Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / ❗-general-news
post links to news and events here. please tag it with #county #subject where needed. these will be shared on the website
Between 01-Aug-21 12:00 AM and 01-Sep-21 12:00 AM
mejon07 01-Aug-21 01:44 AM
Judges in the German capital have moved to ban a number of weekend demonstrations amid fears they will lead to a rise in coronavirus infections. Police expect protesters to travel to Berlin nonetheless.
@MichaelPSenger But 65.000 people at the Berlin Pride Parade last Saturday weren't a problem. The whole thing was celebrated and supported by the city and politicians. Demonstrations against climate change etc also no problem. As long as they fit government agenda.
honkler 2
🗡️ 1
😂 1
CurbShifter 01-Aug-21 12:09 PM
Not sure what they are planning but this doesn't sound fun
JUST IN - SAGE, the UK's health "expert panel," warns next Covid "super mutant variant" could kill up to one in three people, and the "vaccine roll-out may even speed up mutant strain's emergence." SAGE report published today: @disclosetv
Research presented to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) today warned a future strain could be as deadly as MERS - which kill 35 per cent of infected people - could be on the way.
Paper prepared by academics on the viral evolution of COVID-19.
NWOpepe 1
CurbShifter 01-Aug-21 12:16 PM
Since last night thousands of people lining up to get vaccinated in Karachi, Pakistan after Govt. decision to block phone SIM for unvaccinated.
npc 3
mejon07 01-Aug-21 04:01 PM
I wonder if this "variant" is related to this
A clip from 'Special Edition of Path Forward with Bill and Melinda Gates'. U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (June 23, 2020)
peep00 2
mejon07 02-Aug-21 05:03 PM
Lebanon is to limit entry to restaurants, cafes, pubs and beaches to people holding COVID-19 vaccine certificates or those who have taken antibodies tests, the tourism ministry said on Friday.
NWOpepe 2
alt-theories 02-Aug-21 10:20 PM
As daily covid deaths in Sweden hits zero, the unusual strategy adopted by Swedes appears to have been the best approach to the pandemic.
how_dare_you 2
alt-theories 02-Aug-21 10:59 PM
JUST IN - Twitter announces "expansion of the collaboration" with @ap and @reuters to identify and elevate "credible information" on the platform.
NWOpepe 3
dumpsterfire 2
mejon07 03-Aug-21 01:43 AM
Facebook will begin requiring all of its employees to wear masks when on its campuses in the U.S., regardless of an employee's vaccination status.
honkler 4
CurbShifter 03-Aug-21 09:03 AM
LifeSite will be hosting a townhall conference with The Truth for Health Foundation, “Stop the Shot… The Rest of the Story.”
See screenshot above for details. This online meeting will feature Dr. Peter McCullough, Attorney Thomas Renz, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Sister Deidre Byrne, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Dr. Jose Trasancos, and other prominent physicians, scientists, attorneys, and religious leaders who will be discussing vital information related to the COVID jab, clinical trials, and more.
Scheduled for Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 12pm Eastern. To watch the FREE presentation, simply head to
To have the opportunity to ask the presenters a question following the presentation, please RSVP to the email below:
tagiadin_tasos 03-Aug-21 01:49 PM
I think you should see this, this might be the real silent virus killer. The Epstein-Barr virus is one of the nine known human herpesvirus types in the herpes family, and is one of the most common viruses in humans. It is best known as the cause of infectious mononucleosis. It is also associated with various non-malignant, premalignant, and malignant Epstein–Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative diseases such as Burkitt lymphoma, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, and Hodgkin's lymphoma; non-lymphoid malignancies such as gastric cancer and nasopharyngeal carcinoma; and conditions associated with human immunodeficiency virus such as hairy leukoplakia and central nervous system lymphomas. The virus is also associated with the childhood disorders of Alice in Wonderland syndrome and acute cerebellar ataxia and, based on some evidence, higher risks of developing certain autoimmune diseases,especially dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome,and multiple sclerosis. About 200,000 cancer cases per year are thought to be attributable to EBV. Infection with EBV occurs by the oral transfer of saliva and genital secretions. You can start spreading EBV to others as soon as you contract it. This means you can pass it on to others before you even start to have symptoms of an active infection. You’ll be able to pass EBV on to others as long as the virus is active, which could mean weeks or even months. Once the virus becomes inactive, you can no longer spread it to others, unless it reactivates. In the United States, about half of all five-year-old children and about 90% of adults have evidence of previous infection. (edited)
Epstein-Barr is one of the most common viruses that affects humans. We'll go over the basics of Epstein-Barr virus infections and explore the link between the virus and certain health conditions, including cancer and autoimmune conditions.
