Guild icon part 2
Research sharing / 📺-livestreams
Between 01-Apr-21 12:00 AM and 01-May-21 12:00 AM
Deleted User 06-Apr-21 05:11 PM didn't even see one person with a mask on the streets in Moscow feelsgoodman
Ruptly is live from the centre of Moscow in the evening rush on Tuesday, April 6. Last Thursday the city saw 2,151 newly registered COVID cases - the biggest increase in almost two months. This number has decreased since then, however, the Russian capital is continuing to be ahead of other regions across the country in terms of the number of d...
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Proioxis 10-Apr-21 12:02 PM
der Start der Sendung kann variieren WIE IMMER , LIVE AUS HOLLAND . Die Wasserwerfer, Mobile Einheit , Hunde und Pferde stehen in Apeldoorn bereit. WAPPIEs klatschen heute in Apeldoorn NL. #Polizeigewalt​​ Auch hat die NL Polizei sicher ihre Schusswaffen gut geölt und durchgeladen. FRIEDE FREIHEIT keine DIKTATUR. Wird sicher eine heiße Numme...
CurbShifter 10-Apr-21 12:50 PM
NOODVERORDENING!!!! De mars in Apeldoorn wordt door Police For Freedom teruggetrokken. Ieders veiligheid staat voor ons altijd voorop. Dit betekent NIET dat er morgen geen mars vóór menselijke verbinding gaat zijn.
hmmm 1
CurbShifter 10-Apr-21 01:58 PM
DISCLAIMER: The position of the anti-COVID protesters does not correspond to the position of the government and health authorities SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW US: Facebook Twitter Soundcloud https://soundclo...
Didi 10-Apr-21 03:05 PM
Representatives of 'Police for Freedom' march in Baarn on Saturday, April 10, to protest against the enforcement of COVID-related curfew. The movement, which is made up of army and police veterans, was formed recently in opposition to coronavirus restrictions. The Netherlands has been under lockdown to curb the spread of the virus with plans f...
Proioxis 11-Apr-21 03:39 PM
live now protest in Netherands, anti lockdown in Amstelveen
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vote_yes 1
Proioxis 11-Apr-21 03:46 PM
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
Proioxis 17-Apr-21 02:14 PM
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
Proioxis 18-Apr-21 10:04 AM
Museumplein, Amsterdam, weekly, anti lockdown protest. Officially the location should have changed, activity expected starting from 11 (1 hour from now)
kijk naar de ludieke / demonstrative middagen en avondjes...... #STOPDEAVONDKLOK Fckavondklok is Ook te vinden op youtube! Contact?
Didi 18-Apr-21 03:26 PM
Vrienden van ON!: Wij zijn keihard van start gegaan. We maken reportages en programma’s. Verslaan demonstraties en geven achtergronden die je in Hilversum vaak niet hoort. Deze bizarre tijd vraagt om compromisloze, objectieve journalistiek. En de vele Nederlanders die zich bij de NPO ongehoord voelen, moeten juist nu aan het woord kunnen komen. ...
Proioxis 19-Apr-21 12:18 PM
Up, up, and away! The Ingenuity #MarsHelicopter is set to make history. It will make the first attempt at powered flight on another planet on Monday, April 19. Don’t miss your chance to watch live with helicopter team in mission control beginning at 6:15 a.m. EDT (10:15 a.m. UTC) as they receive the data and find out if they were successful.
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black_jack 19-Apr-21 10:10 PM
nasa is a fake agency
Proioxis 19-Apr-21 10:16 PM
for a part yes, im not sure t what extend
👆 2
black_jack 19-Apr-21 10:22 PM
Download all images for free! MEDIA TRUTH VIDEOS – PLAY ONE AT A TIME
👌 1
just pick one of the videos from the list
Proioxis 21-Apr-21 06:01 PM Ze germans are angry for Merkel has been granted new powers
Ignaz Bearth | Livestream | Crypto Node Network Streaming
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Didi 23-Apr-21 09:06 PM
Since mid-July 2020, the Corona Committee has been conducting live, multi-hour sessions to investigate why federal and state governments imposed unprecedented restrictions as part of the Coronavirus response and what the consequences have been and still are for people. Learn more about the committee: For anonymous re...
Deleted User 24-Apr-21 12:02 AM
If you get value from the Doug Casey's Take channel, you can reciprocate by becoming a paid member and get special perks too: OR DONATE TO OUR BTC ADDRESS: bc1qerqcsm9kl2jwv5827mtwymnhsvtrmfqn502zjv ADDITIONAL WAYS TO CONNECT WITH US: Connect with us on Telegram:
ooh 2
CurbShifter 24-Apr-21 01:37 AM
great stream !
Deleted User 24-Apr-21 01:48 AM
yup, 100%
CurbShifter 24-Apr-21 02:55 PM
Wir möchten alle dazu einladen, sich in die neue basisdemokratische Bewegung einzubringen. Wie sehen eure Wünsche für die Zukunft Deutschlands aus? Der Countdown läuft: die nächste Feuerprobe für dieBasis findet am 6. Juni in Sachsen-Anhalt statt. Dort treten wir zur Landtagswahl an – in einem Land wo schon viele Menschen erkannt haben was hie...
Proioxis 24-Apr-21 07:16 PM
Anti Lockdown Protest - London Thanks for watching the video. If you really enjoyed it then hit the LIKE button, COMMENT your suggestions, SHARE it with your friends and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE the channel, Thanks!! You can support the Subject Access channel on Paypal * Subscribe: https://b...
hyperz 1
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