Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 🔃-the-great-reset
Between 01-Aug-21 12:00 AM and 01-Sep-21 12:00 AM
PhantomXJ5 01-Aug-21 03:55 AM
the green new scam lockdowns (aka climate change) will be coming next,....wonder how they are going to pull that one off (edited)
CurbShifter 01-Aug-21 09:19 AM
They will try hard to make the fear transition from covid to green
alt-theories 01-Aug-21 09:23 AM
Imagine climate lockdown honkler
CurbShifter 01-Aug-21 09:29 AM
Yeah you know it is planned
alt-theories 02-Aug-21 11:07 AM
China control system came early then I thought
NWOpepe 3
CurbShifter 03-Aug-21 12:35 AM
BioNtech: A new malaria vaccine could be on the horizon #BioNTech #malaria
boog 2
vote_no 1
pewpew 2
feelsbadman 2
CurbShifter 03-Aug-21 04:09 PM
This Swiss chocolate was grown in a lab. Learn more about the global cocoa supply chain: #Chocolate #Science
enuff 3
mejon07 03-Aug-21 05:27 PM
United Arab Emirates: Xerox Emirates has partnered with V-Health Passport Ltd to launch a COVID passport & ID platform.
It uses an ID system which displays various health information, as well as other items such as boarding pass, travel & event tickets.
The V-Health Passport is a COVID test and vaccination platform.
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 06-Aug-21 03:53 AM
President Joe Biden announces a new executive order to set “a new target to make half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 zero-emissions vehicles.” In order to get there, Biden reiterated that they are working on a new point-of-sale EV incentive. As we reported earlier today, the Biden administration was working on a new […]
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grabbler 1
yeks 06-Aug-21 03:44 PM
A nexus is trying to alter political realities the world over. One name is imprinted on the narrative it’s trying to build. On Gravitas Plus, WION's Palki Sharma Upadhyay brings you the story of George Soros. #GeorgeSoros #GravitasPlus #GlobalOrder About Channel: WION -The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We ...
grabbler 3
tagiadin_tasos 07-Aug-21 12:59 AM
Uncovering the true agenda behind the draconian measures, lockdowns, curfews, vaccinations and mandatory testing and mask wearing. set to allegedly curb the effects of the ongoing pandemic. Are these government-imposed measures a honest necessary step to prevent further spread of the virus or is it an exercise of power with the goal of testing ...
mejon07 08-Aug-21 06:04 PM
Showing which business are adding to the encroachment on civil liberties.
pewpew 2
mejon07 09-Aug-21 06:22 PM
It started with Rum Club and Teardrop Lounge. They made the decision to create a coalition, requiring proof of vaccination for indoor seating. Now, about 20 other Portland bars and restaurants have joined, and the list keeps growing. "I’ve closed three times in the last year. We were closed for a good portion of last year. Mentally, I think a lo...
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 12-Aug-21 07:50 AM
"We are working actively with the provinces and territories on a secure, pan-Canadian proof of vaccination for international travel," the minister said.
NWOpepe 2
CurbShifter 12-Aug-21 09:51 PM
[1.6.3] It is true that in the post-pandemic era, personal health and well-being will become a much greater priority for society, which is why the genie of tech surveillance will not be put back into the bottle. But it is for those who govern and each of us personally to control and harness the benefits of technology without sacrificing our individual and collective values and freedoms.
they lay out the dystopian aspect in his COVID19 book pretty fairly tbh. My main take away is that we have to keep speaking up. else they will keep taking freedoms, privacy and rights (edited)
klaus 1
CurbShifter 16-Aug-21 04:05 PM
CurbShifter 16-Aug-21 04:38 PM
klaus regarding Stakeholder capitalism and ESG
[2.1.4] Companies will not necessarily adhere to these measures because they are genuinely “good”, but rather because the “price” of not doing so will be too high in terms of the wrath of activists, both activist investors and social activists.
i suppose green terror, supply chain disruptions will become a bigger thing to make regulation offers companies can't refuse. seems 'ESG' is counting on NPCs protesting to control companies. (extinction rebellion, rings a bell)
hmmm 3
CurbShifter 16-Aug-21 05:41 PM
interesting paragraph
[3.1.1] Psychologists tell us that cognitive closure often calls for black-and-white thinking and simplistic solutions – a terrain propitious for conspiracy theories and the propagation of rumours, fake news, mistruths and other pernicious ideas. In such a context, we look for leadership, authority and clarity, meaning that the question as to whom we trust (within our immediate community and among our leaders) becomes critical. In consequence, so too does the countervailing issue of whom we distrust. In conditions of stress, the appeal of cohesion and unity increases, which leads us to coalesce around our clan or our group, and to generally become more sociable within it, but not behind it. It seems only natural that our sense of vulnerability and fragility increases, as does our dependence on those around us, as for a baby or a frail person. Our attachment to those close to us strengthens, with a renewed sense of appreciation for all those we love: family and friends. But there is a darker side to this. It also triggers a rise in patriotic and nationalist sentiments, with troubling religious and ethnic considerations also coming into the picture. In the end, this toxic mix gets the worst of us as a social group. Orhan Pamuk (the Turkish author who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006 and whose latest novel,Nights of Plague, is due to be published at the end of 2020) recounts how people have always responded to epidemics by spreading rumours and false information and portraying the disease as foreign and brought in with malicious intent.