mejon07 03-Aug-21 05:14 PM
Enforcement will begin in mid-September, according to City Hall.
#BREAKING: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announces "first-in-the-nation" requirement for employees and customers of indoor dining establishments, fitness facilities and entertainment...
NWOpepe 1 Law firms requiring vaccines for anyone entering the office In Washington DC: • Lowenstein Sandler • Dickinson Wright • Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison • Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo • Davis Wright Tremaine • Davis Polk & Wardwell • Arent Fox Hogan Lovells Bloomberg Law reports that these firms are also requiring vaccines: • Reed Smith • Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson • Cooley (edited)
Several BigLaw firms plan to require coronavirus vaccines for those returning to the office, including one firm with a get-tough policy for noncompliance.
By Sami Zaptia. London, 2 August 2021: The Coronavirus pandemic situation is relatively stable in Libya and the anti-Coronavirus vaccinations will be made mandatory for Libyans, Prime Minister Abd Alhamid Aldabaiba said on Saturday. He was reviewing the health situation in the country after a meeting with Health Minister Ali Zanati. PCR test kit...
alt-theories 03-Aug-21 09:03 PM Funny how the final trials end in 2023 too. something is up. Maybe its by then the vaccinated are half robotic in terms of thinking...
The Government has spent almost £23.6 million on the UK’s Covid certification programme so far, despite some MPs claiming ministers will not follow through with the plans.
alt-theories 03-Aug-21 10:52 PM
JUST IN - Biden calls Gov. Cuomo to resign. @disclosetv
peep00 1
CurbShifter 03-Aug-21 11:15 PM
In March of this year, Biden said that if an investigation confirmed allegations of sexual harassment against Cuomo, then the governor should resign.
mejon07 04-Aug-21 01:29 AM
Uruguay's Labor Ministry has announced employers shall not be allowed to demand a vaccination certificate when hiring workers, according to high-ranking officials quoted Sunday by the Montevideo daily El País.
feelsgoodman 2
mejon07 04-Aug-21 07:13 AM
Starting August 20, the full green pass system will be in place again, and starting Sunday, masks will be mandatory in all outdoor gatherings.
NWOpepe 2
aussy 04-Aug-21 03:34 PM
Today I have one of the most important announcements of my life –The daily newsletter that’s been around for 24 years is about to take a new path.
stoned 2
CurbShifter 04-Aug-21 09:31 PM
JUST IN - New lockdown in #Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, to be imposed as early as in two weeks and not in September, the Covid cabinet discussed today (Channel 13)
NWOpepe 2
alt-theories 04-Aug-21 10:22 PM
NEW - Pfizer #COVID19 vaccine now linked to "rare cases of eye inflammation," according to a multi-center Israeli study published by the peer-reviewed ophthalmology journal Retina. @disclosetv
Twenty-one people developed anterior uveitis and two developed Multiple Evanescent White Dot Syndrome (MEWDS).
grabbler 2
dumpsterfire 1
CurbShifter 05-Aug-21 01:11 AM
Confirmed just now "Defense Secretary Austin expected to make Covid-19 vaccine mandatory for active duty troops""
pewpew 2
mejon07 05-Aug-21 02:01 AM
Microsoft is joining the list of corporations that are requiring their employees to be fully vaccinated before returning to the office.
