Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 🏕-survival
Between 01-Aug-21 12:00 AM and 01-Sep-21 12:00 AM
LizzakcZ 05-Aug-21 12:38 PM
▶FULL DOCUMENTARIES | ▶ Spanish video: Hunters and predators of the planet is a documentary in which we travel every corner of the world in search of any method of hunting and predation on the part of any living being that...
LizzakcZ 06-Aug-21 06:55 PM
International Okinawa Karate-do (国際沖縄空手道) Muso-kai (無想会) is the worldwide karate organization founded by Shihan, Kiyoshi Arakaki in 1980 and located in the Western United States, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Official HP Seminar application HP Kiyoshi-Arakaki Facebook https://www.facebook...
PhantomXJ5 11-Aug-21 03:46 AM
This new video by Lenny Sly of the #roguewarriors training compound is Top 5 choke hold escapes using common sense. Lenny goes over 5 choke holds and shows how to get out of them effectively using simple strikes and more... These are self defense moves that everyone should know especially women.
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CurbShifter 16-Aug-21 11:20 AM
Dave Canterbury teaches wilderness survival at the Pathfinder School. He has come up with a list of 10 categories of items, called “The 10 C’s of Survival”, that should be included in every survival kit such as a bug out bag, get home bag, and more. Some of the items are better served in a wilderness survival scenario than an urban one. This is ...
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