, and even murdered. I really don't know what it is going to take to Wake Up a majority of The Walking Dead, we are all surrounded by them. The BURDEN OF PROOF BEYOND A SHADOW OF DOUBT that she is alive and well is all on the Medical Mafia, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Pfizer, Mainstream Media News, and the Government. They would have done so the very next day IF THEY COULD, you know it, and I know it. METHODS OF DECEIT take time, but a Truthful debunking could have and would have occurred the very next day. Note: It is now a week later, the woman that got the shot on live TV, has still not made a live public appearance on any later dates. Use your brains and NEVER FORGET that Some Truth Can Be Found In Hollywood Movies, but "NO TRUTH Can Be Found In Mainstream Media News". Repeat this statement over and over while being "brainwashed" by MSM, or better yet, STOP WATCHING Mainstream Media News and try to become CONSCIOUS by doing your own research. Also, if you aren't yet awake to the False Flag Events, the Fake War on Terror, and Crisis Actors, then I am confident you will not research this topic either. Tiffany Pontes Dover FaceBook Tribute Page Higden Alabama, TN . . . . tiffany lashae pontes dover Mrchocobean 6 days ago Update on the nurse: The last update on the nurse .. Nurse died 10 hours after Pfizer vaccine, Rumours flying all over the Internet! Tiffany Dover is apparently dead. She is the nurse who collapsed on live television. This has not been confirmed, but the evidence is piling up... 🕵‍♂‍ Current Intel from Covid Red Pills 🔍 - She is from Tennessee - She collapsed 15+ minutes after taking the Pfizer quackccine on live television - Her Instagram account is and she hasn't posted for 5 days, she generally posts every 2-3 days - There are social media posts about her death from people who were allegedly connected to her or her family - There are reports of death threats against her family for sharing the info - There are reports of censorship - The debunkers are saying it is all false but are providing very little evidence We watch and discuss two videos - footage uploaded by @Nightflight of Nurse Tiffany Dover collapsing shortly after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, and a video uploaded by @BitsAndBobs looking at the distinct differences between pictures of Tiffany Dover, and the Tiffany Dover posing for a photo opportunity at Chi Memorial Hospital. Original videos - ⁣ and ⁣ -- Located in Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States, Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) Memorial Hospital is the hospital where Tiffany Lashae Pontes Dover, 30, works or worked as a nurse manager. The rumor claiming that she is dead is still alive. Dover was one of the six medical staff members who received the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine from Pfizer on December 17, 2020. Around 17 minutes after getting the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, she fainted while speaking to the media. Shortly after, Dover recovered and told the media people that she has a condition called Vasovagal Syncope. After this, nothing was heard of her. Vaccine supporters and doubters alike took to social media to ask about Dover’s condition days after her vaccination. She did not reply to any of the inquiries making people speculate that she has died. While some of those who were asking were merely nosy, others were genuinely concerned about Dover’s condition disregarding the dispute about the effectiveness of the vaccine. If she is truly alive, she just ignored all the questions and concerns about her. Whether that is Dover’s choice or she is forced to keep quiet is still a mystery. Unfortunately, antivaxxers are using her silence as a proof that the vaccine is dangerous. To calm people down, CHI Memorial Hospital took to Twitter on December 20, 2020 to confirm that Dover is alive. The statement was not enough to convince people so the hospital released a 21-second video with 21 people wearing face masks. UPDATE: Nurse Tiffany Dover appreciates the concern shown for her. She is home and doing well. She asks for privacy for her and her family. — CHI Memorial (@CHI_Memorial) December 19, 2020 The video starts with a woman who appears to be Dover. Instead of answering questions, it resulted to more questions. Is she really Dover? Is she a body double wearing a face mask? After the speculation claiming that Dover is dead is another disturbing speculation. CHI Memorial Hospital is being accused of using one of their employees as a body double for Dover. The suspected body double is Amber Lynn Dietz Honea, 30, a critical care unit (CCU)/ intensive case unit (ICU) nurse at CHI Memorial Hospital. She was also born in 1990 just like Dover. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS WAS SAID?? IT'S PROOF THEY WANT TO KILL OFF THE ELDERLY!! If not from quarantining them, then by the vaccine!! CNN: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine HAFHAFDecember 9, 2020 In an article on the COVID vaccine rollout, CNN says that Americans shouldn’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine because “deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine.” The advisory appeared in an article titled ‘Why vaccinate our most frail? Odd vote out shows the dilemma’ in which Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, cautions that vaccines don’t work as well on the frail and elderly compared to healthy people. “When shots begin to go into arms of residents, Moore said Americans need to understand that deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine,” states the report. “We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine, not because it has anything to do with the vaccination but just because that’s the place where people at the end of their lives reside,” Moore said. She then said Americans shouldn’t be alarmed to see people dying a day or two after receiving the COVID vaccination. WHO Chief, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Faces Allegations of Genocide HAFDecember 25, 2020 David Steinman, an American economist nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, has called for the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director-general, Tedros Ghebreyesus, to be prosecuted for genocide. by Divina Ramirez In a complaint filed at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Steinman has accused Ghebreyesus of supporting genocide in Ethiopia by being a crucial decision-maker about the actions of security forces in the country. COMMENTS Alexandre Caron @Alexand95986256 The nurse Tiffany Dover who was vaccinated in Alabama and passed out on live TV is said to have passed away. Her death certificate was readily available on Now, there's a "technical error". Then in that case... #WhereIsTiffanyDover Dec 24 .. __jjarredd_ Discord to discuss vaccines, covid hoax, NWO, Creatrix13 commented: It sadly is and most are wearing masks that don't work besides being detrimental to their health."Dr. Roberto Petrella: PAY ATTENTION!" "Dr. Francis Boyle: 'Bioweapon' mRNA Vaccines Violate Nuremburg Ruling Against Nazi Cruelty" Download "The Nuremberg Code" (pdf): mrevansisnumber1 6 hours ago WEIRD COMMENT: (and he was wrong) If Mrs. Tiffany Dover Is Real And Still Alive And Awake, Then Why Hasn't She Come Forward And Spoken With Anyone In The Media, Or Anyone In The Actual Truth Telling Alternative Media, Telling Then, And Through Them To Everyone That She Is Alive And Well ? . . . Now, . .There Is A Very Real Possibility That The Tiffany Dover Persona Is Just That, A Persona Or Character Created By The Cabal Or Freemasons For The Purpose To Scare The Shit Out Of Everyone Watching The Videos Of Her Fake And Staged Fainting, As A Psyop Or Psychological Operation Using Reverse Psychology To Instill Fear Of The Vaccines, Which Are Deadly Toxic So Don't Take Them Ever, But As A Reverse Psychological Operation To Instill Even More Fear Into The Populace Which Will Have A Wide-Ranging Mental, Psychological And Physical Healthwise Stress Effects On Everyone Watching That Staged Video, Who Then May Manifest Their Own Stress Induced Health Related Medical Conditions And Ailments Such As Heart Attacks, Strokes, And A Variety Of Other Very Real Medical Maladies Being Brought On By The Manufactured Fear From Those Videos . . . I Forgot To Mention That There Will Be A Rather Large Spike In People Taking Their Own Lives Due To Their Perceived Heightened Stress Brought On By Watching These Videos Of The Supposed Nurse Tiffany Dover Supposedly Fainting, Then Later Dying From The Deadly Toxic Non Vaccine For The Totally Faux COVID19 Virus, Which I Call The COVID-OP$1984 $camdemic . . . . . These say they ALL got vaccinated together and all holding the placards say so.. BUT, Nurse Tiffany was vaccinated on 17th Dec, and along with FIVE others. So where are they??? Because Tiffanny has not spoken, in the days after her vaccine, nor answered any of her worried followers as to her health, it is OBVIOUS that she is unable to respond. So, is either in a vegetative state or dead. If they wanted to prove Tiffany was okay, they would not just say she is resting at home. After all, she said she fainted 6 times in the last 6 weeks, from her 'condition' which if true, would have made her incompetent to be a nurse. AND, she would not be needing a week or more to recuperate. OBVIOUSLY the vaccine damaged her. The nurse at the front who is supposed to be Tiffany, is NOT her. Eyes, forehead and hairline are different, also the hair on this nurse is shorter. Different eyes, different eyebrows, one has a round sticking out forehead, Tiffany has a larger flatter forehead. The actual Tiffany always wore her hair parted to the side. It’s even parted to the side on her badge. But on the supposed “real” Tiffany, posted on 12/21, the girl has her hair parted in the middle. The girl in the middle seems older, but is wearing Tiffany’s employee badge and her gold necklace. The real Tiffany always wore her hair about 22 to 24 inches in length. The girl in the mask has 18 to 20 inch hair. These are 2 different people. Located in Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States, Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) Memorial Hospital is the hospital where Tiffany Lashae Pontes Dover, 30, works or worked as a nurse manager. The rumor claiming that she is dead is still alive. Dover was one of the six medical staff members who received the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine from Pfizer on December 17, 2020. Around 17 minutes after getting the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, she fainted while speaking to the media. Shortly after, Dover recovered and told the media people that she has a condition called Vasovagal Syncope. After this, nothing was heard of her. Vaccine supporters and doubters alike took