NWOpepe 3
#BREAKING Proof of COVID vaccination would be required to enter public indoor spaces in L.A. under proposal introduced by City Council members
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 05-Aug-21 02:19 AM
CurbShifter 05-Aug-21 02:30 PM
I am going to tweet this until I can't type anymore. Jeffrey Epstein was not a lone pedophile. Ghislaine Maxwell was not his 'girlfriend'. They were both intelligence assets working on an assignment. Their job? Blackmail powerful ppl using poor kids as pawns.
stoned 2
CurbShifter 05-Aug-21 08:44 PM
The virus has never been isolated, and thus the government had no legal grounds to impose any of the punishing restrictions they have inflicted on society.
Since this shocking confession came to light, the Province has since rescinded all Covid-Restrictions and now officially treats Covid-19 as nothing more than a mild flu!
King has shown the template to be followed WORLDWIDE. This is what can happen when you are not represented by a BAR (British Accredited Registry) Lawyer who’s first obligation is to the Corrupted Courts and not their client.This is what can happen when you are not re-presented by a BAR (British Accredited Registry) Lawyer who’s first obligation ...
hyperz 3
👍🏻 2
💯 2
vote_yes 2
MegaBertz 05-Aug-21 11:26 PM
so why it works in some tribunals and in others it doesn't ?
the same evidence and arguments, that there is no proofs covid-19 is real, should work everywhere else in the western world tribunals.
Onysfx 06-Aug-21 03:05 AM
when the new variant comes around, they will blame alberta
Lal 06-Aug-21 08:42 AM
tagiadin_tasos 06-Aug-21 05:18 PM
The situation here with the forest fires is really bad. Multiple incendiary mechanisms and sabotaged water tanks has been found by locals in many of the fire sites and even people dressed up as police officers that are starting fires. Someone saw them and asked them what are they doing and they sprayed him with something and he fall asleep. A lot of the burned areas where places that where chosen for "investments" but the forests were the problem that kept them from starting either for wind turbines, or hotels etc. Our government have passed laws that allow them to invest in Natura areas after they get burned. Guess what some of those areas where Natura areas. This is insane, and now they're claiming that this is happening cause of climate change.
grabbler 4
klaus 6
lil•sleepy 07-Aug-21 12:13 AM
you may lick my taint..
vote_no 2
yuri_bezmenov 1
alt-theories 07-Aug-21 11:31 PM
JUST IN - Israel, where ~90% of the adult population is fully vaccinated, reports 3,849 new #COVID19 cases, severe cases spike to 324 (of which 209 are fully vaccinated) - Ministry of Health
honkler 2
CurbShifter 08-Aug-21 12:17 PM
Omg This senile old coot is giving away all the plans !
tardapu 1
hhhhh 2
CurbShifter 08-Aug-21 01:18 PM
the speech of reiner Fuellmich in London protest bigscreen h/t @Didi
This is a message to all of humanity. We are starting to win in courts. I believe that Alberta backed off and downgraded covid 19 to the seasonal flu BECAUSE OF COURT cases all over the world. That means that other provinces will follow. Don't stop the pressure people, this will never be over, UNTIL ALL THE CRIMINALS are charged, convicted, and executed for crimes against humanity.
Join the movement: https:/// This is a message to all of humanity. We are starting to win in courts. I believe that Alberta backed off and downgraded covid 19 to the seasonal flu BECAUS
Didi 08-Aug-21 02:10 PM
Governments are squashing freedoms like never before. History will show that those on the side of freedom will always be on the right side. Transcript As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I speak tonight on freedom. On many occasions in the last year I have addressed the Senate in regard to […]
hyperz 1
Bild Zeitung- blik newspaper.. de largest newspaper of Germany and Europe apollogized to the children for the fear mongering they did as a consequence to this they now show there critics in the whole of the Morona scamm
"Millionen Kindern in diesem Land, für die wir als Gesellschaft alle miteinander verantwortlich sind, möchte ich sagen, was unsere Bundesregierung und unsere Kanzlerin bisher nicht wagen zu sagen: Wir bitten Euch um Verzeihung. Wir bitten Euch um Verzeihung für anderthalb Jahre einer Politik, die Euch zu Opfern gemacht hat. Zu Opfern von Gewalt...