how convenient a book that will support this narrative to be published
This attitude leads us to look for a scapegoat – the commonality of all outbreaks throughout history – and is the reason why “unexpected and uncontrollable outbursts of violence, hearsay, panic and rebellion are common in accounts of plague epidemics from the Renaissance on”. [144] Pamuk adds: “The history and literature of plagues shows us that the intensity of the suffering, of the fear of death, of the metaphysical dread, and of the sense of the uncanny experienced by the stricken populace will also determine the depth of their anger and political discontent.”
CurbShifter 16-Aug-21 05:54 PM
[3.1.2] ... the decision to wear a mask or not has become politically charged since it is considered as an infringement to personal freedom. But behind the political declaration, refusing to wear a mask in public is a moral choice, as indeed is the decision to wear one. Does this tell us something about the moral principles that underpin our choices and decisions? Probably yes.
as we knew ourselves already. the masks were a good gauge to see how many will go along with the globohomos
💯 3
CurbShifter 16-Aug-21 07:22 PM
klaus from the conclusion:
... at a global level, if viewed in terms of the percentage of the global population effected, the corona crisis is (so far) one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experience over the last 2000 years.
In all likelihood, unless the pandemic evolves in an unforeseen way, the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health and mortality will be mild compared to previous pandemics. At the end of June 2020 (at a time when the outbreak is still raging in Latin America, South Asia and much of the US), COVID-19 has killed less than 0.006% of the world population. To put this low figure into context in terms of lethality, the Spanish flu killed 2.7% of the world’s population and HIV/AIDS 0.6% (from 1981 to today).
CurbShifter 17-Aug-21 10:08 AM
The transhumanist and Israeli Yuval Noah Harari who spoke in Davos 2020, "The whole idea that people have a soul, a spirit, a free will, ... that's over!"
pewpew 2
CurbShifter 17-Aug-21 10:41 AM
The treats are made with mouse tissue grown from stem cells in a food-grade bioreactor on a vegan medium, Falconer explained. No mice were killed to make the treats, but scientists had to take cells from the ears of donor mice to get started.
Because Animals believes the $90 billion pet food industry will embrace "clean meat," made from cultured cells in a lab not from livestock.
enuff 2
CurbShifter 19-Aug-21 02:48 PM
Proponents of “The Great Reset” argue that the pandemic proves our former society “doesn’t work,” so we need a tech-focused, “sustainable” future to reduce emissions and thereby “save the planet.” The Great Reset is a rebranded, tightened-up version of the UN’s decades-old “Sustainable Development” agenda (“Agenda 21”). The same policies and ide...
"It benefits Schwab and Fauci’s political agenda to continue lockdowns as long as possible. The same people who sell interminable lockdowns — by ignoring great science on pre-existing immunity, lack of asymptomatic spread, and flawed PCR tests — believe the lockdowns are the perfect agent to usher in the changes they desire." Stacey Rudin https...
CurbShifter 20-Aug-21 01:12 PM
their agenda of power grab and centralization is done under the veil of tech for the good of humanity.
NWOpepe 3
mejon07 21-Aug-21 06:08 PM
alt-theories 23-Aug-21 11:15 PM
Guys, it’s time to start getting together and build close communities & offer realistic solutions to the problems we see today. Here’s a start Join this group if you’re interested. The server is ONLY discussing solutions, not problems because we are running out of time (edited)
Visit the post for more.
Black Sails 🏴 24-Aug-21 01:04 AM
We live in an Orwellian world where the culprit of climate change, plant agriculture, is worshiped, and the remedy to climate change, the cow, is vilified.
Didi 24-Aug-21 09:16 AM
They Have STOLEN Your Pension Funds...Now Get The Jab 🙄 ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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alt-theories 28-Aug-21 08:08 AM
Is level 4 enough?  Experts warn we may need more to defeat 'ferocious' Delta
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 30-Aug-21 06:12 PM
The World Health Organization has just released a guiding document for a digital vaccine certificate that will be blockchain based. This will be used to implement a vaccine passport in every country. It’s funded by the Bill & Melinda Gate’s Foundation & Rockefeller Foundation.
The purpose of this guidance is to support WHO member states in their adoption of universally-readable digital documentation for COVID-19 vaccination status.
grabbler 3
NWOpepe 3
pewpew 3
hmmm 1
tagiadin_tasos 30-Aug-21 08:46 PM
klaus 8
Zimmer 31-Aug-21 01:18 AM
whats the eta?
sNi 31-Aug-21 04:30 AM
Years ago it was planned to eventually make you unable to browse the net like we do now, the plan was to make you buy subscriptions to "allowed content". The net is the biggest problem "they" have.
mejon07 31-Aug-21 03:11 PM
BlackRock is the world’s biggest asset manager, with more than USD $7 trillion in assets under management. It’s also the world’s top investor in climate destruction.
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