to social media to ask about Dover’s condition days after her vaccination. She did not reply to any of the inquiries making people speculate that she has died. While some of those who were asking were merely nosy, others were genuinely concerned about Dover’s condition disregarding the dispute about the effectiveness of the vaccine. If she is truly alive, she just ignored all the questions and concerns about her. Whether that is Dover’s choice or she is forced to keep quiet is still a mystery. Unfortunately, antivaxxers are using her silence as a proof that the vaccine is dangerous. To calm people down, CHI Memorial Hospital took to Twitter on December 20, 2020 to confirm that Dover is alive. The statement was not enough to convince people so the hospital released a 21-second video with 21 people wearing face masks. UPDATE: Nurse Tiffany Dover appreciates the concern shown for her. She is home and doing well. She asks for privacy for her and her family. — CHI Memorial (@CHI_Memorial) December 19, 2020 The video starts with a woman who appears to be Dover. Instead of answering questions, it resulted to more questions. Is she really Dover? Is she a body double wearing a face mask? After the speculation claiming that Dover is dead is another disturbing speculation. CHI Memorial Hospital is being accused of using one of their employees as a body double for Dover. The suspected body double is Amber Lynn Dietz Honea, 30, a critical care unit (CCU)/ intensive case unit (ICU) nurse at CHI Memorial Hospital. She was also born in 1990 just like Dover. Who do you think is the woman in CHI Memorial Hospital's 21-second video released on 12-21-2020? #WhereIsTiffanyDover Discord to discuss vaccines, covid hoax, NWO, Creatrix13 It sadly is and most are wearing masks that don't work besides being detrimental to their health."Dr. Roberto Petrella: PAY ATTENTION!" "Dr. Francis Boyle: 'Bioweapon' mRNA Vaccines Violate Nuremburg Ruling Against Nazi Cruelty" Download "The Nuremberg Code" (pdf): Oh yikes! This is worth learning about. All the other vaccines we have had have damaged most of us in some way.....Big Pharma are no longer trusted and the terrible ingredients that are in these batches of vaccines will have the most terrible effects you can imagine. SAY NO! Supposed to be much worse to come... You better listen to this woman...NOT TO GET SCARED, but to get MAD and determined to beat this tyranny.... We can do it!! This does sound like they have whole loads of experimental vaccines to make us suffer continuously, but not to worry... I believe as we are waking up to the medical practises which have been harming us all this time, and to fill their coffers! BUT, we will stop them.. Even if President Trump is not able to do anything or if he is compromised, there WILL BE A WAY OUT... We will NOT allow it. Same for our pets, do NOT let them take the same treatment with vaccines. They have been targeted just like people have been. Save your pets as well as your children. And remember, you cannot believe anything the media tell you. The lady says she is reading a script, which she seems to believe will happen, but I believe it will end up only being evil intentions. We will end the their medical tyranny. WE WILL FIGHT THEM. To know what they intend helps us, as long as NO-ONE gets scared as FEAR is their main tool to achieve what they intend with the constant vaccines. WE MUST NOT WEAR MASKS, or in anti-social spacing. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE MEDIA! Masks will take away your oxygen and weaken you, and you will take in so much carbon dioxide that it will harm your lungs and immune system... You will not be able to defend your children.. This is what they want, maybe even more than money. After all, they have more than enough. We know the Covid was not as infectious as they intended and all the statistics were contrived by the John Hopkins University. They are worse than evil, they are satanic practitioners. BUT, they keep making mistakes and mess up. They don't realise there are more of us and we will NOT let them take our freedom. Just remember, we had been tricked, but NOW WE KNOW, and there are plenty of good people fighting behind the scenes. We must do our part and fight too. Nurse Tiffanny's death was recorded in as she has a lot of life history in there, just as her husband Duncan has also, and Tiffany’s death was recorded. She managed to get home in Alabama, but died from the vaccine. The record of her death has been erased. Go look for yourself while the video is still up with the screen shots... that is bound to disappear soon. SERGEANT MAJOR'S TRUTHER INFO NURSE TIFFANY PONTES DOVER gets Pfizer mRNA Vaccine live on TV on Dec. 17, 2020. She becomes dizzy and faints within 17 minutes of the injection, then "likely" dies during the night while sleeping. She was a mother of two, in great health, and only 30 years old. Anyone with Common Sense knows that she would have been paraded onto a local news channel to debunk the rumors of death. She did one small interview the same day she passed out, but people are looking high and low for PROOF OF LIFE on Dec. 18th or later. If she is dead, this can't happen. She was being found on the Death Records Search, but no longer. They can shut down the Death Records Search Engine which is what the government, Medical Mafia, and Big Pharma have done. They can also sick the fake "fact checkers" that are paid by Soros and Gates, and