Also in the Dutch MSM slowly the topic of the misconceptions about Morona and the irregularity in the way this is approached are getting a stronger voice, some MSM are verry outspoken bout them
It is getting more visible to people it seems that all the regulations are not about a diseace , its getting hot everywhere (edited)
vote_yes 2
Didi 08-Aug-21 02:45 PM
“If you’re trying to deny kids a proper in-person education, I’m going to stand in your way...If you’re trying to restrict people, impose mandates...ruin their jobs and their livelihoods...if you are trying to lock people down, I am standing in your way" –@GovRonDeSantis
sidwasout 08-Aug-21 03:39 PM
CurbShifter 08-Aug-21 04:03 PM
its good but desantis is part of the same system. looks like he is being prepped as a savior president
alt-theories 08-Aug-21 11:38 PM
A certain amount of news avoidance during the Covid-19 crisis led to greater well-being.
surprised_pikachu 2
PhantomXJ5 09-Aug-21 03:37 AM
Desantis 2024 grabbler hhhhh
grabbler 1
mejon07 09-Aug-21 06:21 PM
Kosovo: Everyone wishing to access indoors spaces & events (including bars, restaurants, shopping malls, & also family gatherings) will need to have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Starting August 20th, everyone wishing to access indoors spaces and events in Kosovo will need to have received at least one dose of the vaccine. The Kosovo Chamber of Hotel and Tourism (OHT) made the announcement on Friday. The announcement specifies that the new regulation applies to all indoor events, as well as bars, restaurants,
NWOpepe 1
Saudi Arabia: The govt has announced that all citizens must receive the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine to travel aboard.
Individuals under the age of 12 years are excluded from the decision, as are citizens who recovered from the coronavirus.
Logo ofMinistry of Interior Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Interior announced that all citizens must receive the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine
NWOpepe 1
mejon07 10-Aug-21 11:05 AM
American Airlines is not planning to mandate vaccination for its employees, said CEO Doug Parker. The decision comes…
ooh 2
mejon07 11-Aug-21 07:49 AM
The University of Ottawa has made the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for all students, faculty, staff and visitors returning to campus on September 7.
grabbler 2
mejon07 11-Aug-21 09:23 AM
Hawaiian Airlines will require all U.S.-based employees to receive Covid-19 vaccinations by Nov. 1, CEO Peter Ingram said in a memo to employees.
grabbler 1
NWOpepe 1
mejon07 11-Aug-21 09:32 AM
JUST IN - U.S. moved Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, into its highest travel advisory tier, "Level 4 - Do Not Travel"
honkler 3
CurbShifter 11-Aug-21 09:41 AM
NEW - Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Michael Bloomberg team up to form a joint venture to drill for about $1.4 trillion worth of rare natural resources for electric car batteries on Greenland's pristine land.
feelsbadman 3
Tergiversator 11-Aug-21 09:51 AM
But they care about the environment. They care so much, you need to stop eating meat and buy the fake meat they invested in. We're in this together or something like that. 🙃
honkler 3
CurbShifter 11-Aug-21 10:58 AM
mejon07 11-Aug-21 06:55 PM
U.S. passenger railroad Amtrak will require all of its 18,000 employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Nov. 1 or submit to weekly testing. Amtrak also said employees working remotely will not be required to return to their Amtrak office or facility until Nov. 1. "We did not come to these decisions lightly, and we understand it may ...
dumpsterfire 2
mejon07 12-Aug-21 09:57 AM
The University of Toronto will be requiring students, staff, faculty and visitors attending its campuses this fall to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
All students, staff and faculty at Western University will be required to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination or get tested twice a week to be on campus.
University of Waterloo students are being told they will have to undergo twice-weekly antigen screening if they opt not to be fully vaccinated in time for the fall semester. Only people who are fully vaccinated or who have negative test results will be allowed on campus.
grabbler 5
NWOpepe 1
alt-theories 12-Aug-21 11:49 AM “Hi, I believe in conspiracy theories and kill my own kids” Sounds very plausible and “real”
Authorities say Matthew Taylor Coleman confessed to murdering his two young children in Mexico and told investigators he thought they would "grow into monsters."
ugh 2
honkler 1
CurbShifter 12-Aug-21 03:12 PM
All part of the theater. As ofc somehow this legitimizes QAnon even more to people that are pulled into a delusion. Trump and DeSantis are part of the same global zionist system.
yuri_bezmenov 1
Didi 12-Aug-21 03:35 PM
Prominent activists and freedom fighters continue reporting on the situation in their respective countries and about solutions. Among the presenters are Nigel Utton, Mads Palsvig and others. Recorded on 8th of August, 2021
CurbShifter 12-Aug-21 07:07 PM
JUST IN - PM Trudeau plans to ask the Governor-General of Canada to dissolve Parliament on Sunday, triggering a snap election.
NWOpepe 2
marx 1
mejon07 12-Aug-21 07:41 PM
More on the topic:
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is planning a snap election for Sept. 20 to seek voter approval for the government's costly plans to combat COVID-19, four sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday.
The Liberals racked up record levels of debt as they spent heavily to shield individuals and businesses from COVID-19. They plan to inject an extra $100 billion - between 3% and 4% of GDP - into the economy over the next three years.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is planning a snap election for Sept. 20 to seek voter approval for the government's costly plans to combat COVID-19, four sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday.
pinkwojak 3
💸 3
mejon07 13-Aug-21 05:52 PM
A memo obtained by NPR, lays out the emergency preparations being made at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul to leave the country.
Dinglebob 13-Aug-21 06:29 PM
mejon07 14-Aug-21 07:19 AM
Taliban have banned COVID vaccine in eastern Afghanistan's Paktia province and have posted a notice in this regard at Paktia Regional Hosp
grabbler 1
ooh 1
mejon07 14-Aug-21 09:24 AM
Nathalie Sturgeon
New Brunswick universities won't commit to mandating the COVID-19 vaccine even though many other Canadian institutions have done so in planning for classes this fall.
PhantomXJ5 14-Aug-21 09:30 AM
meanwhile in MSM, the taliban are considered dangerous and controlling, tyrannical for the ppl of afghanistan honkler (edited)
honkler 1
mejon07 14-Aug-21 09:40 AM
Yeah.. the United States and other "freedom​-loving" democracies all around the world are trying to force vaccinate their populations while the so called dictators/tyrants are against it and are respecting basic freedoms of their citizens
CurbShifter 14-Aug-21 02:46 PM
The US government's refusal to take no for an answer & its readiness to resort to unusual procedural devices in order to get its way, looks from the latest decision to be starting to bear fruit...
feelsbadman 3
lil•sleepy 14-Aug-21 05:32 PM
are we siding with actual dictators now?
mejon07 14-Aug-21 05:36 PM
never said that, I'm just pointing out an observation.
Didi 15-Aug-21 10:50 AM
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit court ruled the Federal Communications Commission failed to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its current guidelines adequately protect against harmful effects of exposure to radiofrequency radiation.
peep00 2
alt-theories 15-Aug-21 09:45 PM
This afternoon, The Atlantic wrote a fair piece titled, “The Vaccine Scientist Spreading Vaccine Misinformation.” The article started out with the author, Tom Bartlett, asking: “Robert Malone claims to have invented mRNA technology. Why is he trying so hard to …
honkler 3
mejon07 16-Aug-21 09:07 AM
Australia: Parts of the Northern Territory have entered a snap 72-hour lockdown after a US traveller infected with COVID-19 spent four days in the community.
The man is asymptomatic.