have Big Tech block and delete Truther information off all the biggest social media sites which is also what is being done. Like any other False Flag Event, the government will now search for a lookalike, push older photos or videos, do a video manipulation, or even create a clone to play her part as a role player if the story will not die down. They will also pay crisis actors to say that she is fine by making internet posts. Truthers will see all the signs of a Government Conspiracy Theory, the Sheeple will say the MSM said she is fine so they will line up to get their own mRNA dosage, and the DEMONrat Globalists will cover-up, deflect, and keep pushing their NWO Agenda. The script being read by MSM is obviously a SCRIPT, just like the entire PLANdemic/SCAMdemic is a SCRIPT being followed and played out by most World Governments. Any UNBIASED Doctors, Nurses, and other Medical Personnel that are coming out and telling the TRUTH will keep being discredited, ridiculed, publicly shamed, blocked, deleted, gaslighted, fined, fired, and even murdered. I really don't know what it is going to take to Wake Up a majority of The Walking Dead, we are all surrounded by them. The BURDEN OF PROOF BEYOND A SHADOW OF DOUBT that she is alive and well is all on the Medical Mafia, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Pfizer, Mainstream Media News, and the Government. They would have done so the very next day IF THEY COULD, you know it, and I know it. METHODS OF DECEIT take time, but a Truthful debunking could have and would have occurred the very next day. Note: It is now a week later, the woman that got the shot on live TV, has still not made a live public appearance on any later dates. Use your brains and NEVER FORGET that Some Truth Can Be Found In Hollywood Movies, but "NO TRUTH Can Be Found In Mainstream Media News". Repeat this statement over and over while being "brainwashed" by MSM, or better yet, STOP WATCHING Mainstream Media News and try to become CONSCIOUS by doing your own research. Also, if you aren't yet awake to the False Flag Events, the Fake War on Terror, and Crisis Actors, then I am confident you will not research TODAY THEY WERE FORCED TO ADMIT THAT 'COVID-19' DOES NOT EXIST AS PART OF OUR LEGAL ACTION we had been demanding the evidence that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lockdowns actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses - They don’t. No such studies exist; that social distancing is based in science - It isn't. it's made up; that contact tracing has any bearing on the spread of a virus - of course it doesn't. This organisation here - is making it up as they go along." - Gemma O'Doherty Originally streamed live from the office of Tony Holohan Chief Medical Officer of Ireland. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This PROVES a vaccine can never be developed when a virus has not been isolated... THERE IS NO PROOF as you can see.... No new viruses are around other than what they put in the vaccines.. That is how illness spreads, it always has been through vaccines... Our immune systems are ENOUGH, we don't need invasive chemicals and poisons!!! The best evidence yet.. Death record in where Tiffany had a life history along with her husband Duncan, who also recorded her death.. The video might not be up for long, so go copy and paste the info and screen shots into your Word Doc. There is this proof also: NURSE TIFFANY PONTES DOVER gets Pfizer mRNA Vaccine live on TV on Dec. 17, 2020. She becomes dizzy and faints within 17 minutes of the injection, then "likely" dies during the night while sleeping. She was a mother of two, in great health, and only 30 years old. Anyone with Common Sense knows that she would have been paraded onto a local news channel to debunk the rumors of death. She did one small interview the same day she passed out, but people are looking high and low for PROOF OF LIFE on Dec. 18th or later. If she is dead, this can't happen. She was being found on the Death Records Search, but no longer. They can shut down the Death Records Search Engine which is what the government, Medical Mafia, and Big Pharma have done. They can also sick the fake "fact checkers" that are paid by Soros and Gates, and have Big Tech block and delete Truther information off all the biggest social media sites which is also what is being done. Like any other False Flag Event, the government will now search for a lookalike, push older photos or videos, do a video manipulation, or even create a clone to play her part as a role player if the story will not die down. They will also pay crisis actors to say that she is fine by making internet posts. Truthers will see all the signs of a Government Conspiracy Theory, the Sheeple will say the MSM said she is fine so they will line up to get their own mRNA dosage, and the DEMONrat Globalists will cover-up, defleAct, and keep pushing their NWO Agenda. "AS PART OF OUR LEGAL ACTION we had been demanding the evidence that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lockdowns actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses - They don’t. No such studies exist; that social distancing is based in science - It isn't. it's made up; that contact tracing has any bearing on the spread of a virus - of course it doesn't. This organisation here - is making it up as they go along." - Gemma O'Doherty Originally streamed live from the office of Tony Holohan Chief Medical Officer of Ireland.