Parts of the Northern Territory have entered a snap 72-hour lockdown after a US traveller infected with COVID-19 spent four days in the community. Chief Minis...
honkler 2
CurbShifter 16-Aug-21 11:46 AM
ooh 2
aussy 16-Aug-21 03:16 PM
And We Left Them Billions of $$ In Defense Weaponry?
stoned 1
CurbShifter 16-Aug-21 03:35 PM
All girls over the age of 15 and widows younger than 40 should be married to the insurgent fighters, a local Taliban leader told the congregation at Friday prayers...One of those present was later summoned and ordered to hand over his 15-year-old daughter
mejon07 17-Aug-21 09:33 AM #Canada
University of Saskatchewan will require proof of one vaccine to enter campus on September 7th, second required by October 18th.
grabbler 3
NWOpepe 3
McMaster University and Mohawk College are requiring all students, faculty, staff and visitors who will be on campus or attending university facilities this fall to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
grabbler 3
mejon07 18-Aug-21 06:29 AM
Qantas and Jetstar pilots, cabin crew and airport employees will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 within three months.
grabbler 1
Lal 18-Aug-21 08:57 AM
The first volunteers have received a dose of the vaccine, made using the same technology as the Covid jab.
honkler 3
Didi 19-Aug-21 11:58 AM
grabbler 1
Lal 19-Aug-21 02:46 PM
Free virtual summit with the usual suspects (edited)
ooh 2
haram 20-Aug-21 02:25 AM
The new jabs use the same mRNA technology behind the manufacturer’s successful Covid vaccine, but scientists warn there is a long way to go in providing lasting protection against HIV
honkler 2
mejon07 20-Aug-21 07:08 AM
Greater Sydney's lockdown will be extended until the end of September while a curfew will be introduced in 12 local government areas of concern. It comes after New South Wales recorded 642 new cases…
NWOpepe 2
CurbShifter 20-Aug-21 10:03 PM
ooh 1
mejon07 21-Aug-21 07:16 AM
Moderna Inc said on Friday it will require COVID-19 vaccination for all its employees in the United States from October.
grabbler 2
mejon07 21-Aug-21 03:39 PM
The University of Manitoba, the University of Winnipeg, Canadian Mennonite University and Red River College in Winnipeg and University College of the North all say they will require vaccines.
grabbler 1
blacker 21-Aug-21 05:58 PM
please spread the world to friends/family that are in bay area / northern california
tomorrow, sunday
👍 2
CurbShifter 21-Aug-21 09:24 PM
As scenes get heavy-handed in Sydney during ANTI-COVID protests, here's video online of the New South Wales police chief being served a lawsuit live on TV... as he reportedly attempts to back away and not touch the document.
ooh 3
hmmm 1
CurbShifter 21-Aug-21 11:04 PM
🚨BREAKING, thread: The State Department has been hit by a cyber attack, and notifications of a possible serious breach were made by the Department of Defense Cyber Command.
NWOpepe 1
klaus 3
yuri_bezmenov 1
CurbShifter 22-Aug-21 11:07 AM
The Supreme Court knocks down 'covid passport' to enter bars, restaurants and nightclubs in Andalucia. The Andalucian Government had hoped to use a COVID
ooh 1
👍🏻 1
💯 1
CurbShifter 22-Aug-21 01:51 PM
Tonight looks like it will be the biggest rainfall flooding risk from Hurricane Henri. Almost 4” of rainfall at Central Park so far tonight. Flash flooding already occurring in parts of NYC metro.
Flooding causes a waterfall on a stairway in Brooklyn, New York, as Hurricane Henri affects the area.
ooh 2
mejon07 22-Aug-21 06:03 PM pretty much all universities in Canada are cucked now. Maybe there are some small ones in eastern Canada that don't have any restrictions, I'm not sure.
NEW: University of Alberta, University of Calgary and University of Lethbridge will require rapid testing to be on-campus if staff/students aren't vaccinated. Masking will be required in all indoor spaces where distancing cannot be maintained. #yeg #yyc #ableg #Covid19ab
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 23-Aug-21 06:35 AM
News Release August 19, 2021 Today, Mayor John Tory was joined by City Manager Chris Murray and Chief People Officer Omo Akintan to announce a new mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy requiring all City of Toronto employees to receive both doses of the vaccine. With the health and safety of residents, staff and the community key […]
NWOpepe 1
CurbShifter 23-Aug-21 03:47 PM despite thousands of rare deaths...
FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine
NWOpepe 2
rare 2
feelsbadman 1
👎🏻 1
alt-theories 23-Aug-21 04:49 PM
lil•sleepy 23-Aug-21 07:55 PM
can they even quit???
Jasonn 23-Aug-21 08:14 PM
no, thats desertion
lil•sleepy 23-Aug-21 08:30 PM
so it's basically forced vaccination, that's fucked up
Onysfx 23-Aug-21 08:42 PM
Damn, what are they going to do? They all just going to take it?
CurbShifter 23-Aug-21 08:51 PM
who knows. there are too many for not every outcome to happen. just a numbers game. think most will just take it as they are trained to do.
then again, the ones that wanted it already have
jDawganator 23-Aug-21 09:45 PM
They did sign up to drive humvees over landmines while gunning sandniggers, so it's kind of par for the course at that point.
alt-theories 23-Aug-21 11:05 PM --the vaccine companies conducting the trial decided to break protocol and notify the control group they were not vaccinated. Almost all the control group were then given the vaccine. Purposefully dissolving the placebo group violates the scientific purpose to test whether the vaccine has any efficacy; any actual benefit and/or safety issues.  Without a control group there is nothing to compare the vaccinated group against. (edited)
It is worth a reminder that both Pfizer and Moderna stopped the clinical trials the FDA was using in their review:
grabbler 1
CurbShifter 24-Aug-21 10:49 AM
"Marines will lose their pensions, tuition assistance, and access to the G.I. bill, along with other military benefits, if they refuse the COVID-19 vaccination, according to internal emails reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon."
Marines will lose their pensions, tuition assistance, and access to the G.I. bill, along with other military benefits, if they refuse the COVID-19 vaccination, according to internal emails reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.
CurbShifter 24-Aug-21 01:22 PM
Dr Janet Woodcock is accused of presiding over ‘one of the worst regulatory agency failures in US history’, say groups fighting opioid epidemic
grabbler 2
mejon07 24-Aug-21 05:53 PM
All five of Canada's big banks will soon make vaccines mandatory for all staff who wish to return to the office, and those who don't comply will have to agree to regular testing.
NWOpepe 2
ooh 1
feelsbadman 1
mejon07 25-Aug-21 05:20 PM
JUST IN - Delta Air Lines will impose a $200 monthly fee on unvaccinated employees starting Nov. 1 (CNBC)
pinkwojak 3
klaus 3
putin 1
mejon07 25-Aug-21 06:04 PM
Staff, clients and visitors will all need to be double jabbed to enter to investment bank's offices.
grabbler 1
mejon07 26-Aug-21 07:26 AM
Air Canada said on Wednesday it would require all employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19, as the fast-spreading Delta variant drives an increase in infections.
NWOpepe 1
mejon07 26-Aug-21 09:39 AM
The Toronto Blue Jays have become the latest entity to implement a COVID-19 vaccination policy, saying that all fans 12+ and all staff will need to provide proof of full vaccination or a recent negative rapid antigen or PCR test as of next month.
NWOpepe 2
By Julie Bosman
The mandate requires municipal workers — including teachers and other public school employees — to be fully vaccinated by Oct. 15 unless they obtain medical or religious exemptions.
NWOpepe 2
Switzerland: Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is making vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory for all its flying personnel from 15 November onwards.
SWISS is making COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for its entire flying personnel from mid-November onwards, for operational reasons and under its duty of
grabbler 3
alt-theories 26-Aug-21 09:40 PM
The timing.... The FDA suddenly approves the first ever oral blood thinner for kids 8 months to 12 yrs old
grabbler 2
jDawganator 28-Aug-21 08:16 AM
I’m sorry but anyone who knowingly inflicts this kind of abuse onto children deserves a broken neck, and no “immunity” will protect you when you’re being tried for war crimes. You hurt our kids, you will regret it.
alt-theories 28-Aug-21 08:18 AM
grabbler (edited)
alt-theories 28-Aug-21 09:03 AM
A new study out of Israel has seemingly confirmed that individuals who have natural immunity have better protection against the NEW DELTA VARIANT than people who are fully vaccinated. The team of researchers, from Maccabi Healthcare and Tel Aviv University, published their study earlier this week to ‘This study demonstrated that nat...
honkler 2
alt-theories 28-Aug-21 09:14 AM
The Government Accountability Office surveyed federal agencies and found 10 have specific plans to increase their use of the technology by 2023 — surveilling people for numerous reasons including to identify criminal suspects, track government employees’ level of alertness, and match faces of people on government property with names on watch lists.
Digital rights advocates reacted harshly Thursday to a new internal U.S. government report detailing how 10 federal agencies have plans to greatly expand their reliance on facial recognition in the years ahead.
klaus 3
NWOpepe 2
mejon07 28-Aug-21 12:00 PM
Germany: Lufthansa will require that flight crew are fully vaccinated moving forward.
The airline says that international flight operations will not be feasible in the future without such a policy.
Lufthansa is to join its group airline, SWISS, requiring that flight crew are fully vaccinated moving forward. The…
grabbler 2
NWOpepe 1
jDawganator 28-Aug-21 08:03 PM
I'm not sure that this is really an evil thing. Every person has a right to photograph in public places. The government is essentially doing math with a collection of such photographs in public places to guess who is where. Why is this intrinsically bad? I think it goes back to the quality of the law code itself. We know at a gut level that this technology will be used to inflict tyranny, but I believe this is only because our law code is itself tyrannical and overly broad. It is not in itself morally important whether the tyranny is inflicted with the thinking of human employees or the thinking of machines.
klaus 1
alt-theories 28-Aug-21 08:23 PM
biden what?
alt-theories 29-Aug-21 05:22 PM
“I have worries that we’re increasingly headed toward a world where we need to have half a dozen, a dozen different apps just to navigate the day and prove we’re vaccinated to the different institutions we want to enter,” said Albert Fox Cahn, the director of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, a nonprofit organization in New York City.” NGO globalist scum grabbler
Smartphone developers are gearing up for a world where users can store their Covid vaccination proof in their phones’ digital wallets.
CurbShifter 29-Aug-21 07:07 PM
"oh i know, lets make a world passport standard and people can use it for free" grabbler
klaus 3
mejon07 31-Aug-21 07:08 AM
President Vladimir Putin has declared that mandatory vaccinations will never be allowed because Russia is a free country and its people are sovereign.
CurbShifter 31-Aug-21 12:08 PM
“No one should be forced to get a jab. Pressure, where people may lose their jobs, is NOT acceptable,” Putin said during a recent speech.
Very good so i guess Russia is becoming an option
putin 1
cool 1
based 2
CurbShifter 31-Aug-21 02:22 PM
CurbShifter 31-Aug-21 04:44 PM
Australia is set to end its "covid zero" policy after Prime Minister Scott Morrison determined that the country’s approach is not "sustainable" in the face of the more infectious COVID-19 delta variant.
The government will drop most restrictions once 80% of adults are vaccinated
Around 27% of Australians have been fully vaccinated
CurbShifter 31-Aug-21 04:59 PM
at least they are taking a tiny step in the right direction
mejon07 31-Aug-21 06:31 PM
Wouldn't be surprised if they made a U-turn on that decision similar to what Alberta did in Canada
feelsbadman 1
Didi 31-Aug-21 11:59 PM
130k u can buy a russian passport ><
hmmm 1
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